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Energy East Pipeline Ltd.

Energy East Project
Consolidated Application Volume 4: Pipeline Design

Appendix 4-80B

CCI HDD Feasibility Report – Salmon River (North)

April 2016
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Table of Contents

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 3
2 Summary of Trenchless Methods ............................................................................. 3
3 Design Parameters ................................................................................................... 3
4 Salmon River (North) ............................................................................................... 5
4.1 Horizontal Directional Drill Alignment ................................................................... 5
4.2 Laydown Area .......................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Design Summary ...................................................................................................... 6
4.4 Geotechnical Review ............................................................................................... 7
4.5 Specific Construction Risks ...................................................................................... 7
5 Summary of HDD Schedule ...................................................................................... 9
6 Water Supply ........................................................................................................... 9
7 Recommendations ................................................................................................... 9
8 Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 10
9 Reference Documents ............................................................................................. 11
Appendix A – Stress Summary ....................................................................................... 12
Appendix B – Pullback Stress Summary .......................................................................... 13

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TransCanada Pipelines Limited (TCPL) is planning to construct the Energy East Pipeline –
New Brunswick Segment from the eastern Quebec border (approximately 20 km east of
the city of Dégelis) to the proposed tank terminal near Saint John, New Brunswick. The
pipeline project consists of approximately 411 km of NPS 42 pipeline (Route Version: Rev
I). As part of project planning, TCPL has retained CCI Inc. (CCI) through CH2M HILL to
provide planning and support for several trenchless installations for the proposed pipeline
project as part of the FEED stage of the project.

Within the scope of this project there are multiple crossings planned to be completed
utilizing trenchless methodology. This report is provided as a feasibility assessment of site
conditions incorporating the provided geotechnical information and a geometric review of
the proposed Salmon River (North) HDD Crossing methodology. The Salmon River (North)
HDD crossing is located approximately 8 km northeast of New Denmark in Victoria County.


CCI has evaluated the pipe diameter, crossing length and geometric configurations and
compared this information to the available methods of trenchless construction. We have
selected the Horizontal Directional Drilling method as the most feasible for the size of pipe
and conditions encountered at the Salmon River (North) crossing on the New Brunswick
Segment of the Energy East Pipeline Project.

Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) is a process of drilling from one side of a crossing to the
other side with a steerable 9 7/8” to 12 1/4” Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA). Once the pilot
hole is complete, the borehole will be enlarged to a final diameter of 54”, 12” larger than
the product pipe, by a series of successive reaming passes. Once the borehole is opened to
the appropriate diameter, the pipeline will be installed in the borehole by the rig by pulling
it in from the pilot hole exit point back to the entry point.


a) The Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI) (PR-227-03110) design guideline

suggested in CSA Z662 was utilized to model the bending, external hoop, tensile
stresses, and combination of them all for the installation and operating conditions
imposed on the pipe during and after installation. The calculations consider the
pipe diameter, wall thickness, grade, depth, and geometric design of the crossing.

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b) The design parameters associated with road or highway designs (that may be
incorporated into the major designs) offer a minimum depth underneath the
centerline and boundaries of the road which is expected to lead to a safe
installation. Each road crossing is designed to minimize the risk of void/sinkhole
formation while minimizing the length of the HDD.

c) Watercourse crossings were designed by completing an assessment of the annular

pressure to minimize the risk of hydraulic fracture to the surface or water body
during the drilling of the pilot hole. The annular pressure calculation models the
potential fracture pressure of the overburden formation versus the downhole
pressures created during the pilot hole phase of the construction. This will be
provided to the contractor in electronic form to use during the construction.

d) Space limitations associated with the Right of Way (ROW) constraints such as
Points of Inflection (PI) and achievable Temporary Workspace (TWS) were also
considered. In some cases, additional temporary workspaces have been requested
to ensure that the required equipment can be set up on site to complete the work.
This TWS was also added to some of the pullback drawings to create a feasible pipe
pull operation.

e) The entry and exit positions have been identified as per drilling convention, rather
than pipeline placement convention. The entry point is the location where the drill
rig is set up and in general, the start of drilling activities. Conversely, the exit
location is the area where the Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) will exit the formation
and the pipe section is laid out for installation. In specific situations, such as the
‘intersect method’ during the pilot hole or a move around of the drill rig to pull
pipe, these processes will be further explained in the notes on the specific drawing.

f) The entry angle is generally chosen to ensure the drill length is minimized and the
chance of fracture to the surface at the entry location is minimized. This will likely
require a fitting to facilitate the tie-in and should be accounted for.

g) The exit angle has been chosen to minimize the length of the HDD and the amount
of equipment required to support the section during the installation. In most cases,
this angle is 8 to 10 degrees or less with the slope (Angle of Incidence [AOI]).

h) The drawings have been designed with consideration of the pullback section and
available layout. These plans will be updated (if required) to allow for grading of
the layout space, safety for pullback, multiple sections, curved layout and/or
contractor input to ensure the proper design is used in all situations.

