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• Chronology
• Geography
• Classification by Tree Type
• Characteristics of Wood
• Idiosyncracies
• Influences for use
• Issues + Concerns + Positivities
• Chronological
• Neolithic construction/New Stone Age
• Raw Materials for Tools: bone, antler, hide,
stone, wood, grass, vegetable fibre, fire
• Sample of Produced Tools: hand axe, chopper,
adze, and celt
• Raw Materials produced; mammoth ribs, hide,
stone, wood, bark, bamboo, mud, lime plaster
• Outputs: bridges, tents, pit houses
• Earliest samples: Jericho (long house; timber
and log frame), Stonehenge, proto-cities (Eridu)
• Chronological
• Copper Age and Bronze Age construction
• Raw Materials: tin, zinc
• Produced Tools: axes, chisels, but more
durable, saw
• Outputs: corbelled arch, beginning of the wheel,
post and lintel construction
• Earliest samples:

• Chronological
• Iron Age construction (1200 BC to 50 BC)
• Raw materials: Steel
• Produced Tools: Hand Plane

• Chronological
• Medieval Construction
• Span from the 5th to 15th centuries AD from the
fall of the Western Roman Empire to the
Renaissance and is divided into Pre-
Romanesque and Romanesque periods
• Fortifications, castles and cathedrals were the
greatest construction projects.
• The poor hardening properties of these mortars
were a continual problem, and the settlement of
the rubble filling of Romanesque and Gothic
walls and piers is still a major cause for
• Chronological
• Medieval Construction
• Design
• Models were used for designing structures and could
be built to large scales. Details were mostly designed
at full size on tracing floors, some of which survive
• There were no standard textbooks on building in the
Middle Ages. Master craftsmen from father to son
• The scale of fortifications and castle building in the
Middle Ages was remarkable. ex. Beauvais
Cathedral, Chartres Cathedral, King's College
Chapel and Notre Dame, Paris MATERIALS
• Chronological
• Medieval Construction
• Labour
• Unskilled work was done by labourers paid by the
• Skilled craftsmen served apprenticeships or learned
their trade from their parents
• Built by paid workers

• Chronological
• Medieval Construction
• Materials
• A revival of stone buildings in the 9th century
and the Romanesque style of architecture
began in the late 11th century. Also notable are
the stave churches in Scandinavia.
• Roman techniques, including the use of iron
ring-beams, appear to have been used in the
Palatine Chapel at Aachen, c. 800 AD, where it
is believed builders from the Langobardic
Kingdom in northern Italy contributed to the
• Chronological
• Medieval Construction
• Materials
• Timber until c. 1000 AD.
• Adobe remained predominant.
• Brick (Italy 600–1000 AD)
• Roofs were largely thatched.
• Reintroduction of brick-making to the area from
Holland, through Denmark and Northern
Germany to Poland leading to Backsteingotik.
• Medieval stone walls were constructed using cut
blocks on the outside of the walls and rubble
infill, with weak lime mortars.
• Chronological
• Renaissance
• Materials
• Timber
• Bricks; sizes were standardized
• Roofing was typically of terracotta roof tiles.
In Italy they followed Roman precedents. In
northern Europe plain tiles were used
• Stone, where available, remained the
material of choice for prestige buildings

• Chronological
• Renaissance
• Design
• Classical style of architecture
• Leon Battista Alberti's Ten books of
Architecture is published
• The architect started to provide detailed
drawings for the craftsmen setting out the
disposition of the various parts. This was
what is called the process of design, from
the Italian word for drawing.

• Chronological
• Renaissance
• Design
• Changes in the design paradigm: details
into the final design; final design into the
• Extraordinary design and engineering

• Chronological
• Renaissance
• Labour
• Buildings were built by paid workers
• Unskilled work was done by labourers paid
by the day
• Skilled craftsmen served apprenticeships or
learned their trade from their parents
• Craftsmen were organized in guilds

• Chronological
• Renaissance
• Technical Advancements
• The builders did not use concrete and thus
comparable vaults and domes had to be
replicated in brick or stone.
• Brunelleschi's project for the dome of Santa
Maria del Fiore.

