Curriculum - NSQF - Auto Electrical, Electronics and Air - Conditioning System PDF

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Based on


Government of India
Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship


Sl. Topics Page No.

1. Introduction
2. General Information & Course Structure
3. Job Roles and Reference NOS & NCO
4. NSQF Level Compliance
5. General Training Plan, Examination & Pass Regulation
6. Learning Outcomes
6.1 Generic Outcomes
6.2 Specific Outcomes
7. Assessable Outcomes with Assessment Criteria
8. Syllabus Content with Time Structure
8.1 Syllabus Content for Professional Skill & Knowledge
8.2 Syllabus Content for Soft & Entrepreneurship Skills
9. Infrastructure
10. Assessment Standard
10.1Assessment Guideline
10.2 External Assessments
11. Annexure-I: List of Tools &Equipment
12. Annexure- II: List of Tools &Equipment for Soft &
13. Annexure-III: Guidelines for Instructors and Paper Setters
14. List of Trade Committee Members


The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship is an apex organization for

the development and coordination of the vocational training including vocational training
for women in our country. The Ministry conducts the training programmes through the
Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS), Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS), Skill
Development Initiative (SDI) Scheme based on Modular Employable Skills (MES), and
Craftsmen Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) to cater to the needs of different segments of
the Labour market. The National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) acts as a central
agency to advise Government of India in framing the training policy and coordinating
vocational training throughout India.

A majority of Indian workforce does not possess marketable skills which is an

obstacle in getting decent employment and improving their economic condition. A large
number of school drop outs do not have access to skill development for improving their
employability. The higher entry requirements and long duration of courses under the formal
training system are some of the obstacles for a person of low educational attainment to
acquire employable skills.

The Ministry is implementing the Skill Development Initiative (SDI) Scheme based
on Modular Employable Skills (MES) to provide vocational training to early school leavers
and existing workers especially in the unorganized sector to develop skilled manpower for
the industry. Training is provided by registered Vocational Training Providers (VTPs) under
the Government, Private Sector, and Industrial establishments located all over the country.
Testing of skills acquired informally by an individual are directly tested on pre-determined
parameters through independent Assessing Bodies. Nationally as well as internationally
recognized NCVT certificate is issued to every successful individual.

The key features of the Modular Employable Skills (MES) are:

 Short-term training programmes designed in consultation with the Industry.
 Identification of “minimum skills set” sufficient to get employment.
 Flexible training delivery mechanism (part time, weekend, or full time).
 Different levels of programmes (Foundation level to advanced level).
 Opportunity for lifelong learning.

The training under MES would benefit different target groups like workers seeking
certification of their skills acquired informally, workers seeking skill up gradation, and early
school dropouts and unemployed. Central Government facilitates and promotes the training
while registered Vocational Training Providers (VTP) under the Govt. and Private Sector

provide the training. Testing of skills is done by independent Assessing Bodies to ensure

The National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), published in the Gazette of

Government of India on 27th December, 2013, is a national framework that aims to
integrate general and vocational streams of education and training. The main thrust of the
NSQF is to focus on competency-based qualifications. The National Skill Development
Agency (NSDA) under the Ministry is responsible for the implementation of the
Framework, by bringing together the key stakeholders through the National Skill
Qualifications Committee (NSQC).

The competency-based framework organizes qualifications into ten levels, with the
entry level being 1, and the highest level being 10. Each level of the NSQF is described by a
statement of learning outcomes in five domains, known as level descriptors. These five
domains are (1) Process, (2) Professional knowledge, (3) Professional skill, (4) Core skill, and
(5) Responsibility. The paradigm shift from learning focused on inputs to an
outcome/competency-based education would help in the Recognition of Prior Learning
(RPL), and simultaneously enable the alignment of the Indian qualifications with
international ones. Government funding is expected to be on a preferential basis for NSQF
compliant courses. The NSQF notification provides a Qualification Register, which is the
official national database of all qualifications aligned to NSQF levels. Through this Register,
learners can expect access to all NSQF compliant qualifications.

The Ministry has set up Mentor Councils to focus on courses under NCVT in various
sectors with representation from thought leaders among different stakeholders viz.,
industries, innovative entrepreneurs who have proved to be game-changers,
academic/professional institutions, and champion ITIs for each of the sectors. The Mentor
Council for each sector reviews curricula, admission criteria, course duration, and
requirement of trainers and assessment/evaluation systems for the sector on a continuous
basis and make recommendations regarding the same. Sector-wise Core Groups are formed
to plan and prepare the documentation for the competency-based curricula for the courses
under each sector.



