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Thank for regard!

Thank my parents for giving birth to me so that I can live the experience
in this life. Thank you friends, friends who have helped me during the
past time.

Thank you to the experts that I have met in this life, who are the people
who help me get here. They are the people of great importance and
influence on my business, my health, and my relationships. Thank you
for your enthusiastic sharing.

Thank you to everyone who helped me to perfect this Ebook.

Thank you readers, over the past time, you have trusted and loved
Dong. That is the motivation for me to share with you.

Thank you!

Tran Quang Dong - From


I know that you are learning about Affiliate Marketing and want to
generate income from it. This ebook was born to carry out that mission.
The mission helps you generate your first $ 10,000 income and more.

But all the secrets in this Ebook are not just to learn, to read. What a
waste ... What I want from you: ACTION. ACTION the secrets that this
Ebook has decoded. It will guide you to make your first money and a lot
of money from Affiliate Marketing.

I went through a tough, challenging time that seemed to give up when

approaching affiliate marketing. But NO, I always work hard to learn, so
now I have great results from the internet. Turning my head, I
summarized what I had to summarize it all in this valuable Ebook. From
newbie path to become HERO. So I'm sure YOU CAN DO it!

"Since I can do it, you can also do it!"

I used to intend to sell this Ebook for $ 199. But I leave that aside,
because I know that this amount can be large for many people - who
have aspirations to start an online business. And I want to share the
knowledge that I have with you - my associates! Please try not to
disappoint me.

Are you reading this by me? Right?

Then mark this event, this opportunity now, anywhere. Especially on

social networks. Letting you reassure that: "you're serious about affiliate
marketing". You can make facebook friends with me and tag me so that
we can make friends and share this joy.

Tran Quang Dong From


Don't forget to join the Group "SAM - Secret Affiliate Marketing Global"
to connect with people And please share the knowledge you learned
from this ebook or share this ebook widely with many people.

A classic question that has been asked by a lot of friends every day for
the past 2 years. Don't worry, we will solve all your queries in every
page, page by page of this eBook!

You are wondering, "How do I get started?"

A question that makes 95% of affiliate marketing people hesitant to give

up before starting. All you need is in every page, page by page of this

I'll hear you say "OAAA, I've made money from affiliate marketing." And
by the end of this book page, you will affirm that affiliate marketing is
not only making money, it will create a PASSIVE income stream for you.
Even when you are sleeping, while traveling, while playing with your
children or chatting with friends. It is not like the other types of money
making "STOP DO STOP EAT".

The Laptop LifeStyle!

Let's start!

Tran Quang Dong - From


All content in this Ebook was compiled by Tran Quang Dong
from Dong has drawn up his
experience and consulted the drafted information on the
internet, especially from the Ebook from

The knowledge I have learned and accumulated here and

spent a lot of time writing it for you. I believe you will respect

This ebook is free for everyone. If you find out who is using
it for illicit profits, let me know.

Tran Quang Dong From


About Author
Hello friends!

My name is Tran Quang Dong, born in 1996. Currently living and

working in Nghe An. I focus on doing affiliate marketing for digital
products and entering the Crypto market. There are also many things
you want to share about yourself, you can follow East here to
understand the East better!


Tran Quang Dong - From


Who is this eBook for?

This Ebook "The Secret of Affiliate Marketing" I put a lot of effort and
intelligence to write down for people who really want to make money
from affiliate marketing.

It contains secrets, recipes that help you make money effectively,

sustainably from affiliate marketing.

It's for people who haven't made any or very little from affiliate
marketing. Even those who have results but want to multi-source
passive income, multiply your income by double, 5 or even dozens of

Come on ... Let's get started.

Tran Quang Dong From


Table of contents

Thank for regard! ............................................................................................................. 2

Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 3
About Author .................................................................................................................... 6
Who is this eBook for? ..................................................................................................... 7
Table of contents ............................................................................................................. 8
Affiliate marketing .......................................................................................................... 10
What is Affiliate Marketing?................................................................................................... 10
Do You need an affiliate link? ................................................................................................ 11
Affiliate network and affiliate marketing program ................................................................ 12
How many product types are there in affiliate marketing? .................................................. 14
How many types of affiliate marketing? ............................................................................... 15
Some other terms in affiliate marketing................................................................................ 17
7 Mistakes of Newcomers Making Money With Affiliate Marketing..................................... 22
................................................................................................................................................. 22
Mistake No.1: Choosing the wrong model .................................................................. 22
Mistake No.2: Don't take affiliate marketing seriously and see affiliate marketing as a
profession .................................................................................................................. 23
Mistake No. 3: Not persistent with what you are doing ....................................................... 23
Mistake No. 4: Not realistic ........................................................................................ 24
Mistake No. 5: "Weigh the world alone" ..................................................................... 24
Mistake No. 6: "I KNOW IT" ....................................................................................... 25
Mistake 7: No ACTION............................................................................................... 25
How to find an affiliate marketing program .......................................................................... 25
The secret to finding any affiliate marketing program ......................................................... 27
1. Use oDigger ........................................................................................................... 27
2. Use OfferVault........................................................................................................ 28
In Country or foreign? .................................................................................................... 30
The best marketing network for newbies ....................................................................... 30
Vietnamese market ................................................................................................................. 31
Foreign markets ..................................................................................................................... 33
Effective affiliate marketing methods ............................................................................. 36
Blog / website ......................................................................................................................... 36
Youtube Channel .................................................................................................................... 37
Facebook – Effective solution ............................................................................................... 37
Email marketing - method cannot be ignored ...................................................................... 37
Run google ads, facebook ads, bingads .............................................................................. 37
Secrets Affiliate Marketing ............................................................................................. 38
Website / blog: You need to build a house on your land ..................................................... 38
6 Type of website / blog make money with affiliate marketing ....................................... 39
1. Coupon site......................................................................................................................... 39
2. REVIEW WEBSITE .............................................................................................................. 41
3. Comparision site ................................................................................................................ 42
4. WEBSITE NEWS, ORDER BANNER ADVERTISING ......................................................... 43
5. WEBSITE GUIDE, SHARE TIPS.......................................................................................... 43
6. WEBSITE CASHBACK ........................................................................................................ 44
ATTENTION ON AFFILIATE MARKETING LINKS ........................................................ 49
TRAFFIC SECRET ........................................................................................................ 50
SECRETS FUNNEL ................................................................................................................. 53
What is funnel?....................................................................................................................... 53
1. Decoy: .................................................................................................................... 54
2. "Fishing rod" ........................................................................................................... 55
3. Email marketing ..................................................................................................... 56
HOW I EARNED 25.759 FIRST DOLLAR?? ................................................................. 56
Let's start making money with hosting promotion .......................................................... 57
Affiliate marketing hosting programs ............................................................................. 60
WHAT'S BEST HOSTING CAMPAIGN NOW ................................................................ 63
What to prepare to join: ......................................................................................................... 65
Affiliate Marketing Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................ 68
Is affiliate marketing a multi-level marketing business? ............................................. 68
Why is affiliate marketing the most engaged method of making money? ................... 68
Can I combine both affiliate marketing and Adsense on the same website / blog? .... 69
Do I need to have a blog to get started in affiliate marketing? ................................... 69
Is owning a blog an advantage when it comes to making money with affiliate
marketing? ................................................................................................................. 69
What is the most important skill to be successful with affiliate marketing?................. 69

Tran Quang Dong From


Affiliate marketing

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a form of promoting a Supplier's products or

services to the end users. When a customer clicks on the marketing link
and takes the actions that the supplier wants from the end user: Buying,
registering for service, filling in information, ..., he / she will receive a
commission. .