• Chronological
• 17th Century Construction
• Design
• Saw the birth of modern science which
would have profound effects on building
construction in the centuries to come.
• Architect-engineers began to use
experimental science to inform the form of
their buildings
• Seventeenth-century structures relied
strongly on experience, rules of thumb and
the use of scale models
• Chronological
• 17th Century Construction
• Materials and Tools
• Glass developed and France is the first
• Iron was increasingly employed in structures
• Christopher Wren used iron hangers to
suspend floor beams at Hampton Court
Palace, and iron rods to repair Salisbury
Cathedral and strengthen the dome of St
Paul's Cathedral
• Most buildings had stone ashlar surfaces
covering rubble cores, held TECHNOLOGY
BUILDING together with1:
lime mortar MATERIALS
• Chronological
• 17th Century Construction
• Materials and Tools
• Experiments were made mixing lime with
other materials to provide a hydraulic mortar
but there was still no equivalent to Roman
• Iron was increasingly employed in structures
• In England, France and Holland, cut and
gauged brickwork was used to provide
detailed and ornate facades. The
triangulated roof truss was introduced to
England and usedBUILDING
Jones and1:
Christopher Wren. MATERIALS
• Chronological
• 17th Century Construction
• Materials and Tools
• Many tools have been made obsolete by
modern technology, but the line gauge,
plumb-line, the carpenter's square, the spirit
level, the slide-rule and the drafting
compass are still in regular use.

• Chronological
• 17th Century Construction
• Methods
• The methods of construction in this period
remained largely medieval
• The same types of crane that had been
used in previous centuries were being still
being employed
• Flying scaffolds were employed at St Paul's
Cathedral, London and in the dome of St
Peters, Rome, but otherwise the same types
of timber scaffolding that had been in use
centuries before were retained.TECHNOLOGY 1:
• Chronological
• 17th Century Construction
• Methods
• Cranes and scaffolding depended on timber
• Complex systems of pulleys allowed
comparatively large loads to be lifted, and
long ramps were used to haul loads up to
the upper parts of buildings

