Trendradar Report: Ubs-Products Matching This Signal

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ab Technical analysis

UBS KeyInvest TrendRadar Report UBS



Date: 03/23/2020

Underlying Market price Signal Breakout time Breakout direction Time horizon
EUR / TRY 7.04 TRY Trend channel 23.03.20 23:11 long short-term

Trend channel:
A trend channel limits the range of
variation of the price development
within a trend and is created by a
parallel projection of an existing
trend line through the extreme
values on the opposing side.
Leaving a trend channel generates
a buy or sell signal according to the
direction of the breakout.

The detected chart pattern leads to
an expected increase in price.
A signal is short-term if it has
developed over less than 10 days.
Accordingly, a short-term holding
period of the position would be

Historical returns are not necessarily indicative of future returns. This information are delivered from BörseGo (see also disclaimer).

UBS-Products matching this signal:

■■■■ Leverage
Product name Valor Symbol Leverage SL, KO, Strike* Currency Bid Ask Termsheet

For this signal no leverage products are available at the moment.

*SL = Stop-Loss (Mini-Futures) / KO = Knock Out (Turbos) / Strike = Exercise price (Warrants). You can find further products as well as information on the opportunities and risks of
this products under:

■■■■ Participation
Product name Valor Symbol Leverage Currency Bid Ask Termsheet

For this signal no investment products are available at the moment.

You can find further products as well as information on the opportunities and risks of this products under:
ab Technical analysis

Yield Expectation: Level 1 Target Price / Level 2 Target Price

Level 1 Target Price describes the expected target price which, according to the signal that has broken out, would represent the nearest price target. Level
2 Target Price describes the expected target price which, according to the signal that has broken out, would represent the next target price to be achieved
after the Level 1 Target Price has been achieved. A Target Price is only generated when the price breaks out of a chart pattern.

Closest Resistance / Closest Support

The Closest Resistance provides the expected price level that, from a technical chart point of view, would represent the nearest obstacle that the price would
have to break through in an upward direction in order to then be able to continue rising. The Closest Support gives the expected price level that, from a
technical chart point of view, would represent the nearest level that the price would have to break through in a downwards direction in order to then be
able to continue falling.

Important Support / Resistance

An Important Support/Resistance defines a horizontal price range, which was often achieved in the past but not undershot or exceeded and therefore led
at one end to a downward/upward trend. In the event of a recent decline/rise in this price level, the probability is therefore high that the prices will once
again stop at this level or bounce back. Vice versa, the breakout of a Support/Resistance can lead to a sell/buy signal. Support/Resistance are determined on
the basis of daily closing prices.

The Stop-Loss is an instrument that helps to manage risks. Should this level be reached, then it can be assumed that the Level 1 and 2 price targets will no
longer be achieved. The Stop-Loss recommendation refers to the price of the underlying asset, at which open positions should be closed.

Important information for traders and investors:

UBS KeyInvest TrendRadar can be found under:
Hotline: +41-44-239 76 76 (workdays between 8.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.)
Trading times of products: during the Swiss stock exchange opening hours (between 9.15 a.m. and 5.15 p.m.)

KeyInvest TrendRadar Report DISCLAIMER

The information in the Trend RadarReport (the “Report”) (with the exception of the sections “UBS-Products matching this signal:” and “Important information for traders and inves-
tors:”), and especially the data regarding automatic recognition of chart patterns and candle information, for the calculation of target prices and signals as well as yield expectations,
resistance and stop-loss levels (the “Trend Information”), is provided to UBS AG by BörseGo AG, an independent third party, which is not associated with UBS AG in any respect.
BörseGo AG is a stock corporation established in accordance with German law, which is not subject to any prudential regulation. The trend information has not been verified by
UBS AG itself and accordingly UBS AG does not give any guarantee or assurance regarding the completeness, reliability or accuracy of the trend information contained in this report.
Moreover, this document does not represent any comprehensive description or summary of the named markets or trends. UBS AG does not assume any liability for losses caused
by the distribution/use of the Trend Report or in connection with the distribution of these documents.

The information contained in this report is provided solely for informational and promotional purposes and represents neither recommendations nor investment advice from UBS
AG, one of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies. Before concluding a transaction you should seek advice from your consultants in legal, regulatory, tax, financial and accounting
matters to the extent you deem necessary and make your investment, hedging and trading decisions (including decisions relating to the suitability of a transaction) on the basis of
your own judgement and the advice from the specialists you have sought out.
This report is not published by a UBS Research department and is therefore not to be regarded as independent investment research. It does not represent a sales prospectus, or an
offer or invitation to make any kind of investment. Please note that the UBS products listed might not totally reflect the views of UBS Research. This report and the products and
services described therein are tailored to the trend information and do not relate to the personal investment goals, the financial situation or the particular needs of a specific reci-
pient. Investment decisions should always be made in a portfolio context and take your personal situation and relevant desired level of risk and risk-bearing capacity into account.

We would like to point out that UBS reserves the right to change services, products and prices at any time without prior notice and that the reported information and opinions can
change at any time. © UBS 2013. The key symbol and UBS are registered and unregistered trademarks of UBS. All rights reserved.

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