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i) The Radius of Curvature (ROC) chosen for this design is 1,100m which is lower than
some Contractor’s “Rules of Thumb” (1,280m) (ROC = 1,200 x NPS = 1,200 x 42” x
1ft/12” x 0.3048m/1ft = 1,280m). This has been a conservative general industry
standard for quick calculations but does not consider pipe materials, bending
stress, combination of stress, or strain within the pipe section itself. This
information has been considered for the chosen design ROC.

j) In general, the entry and exit locations have a 60m by 60m workspace to allow for
topsoil storage, grade cuts, temporary sumps, and HDD equipment placement. This
shall be re-evaluated to ensure the adequacy of the workspace for the individual
crossing sites.


4.1 Horizontal Directional Drill Alignment

The proposed HDD of the Salmon River (North) is in a northwest to southeast alignment
with the proposed entry point on the west side of the crossing and the exit point to the
east. The pipe section will lay out to the east in one section. The HDD drawing number is

4.2 Laydown Area

The pullback section will be laid out along the proposed ROW as shown on the layout
drawings. It is expected that seven (7) side booms will be required for the installation of
the pipe section. The pullback drawings are shown on drawings numbered 16328-03-ML-
03-804 and 16328-03-ML-03-805.

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4.3 Design Summary

The following is a summary of the design of the Salmon River (North) HDD crossing:

1,067 mm OD x 25.4 mm W.T., GR. 483 CAT II,

Pipe Specifications
M5C CSA Z245.1-14
Preliminary Coating Selection System 2B (TES-COAT-FBE)
Minimum Operating Temperature (°C) -5
Maximum Operating Temperature (°C) 60
Entry Angle (Degrees) 18
Exit Angle / Incidental (Degrees) 8/8
Radius of Curvature (m) 1,100
Length (m) 1,238
Borehole Size (m) 1.37 (54”)
Depth Under Crossing (m) 55
Pullback Force (lbs.) 372,000 with Buoyancy and 1.5 Safety Factor
Table 1: Design Summary

The calculations for the pullback and HDD stress assessment use the following

a) The pullback calculations use a simple beam calculation to assess shear, bending,
and axial stress. This assessment provides a conservative approach to the lift and
support of the pipe section during installation.

b) The equipment proposed on the drawing is a pictorial of the expected equipment

on the project. It is required that the equipment proposed by the contractor meets
the requirements set out on the drawing and contractor’s experience.

c) We have modeled all installations with a Proline Spreader Bar (PSB) that allows two
rolli-cradles for each lifting device. This allows spacing of supports to be a
maximum of 25m.

d) All calculations have considered the required High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) fill-
line within the product pipeline required for buoyancy control.

e) A safety factor of 1.5 is applied to the calculated pullback force to account for
changes in our assumptions based on the variability of these during construction.

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4.4 Geotechnical Review

A geotechnical investigation was completed in 2014 by Stantec Consulting and the

borehole logs were provided. The information provided here is based on the Energy East
Project – New Brunswick Segment Geotechnical Report for HDD Crossings Doc. EEX4930-
CH2MD-A-RP-0029, Appendix E – Salmon River (North).

This report shows the information from two (2) boreholes drilled to a maximum depth of
140.5m. The boreholes are summarized below from east to west:

Borehole “BH-08”, located southeast of the river on the hilltop, shows a 1.5m thick near
surface layer of compact sandy silt. Bedrock consisting of slate was encountered at a depth
of 1.5m and continued to the termination of the borehole at a depth of 140.5m. At a depth
of 63m and deeper, the slate is un-weathered and of good to excellent quality.

Borehole “BH-07”, located on the northwest riverbank (close to the entry location), shows
near surface layers of silty sand and gravel with sand, underlain by 33.5m of sandy silty
clay till with gravel. Bedrock consisting of slate was encountered at a depth of 37.5m and
continued to the termination of the borehole at a depth of 42.7m.

We have suggested two (2) additional boreholes be completed, one near the entry
location and one near the exit location to plan the crossing.