It is as simple as that. Many people only know that affiliate marketing

is BUY through affiliate marketing and get paid 1 commission. But no,
there are many other requirements of the supplier that we still get
commissions, even just click on the link or fill out the information form

Affiliate marketing is like you are doing affiliate marketing. But it's
different in that the affiliate marketing environment is on the internet,
no need to embrace. You just need a laptop, even just one phone with
internet connection, to make money.

This is a WIN-WIN-WIN mechanism that almost all online businesses

use to grow their revenue.

WIN1: For providers, they will save on advertising costs when

implementing affiliate marketing programs that increase revenue many
times more. Imagine how many times a hundred, one thousand or even
hundreds of millions of people are promoting your product, how many
times will the revenue be. They only need to pay a commission for you
to do this

WIN2: Affiliate marketing is an opportunity, an online job for anyone

looking to generate income. Because of affiliate marketing, you just read
this Ebook of mine. Once you've worked hard to create a channel or
valuable content, you put an affiliate link in it, it will remain there forever
on the internet and you can make money even if you are sleeping,

WIN3: Customers - users get better, cheaper and faster products.

Sometimes they save a lot of money by receiving coupons and

This is what affiliate marketing does.

Do You need an affiliate link?

In order for you to get commissions from product suppliers you need to

Tran Quang Dong From


have the affiliate link (tracking link or tracking link) that they give you.

The affiliate link looks like this:

or lengthy like this:

Could be as beautiful as this:

The tracking link is basically the same as any other link (URL), but it is
appended with strings, codes, etc. to indicate that the link is unique to
you. These links have the function of tracking how many clicks and how
many products have been sold. The way it works is based on the user's
cookies and IP addresses.

The question that I always get is: “Is product supplier ever fraudulent?
They will not count my sales, or they do not statistics correctly, I will
not receive a commission?

In fact, I will guide you through the next sections so as not to get
scammed when participating in affiliate marketing.

So, where join and get affiliate link marketing?

Affiliate network and affiliate marketing program

• The Affiliate Network (also known as the Affiliate Network or the Affiliate
Marketplace) is an intermediary partner that connects a product supplier
with the affiliate marketers (me and you).

They are responsible for statistics, managing all the clicks, conversion
rates, ... commissions. And they are responsible for paying your

When you join an affiliate marketing network you can search, select and
promote thousands of different products in many different fields. These
are called campaigns

Because of that diversity, many publishers (me and you) often participate
in Affiliate Networks. Furthermore, when you join a marketing network,
you can easily manage the parameters and commissions and have more
peace of mind in the guarantee policy and easily achieve the minimum
profit for withdrawal to your wallet.

However, DIRECT affiliate marketing programs cannot be ignored. That

means you work directly with product suppliers without going through
an affiliate marketing network

• Affiliate marketing program (also known as Affiliate Program) is the

system offered by the product supplier itself. They can manage
themselves or hire a partner who specializes in providing management
affiliate marketing software.

Tran Quang Dong From


Most distributors have direct affiliate marketing programs and also work
with other affiliate network operators. In the growing internet world,
win-win cooperation is always important.

How many product types are there in affiliate


When participating in affiliate marketing you will promote 2 types of


• Digital Products (Digital Products): These are products that are only
used on computers, such as ebooks, online courses, software, hosting,
website themes ... This type of product just needs to be created. out
once and sold in huge quantities and maybe forever. The commission
rate for digital products is usually very high from 30% to 100%, some
products can be up to 150%, even up to 600%. (This is also a secret
that on the last pages you read)

Digital products will have 2 types of products that are paid with one-
time commissions and digital products with recurring Commissions. For
products that pay commissions periodically, you will receive a%
commission when customers conduct product use renewal. Because
there are products that use recurring use but only receive a one-time
commission, there are products up to 400% commission as I mentioned

For example, email marketing softwares, monthly or annual fee courses

... At the end of the ebook I will provide you with the best recurring
commission payment service.

Since the digital product policy is very good and high, I really like
marketing these products. Especially digital marketing products. But
cannot ignore the PHYSICAL product. Because this is a product that
human needs need great

• Physical products (Physical Product): These are products that can be

grasped and used in everyday life such as television, knives, scissors,
kitchen tools, clothes ... Commission level for the type of product. The
material is often lower than the digital product due to the high costs of
production, packaging, warranty, transportation ..., ranging from 3% to
10% of the value of the product. . But because they are products used
regularly in life, the purchasing power is quite large and most of them
will be sold all year round.

How many types of affiliate marketing?

For each product or service, each distributor has its own requirements
on customer behavior through your marketing link to approve
commissions for you. In order to understand the requirements of each
distributor, you should thoroughly study their marketing program.

Many of you who make money with affiliate marketing only know that
"only when a customer buys goods, they will receive a commission".
However, there are many other forms of affiliate marketing.

• CPA: Short for Cost Per Action, meaning cost is calculated based on

Tran Quang Dong From


one action taken. This is the most common phrase in affiliate marketing.
Commissions are paid when a customer clicks on your affiliate link and
takes a specific action that the distributor takes. In the CPA, there are
3 more small terms:

• CPS: Short for Cost per Sale, you will receive a commission once a
user makes a purchase through your affiliate link. This is the most
common form of affiliate marketing.

• CPL: Short for Cost per Lead, commission will be charged when
customers fill out personal information or try products through your
affiliate link. The information customers enter is usually email, name,
address, phone number, ..

• Cost Per Qualified Lead (CPQL): Publisher receive a commission when

a customer completes a registration form. Advertiser accepts to pay for
receiving information from customers with the right criteria to meet
their own requirements depending on the campaign.

For example: Avay accepts customers to enter correct information and

get loan confirmation from banks / financial institutions affiliated with

• CPI: Short for Cost per Install, you get a commission when a customer
installs an advertiser app through your affiliate link. The most popular
today is Make Money with Brave

• CPO: Cost per offer - CPO is a form of affiliate marketing in which a

commission is charged per customer order. That is, when the customer
clicks on your distribution link and places an order on the Landing Page,
then calls the call center, the customer confirms that the order was
placed (Successfully converted), that you will be charged a commission
for the order. that row. This method is also gaining popularity, because
of its high commission rate and commission policy. One such affiliate
network is Adflex

• CPC: Cost per click: CPC here has 2 meanings, one is to charge for
advertising. The rest means that you will be paid a commission per
customer click. This is a form of shortening the link. is
available in Vietnam

Some other terms in affiliate marketing

Now let's take a look at some of the commonly used terms in affiliate

• Affiliaters: Also known as publishers (me and you) who are involved
in affiliate marketing.

• Advertisers: Sometimes called vendors or merchants, who own

products / services. They want to promote their products / services in
the form of affiliate marketing to increase sales

• Affiliate Network: Also known as the affiliate marketplace, these are

the companies that act as an intermediary to connect publishers and
advertisers. When joining an affiliate network you will find many vendors
and their products. There are many affiliate networks (like ClickBank,, ShareAsale or AccessTrade and MasOffer in Vietnam ...)

• Private Affiliate Program: This is an affiliate marketing program run by

companies themselves, they have a separate department that works
with Publishers. Private Affiliate Programs often use their own statistical
software, but to be transparent many companies use 3rd party affiliate

Tran Quang Dong From


marketing management software.

• Affiliate Software: Software used to manage affiliate marketing

programs. For example, Lazada uses HasOffer system or A Small Orange
uses the software system of Impact Radius ...

