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RAJAN BHARTI MITTAL/FICCI And you have engaged a consul­

tant to help you. Women’s Reservation
I want young blood Yes. It is always good to get a
mind from outside. We have
engaged an agency to come
and talk about how the world Bill debate to kick off
in this industry body
chambers work. It is still work-
-in-progress. It will come up ® FROM PAGE 3 litical parties. “They would have
with a policy paper on how the (then) started grooming women
organization should work... in many other walks of life, in- leaders as winnability would be
What, in your view, are the policy cluding as a vote base for polit- crucial.”
PRADEEP GAUR/MINT changes required in retail? ical parties. But a parliamentary standing
B Y S HUCHI B ANSAL & We have suggested 49% If the Bill is passed, 179 of the committee on personnel, public
R ASUL B AILAY (FDI) in multi-brand (stores). Lok Sabha’s 543 elected mem- grievances, law and justice,
························· In single brand retail, we (cur- bers will be women, up from 59 which submitted a report on the
NEW DELHI rently) have 51%. in the current House. State leg- Bill in December, said the deci-

A s the newly appointed

president of the Federa-
tion of Indian Cham-
bers of Commerce and Indus-
try (Ficci), Rajan Bharti Mittal,
Would you suggest 100% in single
brand retail?
Why not? Where is the com-
petition? Lots of companies
have come and gone back be-
islatures will see similar in-
creases in the number of wom-
en members.
The Bill has brought together
the Congress party that heads
sion cannot be left to the par-
ties. The panel backed the idea
of reserving 33% of seats for
women, and rotating the actual
reserved seats election after
the vice-chairman and manag- cause they want 100%. the United Progressive Alliance election.
ing director of Bharti Enter- The issue must be seen dif- government, the main opposi- But critics say this only weak-
prises Ltd, plans to bring ferently. It is believed that FDI tion Bharatiya Janata Party ens the Bill. “The lottery system
young blood into the industry in retail will hurt the mom- (BJP) as well as the Left parties of allotment of one-third seats
body and hopes to work with and-pop stores. But there is no and some regional formations. and rotation of it would in turn
the states to attract foreign in- conflict between the two. Together, they have the num- uproot many men and women
vestment. Edited excerpts: Mom-and-pop stores are bers to pull it through the two candidates from their constitu-
about 500 sq. ft. They keep no Houses. encies and would empower
You talked about pushing reforms more than 500-700 SKUs But the 14-year-old proposal none. The very basis of repre-
when you took charge last fort­ (stock-keeping units, or types continues to face a challenge sentation of people would be vi-
night. Can you elaborate? of products) and employ one from parties that want it to in- olated,” said Madhu Kishwar, a
The economic reforms are person. clude a sub-reservation for women’s rights activist.
still pending. The goods and Today any branded retail women of other backward clas- Parties that depend on OBC
services tax (GST) is a big re- store is around 2,000 sq. ft, ses (OBCs). votes, such as the Samajwadi
form. After so many decades a Opening up: Rajan Bharti Mittal says an agency engaged by Ficci will keeps 2,500 SKUs and employs “No one except (Congress Party, the Rashtriya Janata Dal
taxation reform is taking place come up with a policy paper on how the organization should work. 12-15 people. president) Sonia Gandhi and a and the Bahujan Samaj Party,
in this country. It is not only a If major Indian corporate few others are genuinely honest among others, have called for a
taxation reform, it is an admin-
istrative reform. It would sim- mint INTERVIEW to. Wherever I travel, I will
speak about it...
houses are allowed in retailing,
today, they should be hurting
about the Bill,” said a Congress
member of Parliament on con-
quota-within-quota, or a reser-
vation for OBC women within
plify how business is done. Do you plan to reposition Ficci? the same guy. The colour of dition of anonymity. “Most of the Bill.
Then there are reforms for the eign direct investment (FDI). One big-ticket internal re- money should not affect in that the others feel threatened.” “The introduction of this Bill
states. That’s where the invest- This year, India will close at form is that I want the advent sense. We feel that FDI in retail With good reason. The Bill is a conspiracy of the Congress
ment is. around $30 billion (Rs1.37 tril- of youth in this body. That’s will bring knowledge, create would ensure that more than and the BJP to reduce the repre-
We will hold a chief minis- lion today) in foreign invest- something which is missing. manufacturing bases and gen- 100 current MPs won’t return to sentation of the backward
ters’ conference and tell them ment. The young think that Ficci is erate employment. Nobody Parliament after the next gener- castes and the minorities in the
what we believe as an industry In 2015, we want to get $75 not for them. will get displaced. Despite the al election. Lok Sabha,” Samajwadi Party
chamber on why their states billion. For that we have creat- Is it because of its old fuddy­duddy Levis and Wranglers, 80% of “Opposing the Bill will be po- general secretary and spokes-
do or do not get traction (in- ed Invest India, a joint ven- kind of image? the jeans market is with Indian litically incorrect, also there is a person Mohan Singh said.
vestment). Then there are re- ture—a public-private partner- ...It may have been seen as local manufacturers. whip; but backing this Bill is In the current format, the Bill
forms in education. If we open ship—with the states. It has an fuddy-duddy, but in the last But the government keeps post­ suicidal,” the MP said. does make space for the consti-
up insurance, services and, equity of Rs10 crore and Ficci few years that has changed poning the retail FDI issue. Tathagata Satpathy, an MP tutional reservation of sched-
hopefully, retail, there would owns 51% while all the states with people such as Rajeev I think the mood is chang- from the Biju Janata Dal, anoth- uled castes and scheduled
be employment generation for get half a percent of equity Chandrasekhar and Harsh ing. PM (Prime Minister Man- er party that has declared sup- tribes (SCs/STs), providing that
which we need literates. each. This will work very close- Mariwala. We are creating a mohan Singh) spoke about re- port for the legislation, said the if a reserved SC/ST seat comes
Is there a framework on working ly with the government... youth forum to be headed by a tailing in CMs’ (chief minis- Bill won’t serve the purpose of up on the rotation chart of seats
with the government on reforms? Is it a lobby group? young and successful industri- ters’) conference. Any idea empowering women. He is reserved for women under the
We are very deeply engaged We will not lobby for any- al entrepreneur. You will see whose time has come, can’t be among those who say the deci- Bill, then the candidates would
on GST. We also want to make body, we will be a facilitator. action—in the way we shape stopped.... sion to give more seats to wom- have to be SC/ST women.
India the destination for for- Embassies have been spoken our executive meetings... en should have been left to po-

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