4.5 Specific Construction Risks

The following are the main construction risks identified, based on available geotechnical
information and previous experience. Also identified are the main mitigation strategies
developed to minimize the challenges that may arise during construction. This information
shall be updated once further geotechnical information is provided:

Zone 1: 0m - 160m

This part of the HDD penetrates gravel and sandy silt with gravel. Some risk of a
sloughing borehole may exist, particularly in the larger ream passes. Additionally,
there may be a risk of hydraulic fracturing within the formation.

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The contractor shall control drilling fluid parameters and pressure to ensure the
borehole is stable and to minimize the potential for fluid migrating from the
borehole. The borehole is expected to stand, but the contractor may have to
perform multiple swab passes to clean cuttings and maintain a pathway for the
fluid to the entry side. There is a possibility that casing will be required to mitigate
borehole instabilities and fluid releases to the surface. Once the additional
borehole at the entry location is completed, the requirement for casing can be re-

Zone 2: 160m – 1,238m

The primary bore path is expected to pass through very poor to excellent quality
slate, with the majority of the drill through good to excellent quality slate. The
average Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) was found to be 74MPa, with a
Rock Quality Designation (RQD) of 80%.

The contractor shall ensure proper scheduling is in place to account for the slower
drilling rates through the high strength slate. The contractor shall use a mud motor
and bit to drill through the bedrock formation. Drilling fluid parameters will be
established to ensure cuttings are removed and to condition the borehole for
reaming and pipe pullback.

Due to the large ream passes, a large amount of cuttings will be created and
therefore will have to be removed from the borehole. This is consistent with past
large diameter projects planned and monitored by CCI and can be mitigated in a
number of ways.

• Drilling fluid parameters will be optimized for maximum cutting transportation.
• High pump rates throughout the ream passes of the HDD will increase the annular
velocity and therefore carrying capacity. Due to the increase of the annular volume,
the risk of hydraulic fracture will not be increased.
• Additional trips will be necessary to mechanically remove cuttings from the
borehole. The number of trips required will be based on the borehole conditions.

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Activity (days)
Mob 1
Rig In 1
Pilot Hole 17
30” Ream 28
42” Ream 23
48” Ream 20
54” Ream 28
Wipe 1
Pullback 1
Rig Out 1
Demob 1
Total 122
Table 2: Summary of HDD Schedule

• The schedule is based on 7 working days a week.
• The schedule is 24 hours per day.
• Standard production rates with minimal fractures.


It is expected that water for the drilling process will be available from local areas or
trucked to the site. Suitable sources should be investigated prior to construction.


The following recommendations outline the main action items that should be completed in
order to ensure a smooth progression of the project into the construction phase:

a) Complete additional boreholes to confirm existing geology.

b) Complete a constructability assessment, including pipeline designers and
contractors (Pipeline and HDD).
c) Ensure all required ROW and TWS, environmental notifications and permits, and
water source and disposal sites are acquired.
d) Review the contractor prepared construction plans.

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Based on the available data, the Salmon River (North) HDD crossing is feasible. Once
additional geotechnical information is available, this assessment will be re-evaluated.

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Energy East Project – New Brunswick Segment Geotechnical Report for HDD Crossings Doc.
EEX4930-CH2MD-A-RP-0029, Appendix E – Salmon River (North)

Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI) (PR-227-03110) – Installation of Pipelines

Using Horizontal Directional Drilling – An Engineering Design Guideline

HDD and Pullback Design Drawings – Salmon River (North)

Crossing Name Type Station Drawing Number

Salmon River (North) HDD 34+240.9 16328-03-ML-03-803
Salmon River (North) Pipe Support 34+240.9 16328-03-ML-03-804
Salmon River (North) Pipe Layout 34+240.9 16328-03-ML-03-805

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Owner: TCPL
Project: Energy East - New Brunswick
Date: 30/01/2015
Calculation Description: Stress Assessment NPS 42 HDD
Applicable Crossings: SALMON RIVER NORTH
Completed By: JC Reviewed By: BG
Pipe Information Design Criteria Crossing Characteristics
Max. Maximum
Pipe Pipe Pipe Operating Installation Design Depth From HDD
Diameter W.T. Grade MOP Temperature Temperature Radius Entry Location Length
(mm) (mm) (MPa) (kPa) (°Celsius) (°Celsius) (m) (m) (m)
1067 25.4 483 8,450 60 -5 1100 64 1238

