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NPTEL course: Introduction to Wireless Communication 2020

Assignment 10 Solutions

1) In DS-SS with length of spreading sequence Q, which of the following is true regarding the
frequency response of the DS-SS pulse shaping signal?
a) Bandwidth gets scaled by Q
b) Magnitude gets scaled by 1/Q​2
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of the above
Answer: c)
In DS-SS, bandwidth gets scaled by Q and magnitude of the frequency response is scaled by
1/Q​2​. So both options a) and b) are correct

2) What is the bandwidth of a DS-SS system with a spreading factor Q = 16 and Symbol time T​s​ =
a) 2MHz
b) 3MHz
c) 4MHz
d) 5MHz
Answer: a)
Ts 8
Chip duration T c = Q = 16 μs = 0.5 μs
B andwidth = Tc = 2 M Hz

3) What is the symbol duration for a DS-SS system with a spreading factor Q = 16 and Chip
Duration (T​c​) = 32 µs?
a) 2 µs
b) 4 µs
c) 512 µs
d) 256 µs
Answer: c)
Symbol Duration = Q x T​c​ = 16 x 32 µs= 512 µs
4) Which of the following is an advantage of DS-SS?
a) It reduces the interference due to other users by using orthogonal codes.
b) It is less likely to be intercepted
c) It overcomes the effect of frequency selective fading
d) All the above are advantages of DS-SS system
Answer: (d)
Codes used in DS-SS are orthogonal(or pseudo orthogonal) and thus when a spread signal is
correlated with the spreading code at the receiver, signals spread with only one of the
spreading codes will have high value. All others being orthogonal, return very low values. Thus
interference is overcome.
Spread spectrum signals are less likely to be intercepted than other signals because the
amplitude of such signals are so low, that they are comparable to noise amplitudes. Hence,
most jammers or similar signal blocking devices cannot detect a signal from background noise.
RAKE receivers use diversity in time to reduce the effect of fading. This is possible because
there are multiple copies of the same signal that arrive at the receiver, spread out by the codes.

5) We are given a pulse g(t) = 1

T rect ( t−TT ) . The Fourier Transform of g(t) , i.e., G(f) is?
−jπf T
a) T sinc(f T )e
b) sinc(f T )e−jπf T
c) T sinc(f T )e−j2πf T
d) sinc(f T )e−j2πf T
Answer: d)

x(t − τ ) ⇔ X (f )e−j2πf τ
A rect( Tt ) ⇔ AT sinc(f T )
T heref ore Arect( t−τ
T ) ⇔ AT sinc(f T )e
−j2πf τ

Plugging in values for A and τ , we get:

1 −j2πf T
RHS = T T sinc(f T )e = sinc(f T )e−j2πf T

6) In the above question, the first zero crossing of |G(f)| i.e. the magnitude of G(f) occurs at?
a) 1/T
b) 2/T
c) 1/2T
d) 0
Answer: (a)
Zero crossings occur at integer arguments of sinc
Therefore, first zero crossing occurs at f T = 1 ⇒ f = 1/T

7) Assume 2 random sequences, X and Y, each of length Q. What would be the power of
interference between these sequences when there is no lag? (Hint: Refer to the lectures where
the random sequences and their properties were discussed)
a) 0
b) 1
c) Q1
d) Q
Answer: c)
Rxy [0] = Q ∑ x[l] . y [l]

From cross-relation property,

∑ x[l] . y [l] = 1, T heref ore
Q−1 Q−1
2 2
E[R xy [0]] = E[ ( Q1 ∑ x[l] . y[l]) ] = E [ ( Q1 ∑ x2 [l] . y 2 [l])] = 1
l=0 l=0

8) Consider m-sequences with m = 5. What will be the number of 0s and 1s respectively, in the
a) 15 and 16
b) 16 and 15
c) Cannot say. Entirely random
d) 16 1s and 15 0s, if sequence begins with 1. And 16 0s and 15 1s, if sequence begins
with 0.
Answer: (a)
Number of 1s in a m-sequence = 2​m-1​ = 2​5-1​ = 2​4​ = 16
Number of 0s in a m-sequence = 2​m-1​ - 1 = 2​5-1​ - 1 = 2​4​ - 1 = 16-1 = 15

9) What will be the result of autocorrelation (as defined in the lecture) of an m-sequence with itself
(I.e. with zero lag)?
a) -1
b) -0.25
c) 1
d) 0.25
Answer: c)
Rx [k] = Q ∑ x[l] . x* [l − k ]mod q