2 MES Code No. AUR 707
3 NSQF Level Level-3
4 Duration of Modular Training 600 hrs.
5 Entry Qualification Minimum 5th Std.+ Basic Automotive
Servicing 4 wheelers (AUR 702)+ Driver cum
Mechanic (AUR703)
6 Trainees per unit 20

Distribution of training on Hourly basis:

Sl. Broad Practical components to be covered Duration

No. (in Hrs)
1 Practice Health & Safety, Interaction with health centre and fire 600
service station to provide demo on First aid and fire safety.
Auto electrical: Make joints on simple strapped conductors,
sieving or taping with insulation tape, Measure conductor using
wire gauge, practice Soldering on wire joints, check blowing of
fuse with wires short-circulated, identify various electrical
equipments on the mock up wiring board i.e. starter motor,
dynamo control box etc., Follow up starting system wiring,
Identify marking on terminal joints, Remove and repeat
connections. Do Similar practice on charging system wiring,
checking of circuit breakers and relays, construct simple circuit by
using relay, Test / check –alternator output voltage, circuit
voltage drop, and trouble shooting in a charging system,
dismantling alternators and components tests –diodes, rotor
condition, rotor winding insulation & rotor condition, trace
starter circuit in a vehicle Dismantle starter and check each
component, Repair the faults, assemble and check starter motor
on a test rig, Check spark plugs, HT leads, ignition coil and
condenser, test the batteries with Hydrometer and battery tester;
prepare electrolyte (follow safety rules), top up battery with
distilled water, and Connect batteries for charging.

AUTO ELECTRONICS: Construct a simple electronic circuits

using electronic trainer kit (to study the components functions).
Assemble and study rectifier circuits and power supplies- measure
Construct simple logic circuits using digital trainer kit, Check
ignition coil of E-DIS (Electronic distributor less Ignition
system), Check sensors & actuators using engine scanner / DMM,
Check the different modes/ strategies of Electronic Control
Assembly, Reset keep alive memory/ ECA, Check different
wiring / circuits and rectify the defect
AIR CONDITIONING: Identify various components of air
condition system on the mock-up board, check of circuit breakers
and relays, check duty of idle air control valve with ac on & off
with different engine RPM, Remove compressor, expansion valve
from the vehicle, dismantle, check, rectify the defect, assemble &
refit to the vehicle, remove evaporator & heater cores from the
vehicle, dismantle, check, rectify the defect, assemble & refit to
the vehicle, check condenser on the vehicle, & rectify the defect,
check the drive system & adjust if required, check Belt tension,
check Gap in electromagnetic clutch, Test the system for leaks,
Evacuate/drain the system, Charge / fill the system
2 *Training on Soft & Entrepreneurship Skill module has been -
completed during training on module AUR 701.
Total 600

*Note: Any candidate completed training for 100 hrs. Soft &Entrepreneurship skills
under MES in any module need not to repeat the same.



This course is meant for the candidates who shall be aspire to become Auto electrician/
Automobile A/C and able to perform Auto electrical, electronics & air conditioning repair
works in 4 wheelers.


AUR 707 Repair of Auto electrical, ASC/ Q 1408

electronics & air Conditioning Automotive Electrician Level 4



AIR-CONDITONING SYSTEM trade under MES matches with the Level descriptor at
Level- 3.
The NSQF [level-3] descriptor is given below:

LEVEL Process Professional Professional Core skill Responsibility

required knowledge skill
Level 3 Person may Basic facts, recall and Communication Under close
carry out a job process and demonstrate written and supervision
which may principle practical skill, oral, Some
require limited applied in the routine and with minimum Responsibility
range of trade of repetitive in required for own work
activities employment narrow range of clarity, skill to within defined
routine and application basic limit.
predictable Arithmetic
and algebraic
banking, basic
of social and


General Training Plan

The knowledge and skill components as stated in the section for ‘learning outcomes’ are to
be imparted in accordance with the instructions in respect of the content and time structure.

The competency assessment for the Modular Employable Skills under the SDI scheme is
being done by the assessor of the independent Assessing Bodies (AB) which is not involved
in training delivery, to ensure an impartial assessment. The assessment process through
Assessing Bodies aims to test and certify the competency of the persons who seek
certification of their skills acquired informally or the persons who have been trained at the
registered VTPs. In the assessment process, identification of competency, ways to measure
the competency and deciding on the type of evidence that has to be collected are the
responsibility of the Assessing Bodies whereas administering the assessment and collecting
the evidence and reporting the results are the responsibility of the assessors.

Candidates are to demonstrate that they are able to:

1. Plan and organize work processes, identify necessary materials and tools;
2. Perform task with due consideration to safety rules, accident prevention
regulations and environmental protection stipulations;
3. Apply professional knowledge and soft skills& entrepreneurship while performing
the task.
4. Check the job for accuracy, identify and rectify errors in job.

The details of the assessment standard are as per section-13.

Pass regulation:
Minimum passing marks for Practical is 60%
Minimum pass marks for theory is 40%

Successful persons will be awarded certificates issued by National Council for Vocational
Training (NCVT).


The following are minimum broad learning outcomes after completion of the REPAIR OF
of 600 hrs duration:


1. Apply safe working practices, environment regulation and safe disposal of hazardous
products in an automotive work shop.
2. Use different types of conventional and special tools, hardware, fasteners and work
shop equipment in the work shop.
3. Use electrical measuring instrument, diagnostic equipment and tools to carry out
testing of series and parallel circuits.
4. Describe the working principle of electrical and electronic components used in
automotive circuit.
5. To Check spark plugs, HT leads, ignition coil and condenser
6. To state the Working principle, Different types & application of starter motor,
7. Apply appropriate rule and tools for starting and charging system and diagnose &
rectify faults.
8. Perform battery testing and charging operations.
9. State the function of auto electronic components, instruments, sensors and
10. Construct basic electronic circuits and testing.
11. Trouble shoot in electronic circuit and rectify using scan tool
12. State the operation of refrigeration cycle
13. Describe the working principle of refrigeration components and circuits
14. To service Car Air-conditioning refrigeration components
15. Diagnose and Troubleshoot the AC system

NOTE: Learning outcomes are reflection of total competencies of a trainee. Each learning outcome may
include multiple assessment components. However assessment will be carried out as per assessable outcome and
assessment criteria.