• Chronological
• 18th Century Construction
• Design
• Saw the development of many the ideas that
had been born in the late seventeenth century
• Engineering theory developed sufficiently to
allow sizes of members to be calculated
• The architects and engineers became
increasingly professionalised
• Experimental science and mathematical
methods became increasingly sophisticated and
employed in buildings
• The birth of the industrial revolution saw an
increase in the size ofBUILDING
cities and TECHNOLOGY
increase in the1:
pace and quantity of construction MATERIALS
• Chronological
• 18th Century Construction
• Materials
• The major breakthroughs in this period were
in the use of iron (both cast and wrought)
• Iron columns had been used in Wren's
designs for the House of Commons and
were used in several early eighteenth-
century churches in London, but these
supported only galleries
• In the second half of the eighteenth century
the decreasing costs of iron production
allowed the construction of major
BUILDING pieces of1:
iron engineering MATERIALS
• Chronological
• 18th Century Construction
• Materials
• Large-scale mill construction required fire-proof
buildings and cast iron became increasingly
used for columns and beams to carry brick
vaults for floors
• Steel was used in the manufacture of tools but
could not be made in sufficient quantities to be
used for building
• Brick production increased markedly during this
period. Many buildings throughout Europe were
built of brick, but they were often coated in lime
render, sometimes patterned to look
BUILDING like stone 1:
• Chronological
• 18th Century Construction
• Materials
• Brick production itself changed little. Bricks
were moulded by hand and fired in kilns no
different to those used for centuries before
• Terracotta in the form of Coade stone was
used as an artificial stone in the UK
• Important Examples
• The Iron Bridge at Coalbrookdale (1779)
• The Louvre in Paris (boasted an early
example of a wrought-iron roof)
• Chronological
• 19th Century Construction: Industrial Revolution
• Design and Application
• New construction devices included steam
engines, machine tools, explosives and optical
• The industrial revolution was manifested in new
kinds of transportation installations, such as
railways, canals and macadam roads
• The steam engine combined with two other
technologies which blossomed in the nineteenth
century, the circular saw and machine cut nails,
lead to the use of balloon framing and the
decline of traditional timber framing
• Chronological
• 20th Century Construction
• In the early 20th century, elevators and
cranes made high rise buildings and
skyscrapers possible, while heavy
equipment and power tools decreased the
workforce needed
• Other new technologies were
prefabrication and computer-aided design
• Trade unions were formed to protect
construction workers' interests. Personal
protective equipment were invented
• Geographical
• Mesopotamia
• mud-brick, clay tablets, fired bricks, fired bricks
and stone were used for pavement
• glazed brickwork (decorating the interiors and
exteriors of their buildings)
• Samples: Ishtar Gate (575 BC), City of
Babylon, Temple of Kom Ombo (180-145 BC)
• Geographical
• Egypt
• Materials: Adobe, stone, concrete (?)
• Technology
• As far as is known they did not use wheels or pulleys;
used rollers, ropes and sledges
• credited with inventing the ramp, lever,
lathe, oven, ship. paper, irrigation system,
window awning, door, glass, a form of
plaster of Paris, the bath, lock, shadoof,
weaving, a standardized measurement
system, geometry, silo, a method of drilling
stone, saw, steam power, proportional scale
drawings, enamelling, veneer, plywood,
rope truss, and more.
• Geographical
• Egypt
• There are no surviving Egyptian manuals so
there has been considerable speculation on
how stones were lifted to great heights and
obelisks erected. Most theories centre on the
use of ramps. Imhotep, who lived circa 2650–
2600 BC, is credited with being the first
recorded architect and engineer.
• Outstanding achievements: Karnak, Hypostyle
hall, Great Pyramid of Giza, etc.
• Geographical
• Greece
• Built most of their common buildings out of mud
brick, fired clay was mainly restricted to roofing
tiles and associated decorations, but these
were quite elaborate. Building structures mostly
used a simple beam and column system
without vaults or arches, which based strict
limits on the spans that could achieved
• Achievements: Greek Temples (Temple of
Apollo at Didyma), (history of working
construction drawings), petrified carpentry, use
of pulleys, jibs, cranes
• Geographical
• Greece
• The Greeks made many advances in
technology including plumbing, the spiral
staircase, central heating, urban planning, the
water wheel, the crane, and more
• Limited knowledge since there were very
minimal surviving drawings
• Geographical
• Rome
• In striking contrast to previous cultures, an
enormous amount is known about Roman
building construction
• A very large amount survives, including
complete intact buildings like the Pantheon,
Rome and very well preserved ruins at
Pompeii and Herculaneum