For zero lag, k=0

1 1
Rx [0] = Q ∑ x[l] . x* [l] = Q .Q =1

10) Consider m-sequences with m=4. Assume that all of the 15 different sequences are assigned
to 15 different users. What can be a potential problem in doing so in a multipath environment?
a) There would be no way of distinguishing between signals which are multipaths of the
same user from the signals of the other users
b) It is impossible to assign 15 sequences to 15 different users
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of the above
Answer: (a)
Say a sequence ‘k’ is assigned to user 1. In a multipath environment, when user 1 transmits, it
will have the sequence ‘k’ and all its circularly shifted versions. In the case where every single
sequence is allotted to a different user, the sequences that are shifted versions of ‘k’ are
allotted to different users. When they transmit, the receiver will fail to separate multipath from
multi-user transmissions.But there is nothing that stops us from allocating all the codes to
different users.

11) Which of the following statement(s) is correct about scrambling and encryption in the context of
a) Scrambling is the addition of a m-sequence with another m-sequence to produce
another m-sequence.
b) Reverse operation is easy for scrambling but hard for encryption.
c) Both a) and b)
d) Scrambling and Encryption are different names for the same process.

Answer: c)

Refer to lecture “Features of cdma 2000 and WCDMA” and its notes.(lecture 46)

Consider the following diagram in the context of cdma 2000.
Given R1 = 9.6.Kbps, find out R2 and Spreading factor Q = R3/R2

a) R2=19.2Kbps, Q=32
b) R2=19.2Kbps, Q=64
c) R2=12.2Kbps, Q=64
d) R2=12.2Kbps, Q=32

Answer: b)

According to lecture, R2 = 19.2 Kbps
R3 = 1.2288 Mcps
Q = 1.2288x10​3​/19.2 = 64

13) Which of the following equations denote mutual orthogonality principle in DS-SS?

a) ∫ g j (t)g * k (t − τ ) dt = 0 f or all values of τ

b) ∫ g j (t)g * k (t − τ ) dt > 0 f or all positive values of τ

c) ∫ g j (t)g * k (t − τ ) dt < 0 f or all negative values of τ
d) None of the above

Answer: a)
Refer Lecture notes 43-44

14) Which of the four logical channels is used for channel estimation in cdma2000?
a) Pilot Channel
b) Sync channel
c) Paging channel
d) Traffic channel

Answer : a)
Refer notes for lecture 45

15) Which of the following carries system information and information regarding PN sequences in
a) Pilot channel
b) Sync channel
c) Paging channel
d) Traffic channel

Answer: b)
Refer notes for lecture 45

16) Which of the following is a key difference between WCDMA and cdma 2000?
a) WCDMA can support spreading sequences of variable lengths but cdma 2000 cannot.
b) WCDMA can support multiple chip rates but cdma 2000 supports only one chip rate.
c) Both a) and b)
d) Neither a) or b)

Answer: c)

Refer lecture “Introduction to CDMA”

17) For cdma 2000, Base station codes are separated by 64n codes where n=1,2,3… Short codes
of length 15 are used for BS identification. How many base stations can be supported at the
a) 512
b) 1024
c) 2048
d) 2​15

Answer: a)
Base station codes are separated by 64n codes where n=1,2,3…
Therefore, maximum base stations can be accommodated if n=1
Number of BSs = 2​15​/64 = 512

18) Consider the following statements for an Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor code.
Statement 1: If a code is assigned, its successor cannot be assigned
Statement 2: If a code is assigned, its predecessor can be assigned
a) Statement 1 and 2 are both true.
b) Statement 2 is true but Statement 1 is false.
c) Statement 1 is true but Statement 2 is false.
d) Statement 1 and 2 are both false.

Answer: c)
Refer lecture “Introduction to CDMA”

19) Consider the following statements for an Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor code.
Statement 1: OVSF(L, 2i) = [OVSF(L/2, i) OVSF(L/2, i)]
Statement 2: OVSF(L, 2i+1) = [OVSF(L/2, i) -OVSF(L/2, i)]
a) Statement 1 and 2 are both true.
b) Statement 2 is true but Statement 1 is false.
c) Statement 1 is true but Statement 2 is false.
d) Statement 1 and 2 are both false.

Answer: a)
Refer lecture “Introduction to CDMA”

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