1. The training shall be conducted as per the syllabus.
2. The trainee shall demonstrate the competencies which are defined below in assessable
outcome and assessment criteria.
3. All the assessable outcomes are to be tested during formative assessment, observations,
and viva-voce.
4. Assessable outcome of Soft skills & entrepreneurship shall be tested separately and also
be applied in Theory and Practical examinations.
5. These assessable outcomes and assessment criteria will serve as a set of guidelines for
Trainers and Assessors.

Specific assessable outcomes:


1. Recognize & comply 1.1 Follow and maintain procedures to achieve a safe working
safe working practices, environment in line with occupational health and safety
environment aspect and regulations and requirements and according to site policy.
housekeeping. 1.2 Identify and take necessary precautions on fire and safety
hazards and report according to site policy and procedures.
1.3 Report supervisor/ Competent of authority in the event of
accident or sickness of any staff and record accident details
correctly according to site accident/injury procedures.
1.4 Identify Personal Productive Equipment (PPE) and use the
same as per related working environment.
1.5 Identify basic first aid and use them under different
1.6 Take opportunities to use energy and materials in an
environmentally friendly manner
1.7 Avoid waste and dispose waste as per procedure
1.8 Recognize different components of 5S and apply the same in
the working environment.
2. Understand and 2.1 Recognize & practice soft skills in day to day work.
practice soft skills, 2.2 Conduct appropriate discussions with within the team and
working with Computer report to higher authority.
and communicate with 2.3 Present facts and circumstances and use appropriate
required clarity. terminology related to work.
2.4 Conduct written communication.

2.5 Use computers and access internet for day to day activity
3. Demonstrate 3.1 Apply basic arithmetic calculations for arriving dimensional
knowledge of concept parameters as per drawing.
and principles of basic 3.2Use co-ordinate system for part programming.
arithmetic calculation,
co-ordinate system and
apply knowledge of
specific area to perform
practical operations.
4. Explain time 4.1 Ascertain appropriate time for the assigned task.
management, 4.2 Execute the assigned task within time frame.
entrepreneurship and 4.3 Manage own work within specified time.
manage/organize related 4.4 Explain importance & factors affect the development
task in day to day work Of entrepreneurship.
for personal & social 4.5 Identify service providers for developing
growth. entrepreneur/business establishment.
5.0 Apply safe working 5.1 Follow and maintain procedures to achieve a safe working
practices in an environment in line with occupational health and safety
automotive work shop. regulations and requirements and according to site policy.
5.2 Recognize and report all unsafe situations according to site
5.3 Identify and take necessary precautions on fire and safety
hazards and report according to site policy and procedures.
5.4 Identify, handle and store/dispose off dangerous goods and
substances according to site policy and procedures following
safety regulations and requirements.
5.5 Identify and observe site policies and procedures in regard to
illness or accident.
5.6 Identify safety alarms accurately.
5.7 Report supervisor/competent of authority in the event of
accidents or sickness of any staff and record accident details
correctly according to site accident/injury procedures.
5.8 Identify and observe site evacuation procedures according to
site policy.
5.9 Identify personal protective equipment (PPE) and use the
same as per related working environment.
5.10 Identify basic first aid and use them under different
5.11 Identify different fire extinguishers and use the same as per

6.0 Comply environment 6.1 Identify environmental pollution and contribute to the
regulations and avoidance of instances of environmental pollution.
housekeeping in the 6.2 Carryout maintenance and cleaning of work shop and lifting
work shop. equipment.
6.3 Take opportunities to use energy and materials in an
environmentally friendly manner.
6.4 Avoid waste and dispose waste as per procedure.
6.5 Recognize different components of 5S and apply the same in
the working environment.
7.0 Construct electrical 7.1 Plan and organize the work for basic electrical operations.
circuits and test its
parameters by using 7.2 Select the tools, instruments and materials required to do the
electrical measuring job.
instruments. 7.3 Comply with safety rules when performing the basic electrical
7.4 Perform electrical wire joints, form electrical circuits and test
basic electrical parameters as per the circuit drawings and
operating procedures.
8.0 Perform basic 8.1 Plan and organize the work for auto electrical component
electrical testing in a testing.
vehicle. 8.2 Tracing the auto electrical components in a vehicle.
8.3 Test continuity and voltage drop in the electrical circuits.
8.4 Operate the electrical components in a vehicle and test lamps.
9.0. Identify and check 9.1 Ascertain and select tools and materials for the job and make
functionality of this available for use in a timely manner.
Dashboard Gauges 9.2 Plan work in compliance with standard safety norms.
9.3 Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the
9.4 Identify different gauges fitted on the dashboard and check
for proper functioning.
95 Perform daily checks before starting the engine.
9.6 Start the engine and allow it to warm up.
9.7 Identify the problem in functionality of particular Gauge
fitted on dashboard and record the reading and compare it with
standard reading.