• Affiliate link: A unique affiliate link for each publisher, to track the
number of clicks on the affiliate link & statistics on the number of orders
sold. (I have explained very clearly about Affiliate Link above)

• Affiliate ID: Similar to affiliate link, but the difference is that you will
have a separate ID (usually a sequence of numbers or characters). With
this ID you can create any affiliate link just by attaching this ID code to
the end of the product link

• Payment Mode: Payment method and mode, each affiliate marketing

program will have different methods and policies to pay commissions
such as check (check), PayPal, Payoneer, Wire transfer, ...

• PayPal: This is the most popular tool to receive commissions when

participating in affiliate marketing with foreign companies. Companies
will transfer the commission for you to your PayPal account, then you
can withdraw money from PayPal to your Vietnam bank account.

(To create a free PayPal account follow this guide:

• Payoneer: A solution is also very popular today, when you sign up for
a Payoneer account you will be provided with a MasterCard card. When
companies transfer money to your Payoneer account you can withdraw
money to your Vietnamese bank account or use your MasterCard to
withdraw money at ATMs.
(To sign up for a free Payoneer card account and get $ 25 for free, follow
this guide:
payoneer or click https: //

• Wire transfer: Some companies (especially in Vietnam) often use the

method of transferring money directly to the account. With this method
there will be no additional costs. (PayPal or Payoneer will cost you a fee
each time you transfer money or an annual fee)

• Check (check): Some affiliate marketing networks such as,

Amazon or ClickBank ... still apply the method of money transfer by
check together with the methods above. However, it will be very slow
to receive the check through the check, because you need to wait for
the check to be sent home and then bring it to the bank for money. (The
time to receive checks from abroad to Vietnam is about 1 month)

• Affiliate Manager: This is the manager of the affiliate marketing

program of a company or group of products. They are the ones
responsible for providing product information, answering answers,
making payments, and sometimes they are the ones who give you a
special coupon or a higher commission.

• Commission / Amount: Commissions / Amount, when participating in

affiliate marketing, commissions are usually paid a percentage or
specific amount on an order you successfully refer through an affiliate
link. your. For example, the affiliate marketing program of the email
marketing service GetResponse will pay you 33% of the amount paid by
the customer. Or StableHost will pay you $ 25 on a successful order.

• Coupon: This is a discount code, many affiliate marketing programs

often offer discount codes for a certain period of time in order to increase

Tran Quang Dong From



• Custom coupon: This is an exclusive coupon or special discount code.

Some affiliate programs allow you to generate these discount codes
yourself. Or you can contact the Affiliate Manager to have them issue
you a Custom coupon (for example, the code NGOCDENROI in
StableHost's affiliate marketing program or A Small Orange), this is how
you can build your own brand.

• Landing page: Called the landing page, sometimes also called a sale
page or money page. Here is a product introduction page, on a website
/ blog there are usually from one to several such pages. Any traffic is
often directed to the landing page in order to increase sales.

Link Cloaking: Affiliate links look very ugly and unfriendly. Therefore,
link cloaking is a form of shortening, beautifying the link so that users
feel confident, friendlier, and increases the clickthrough rate. In the next
part, I will guide you on how to use a tool to create cloaking links.

• Cookie: A file automatically generated to store browsing information

every time a customer clicks and an affiliate link. How long cookies are
saved will depend on the policy of each affiliate marketing program. For
example, if the cookie saving policy is 60 days, customers click on the
affiliate link today but they don't buy immediately. However, during the
next 60 days if they use the same computer and browser to make
purchases, the commission will still be charged to you.

• Last click: The form of order recognition belongs to the last click
source. That means both you and I are involved in marketing for a
product A. Today, customers click on my affiliate link but they haven't
made a purchase, the next day they click on your affiliate link and they
make a purchase. row. Commission will be charged to you, this is the
cookie overwrite mechanism. Currently, almost all affiliate marketing
programs apply a last click mechanism to ensure fairness for publishers.

• EPC: Short for Earning per Click, EPC is calculated as the number of
Commission (commission) divided by the number of clicks on the
affiliate link.

The EPC index shows you how well the item is sold. If the EPC is high,
the Commission is high because the advertiser has a good, quality
product. If that advertiser has a product that is not popular with
customers, even if there are thousands of clicks on the affiliate link and
there is no successful sale, the EPC index is now 0.

Conversion: Activity occurs when a customer visits via an affiliate link

and makes a purchase. Publisher earns commissions when this
conversion occurs.

CVR - Conversion Rate: Conversion Rate = Conversion / Click

Approval Rate: Approval rate. Metrics are very important for MMOs and
Affiliate Marketing.

AOV - Average Order Values: Average shopping cart

Commission rate: Percentage of commissions

EPC - Earning Per Click: Earnings per click

For example, if you get a commission of $ 250 by generating 100 clicks

to your sales page, your EPC will be $ 2.50.

Tran Quang Dong From


CPC - Cost Per Click: Cost per click.

Return On Investment (ROI) means the rate of return on the amount

spent to invest.

7 Mistakes of Newcomers Making Money With

Affiliate Marketing

Maybe you're making money with affiliate marketing, or are making

money with it, or even just learning. I want to reveal to you the mistakes
of those who went before. For you to avoid ... And more ... I want you
to get good and right results with affiliate marketing.

The first mistake I want to tell you about is:

Mistake No.1: Choosing the wrong model

This is the first thing a lot of you are getting when you're just getting
started. Part of you have no experience in choosing the model, partly
due to the greed of the numbers given by others.

Currently, there are many models in the form of affiliate marketing that
hide the ball, and there are models that go against ethics and fraud. So
you need to consider before joining. Of course in this Ebook I will present
you with some perfect markets.

I have an article about "5 criteria for choosing an affiliate marketing

platform to make money" that you can refer to here.

Besides this reason, the main reason that I remind you is whether this
channel is right for you, is it right for you, your passion or not.
Use your strengths to develop it. You love to travel, and like to travel,
this is also a niche market you choose. Or do you like to cook. A cooking
theme is also great. Or are you a girl, a boy who loves the gym, loves
bodybuilding, and physique. Too great to deploy.

Mistake No.2: Don't take affiliate marketing seriously and

see affiliate marketing as a profession

I just want to advise you: take it seriously. When you are serious, you
will feel precious about the time you spend. When you are serious, you
will definitely focus and produce better results.

And see affiliate marketing as a profession. A genuine job generates

huge income. You value it, it will treasure you.

Mistake No. 3: Not persistent with what you are


A saying that we brothers often say to each other is "To make money
overnight, you need to work for months, even years in the dark".

That is what affiliate marketing is all about. And the moment you have
money from affiliate marketing, money is coming into your wallet
continuously and continuously.

Tran Quang Dong From


Above is a traffic chart of 1 website. Be persistent in building a website

for a while before it starts to explode traffic (traffic) to the website.

So always be patient. When you want to give up, think again why you

"To be successful, you have to go through many trials and failures many

Mistake No. 4: Not realistic

A very serious mistake by many of you. That is called "Illusion" disease.

Not investing in knowledge, not investing money, tools and time, but
wanting a thousand dollars a month.

See where you are, to set appropriate goals and gradually improve your

Mistake No. 5: "Weigh the world alone"

It is obvious!
You cannot go alone without anything in hand. As a newbie, find a team,
one who can guide you through learning and battle.

A team team will help you puzzle the puzzle you still lack to complete.
That will help you achieve the results you set out easily.

Join the group: SAM - Secret Affiliate Marketing for us to make money
together with affiliate marketing.

And follow East's Social channels at:

Mistake No. 6: "I KNOW IT"

Many of you are researching "deep" and encountering any knowledge

seems to know it. But they lacked one later: "I know, but I don't have
any results"

That's it. Avoid this mistake, then you can develop. Open your heart and
approach knowledge, then filter knowledge that is appropriate for you.

