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1. India has a long tradition of tolerance for all kinds of beliefs, faiths, philosophies,
orientations and ways of living. Though India is a deeply religious country but at the same
time it is also a country which has accepted non- religious communities as well. In ancient
India there was a place for all kinds of diverse cultures, arts and literatures; the society was
very assimilative. However as a result of colonization , the Indian society became vulnerable
to Victorian beliefs. Indian Penal Code was framed by the British Colonial Rulers in the 19th
2. Justice Chandrachud in the case of Navtej Singh Johar and Others v Union of India (2018)
recognized “the right to love and to find a partner, to find fulfilment in a same-sex
relationship is essential to a society which believes in freedom under the constitutional order
based on rights”
3. The LGBTQIA community has been looked upon in the country merely because they do not
fit into gender roles of male or female. They are looked upon with condescending eyes in the
society. Apart from facing problems such as social exclusion, discrimination, they have
been deprived of their right to companionship and parenthood.
4. The Hon'ble Supreme Court, vide its order dated 15th April, 2014, passed in the case of
National Legal Services Authority Vs. Union of India, inter alia, directed the Central
Government and State Governments to take various steps for the welfare of transgender
community and to treat them as a third gender for the purpose of safeguarding their rights
under Part III of the Constitution and other laws made by Parliament and the State
5. The (name of the act) seeks to
 define the expressions lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and
 make provisions for matters relating to marriage, divorce adoption and guardianship
 make provisions facilitating assisted human reproduction techniques for LGBTQIA
 provide reliefs and punishment for contravention of provisions of the said legislation
6. The legislation seeks to achieve the abovementioned objectives.

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