9.8 Repair / Replace the defective gauges as per standard
operating practice.
9.9 Check for proper functionality
9.10 Stop the engine.
10.0 Identify and check 10.1 Select, care and use of PPE while dismantling and
functionality of major assembling alternators
components alternators 10.2 Select tools and materials for the job and make this available
for use in a timely manner
10.3 Use the tools and equipment in the way specified by
manufacturers to Dismantle and assembles of alternators.
10.4 Carryout their Dismantling and assembling of alternators. by
 Technical data
 removal and replacement procedures
 legal requirements
10.5 Refit Alternator to the vehicle and check for functioning
11.0 Identify and check 11.1 Select, care and use of PPE while dismantling and
functionality of major assembling starter motor
components starter 11.2 Select tools and materials for the job and make this available
motor for use in a timely manner
11.3 Use the tools and equipment in the way specified by
manufacturers to Dismantle and assembles of starter motor
11.4 Carryout their Dismantling and assembling of starter motor.
by reviewing:
 Technical data
 removal and replacement procedures
 legal requirements
11.5 Refit starter motor to the vehicle and check for functioning
12.0. Perform battery 12.1 Ascertain and select tools and materials for the job.
testing and charging
operations. 12.2 Comply with safety rules when performing the following
12.3 Plan and select different methods for charging the battery.
12.4 Perform battery testing as per the operating procedure.

13.0. Construct basic 13.1 Plan and select different types of basic electronic
electronic circuits and components and measuring instruments.
testing. 13.2 Construct and test the basic electronic gate circuits and its
components as per the standard procedure.
14. Identify and check 14.1 Ascertain and select tools and materials for the job and
functionality of various make this available for use in a timely manner.
sensors installed in 14.2 Plan work in compliance with standard safety norms.
engine, Gauges and
instruments on 14.3 Identify and locate the sensors fitted in the given MPFI
dashboard engine
14.4 Start the engine and check the function of Mal Indication
Lamp (MIL) ,Oil pressure warning light, charge indication light,
Temperature warning light/gauge, Seat belt warning light, ABS
warning light, Parking light, fuel level gauge
14.5 Repair / Replace the defective gauges as per standard
operating practice.
14.6 Test the various sensors fitted on the given engine using
multi meter/scan tool
15. Find the trouble in 15.1 Connect the scan tool to the Data link connector of given
electronic circuit and engine
rectify using scan tool 15.2 Read the Error code
15.3 Test the reference voltage and continuity of the circuit as
per vehicle wiring circuit
15.4 Repair/Replace the defective part or wiring
15.5 Erase the error memory
15.6 Start and check the engine
16.0. Troubleshoot the 16.1 Read the wiring circuit of lighting of the given vehicle
Lighting circuit
16.2 Operate and check the function of combination switch and
other light switches
16.3 Check the lights whether glow or Not
16.4 Replace the defective bulbs/fuse/faulty wire/electrical or
electronic component
16.5 Check the fluid level for oil pressure light, brake warning
16.6 Aligning of Head light

16.7 Repair/Rectify any other fault
17.0 Identify the 17.1 Identify the components of Air condition system in given
components of Air vehicle, location and its function
condition system
18.0. Identify and check18.1 Select, care and use of PPE while dismantling and
functionality of major assembling starter motor
components AC 18.2 Select tools and materials for the job and make this available
Compressor, expansion for use in a timely manner
valve, evaporator & 18.3 Use the tools and equipment in the way specified by
heater cores manufacturers to Dismantle and assembles of Compressor,
expansion valve, evaporator & heater cores
18.4 carryout their Dismantling and assembling of Compressor,
expansion valve, evaporator & heater cores by reviewing:
 Technical data
 removal and replacement procedures
 legal requirements
18.5 Refit Compressor, expansion valve, evaporator & heater
cores to the vehicle and check for functioning.
Carryout AC Gas Evacuate/drain the system, Charge / fill the
19.Diagnose and 19.1 Ascertain and select tools and materials for the job and
Troubleshoot the AC make this available for use in a timely manner.
system 19.2 Plan work in compliance with standard safety norms.
19.3 Carryout the diagnostic procedure for the following
a) No cooling
b) Intermittent cooling
c) Insufficient cooling
d) Abnormal noise from compressor, magnetic clutch,
condenser, evaporator and blower motor
e) High pressure gauge-pressure High and low
f) Low pressure gauge-pressure High and low




Duration: 600 hrs.