And the most serious mistake ...

Mistake 7: No ACTION

You cannot win a 42km maraton if you do not take part in it. Your thing
now is to learn how far and practice to get there.

And we begin ...

How to find an affiliate marketing program

In addition to joining an affiliate marketing network and searching for

products within this product marketing network, you can easily find the
marketing platform you want purposefully.

The simplest way is to go to their website and navigate to the Affiliate

Tran Quang Dong From


section (usually located in the footer area menu)

Or you can search on Google under the following structure:

"Site: affiliate" or "(product name) + affiliate program +


For example:

WordPress (Product name) + Affiliate Program Fashion (Niche) +

Affiliate Program

Fashion (Niche) + Affiliate Program + National Site:

( + Affiliate

An example of a structured search for the health sector in the US is


The secret to finding any affiliate marketing


Below I will give you 2 addresses that no one has ever revealed. With
these 2 search engines you can quickly find all suitable products and
affiliate marketing networks worldwide.

1. Use oDigger

You want a product for affiliate marketing, Simply go to oDigge

( then type in the keywords you want and hit enter.

Tran Quang Dong From


Less than 3 seconds, the result will show you all the plugins you need
including the commission split rate? It is currently "listed" at ClickBank
or Jvzoo ... The rest is to choose the product you want and join the
respective marketing network to get the affiliate link to promote.

2. Use OfferVault

Likewise, this is the tool to help you search for more categories.

For example, you are looking for the best tourism products and
marketing programs?

Please immediately access OfferVault (,

type in the keyword "Travel"

press emter. The rest is only options!


When deciding to participate in an affiliate program you need to pay

attention to the following factors:

• Payment methods

• Minimum payment

• Commission statistics tools and software

• Banner and link creation tools

• Update email newsletter ...

The secret: Marketing for famous brands will be an advantage to help

you succeed and earn more commissions! Don't limit yourself to any
specific affiliate marketing program or network, join as many places as
possible to increase sales.

Tran Quang Dong From


In Country or foreign?
Here I want to analyze for you 2 aspects:

One, choose the background of Vietnam or Foreign

The second is to promote products in Vietnamese or foreign markets.

All answers are 2. /

As for the first aspect. Don't be limited by any network or affiliate

marketing program. The variety of products will help you easily earn
income. Furthermore, the 2 markets will complement each other what
is missing. So or subscribe to all the networks, products that MATCH the
industry or topic you participate in.

For foreign platforms, commissions are usually very high, but in

contrast, products in Vietnam are easy to use because of the language

As for the second aspect. To promote overseas, it is necessary to have

a large English capital, of course promoting in the Vietnamese market
is easier than you choose. However, at a certain point, you should
promote both markets to increase your income.

We continue to find out which marketing networks are popular and

suitable for beginners.

The best marketing network for

Once you understand what affiliate marketing is, the benefits of joining
an affiliate network are. Now is the time to know the most popular and
prestigious networks in Vietnam and abroad.

These are randomly arranged networks, but all are networks that are
participating by me as well as many publishers because it simply meets
the factors that I mentioned above.

Vietnamese market

1. AccessTrade

This is the affiliate marketing platform of Interspace Co., Ltd. (Japan)

that has developed and operated since 2001. Entered Vietnam market
in early 2015.

AccessTrade is an affiliate marketing platform, built and developed

based on the CPA (Cost Per Action) advertising fee model. AccessTrade
acts as an intermediary platform, connecting product providers
(advertising needs) and partners (bloggers, webmasters owning blogs /
websites ...)

As an intermediary platform, when joining AccessTrade you can promote

many products and services of the providers participating in
AccessTrade in the e-commerce field such as Tiki, Lazada, Adayroi ... in
the field of tourism, education. education, health ...

• Register AT here:

2. Adflex

AdFlex CPO is an affiliate marketing network in the form of CPO (Cost

per Order) that has been present in Vietnam for a long time, but I

Tran Quang Dong From


think it is very good and brings a stable income if you invest in the
right direction.

AdFlex products are concentrated in areas such as health products,

beauty care, functional foods, ... These are all well-selling products
due to high market demand.

Adflex is mainly in the form of CPO. CPO is affiliate marketing in which

commission is charged on each customer order. That is, when the
customer clicks on your distribution link and places an order on the
Landing Page, then calls the call center, the customer confirms that
the order was placed (Successfully converted), that you will be
charged a commission for the order. that row. This form compared to
CPS (Cost per Sales - e-Commerce products) is much simpler. Just
need the customer to confirm the order when the call center calls and
the commission belongs to you.

In addition, a huge plus point for this form of making money in AdFlex,
which is an extremely high commission, can be up to 400,000 VND for
a successful conversion, while the average is 200-300.000 VND.

Register for Adflex CPO here:

3. MasOffer

 MasOffer recently emerged as a pure Vietnamese marketing

platform by many

 appreciate the functions and operating methods of operation ...

 MasOffer was born and belonged to Eway with the goal of
"Promoting Vietnam's e-commerce". Works like AccessTrade, as an
intermediary platform connecting product suppliers with affiliate

 By joining MasOffer you can also promote products and services of

all partners participating in the MasOffer system. For example Tiki,
Adayroi, Kyna ... or even Lazada.

 If you already have an adflex account, you don't need to sign up

for an additional masoffer account, but use adflex to log in.

 Register for MasOffer here:

Foreign markets

1. Commission Junction (

CJ is one of the oldest and most popular affiliate marketing networks

out there. You will find hundreds of thousands of products divided
into many different categories to start promoting and making

I joined CJ from the very first days when I "entered" the affiliate
marketing field and earned over $ 10,000.

If you join CJ you can find GoDaddy's domain name and hosting
products (you won't be able to look anywhere else because GoDaddy
only offers affiliate marketing through CJ), NameCheap,, BlueHost , HosGator… to start promoting if you have
a Vietnamese blog about IT, website design….

Tran Quang Dong From



2. ClickBank

ClickBank has long been a "gold mine" for all interested in affiliate
marketing. Here have created a lot of Dollar millionaires, you can find a
lot of digital products to promote and earn commissions up to 70 or
100% depending on the product.

It is very interesting that Clickbank is open to all of us, registration is

extremely quick and easy. Upon successful registration we - each
Affiliater will have its own ID and affiliate links for each product. The
revenue tracking, commission amount received is always updated in real

After registering to ClickBank you will be given a User (username - my

example is tuhocaffiliate)

When searching for suitable products, then your job is to get the
"hoplink" (another form of affiliate link) of that product to start

A product hoplink on ClickBank looks like this:

To track orders coming from your link for that product, simply use
the structure below:
For example I will create a hoplink like this:

Sign up for ClickBank here:

3. JVZoo

This is an affiliate marketing network that specializes in digital products.


Many people join to make money in the form of Product Launch, ie:

You promote upcoming or upcoming products, product creators

desperately need others to promote their products to increase sales,
gather more customers. Product Launch are products that will launch
strongly in a short time, then depending on Vendor (the product's
creator) will decide whether to continue selling or stop, if selling further,
the price will surely be more expensive than launch launch

Because of its short-term and fast nature, making money with Product
Launch is often unsustainable. After the end of the product launch, you
have to find and build a channel to promote other products.

Registration for Jvzoo is also very simple and does not require a website
/ blog!

Sign up for Jvzoo here:

4. Amazon Associates

Tran Quang Dong From


Amazon's Affiliate Marketing Program has been around since 1996 and
it is also a place that gives millions of people the opportunity to make
money with affiliate marketing.

