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[too + adj = demasiado +adj = for going out (M not enough + adj = no suficiente +adj = Sergio is not enough old to drink alcohol (NO LLEGA) adj + enough = suficiente + adj = You are old enough to talk about drugs (ESTOY EN LO JUST gueda is 18 years old. She is old enough to drink alcohol Miguel too good as a goalkeeper to play as a player. COMPARATIVE ‘SUPERLATIVE SUPERIOR | ADJ STR EXAMPLE STR EXAMPLE SHORT (15) |Cheap ADJ+ER + THAN cheaperthan | THEADJ*EST | thecheapest LONG [Expensive | MORE + ADJ + THAN | more expensive than | THE MOST +ADJ|the most expensive Good better than thebest Bad worsethan the worst IRREG. ear further than thefurthest Fat (<2) fatter than the fattest = as tadj+as Cristianois. as good as Messi INFERIOR less + adj ‘Sergio is less tall than Miguel Angel Lye ese eeporcue & The red shoes are the most eaoetshe = The whe hee ayn th Ronald inaldo is the best player le A oh bod od Day Lele bonne & 4e43 Ue the Raut fallest Playing ghessjjs funnier than watchingft. Use “as .. . as” in the blanks: 1.Jack's English is worse than Sonia's. Jack's English isn’t ss... .. Sonia's. 2Alper's bag is 3 kg. Ahmet's bag is 5 kg.Alper's bag isn’ Ahmet's bag. 3.An orange is sweeter than a lemon.A lemon isn't... 4.Terry is 1.70 cm tall. Jason is 1.70 cm tall too.Terry is .. COMPARATIVES | went on holiday last year but it was a disaster! My hotel room was ... smallerthan ... (smallthe one in the photograph in the brochure. | think it was . (small) room in the hotel. The weather was terrible t00. It WAS son (cold) in England. The beach near the hotel was very dirty — it was . (dirty) all the beaches on the island. The food was .. (expensive)I expected and I didn't have enough money. One day I went shopping in a big department store and | broke a vase. It was ... ( expensive) vase in the whole shop. But (bad) thing all was that I lost my passport and | couldn't go back home. It hor was .. le)holiday all my life, 1 My sister is my brother. (intelligent) 2. The blue whale is animal, (big) 3.- Iceland is Spain (cold) 4- This is book I've ever read. (good) 5.-My neighbour is person | know (lucky) 6. Friday is the day of the week. (busy) 7.- These trainers are much those. (cheap) 8. Frank works most people. (hard) 9- I'm at English than you. (good) 10.- Today has been day of the year. (hot)

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