Detailed Syllabus:
Practical Theory

SAFETY: Importance of safety and general

Description of safety equipments, their use, precautions to be observed in the shop.
Safety rules to observe in Automobile repair Electrical safety.
workshop. Accident and their causes. Fir extinguishers used for different types
Use of fire extinguishers. of fire.
Familiarization of tools and machinery availabl e Storing and handling of inflammable
in the shop – their use and their up keep. materials.
Importance of cleanliness of work s p o t , Elementary First Aid.
t o o l s, j acks, trays and horses etc. Electrical Housekeeping - 5S concept.
safety aspects and importance of earthling.
Demo on first aid for electrical shock.
Identify different electrical parts of a vehicle Familiarization with tools and equipments
Make joints on simple strapped conductors, used in auto electrical and their care &
sieving or taping with insulation tape, Measure maintenance.
conductor using wire gauge Signs and symbols used in Electrical &
Practice Soldering on wire joints, electronics
Solder and crimp of lugs with wire ends Voltage, Current and Resistance and its
Measure voltage drop, total resistance, current units.
flow in different line by connecting two or three Effects of resistance on the length and
resistors in parallel and series using a battery, cross sectional area of a conductor,
bulb / motor / resistors – reconcile Ohm‟s law. conductors and insulators
Check blowing of fuse with wires short- Cumulative resistance of parallel and series
circulated. connected circuits, Exercises on series and
Identify various electrical equipments on the parallel circuits. The parts of a simple
mock up wiring board i.e. starter motor, electrical circuit
dynamo control box etc., Follow up starting Ohm‟s law – Exercises on Ohm‟s law.
system wiring, Identify marking on terminal Introduction on Magnetism
joints, Remove and repeat connections. Do Usage of multimeter, Method of using
Similar practice on charging system wiring. AVO meter

Checking of circuit breakers and relays Semiconductor
Construct simple circuit by using relay Type of solder and flux required for
Test / check –alternator output voltage, circuit soldering aluminium and copper
voltage drop, and trouble shooting in a charging conductor. Introduction to equipment used
system. for soldering.
Dismantling alternators and components tests – Description/working principles, types,
diodes, rotor condition, rotor winding insulation uses, location & checking of – switches,
& rotor condition. Circuit protectors, relays, solenoids,
resistors, diodes, connectors, spark plugs
Trace starter circuit in a vehicle Dismantle (explain radio interference suppression) &
starter and check each component, Repair the condensers
faults, assemble and check starter motor on a Description / working principles, types,
test rig. uses, location, maintenance & checking of
Check spark plugs, HT leads, ignition coil and various automobile electrical equipments –
condenser starter motor, alternator, wiper motor,
Test the batteries with Hydrometer and battery horn & battery
tester; prepare electrolyte (follow safety rules), Cables colour codes & sizes.
top up battery with distilled water, and Connect
batteries for charging.

AUTO ELECTRONICS: Function, types, uses, location & checking
Construct a simple electronic circuits using of – Basic electronics devices such as
electronic trainer kit (to study the components transistors, ICs, Thysistors, Triac, Diac, etc.
functions). Assemble and study rectifier circuits Simple electronics circuits such as
and power supplies- measure outputs oscillators amplifiers, rectifier circuits, &
Construct simple logic circuits using digital power supplies
trainer kit Principles of Digital electronics. Number
Check ignition coil of E-DIS (Electronic systems and Truth table concept and
distributor less Ignition system) application, logic gates and their
Check sensors & actuators using engine scanner applications, Simple digital circuits.
/ DMM Demonstration of digital trainer kits
Check the different modes/ strategies of Demonstration on micro processor kits
Electronic Control Assembly, Reset keep alive and familiarization with different related
memory/ ECA devices Demonstration and familiarization
Check different wiring / circuits and rectify the with automobile micro processor system
defect Working principle of instruments and
Working principle of sensors – throttle
position (Potentiometer), Air temperature
(Thermistor), Engine coolant temperature,
Air temperature, manifold absolute
pressure (Piezo-Resistive &Piezo-electric
type), vehicle speed, Camshaft and crank
shaft position sensors (magnetic pick up
Construction and working principle of
actuators –idle air control valve, injector &
EGR cut out solenoid valve (explain duty
Basic structure and operation of a
microcomputer Explanation of simple
electronic circuits
Identify various components of air condition Signs and symbols used in Air
system on the mock-up board conditioning system
Identify various electrical equipments i.e. Fundamentals of air conditioning:
junction box, ground connections, switches, Introduction – purpose, basic operation of
modules & sensors on vehicle refrigeration cycle, basic components &
Measure voltage, resistance & continuity in circuits (with fixed orifice tube & thermal
different lines for air conditioning system expansion valve-Mechanical & Electrical
circuits), use of thermometer and pressure
(climate control) – reconcile Ohm‟s law. gauges,
Check of circuit breakers and relays Definition of technical terms – pressure,
Check duty of idle air control valve with ac on temperature, heat (heat, quantity, specific
& off with different engine RPM heat & heat transfer), Humidity, change of
Remove compressor from the vehicle, state & pressure temperature relation.
dismantle, check, rectify the defect, assemble & Refrigeration cycle – high pressure side &
refit to the vehicle low pressure side
Remove expansion valve from the system, Characteristics of R12 & R134a.
dismantle, check, rectify the defect, & refit into Compressor lubrication.
the system Cooling load and capacity.
Remove evaporator & heater cores from the a/c systems – car air conditioning types &
vehicle, dismantle, check, rectify the defect, features(dash type, all season type & dual
assemble & refit to the vehicle air conditioner type), heater-cooler
Check condenser on the vehicle, & rectify the independent system, reheat air condition
defect system, semi air-mix type, full air-mix type,
Check the drive system & adjust if required automatic temperature control systems
Check Belt tension Description/working principles of Heater
Check Gap in electromagnetic clutch Control Module
Remove & refit heater control module Importance of sensors for air conditioning
Test the system for leaks system - throttle position (Potentiometer),
Evacuate/drain the system Air temperature (Thermistor), Engine
Charge / fill the system coolant temperature (NTC type), crank
Find the Faults & rectify in the climate control shaft position / engine speed sensors
system (magnetic pick up type)
Construction and working principle of
actuators – coolant diversion valve(for
heating the cabin) & idle air control valve
(Electronic controlled engines ) & duty
Description / Reading of wiring diagram
Description & operation of Main
Functional parts–Compressor,
Condenser, Evaporator, and Expansion
Devise/valve - Different types of above
Description & operation of Other
Functional parts – magnetic clutch,
receiver/drier, blower motor, condenser
fan, thermostat, pressure switches &
magnetic valve(for dual air conditioner)
Procedure for evacuating / draining the
system, finding the leak & charging the
Procedure for Fault finding (Trouble
shooting charts) & rectification in car air
Procedure for dismantling, checking,
assembling different components of the
Difference between manual & automatic
air conditioning / climate control systems
Air distribution of air conditioning system
& different types of actuation of
distribution doors


