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a. The College of the Holy Spirit (CHSM), A 107-year-old Catholic school in the Philippine
capital Manila is to close because of the impacts caused by the coronavirus pandemic and
government policies which have seriously affected enrollment and how classes are
conducted. Why you see it as a problem? We see it as a problem because although this
institution is private still there is some teachers or people who are depending in this
institution. Then they are might be some student scholars that are depending in this
school. We understand the situation that’s why they closed; this institution is not only the
one who is affected but there are many private schools as well that is thriving to survive.
since people have been jobless when the pandemic outbreak occur many families have
become low income, that’s why some of them can’t be able to send they child in school.
b. Goal # 4 Ensure inclusive lifelong learning opportunities for all – a well trained and skillful
workforce is crucial for tourism to prosper. The sector can provide the incentives to invest
in education and vocational training and assist labor mobility through cross border
agreements on qualifications, standards and certification. In particular youth woman,
senior citizens and indigenous peoples, and those with special needs should benefit
through educational means, where tourism has the potential to promote inclusiveness,
the values of culture tolerance, peace and non- violence and all aspects of global
exchange and citizenship.
Goal # 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and
productive employment and decent work for all - Tourism is one (1) of the driving forces
of global economic growth and currently provides for one (1) in 11 jobs worldwide. By
giving access to decent work opportunities in the tourism sector. Society – particularly
youth and women - can benefit from increased skills and professional development.
c. Our group will provide a gala dinner event for a cause so that the money that we will earn
is to be donated in some teachers in the said school. The party will be held at the hall of
the school, and will happen in the 4th of January 2021 for about 6pm in the evening. The
objective of this gala party is to help the teachers and the employees of the said school
to cope up from the corona virus pandemic which widely affected their job. A gala dinner
event is typically a semi-formal party for adults that features dinner, dancing, and an
auction or raffle. Usually, a gala is organized by an organization—often a nonprofit—for
the purpose of donating in their specific donors and constituents and raising money for
their organization in a social setting. In an auction we will provide a painting which was
made by the teachers. This gala will be the way for us to provide enough income in helping
people in need. Strict guidelines will be implemented on this event. It shall be ensured
that the teachers and employees will follow safety protocols. The. purpose this event is
for them to still enjoy and spread positivity amidst the ongoing pandemic.

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