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India has as many festivals as its diverse population. But with all the jitters during festivals, one thing
which I have experienced rather most of us have experienced are the annual cleaning sessions at our
offices, houses, apartments even at a location where we have just the last string or no strings attached.

Like every ‘relative meeting’ shitastrophy during any festival, I come across stuff lying in my
office/house and meet them at the annual festive cleaning session like the certified advisors above.
Comparing my relatives to the stuff lying with me I realized the former rank better as they stay in my
head for that day and maybe a week more depending on my advisory session with them.

The stuff which I see every year stays with me free of cost and I hoard them year on year giving myself
one or the reason for it to stay.
Well even I have a past of such instances like I had my school exam question papers from grade 2 to
grade 9 neatly kept with me for around 10 years.
Then I also have a record of keeping my Barbie dolls with me till some magic happened and I parted with
it recently.
I also parted with a heap of novels which I actually dint connect to and yes still not able to part with 10
dozen keychains kept with me in a shoebox.

Well to add more tragic experiences of people in my life , there is a dear friend who has kept her
accessories for her children for them to use it when they grow up and mind you the children are of 4 and
5 years of age..another dear friend uses sachets with an expiry date be it for coffee and spices.

One of my dearest dearest friend has kept her twenty five year old black and white TV with her in
memory of her first TV bought :/

And then I have a character who specializes in vacating her stuff by emotionally handing it over for
someone else to hoard it..” I don’t use it anymore but I am so attached to it that you use it and make the
most of it “ is her dialogue.

And the most and rarest of the rarest monologue which I have ever got from one of my Late. Sweetheart
was “ Throw it away after I die “

The crux of the above one liner horrors’ is we all are HOARDERS..emotional hoarders..shrewed
hoarders..genetic hoarders and it goes on..

Stay tuned for my next update as it might be unnatural to say but as a matter of fact, hoarding is an art
of blocking good vibes..the more you hoard the less you have a vision..and HENCE it is said “Less is the
new more”

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