1. Instructors’ Qualification Degree in Automobile/ Mechanical Engg. With

one year relevant experience
Diploma in Automobile/ Mechanical Engg. With
two years relevant experience
NTC/NAC in Automobile trade group with
three years of relevant experience
2. Desirable qualification Craftsmen Instructor Certificate(CIC) in Fitter trade
3. Space Norms 140 sq. m - (a) Class Room: 30 Sq. meter @ 1.5 sq.
meter per trainee (b) Workshop: 100 sq. meter + 10 sq.
meter (parking area)
4. Power Norms 4 KW - (a) Class Room: 1 KW (b) Workshop: 3 KW
5.Tools, Equipment & General (As per Annexure I)


Appropriate arrangements should be made to ensure that there will be no artificial barriers to
assessment. The nature of special needs should be taken into account while undertaking the
assessment. Due consideration shall be given while assessing for teamwork,
avoidance/reduction of scrap/wastage and disposal of scarp/wastage as per procedure,
behavioral attitude, sensitive to environment and regularity in training. The sensitivity
towards OSHE and self-learning attitude shall be considered while assessing competency.

Assessment will be evidence based comprising the following:

1) Job carried out in labs/workshop
2) Record book/ daily diary
3) Answer sheet for assessment
4) Viva-voce
5) Progress Chart
6) Attendance and punctuality
7) Assignment
8) Project work

Evidence of internal assessment should be preserved for an appropriate period of time for
audit and verification by examination body.

The following marking pattern to be adopted while assessing:

a) Weightage in the range of 60-75% to be allotted during assessment under following

performance level:
For performance in this grade, the candidate with occasional guidance and showing due
regard for safety procedures and practices, has produced work that demonstrates attainment
of an acceptable standard of craftsmanship. In this work there is evidence of:
 Demonstration of good skill in the use of hand tools, machine tools, and workshop
 Below 70% tolerance dimension achieved while undertaking different work with those
demanded by the component/job.
 A fairly good level of neatness and consistency in the finish
 Occasional support in completing the project/job.

b) Weightage in the range of above75%- 90% to be allotted during assessment under

following performance level:

For this grade, the candidate, with little guidance and showing due regard for safety
procedures and practices, has produced work that demonstrates attainment of a reasonable
standard of craftsmanship. In this work there is evidence of:
 Good skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine tools, and workshop equipment
 70-80% tolerance dimension achieved while undertaking different work with those
demanded by the component/job.
 A good level of neatness and consistency in the finish
 Little support in completing the project/job

c) Weightage in the range of above 90% to be allotted during assessment under following
performance level:
For performance in this grade, the candidate, with minimal or no support in
organization and execution and with due regard for safety procedures and practices, has
produced work which demonstrates attainment of a high standard of craftsmanship. In this
work there is evidence of:
 High skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine tools, and workshop equipment
 Above 80% tolerance dimension achieved while undertaking different work with
those demanded by the component/job.
 A high level of neatness and consistency in the finish.
 Minimal or no support in completing the project.


1. Recognize & comply safe working practices, environment
regulation and housekeeping.
2. Recognize & comply safe working practices, environment
regulation and housekeeping.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of concept and principles of basic
arithmetic calculation and apply knowledge of specific area to
perform practical operations.
4. Explain time management, entrepreneurship and
manage/organize related task in day to day work for personal &
societal growth
Total of External assessment

Annexure - I
11. List of Tools & Equipment for module for a batch :

Sl. Name of Quantity Sl. Name of Quantity
No Tool/Equipment (nos) No Tool/Equipment (nos)
01 Ball Peen Hammer 05No 10 Hand file 20cm second 05No
0.75 Kg cut

02 Cold Flat Chiesel 05No 11 Ring spanner set of 12 05No

19mm pieces-6 mm -32 mm

03 Centre Punch 10 mm 05No 12 Double ended Spanner 6 05 No

dia x 100mm to 32 mm - set of 12 nos

04 Insulated Screw driver 05No 13 Electrician testing pencil 05 No

30 cm x 9mm blade 100-500V(line/neon
05 Insulated Screw driver 05No 14 Philips Screw Driver set 05 No
20 cm x 9mm blade of 5 pieces 100mm –
06 Wire cutter & stripper 05No 15 Feeler gauge 05 Sets
07 Steel rule 30mm 05No 16 Allen key set 12 pieces 05 sets
(2mm to 14mm)
08 Plier combination 05No 17 Star Allen keys 05 sets

