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DS 102

a) The seminar report must be type written (font size 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 line
spacing) before submission. The report should not exceed five (5) pages
b) Duration: two (2) week
c) Date of submission (06/01/2020)
d) A zero score will be awarded for any kind of plagiarism

1. Argue for and against the statement that globalization is an opportunity and a threat to
developing countries like Tanzania.
2. Do you agree with the view that “respect for human rights is an important strategic and
facilitating instrument that ensures rapid economic growth and social development are
achieved and attained in a country? With vivid examples provide a critical analysis of the
3. With references to Tanzania, discuss the role and place of decentralization and
participation in development.
4. Religion is considered to be important tool for poverty reduction but in other side it may
lead to underdevelopment. Discuss with examples.
5. Assume there was a conflict and you were called upon to mediate, how would you carry
out this function?
6. Discuss the concept of peace making process in Africa.
7. Comment on the assertion given by “Dambisa Moyo” which state that “most of African
foreign aid are died aid”
8. Gender inequalities constitute a serious obstacle to sustainable development in Africa.
Discuss with concrete examples.
9. Africa is said to be home of all evils and problems including civil and political conflicts,
drought, famine, terrorism, bad governance practices and pervasiveness of extreme
poverty. With examples validate the truth of this statement if any?
10. Due to the advancement of science and technology, the World now seems as a single
village. What are the basic features which signify the global ties?
11. Why and how democracy viewed as blessing to development? With examples Comment
on the status of African democracy.
12. To what extent are the on –going concern of globalization and the international economy
able to provide answers to Africa’s acute development problems?
13. Corruption in public and private sectors prevent planned level of economic growth and
entire development processes toward social changes. Discuss.
14. With reference to African countries of your choices comment on the impact of debt
burden on economic growth and development processes. Can African countries be able to
escape from debt trap?
15. There are many efforts that African governments are doing to drive away from poverty
and attain development of its citizen. Despite the efforts made the continent facing many
problems and challenges under way. Discuss.


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