• We also have the first surviving treatise on
architecture by Vitruvius which includes
extensive passages on construction
• Geographical
• Rome
• Materials
• The great Roman development in building
materials was the use of hydraulic
lime mortar called Roman cement
• They used brick or stone to build the outer
skins of the wall and then filled the cavity
with massive amounts of concrete,
effectively using the brickwork as permanent
shuttering (formwork)
• Later they used wooden shuttering which
was removed for the concrete to cure
• Geographical
• Rome
• Materials
• Temple of Vesta in Tivoli, Italy used Roman
Concrete. Made of nothing more than rubble
and mortar
• They not only used it for walls but also to
form arches, barrel vaults and domes,
which they built over huge spans
• The Romans developed systems of hollow
pots for making their domes and
sophisticated heating and ventilation
systems for their thermal baths
• Geographical
• Rome
• Materials
• Concrete was cheap and very easy to
produce and required relatively unskilled
labour to use, enabling the Romans to build
on an unprecedented scale
• The Romans substituted bronze for wood in
the roof truss
• The Romans also made bronze roof tiles
• Geographical
• Rome
• Materials
• Lead was used for roof covering material
and water supply and waste pipes. The
Latin name for lead is plumbum thus
• Made use of glass in construction with
colored glass in mosaics and clear glass for
windows. Glass came to be fairly commonly
used in windows of public buildings
• Geographical
• Rome
• Labour
• The Romans had trade guilds. Most
construction was done by slaves or freed
• The use of slave labour undoubtedly cut
costs and was one of the reasons for the
scale of some of the structures
• The Romans placed a considerable
emphasis in building their buildings
extremely fast, usually within two years
• For very large structures the only way this
could be achieved was by the application of
vast numbers of workers to the task
• Geographical
• Rome
• Technology
• The invention of the waterwheel, sawmill,
arch, and were by the Romans
• They also began using glass for
architectural purposes after about 100 CE
and used double glazing as insulated
• Roman roads included corduroy roads and
paved roads, sometimes supported on raft
or pile foundations and bridges
• Vitruvius gives details of many Roman
• Geographical
• Rome
• Technology
• The Romans developed sophisticated
timber cranes allowing them to lift
considerable weights to great heights. The
upper limit of lifting appears to have been
about 100 tons
• Roman building ingenuity extended over
bridges, aqueducts, and covered
• Geographical
• Rome
• Technology
• Their sewerage and water-supply works
were remarkable and some systems are still
in operation today. The only aspect of
Roman construction for which very little
evidence survives is the form of timber roof
structures, none of which seem to have
survived intact
• Wood
• Classification by Tree Type
• Hardwoods - 'deciduous' trees that have broad
leaves which are normally shed in the winter
• Softwood - 'conifers' trees that have needles
rather than leaves and that bear their seeds in
• Wood
• Characteristics of Wood
• traditional building material
• adaptable to a countless variety of purposes
• it is easily workable
• durable and has inherent aesthetic
• has great ability to absorb shocks from sudden
• freedom from rust and corrosion
• comparatively light in weight
• a difficult material to master; the only building
material coming from a vegetable rather than a
• Wood
• Idiosyncracies
• relating to directional properties
• strength
• stiffness
• grain patterns
• shrinkage
• distortion
• decay
• insect damage
• fire resistance
• Wood
• Influences for use
• Aesthetic characteristics
• Availability
• Size limitations
• Strength, hardness, and density
• Dimensional stability
• Adaptability for exterior use
• Fire retardance
• Preservative Treatments
• Wood
• Issues + Concerns + Positivities
• Lumber today often come from younger forests
and therefore less desirable for strength
• Designers have opted in the modern period to
use fabricated lumber
• Also one of the most environmentally friendly
building materials; may recycled and also
• Continues to store carbon dioxide even as a
finished product
• Embodied energy is low
• Has the lowest impact on air and water quality
• Wood
• Issues + Concerns + Positivities
• Growth in North America has increased 20% in
the last thirty years
• May be used to meet code requirements for
• Tend to perform better in earthquakes
• Demand has grown less with the advent of
prefabricated wooden materials
• Insects may be avoided by using wood
treatment that are environmentally friendly
• Is limited in use for building heights and spans
in relation to fire resistance with a three floor
• Wood
• Issues + Concerns + Positivities
• In the Philippines, RA 9514 limits its use in
many commercial buildings
• Is used as a finishing material in practically
every building type
• Concerns with Decay and Insects
• Wood components should be kept a minimum of 6
inches away from the edge of soil.
• Details that trap and hold moisture, such as