09 Steel tool box with 05No 18 Circlip plier(external & 05 sets

lock & key ( folding internal) 150mm and
type ) size 200mm
400x200x150mm (one in each type)


Sl. Name of Quantity Sl. Name of Quantity
No Tool/Equipment (nos) No Tool/Equipment (nos)
1 2 No 47 Tripod axle stand 2 No
Hand vice 37 mm adjustable 1500 kg

2 Prick punch 15 cm 2 No 48 accumulator / drier 2 sets
3 Chisel cross cut 2 No 49 Leak detectors – 1 no each
200mm x 6 mm electronic & UV lamp
4 Ball Peen Hammer 0.5 2 No 50 condensers 2 sets
5 Hammer copper 1 Kg 2 No 51 compressors of different 2 sets
with handle types
6 Hack saw frame for 30 2 No 52 expansion valves of 2 sets
cm blade different types
7 Hollow punch 1NO 53 evaporators of different 2 sets
6,7,8,9,10 and 12 mm types
8 Flat File 35 cm bastard 2 No 54 air distribution doors of 2 sets
different types
9 Flat File 25 cm second 2 No 55 coolant control valves 2 sets
cut (heater control)
10 Micrometer Outside 0- 1NO 56 A/C control assemblies 2 sets
25mm, 25- 50mm each of different types
11 Soldering iron 120 5 No 57 switches of different 2 sets
watts types (HP & LP
12 Nose Pliers (round 2 No 58 Thermistors 2 sets
and straight) 150 mm Each
and 200mm
13 Grip wrench 2 No 59 Heater control 2 sets
modules(E & C Unit)
14 Thread pitch gauge 2 No 60 Blower motor 2 sets
15 Stud remover 2 No 61 Receiver/drier 2 sets
16 Spanner T. flocks for 2 No 62 AC alternator slip ring 1 No
screwing up and up- puller
screwing inaccessible
17 Cleaning tray 45 x 5No 63 AC alternator slip ring 1 no
30cm press tool
18 Oil cane 0.5 litres 2 No 64 Car stereo 1No
19 Snip (straight & bent) 1No 65 Battery 12V (Lead acid & 2 no each
Each Alkaline)
20 General purpose 1No 66 Electronic engine control 2 no
puller module
21 Stud extractors 1 set 67 Starter motor axial type, 1 each

pre- engagement type &
Co- axial type
22 Poker 5 No 68 Electrical horn( different 2 no Each
types )
23 Double open ended 1 set 69 Wiper motor assemblies 2 no
ignition spanner set
(of BA- 0 x 1to 8x9 set
of 5)
24 Spanner Clyburn 15 1 No 70 Engine Scanner 1 No
25 Adjustable spanner 20 1 No 71 Anti theft devices 1 no
26 Spark plug spanner 10 1 No 72 Melting pot 1 no
mm &14 mm . Each
27 Magneto spanner set 1 set 73 Grease Gun 1 no
with 8 spanners 1 set
28 Socket spanner set 1 set 74 Pulley set universal for 1 set
with handle, T- bar bearing & bushes (set)
and ratchet
29 Drift copper (10 mm x 1 No 75 Pulley puller 1 no
150 mm)
30 Double open ended 1 set 76 Glow plug 4 no
spanner set (10.5mm x
12 mm; 10.5mm x 18
mm set of four)
31 Hydrometers 12 No 77 Glow plug tester 1 no
32 Spring tension tester 1 No 78 Torque wrenches 5035 1 No
Nm, 12- 68 Nm Each
33 Digital multi meters 5 No 79 Horn relay 4 no
34 Alternator regulator 1 No 80 Engine control sensors 8 1 no each
tester types
35 Distributor tester 1 no 81 Five Point relays 4 nos
36 Continuity meter 1 No 82 Four Point relays 4 nos
37 Clip on meter Digital 1 each 83 Executive Auto Electrical 1 No
and Analog tool kit
38 Tachometer 1 No 84 Volt meter 50 V/DC 4 no
39 Spark Plug tester 1 No 85 Ammeter 300A/60A 4No
“NEON” type DC with external shunt
40 Battery tester 1 No 86 DC Ohmmeter 0 to 4 NO
300 ohms, mid scales at

20 ohms
41 Starter motor & 2 No 87 Steel Almirah 6ʼ Height 4 No
alternator each
42 Crimping Tool 2 No
43 Pipe Wrench 350 mm 1 No
44 Hydraulic jack 1 No
45 Torque wrenches of 1 No
different capacity Each
46 Inspection lamp with 1 No
guard and wandering
lead of 100 ft
Sl. Name of Tool/Equipment Quantity
No (nos)
1 Drilling Machine ( Bench) 12 mm dia 1
2 Growler 1
3 Battery charger 12V – 36 V 1
4 Electrical test bench 1
5 Starter test bench 1
6 Air conditioned MPFI vehicle with accessories 1
7 LMV Diesel with dual air conditioning system along with 1
special tools for removing and refitting air conditioning
system & work shop manuals
8 Mock-up board with semi-automatic air conditioning system 1
9 Service units with set of Compound pressure gauges- 1
Recovery Machine & charging Unit
10 Air Compressor 45 lit capacity 1
11 Work bench 250cmx12cmx60 cm with four 6”bench vice 1
12 Mock layout of a motor car electrical system-Working model 1
13 Grinding machine(General purpose)D.E pedestal with 300 1
mm Dia wheels rough and smooth
14 Demonstration board of 2 Wheeler Ignition system, ignition 1
15 Demonstration board of 4 Wheeler electronic Ignition 1
system, ignition coil
16 Functional/experiment model of different type of sensors. 1
17 Experimental trainer kits for Auto electronics As required
18 Head light Aligner 1