Participating in Amazon's marketing program is also completely free and

the opportunity to increase income is extremely potential, but the level
of competition and difficulty is also very high. To be successful with
Amazon requires a lot of skills such as building a niche site (website
focusing on a niche), SEO skills, writing content in English ...

Register for Amazon Associates:


And by the end of this article, I will give you some niches that are suitable
for you that you can easily generate income with.

And now

Let's see what methods of affiliate marketing can be successful

Effective affiliate marketing methods

Now together we will begin to enter a more interesting part. In this
section we will have to be very focused if we want to earn our first coins
and the goal is to become a master of affiliate marketing in the future.

I've seen a lot of people fail very quickly with affiliate marketing just
because they can't find one that works for them.

Blog / website

This is for sure you must have. And why are we going to the next part.
Of course to develop a blog / website you need to maintain 3.6 months
or even a few years. But this is the most sustainable method and will
generate great passive income in the future.

Youtube Channel

Youtube is a perfect choice for you to make money with affiliate

marketing. A number of loyal customers follow 1 youtube channel daily.
Your thing is to choose a niche, a topic to start making videos with.

Facebook – Effective solution

With a huge number of users in Vietnam as well as around the world,

Facebook is a channel you cannot ignore. You can use your personal
facebook, create a group and fanpage and start building your image on
this. Thereby marketing related products.

Email marketing - method cannot be ignored

Most businesses or publishers use email marketing. This will help you
save on marketing costs and effectively. In addition, this is the
remarketing method, which means you can sell a lot of products to 1

Run google ads, facebook ads, bingads ...

This is the paid-to-buy marketing method of impressions on the page a

customer is searching for. Because of the payment, you need a good
amount of knowledge to avoid risk. For newbies, I recommend that k
use this method. But take advantage of FREE TRAFFIC above

There are also many other methods. But I recommend using these
methods first. Because it's simple, effective.

Tran Quang Dong From


Secrets Affiliate Marketing

These are the secrets of the real East for you. Actually what is said in
this Ebook, you are also hard to access it on the internet. So what you
read on the previous pages is also considered confidential.

Website / blog: You need to build a house on your


There are many channels and methods for you to build your business
on here. Be it social networks facebook, youtube, instagram, zalo, email
or running ads can all be risky. For one day maybe one day, for some
reason you cannot continue your online business. But for a website /
blog, I believe it will last forever while the internet is still around. So
your land, your home will not be affected much by external influences.

With a blog / website, your marketing link is forever on the internet,

from which you will create a sustainable passive income source.

Website / blog is a docking station that helps you retain customers for
longer and sell more sugar. With the other methods, your customers
will come buy once and leave immediately and may not come back. But
with 1 website / blog is different.

The cost to build a website / blog is quite cheap, only about 500k-2
million VND, you have a complete website and start with an online
startup. This is why you should start with a website / blog.

So for all my experience, I strongly recommend that you have a blog /

website if you want to make money with the most sustainable affiliate
marketing. This is also the smartest and cheapest investment method
compared to other forms.
Currently, a novice can use the following service at an affordable price.
Later when you gain experience and income you can change hosting to
another to increase the quality of your website / blog

Currently according to the survey, for newbies you should experience

and use the website, then upgrade the website to be better and more
stable. To create a website, you only need 1 drinking session, 1 cup of
coffee or a cup of milk tea per month can be used.

SAM community - Secret Affiliate Marketing we currently use

Hostarmada's service for only $ 18 / year. Very cheap, right

6 Type of website / blog make money

with affiliate marketing

Here are 6 most popular types of website that many people choose to
build when making money Affiliate Marketing that you can refer to.

1. Coupon site

The Affiliate Marketing model with the coupon, voucher and deal sharing
website is a form that many Publisher are applying and bringing in quite
good revenue. The e-commerce market in Vietnam flourished with a

Tran Quang Dong From


series of giants such as Lazada, Tiki, Adayroi, Sendo, Shopee….

Consumers form a habit of hunting discount codes, discount vouchers
before buying any item. You can walk around Google 1 time with
searches like: "Lazada discount code" "Tiki discount code" Return of
thousands of websites, right?

With the development of discount code website, your job every day is
to update promotional news, discount offers, discount codes, vouchers,
hot deals ... then insert affiliate links and post them on your website.

When a customer visits your website and clicks on the affiliate link to
get the coupon and buy the item, the commission will be charged to

Some tips for you:

Regularly update coupon codes, news on promotions, offers and

discounts every day.

Use email marketing to send promotional information weekly and


You can use the sign-up form to collect customer emails. Navigate your
visitors like Fanpage or go to Facebook Group to update news.

You can build a Fanpage for your blog, website, or create a group for
people who like to shop online, like discount codes, promotions, ...

Example of website providing discount codes, promotional news: At Affiliate Market In Vietnam, a lot of
websites have now started to appear providing discount codes for users.
The number of websites under this segment is quite large and they have
built a very strong brand.

If you embark in this direction, you need to develop and SEO your blog
/ website is very strong to be able to compete. At the same time, you
need to target a specific group of customers and the niche you are
targeting to differentiate from your competition.


When thinking of buying a product, users often look for articles that
share practical experiences from another person, they want to know
who used, how do people feel? Price, quality…. is a very famous site specializing in reviewing iOS

apps in the world. Review site is a very popular type of website abroad.

These websites often focus on the specific interests of a group of users,

with unique content about a specific field. The forms can be mentioned
such as product review sites, product feature advantages comparison,
product buying guide, blog, forum ... Blog / website builders will write
reviews and experiences about products and services such as: Review
of movies Review of restaurants, hotels Review of tourist sites Review
of courses (English, Marketing, ...) Review of electronics, fashion,
cosmetics ... ... .

With a review like this, you should make a personal blog, take your
name as your brand, readers will feel confident about the products and
services because you are already using it.

I'll share with you a few tips for writing best conversion reviews:

• Honestly - please state both the advantages and disadvantages of the

Tran Quang Dong From


product, because no product is 100% perfect.

• Adding actual product images and videos will increase the value of the
article and get higher rankings on search engines.

• Try and experiment (if possible) before writing the review

3. Comparision site is a very famous price comparison website in Vietnam.

When buying or buying any product, consumers have the habit of using
the Internet to search for product information and where to sell products
at a price. reasonable, most reasonable ...

The price comparison website (a comparison website) offers consumers

the opportunity to compare product prices from many different
suppliers. The product catalog on price comparison websites is much
richer than a typical online sales unit. Users can find information about
any product using this tool.

In addition to price information, price comparison websites also provide

information about product characteristics as well as reviews, buying
instructions for each product line, helping users to make appropriate
decisions. more suitable.

However, building a price comparison website requires a great deal of

expertise, which in return is very good. In Vietnam, the price
comparison web model is one of the first affiliate models. This is still
considered an effective model in the coming time. Example of price
comparison website:


If you have a high-traffic news website, preferably related to the

advertiser's products and services, then you can generate a passive
income from marketing. link. You just need to place advertising banners
that link to buy products and services on the website and receive
commissions when customers buy goods through that link. Advantages
of this type: News websites are never outdated, every day there are a
lot of new and hot news, ... Easy to have very large visits, the larger
the visits to read news mean the more clicks on your display ad, the
more money you make. However, making a website to make money in
the form of news is tiring in one place, every day you have to update
the article because it's news so today it's HOT, but after a few days it's
quiet, no one comes to read it. At first, with little capital you can do by
yourself, later on you can hire people to write articles and build your
own content team. If you have a lot of capital, you can invest in a
professional system.


These are also two types of articles with very high conversion rates, in
addition it easily achieves high rankings on search results.

Do you know why?