connections in exterior decks and railings, should be
avoided unless preservative treated wood or decay-
resistant species such as redwood, cedar, or cypress
are used.
• Wood
• Issues + Concerns + Positivities
• Concerns with Decay and Insects
• Insects may still destroy wood that has very low
moisture content
• Environments
• indoor environments (wood will last for a very
long time)
• outdoor environments (wood cannot be kept dry
or out of the proximity of moisture)
• Building code reaction
• use of preservative wood treatment or naturally
resistant wood species in building components
that come into contact with concrete, masonry, or
exposed soil. This requirement also covers floor
joists and crawl space support members within
12 to 18 in. of exposed soil.
• Wood
• Heavy Timber Construction
• consisting of exposed columns
• Girders
• beams and decking large enough to be slow to catch fire
and burnindoor environments (wood will last for a very
long time)
• is permitted for use in relatively large buildings across a
broad spectrum of uses
• Concern for Moisture
• Shrinkage
• Distortion
• Wood
• Treatment
• Wood may be destroyed by decay caused by fungi, by
insects such as carpenter ants and termites, and by
marine borers in saltwater exposures. Girders
• Four conditions must exist before many of these
organisms can destroy wood
• a free oxygen supply
• a moisture content in the wood above the fiber
saturation point (20 percent)
• a temperature n the range of 50 to 90 degrees F
• the presence of a food source, in this case, the wood
• Wood
• Treatment
• Fire Retardant Treatment
• Building Materials are generally tested for four criteria
for performance to fire
• Four conditions must exist before many of these
organisms can destroy wood
• fire resistance
• flame spread
• fuel contributed
• smoke developed
• Wood
• Decay Resistance
• When specifying a wood that will resist decay, the choice
is between natural decay-resistant wood and wood
treated with preservatives
• The first requires use of the heartwood of naturally decay-
resistant woods such as western red cedar, bald cypress,
redwood, and others that contain natural poisons called
extractives, which are not palatable to decay-causing
• The second option is the use non-pressure treatments,
such as spraying, dipping, and brushing, are commonly
used for the treatment of millwork components during
manufacture, field treatment of wood during construction,
or remedial treatment of existing wood that is already in
• Wood
• Grading
• Wood varies greatly in appearance and structuraI
• Grading is done through systems
• Structural strength and Stiffness
• On the basis of performance per unit weight, typical
construction lumber is at least as strong and stiff as
structural steel
• Because of its microstructure of longitudinal cells,
wood has different structural properties in its two
principal directions
• The strength of wood varies with the duration of the
• For short term loads, such as those from snow, wind,
and impact, allowable stress values are 15 to 100
percent higher than those allowed for normal term loads
• Under very long term loading, wood has a tendency to
creep, and reduced stress values must be used
• Wood
• Preservatives
• Oil-Borne Preservatives
• Creosote-treated wood is often used or industries such as
railroad cross ties, piling, utility poles, and timbers in
exterior applications
• Creosote has VOCs and must not be used in interior
• Water-Borne Preservatives
• are the most popular and commonly available types of
preservatives used for treating wood
• Preservatives are dissolved so after the wood is permitted
to dry, the surface readily accepts paints and stains
• water borne preservatives are recommended when
clean, odorless, able wood products are required.
• Wood
• Preservatives
• Precautions for Use and Handling
• Dispose of treated wood by ordinary trash collection
or burial
• Never burn treated wood in open fires or in stoves,
fireplaces, or residential boilers
• Avoid frequent inhalation of sawdust from treated
• Whenever possible, perform sawing and machining
of treated wood outdoors
• Avoid frequent or prolonged skin contact with penta-
or creosote-treated wood
• After handling treated wood products, wash skin
thoroughly before eating or drinking
• Wood
• Finishing
• Wood is used as a finishing material in buildings of every
• Even in the most fire resistant types of construction
limited quantities of wood finish may be used
• With proper protection from fire, water, and sunlight,
wood can serve as a durable exterior material for
cladding, trim, and even roofing
• For interior finishes, despite recent concerns regarding
the depletion of rare or old-growth species, woods of
many types remain commonly available in solid or veneer
forms and exhibit a variety of properties, including
hardness, grain, color, suitability for different finishes, and
• Wood
• Classification by Tree Type
• Hardwoods - 'deciduous' trees that have broad
leaves which are normally shed in the winter
• Softwood - 'conifers' trees that have needles
rather than leaves and that bear their seeds in

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