1. Due care to be taken for proper & inclusive delivery among the batch. Some of the
following method of delivery may be adopted:
3. Maximum utilization of latest form of training viz., audio visual aids, integration of IT, etc.
May be adopted.
4. The total hours to be devoted against each topic may be decided with due diligence to
safety & with prioritizing transfer of required skills.
5. Assessment may be based on following instructions:-

Sl. Question on different aspect Weightage in

No. %age
1 Knowledge 15
2 Understanding 15
3 Practical Execution 70

1. Due weightage to be given to all the topics under the syllabus while assessing.


Sl. Name Designation Organization Mentor

N S/Shri Council
o. Designation
1. A. Ramesh Professor IIT Chennai Chairman
2. TC Saravanabava DDG(AT) DGE&T, HQ, New Delhi Mentor
3. K Srinivasa Rao JDT CSTARI, Kolkata Team Leader
4. Yuvaraj C DDT ATI, Chennai Member
5 V.Krishna Shankar GM Ashok Leyland Member
6 G.Sathiskumar Senior Mgr Ashok Leyland Member
7 Dr.Abhjit KR Consultant NATRIP Member
8 M.Sivaraman Consultant Delphi TVS Member
9 Mohan Kumar Manager TAFE, Chennai Member
10 Kanchi Manager Quality Prabha Engineers, Hosur Member
11 Sunil Bagwe, Paint shop Head Prabha Engineers, Hosur Member
12 G.M.Cholanrajan Sr.Manager- Lanson Toyota, Chennai-107 Member
13 Sunil Kumar S.R, Assistant Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Member
Manager Ltd
Karnataka, 562 109
14 Shri S.Arul Selvan Asst Professor Dept Auto Engg, M.I.T, Member
Anna University, Chennai.
15 Shri S. Jayaraj, Asst Professor Dept Auto Engg, M.I.T, Member
Anna University, Chennai.
16 Shri R. Lakshmanan Training Mgr Bosch Ltd, Bangalore Member
17 Shri V.Vadivelan Consultant NATRIP, Global Automotive Member
Research centre, Chennai
18 Shri B. Gridharan Managing Visa Diesel Service, Chennai Member
19 Shri VKR. President Two Wheeler workshop Member
Vadivelan owners Association, Chennai
20 P. Marveldass, DDT ATI, Chennai Member
21 Swamy S.M ,. Senior Officer, Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Member
Training Dept Ltd
Karnataka, 562 109

22 Shri Suresh Babu Service Manager, ABT Maruti, Chennai-32 Member
Body & Paint
23 M. Veerasamy Works Manager Vishnu Cars Pvt Ltd, Member
24 P.Senthil Kumar, Service Manager DSC Motor Pvt Ltd., Member
25 Shri T.Selvan, Manager Body DSC Motor Pvt Ltd., Member
shop Chennai-15
26 G Venkatesh ADT ATI(V), Hyderabad Member
27 SP Rewaskar ADT ATI(V), Hyderabad Member
28 N Ramesh kumar TO CTI, Chennai Member
29 R Rajeshkanna TO ATI, Chennai Member
30 Akhilesh Pandey TO ATI, Mumbai Member
31 TN Rudra TO ATI, Howrah Member
32 A. Duraichamy Assistant Govt ITI Coimbatore Member
Training Officer
33 Gurcharan Singh, ADT ATI, Ludhiana Member
34 O.R. Arjun Mohan, AE Agricultural Engg. Dept, Member
35 R.Murugesan, AE Agricultural Engg. Dept, Member
36 K.Thaniyarasu ATO Govt ITI Trichy Member
37 W. Nirmal Kumar ATO Govt ITI Trichy Member
38 N. Duraimurugan ATO Govt ITI Guindy Member
39 K. Ravindranath ATO Govt. ITI, Ambattur Member
40 K. Veerappan ATO Govt. ITI, Nagapattinam Member
41 V.Palanikumar ATO Govt ITI, Pudukottai. Member
42 H.S.Kalra Principal Govt ITI Chandigarh Member
43 B Ramarao ATO Govt ITI, Vizag , AP Member
44 Suresh Naik ATO Govt ITI, Mangalore , Member
45 ND Zaware Principal ITI, Pimpri-Chinchwad Member
46 RM Gotmare TO ITI, Gowandi, Maharastra Member

47 Pranjit Das, DDT Govt ITI Assam Member
48 M. Madaswamy Principal Ramco, ITC, Rajapalayam, Member
49 Damachadramouli Agricultural Er SFMT & TI Hyderabd Member
50 V. Gopalakrishnan Training Officer, Co-ordinator, NIMI,


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