Still the user psychology, they go to the internet to search, learn and
want to know how to use a product properly. Similar to product reviews,
you need to add an image describing the action or video using the
product, which will increase the value of the article, increase search
engine rankings and attract users. better.

Money Saving Expert is the UK's largest-scale website, helping you to

Tran Quang Dong From


cut down on bills in many aspects of your life. Money Saving Expert will
show you how to save money on gas, water or electricity bills to
information about the best types of bank cards.

Experiences, tutorials, and tricks are always searched by users a lot

every day. You can develop a website in this direction by writing
experiences, tutorials, and tips. (In fact, you can combine reviewing and
sharing instructions.) Based on these tutorials, you cleverly incorporate
articles introducing marketing products relevant to that topic.

Some of the title structures help increase click-through rates:

• Instruction manual + [product name] from A to Z

• User guide + [product name] complete set for beginners

How to + [action] + [product name] - update + [time]

6. WEBSITE CASHBACK - cashback site in Vietnam Cashback is a form of cashback,

discount when you buy products through the introduction of an
intermediary website. Cashback is considered as a tool to turn shoppers
into shopping "billionaires" The habit of using the cashback model has
flourished in developed countries around the world such as the US, UK,
Singapore ... Previously, the form of promotion Businesses as well as
brands often use are direct discounts on products, discount% on
purchases, gift codes for next purchases, or discount vouchers when
buying ...

However, to stimulate the demand for more shopping as expected by

many business owners, cashback was born. Instead of going directly to
online shopping websites, buyers access the cash-back model, search
and shop at shopping brands they are interested in or familiar with. They
then receive a refund after the successful transaction to their account
at that store. The money is refunded corresponding to% of the value of
the product that the customer has purchased. Customers can
completely use this money to continue shopping for the next time or
withdraw cash through the linked bank account for personal use.

For example, if you buy an iPhone 10,000,000 VND, with a 10% refund,
you will receive back 1,000,000 VND after successful purchase. For
those who regularly shop online, this is a more convenient method than
Coupon because you do not have to search for discount codes and many
Cashback products are available. This model is expected to thrive in the
near future. Example of cashback intermediary website:

Above is I talked about the types of websites / blogs that make money
with affiliate marketing. Then, in order for you to choose a good market
that is suitable and suitable for yourself and brings high efficiency, we
go to distinguish authoruty site, niche site and micro niche site.

Tran Quang Dong From


Should choose Authority Site; Niche

Site or Micro Niche Site

During affiliate marketing, you will inevitably hear words like building
Authorrity Site; Niche Site or Micro Niche Site.

You will be very confused and do not know how the 3 different types of
websites are? How should you build a site?

Hence now I will help you to differentiate it.

Note: The boundary between Authority Site and Niche Site is also very
difficult to distinguish.

• Authority Site is a site with a very broad topic, you can SEO a lot of
different keywords. For example, Ngoc To Then Dot Com is an Authority
Site about

blog topic makes money online, but Ngoc can write about wordpress
tips, online marketing skills, SEO experience ... Many different keywords
are optimized, as long as they serve to make money online. In general,
Authority Site is a long-term, highly interactive content development
strategy (discussion, membership, etc ...).

Usually you go to a blog specializing in sharing travel experiences and

the author can write all travel related content such as travel guides to
Europe, Asia, ... tips to save money while traveling. or the requisites
when traveling ... This is an Authority Site.

• Niche site is also a type of site with a topic but focus on a certain group
of keywords only. A niche site usually does not have a lot of broad
content and focuses on a very specific "niche".

For example, it is also a travel topic, but if you only share about
backpacking, it is a niche site (a niche). Niche site is a form that many
people develop when participating in making money with Amazon,
ClickBank ... they build a website targeting a specific product group,
such as writing and introducing lawn mowers or drills. never mind.

• Micro Niche Site is a very small site and only SEO for one main keyword
and also only promotes a certain product or product line. Very little
content and only SEO in a short time, profit also in a certain time.

For example, a culinary website is Authority Site, but if it only writes

about Vietnamese street food, it is Niche Site, and if it only writes about
“cursed” Hanoi vermicelli, it is Micro Niche Site Please.

The same goes for affiliate marketing if you develop a very broad topic
and promote all products related to that topic then this is an Authority
Site. If you only focus on promoting one product line, it is your niche
site, and if you only promote one product, you are doing Micro Niche

Hopefully you have distinguished the differences between these three

types of sites, so have you ever wondered: With these 3 types of sites
I should follow which one and which type of site will suit each affiliate
marketing network. ?

I continue to help you to answer that right now. The answer is: There
will be no specific answer

Why? Because making any type of site depends on many factors.

Tran Quang Dong From


For example:

For Authority Site you need a very long time to build, you also need to
invest a lot in it, in terms of finance, time, effort ... but what it brings is
a SUSTAINABILITY. Once you have success with Authority Site you can
make money with it for a long time, you even apply a lot of other
methods to make money with it, not just affiliate marketing.

Authority Site is very suitable for those who are persistent and can join
Amazon, ClickBank. Even you can do it right in the Vietnamese market
is still very potential.

With the niche site and the micro niche site, it takes a little less
investment, the ability to make money fast but not sustainable as
Authority site. With these two forms, you can still join Amazon,
ClickBank and especially Jvzoo if you take the form of Product Lunch.

However in Vietnam, if at this moment if you want to be successful with

affiliate marketing, I am sure that you need to be an Authority site, not
a micro niche site.

Or at least the niche site.


There are many reasons such as: Commissions for affiliate marketing in
Vietnam are low, purchasing power and online payment habits are not
popular ... So if you only promote 1 single product (micro niche site),
you it will be very difficult to succeed.

So you need to think correctly that building a wide niche means doing
Authority Site!


When we create a website / blog to make money with affiliate

marketing, we must put the link in the article, but having too many
outbound links is not good for SEO. If SEO is not good, how to reach
users and make money? In fact, did you know that a lot of affiliate
marketing websites have been penalized by Google?

There is a solution that is to use: Link Cloaking. Link cloaking has many
benefits for affiliates.

To avoid SEO lagging, affiliate links point out you to the "No-follow"
attribute. There are many ways to do it, here I introduce you the Pretty
link plugin:

Pretty Link plugin is mainly aimed at shortening long affiliate marketing

links into a beautiful and concise link.

Tran Quang Dong From


Orginal Link:

After link use pretty link:

More beautiful, right.

When using this plugin you choose the "No-follow" mode for all links to
avoid SEO deduction.

Another benefit from this plugin: Imagine one day your partner changes
your affiliate link. then you have to find this link again to change it ??

No ... You just need to use the pretty link plugin and edit the link before.


Traffic is also known as traffic to your website / blog.

One recipe that I, like most other people making money with affiliate
marketing, has to memorize is:

More Content + More Traffic = More Money

It mean:

You have to create a lot of useful content for readers to get more traffic,
in the end these two things will make you money, even a lot of money.
Trust me once you have enough traffic you will have money in many
ways, not just simple affiliate marketing.

So how many types of traffic will there be?

The answer is there are 3 types of traffic:

Traffic you do not control: This is the type of traffic you cannot know
when they come, how and where they come ... For example, if someone
mentions you, share an article of you on social networks ... Or they find
your post on Google and they "land" on your website / blog.

Traffic you control: This is usually the type of traffic that pays to get
it (paid traffic). For example you run an ad on Google, Facebook, banner
ad on another website ... You do not own this type of traffic but you
have complete control and navigate it where you want it.

Traffic you own: This is the most important and most valuable type
of traffic for you. It helps you make the most money because you
absolutely can manage and navigate it.

