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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Cimpoesu Adina

School: Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 1 Blandesti
Date: 9th March 2020
Form: 8th grade
Textbook: High Flyer Upper Intermediate Longman
Lesson: Revision
Unit: ‘The Elephant Princess’
Type of lesson: Revision

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

- use correctly the expression ‘ used to’ for things we did, but we no longer do;
- use reported speech;
- learn about wildlife.

Teaching Materials:
- blackboard;
- chalk;
- book;
- textbook;
- worksheets.

- conversation;
- dialogue;
- exercises;
- brainstorming;
- individual work;
- group work;
- frontal activities.

- speaking;
- listening;
- reading;
- writing.

No. Lesson Teacher’ s activity Students’ s activity Tim Comments

stage e
1. Warming Greetings The students are 3
up Informal conversation receptive and answer min.
Roll- calling the teacher’ s
Organization of the class questions and
2. Checking The teacher checks the homework. The students correct 3 Independent
homework the homework with min. work
the whole class.
3. Transition The teacher relates the previous The students answer 6 Involve
to the new learning with the new one. the questions and min. several
lesson Pre- questions. perform some tasks. students, not
just the best.
4. New The teacher asks students to read the The students pay 15
lesson introductory paragraph of the article attention and they min.
‘ The Elephant Princess’ and to perform the tasks.
answer the questions in ex. 1, page
26. Then students read the whole
article and look for unknown words.
With the help of the dictionaries and
the teacher, students write the
translation of the new words.
5. Feed- back The teacher asks students to work in The students work 15
pairs and to solve ex. 3, page 27, with their deskmate min.
which is to write questions for the and solve the task.
answers. After finishing the task,
students report to the class their
answers and the teacher corrects
them if necessary. Students continue
by solving ex. 4, page 27, which is
to write sentences about those topics
without looking at the text.
6. Homework The teacher is issuing the All the students write 3 Discussion.
homework: project 9, page 27. They the homework in min.
are going to write a newspaper for their notebooks and
their town or school. She writes it ask questions if not
on the blackboard and checks that sure.
everybody knows what they have to
7. Evaluation The teacher marks the students with Students listen. 3 Praise active
grades or just makes notes about min. students.
their activity.

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