The pipe section installated stresses are modelled in 5 sections (exit tangent (5), exit arc (4), bottom tangent (3),
entry arc (2), entry tangent (1)) incorporating effects of buoyancy, soil friction, curvature, fluidic drag and pipe weight.
Where an additional curve is present on the exit side of the design, the arc and tangent are modelled using an
average angle of inclination which is determined based on the average slope from exit arc to exit point. The calculated
stresses are evaluated using the AGA method (PRCI). Operating stresses incorporate hoop, bending, tensile,
and thermal expansion.
Variable Definitions:
SMYS - Specified Minimum Yield Strength
D - Outer Diameter of Product Pipe
E - Young's Modulus (Steel)
t - Wall Thickness of Product Pipe

Tensile Stress: Allowable Tensile Stress % of Allowable

5 16.9 MPa F(t) = (0.9)* SMYS 3.9%
4 16.5 MPa F(t) = 434.7 MPa 3.8%
3 16.6 MPa 3.8%
2 19.3 MPa 4.4%
1 19.9 MPa 4.6%

Bending Stress: Allowable Bending Stress % of Allowable

5 5.2 MPa F(b) = [0.84-{1.74 x SYMS x D/(E x t)}] x SMYS 1.6%
4 145.5 MPa F(b) = 320.4 MPa 45.4%
3 5.2 MPa 1.6%
2 145.5 MPa 45.4%
1 5.2 MPa 1.6%

Hoop Stress: Allowable Hoop Stress % of Allowable

5 21.9 MPa F(h)= [0.88 x E x (t/D)^2] / 1.5 33.0%
4 26.7 MPa F(h) = 66.5 MPa 40.1%
3 26.7 MPa 40.1%
2 26.7 MPa 40.1%
1 6.5 MPa 9.8%

Operating Stresses: Allowable Shear Stress % of Allowable

5 138.7 MPa F(v) = 45% of SMYS 63.8%
4 185.5 MPa F(v) = 217.3 MPa 85.3%
3 138.7 MPa 63.8%
2 185.5 MPa 85.3%
1 139.1 MPa 64.0%

Combined Stress (Tensile and Bending) % of Allowable

5 0.06 Unity Check (<1) 6%
4 0.49 49%
3 0.05 5%
2 0.50 50%
1 0.06 6%

Combined Stress (Tensile, Bending, and Hoop) % of Allowable

5 0.12 Unity Check (<1) 12%
4 0.40 40%
3 0.17 17%
2 0.41 41%
1 0.02 2%

Estimated PullForce (with Buoyancy Control)

247,456 lbs 371,184 lbs (including 1.5x Safety Factor)

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Owner: TCPL
Project: Energy East - New Brunswick
Date: 30/01/2015
Calculation Description: HDD Pipe Pullback Analysis
Applicable Crossings: SALMON RIVER NORTH
Completed By: JC Reviewed By: JT
Pipe Information Design Criteria
Total Maximum Maximum
Pipe Pipe Pipe Overbend Supported Support Roller Unsupported Estimated
Diameter W.T. Grade Radius Weight Spacing Spacing Overhang Pullforce
(mm) (mm) (MPa) (m) (kg/m) (m) (m) (m) (lbs)
1067 25.4 483 600 681.1 25 8 15 371,184

The pipe pullback is modelled such that the pipe is not over-stressed due to the combination of bending, tensile, and
shear stresses throughout the pullback section, both in the spans between supports and at the support locations.
The pullback is also modelled such that the supports are not overloaded with the weight of the pipe at any point during
the pipe installation, including as the tailing end passes from support to support.
SMYS - Specified Minimum Yield Strength
Overhang - Where Unsupported Tail End of Pipe Extends Beyond Support
Full Span - Where Pipe Is Supported Between 2 Supports at Maximum Support Spacing Shown Above

Vertical Load at Each Boom/Crane Support % of Support Capacity *
At Support With Full Span:
24,862 kg 54,821 lbs 54.8%
At Support With Overhang:
27,243 kg 60,070 lbs 60.1%

Longitudinal Load at Each Boom/Crane Support * based on load capacity of Proline 24"- 48" Rolli-Cradle
2724.3 kg 6,007 lbs with spreader bar

Horizontal Load at Each Boom/Crane Support

0 kg 0 lbs

Bending Stress % SMYS % of Allowable (PRCI)
At Support With Full Span:
200.5 MPa 41.5% 62.6%
At Support with Overhanging Pipe:
65.4 MPa 13.5% 20.4%

Tensile Stress

19.9 MPa 4.1% 4.6%

Combined Stress (Tensile and Bending)

220.4 MPa 45.6% 67%

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