The traffic you own is your loyal reader, your customers and they are
on your email list, chatbot or a telegram channel or send browser
notifications ...! You can post a product recommendation on a blog, and
then you email them, and you generate instant traffic. And since they
are already your loyal readers, maybe they are your old customers too,
they KNOW and BELIEVE YOU, so immediately you can make money
from them.

With the type of traffic you own you are not SEO, do not have to pay for
Google, for Facebook, you do not have to advertise for banners, or PR
... you can bring them to the blog at any time by sending them a email,

Tran Quang Dong From


a chatbot message or text on telegram ...

By owning this traffic source you will get more products for 1 customer,
not just one sale.

So how to have this powerful traffic source. The secret will be revealed

In this Ebook I'm just talking about one of the funnels: the opton funnel


What is funnel?

The marketing funnel is essentially a series of steps a potential customer

goes through before they become a real customer.

A Marketing Funnel can help profitable businesses increase ten-fold

while reducing marketing costs.

Assuming that with the traditional method, you initially have 10

thousand customers coming to you naturally or through advertising. But
only 5% stay on your website, the rest 95% just click on the reference
and then they exit. This reduces your channel's efficiency. So you need
to build a marketing funnel to get customers' information in the first
step when they reach your website.

Tran Quang Dong From


With a marketing funnel like this, you absolutely can you many products
at once for a customer when you have created trust with customers. Or
purely upsell with higher priced products. This is a trick that businesses
they all use. However only a few bloggers and affiliaters know it for their

To create an op-in funnel you need to have 3 main components:

1. Decoy:

Usually if you want to get your customers email email you have to give
them something… for free!

That is the "bait. So what is the bait here?

The answer is: Anything of value that your target users care about!


- An ebook
- One check list

- Product Trial

- A piece of content in the article that customers need

- Discount code

Generally what customers need that we can give FREE. And one principle
is to fulfill your promise.

2. "Fishing rod"

This is essentially a tool, software that helps people who first visit your
website / blog, they will see "bait" and they want to get this bait, the
only way is they fill out. email.

You can imagine it like going fishing!

You can see "bait fishing rod" when you visit my blog as shown below.

Once you have a client's email list, you have turned them into the traffic
you already own.

Tran Quang Dong From


From now on you can proactively generate traffic at any time by sending
them an email through email marketing software.

3. Email marketing

Using email marketing software you can create two types of emails:

• Automatic email sequence: That is, you schedule a series of scheduled

sales emails. For example, after a customer registers to the email list,
then 15 minutes after they receive email number 1, after reading the
first email, 24 hours later they receive email number 2. Just like you
lead them to automatically buy goods through your affiliate link.

• Daily email: This is the type of email you can create and send to
customers at any time, when you first post a blog post, when you launch
or are just engaged in promoting an affiliate marketing campaign. Link
... This is also when you create traffic, the type of traffic you own!

Currently a lot of email marketing services, the most famous are

getrespone, mailchip ... However, the price is a bit harsh compared to
new ones: about $ 165 PER MONTH.

Currently, I often use the Mailing Boss of Builderall. You can refer to

In addition to creating this funnel you can pull traffic to facebook

chatbot, or a telegram channel.



When I first started making money with affiliate marketing, I was like
you. Don't know anything. Starting from an indeterminate point. I do
whatever I see, do it hard. But for very small results there is nothing. I
noticed that my wrong thing is choosing the wrong product, low
commission, and no support team. You don't know right and wrong.
Incidentally, when there is 1 share on the group about MMO, I get 1
brother to share how to make money with affiliate marketing. He
focuses on high priced digital products up to 900%. And I started
making my first $ from the internet. 100 $, 200 $, 500 $ and the
number as you know it.
Those numbers motivated me to move on with Affiliate Marketing, and
also thanks to those income streams that have created capital for me
to learn, improve my knowledge and make more money with the
Maybe you are luckier than I am in not having to go on a path of no
direction or direction. You have read this section, that is, you
understand the affiliate marketing that this Ebook shares, the secrets
revealed to you.
And most of all, on these last pages, I will show you what I do, to help
you make your first dollars from the internet. We will start making
money with Hosting, up to 900% commission.

Let's start making money with hosting

Hosting means server, this is the product to create a website.

Of all the products, hosting is always a "fertile ground" to help you make
money with affiliate marketing. There are many people making
thousands of dollars every month promoting hosting services (I am one

Tran Quang Dong From


of them).

*** Don't skip this section as I will show you how to make money
promoting hosting whether you are writing a blog about cooking, fashion
or travel There are many products for you to do. Getting started with
affiliate marketing but why is hosting the top choice if someone is
thinking about affiliate marketing?

I will show you the following 3 reasons:

• Hosting companies always pay a very high commission.

For example, ipage can pay you $ 105 immediately if you refer 1
customer with a product priced at $ 38.

Or GoDaddy will pay you up to $ 105 if a customer buys hosting with a

term of 1 year (premium package) through your affiliate link with the
product only $ 12… (900% already)

Fatcow pays a commission of $ 100 on a $ 44 product

A2hosting pays a commission of $ 85 with products over $ 60

However, when these providers have enough users, they have reduced
commission policy.

I will introduce you to a completely new program with a commission

policy up to 600%.

Why do we get paid such high commissions:

1. Take money on people: they use money to have customers, when

there are enough customers and their brand is big, the policy will

2. This is a Recuring product, a product with frequency of use. When

using, customers need to renew annually. So they can pay you 1 CREDIT
for you, and after the customer continues to use the product, you will
not receive any commission. Some companies will choose to pay
normally when the customer continues to use like 20% 1 time.

3. Selling this hosting has not been scammed. NO. Because they want
to do hosting and domain business, they have to register, not like
opening a company. Especially many of their companies are in the US,
so the management is very strict (Not foreign but this is recognized,
that party has FDA, but they play it without mercy)

You only get NO COMMISSION PAYMENT when you are FRAUD. So do

not try to cheat. Want to earn more, please follow what East instructs.
At the very least, you'll have 1 website to start making money from

• Some hosting companies also have a commission policy to pay you

commissions under the "reverse pyramid scheme" model. That is the
commission rate will increase gradually with your sales.

HostGator is one of the largest hosting companies in the world and they
are adopting this model. Looking at the picture above, you can see that
if you refer 21 or more customers a month, for each successful sale you
will receive $ 125 and your income is $ 2,625 / month.

Tran Quang Dong From


However, buying a hosting package here is quite difficult for Vietnamese

people because it requires steps to verify information. So if you are
blogging in English and targeting a foreign audience, this will be an
affiliate marketing program that cannot be ignored.

But rest assured: In this ebook, this campaign, Dong has 1 provider that
pays the same commission as HostGator.

• With the boom of the internet today, the need to own a blog for each
individual is extremely great. And to get a blog, hosting is an
indispensable factor, so the market is huge, your chances of making
money through hosting referrals are absolutely potential.

• Since hosting is a digital product, to buy it, customers only have to

click and pay online, they cannot make calls to order and request
delivery at home like other physical products. So the chances of
conversion are very high.

Affiliate marketing hosting programs

 In this section I will provide you with the best affiliate hosting
marketing programs for you to immediately join and make money. I
will also divide into 2 markets that are in Vietnam and abroad.

 If your website / blog is aimed at readers in Vietnam, you can

participate in hosting promotion of the following providers:

 • HawkHost: You will receive 40% commission based on orders,

hawkhost is a service used by many customers in Vietnam because
there is Datacenter in Singapore and Hong Kong. When you sign up
for the affiliate marketing program of HawkHost you will also receive
$ 15 in your account immediately.

 • GoDaddy: Although not as appreciated as other hosting services,

but this is a company that offers many choices for customers. By
joining GoDaddy's affiliate marketing program you can promote
domain names and many different hosting packages. With domain
products you will get 40% commission, the hosting services you have
will get from $ 27 to $ 105 for each different type of plan (slightly
difficult to register). Note: This program is currently over.

 • DreamHost: This is a hosting service that pays a pretty high

commission, $ 97 for a customer who buys a package from 1 year
and 30 dollars for customers paying monthly. However, the price is
quite high compared to the general premises, so introducing
customers is not easy.

 • Fatcow: The service pays commissions up to $ 100 when customers

buy the $ 44.04 package used for 1 year. Registration is a bit difficult

Tran Quang Dong From


 All these services to register as a partner you need a website / blog.

So please register for yourself a website to build.

 • A2Hosting: An inverted pyramid-shaped service. You get $ 85 for

the first sale and $ 140 for the 40th sale onwards.

Currently A2hosting has reduced commission, quite low, so choosing it

is slowly considered.

Why do not I mention in the above 2 famous hosting services that are
HostGator and BlueHost even though they pay very high commissions?

It is very simple that these 2 hosting services are very difficult for
customers in Vietnam to register because they have to perform steps to
verify personal information. Live chat with their staff to request
activation ... but not all Vietnamese people can easily perform these

Therefore, if you target readers outside of Vietnam, you cannot ignore

the hosting programs of HostGator and BlueHost. With BlueHost you get
$ 65 / customer and HostGator you can earn a very high commission
because they apply the "reverse pyramid" policy as I described above.

Note: Use the search tricks I guided above to find any affiliate marketing
Example: Go to Google and type HostGator + Affiliate Progam


I used to do Hosting campaign to generate income from the internet
because commissions are very high. I also really like this product niche,
because it gives Dong a huge amount of money.

After 5.6 years of development, the old suppliers now have enough
customers, so they have changed their commission policy to a very low
commission. So choosing a product with a better commission is

And I choose HostArmada. This is a very new hosting. And it's a

goldmine for you. You only skip 1 drink, 1 cup of coffee per month to
own a website through HostArmada when they are discounting 85% to
18 $ / year. And when you promote it, you will receive up to $ 125 in
commission with the commission program "Reverse Pyramid"

Products $ 18, commission $ 50 for sale from 1 to 5, $ 75 when you

Tran Quang Dong From


have 6-10 sale; 100 $ for 11-20 customers and over 20 customers, you
will receive a commission of $ 125

Too cool, isn't it?

You already know such a great program, why not start. It is only worth
a cup of milk tea and you have started making real money from the
internet. Sign up now to get started.

When buying Hostarmada you will get 1 more .com domain name. Isn't
that great?

More importantly, you need a team of instructors. At #SAM you get East

and the people you support best. This is the most wonderful thing, that

Dong wants to send you.

#SAM - Where you need to be

#SAM - Secret Affiliate Marketing, A community of online money

making and affiliate marketing, brings together many pro in this field.

Here, we share our affiliate marketing knowledge and secrets for you.
Battle case studies that help you walk faster and more efficiently.

At #SAM, you will be instructed in detail how to do it, just follow it. We

even created marketing systems with existing strategies (Done For

You), you just copy with 1 click and start using.

I don't know what words to use to explain its benefits, but it helped

thousands of people start downloading money from the internet to their

wallets. That was the success of #SAM

Luckily for you, #SAM is launching Hosting campaign, we are focusing

this on so everyone has a good start on Affiliate Marketing.

Everything is pre-set, join now, don't miss this opportunity. You will

learn a lot, a lot. And of course, my wish is that you start getting your

first commissions from the internet.

TO JOIN #SAM - Secret Affiliate Marketing, please connect

with me here, right now, #SAM wallet will limit the amount.

You will miss these opportunities. Click JOIN NOW

What to prepare to join:

Tran Quang Dong From


To participate, you should prepare a visa card and paypal to pay for
website hosting, and receive a commission on your wallet.
Please load your visa card about 450-500k to buy hosting to create a
Rest assured, if you do not know how to create a website, the East team
will guide you from A to Z. : D

Please note that you need to purchase Hosting at this Ebook, or through
the link above. Because of that, you just browse into a group EXPERTISE
with many secrets and tools to develop business with hosting. You will
earn more when joining that specialized group. After your purchase is
complete, text the person who recommended you this Ebook, or chat
with them via the "JOIN NOW" link above!
Here are some guidelines for using web hosting
1. Guide to buy hosting
2. How to create a website

3. See full no cover about making money with hostingarmada hosting

Tran Quang Dong From


Affiliate Marketing Frequently Asked


So we have gone through many parts together, what is affiliate

marketing? How does it work? How can you make money with affiliate
marketing ...

Now let me go through the very common questions that anyone new to
this amazing method of making money asks.

Is affiliate marketing a multi-level marketing business?

Are not! This is an online marketing activity. You receive money because
you bring customers to suppliers.

Why is affiliate marketing the most engaged method of

making money?

Compared to other forms of affiliate marketing is more difficult, but it

benefits all parties involved. Providers sell products, customers receive
benefits such as knowledge, discounts ... publisher (you) earn money.

In addition, affiliate marketing makes you improve a lot of skills such as

online marketing skills, skills to promote products, persuade customers

Ultimately what makes affiliate marketing attractive to all of us because

it is the passive monetization method. Make money while sleeping, while
traveling. The feeling after one night you wake up and check in with $
50 numbers; $ 100 or even $ 500 is hard to describe.

Can I combine both affiliate marketing and Adsense on the

same website / blog?

No problem! Adsense and affiliate marketing can always be applied on

the same website.

But if you are really committed to affiliate marketing then I am sure that
one day you will remove Adsense from your website. Simple Adsense
advertising is a stable source of income, but the amount you earn
compared to affiliate marketing will not be equal (especially in Vietnam)

Do I need to have a blog to get started in affiliate


Have! Nearly all of the most popular affiliate marketing networks like
ShareAsale, CJ, ClickBank ... and affiliate marketing programs require a
participant to have a blog as a requirement.

Is owning a blog an advantage when it comes to making

money with affiliate marketing?

Exactly! Although there are many ways to get started with affiliate
marketing such as running PPC ads, email marketing ... but these
methods require quite a large capital investment. This is an investment
of 1 dong to get 1 dong.

But with a blog, almost everything is free. You just need to "produce"
the content and it will be there forever. Successful with a blog you can
also expand and incorporate a lot of other monetization methods, not
just affiliate marketing.

What is the most important skill to be successful with

affiliate marketing?

All skills can be practiced and learned in the working process. But for

Tran Quang Dong From


affiliate marketing, if you have a strong content building, this will be an


Also, I want to emphasize that: Affiliate marketing requires persistence,

working on a specific strategy. It's not the get-rich-quick method, but it
will help you to achieve financial freedom if you believe and really

Congratulations! Now are you ready to generate passive income?

Thank you for completing this Ebook.

Let's go back to the first problem. I do not want you to just stop at
LEARN. But let's start doing it. Choose a niche, a product, choose a
website service, or choose the platforms I mentioned ... ACCOUNT

There is a lot of knowledge that needs to be learned, but you cannot

wait for a full study to do it, but just work and learn more. DO is the
best way to learn for you. And most of all, there are no bad guys who
study and do nothing.


After reading this Ebook is finished, please connect with me regularly so

that we can help each other on the road to make money with affiliate
marketing. And follow my share at offline

Thank you for watching!

Good luck!

If you have any difficulty, you can connect me through the following
channels, or send email to: I am
always happy to assist you.

Tran Quang Dong from

Tran Quang Dong From

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