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Домашнее задание

Задание №1
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
float distance, time, speed;
cout << "Count speed to get to the airport\n";
cout << "\n====================================================\n";
cout << "\nInput distance to the airport in km\n\n";
cin >> distance;
cout << "\nInput the time to get there in hours\n\n";
cin >> time;
speed = distance / time;
cout << "\nYou need to move at speed " << speed << " km/hour\n";
cout << "\n====================================================\n";
cout << "\nCreated by Sylka Danylo\n";
return 0;

Задание №2
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
float timestarth, timestartm, timestarts, timeendh, timeendm, timeends, timeh, timem,
times, cost;
const float costmin = 0.3;
cout << "Count price of the conversation if it costs 30 kop/min\n";
cout << "\n====================================================\n";
cout << "\nInput the time when conversation has started (hours minutes seconds)\n\n";
cin >> timestarth >> timestartm >> timestarts;
cout << "\nInput the time when conversation has ended (hours minutes seconds)\n\n";
cin >> timeendh >> timeendm >> timeends;
timeh = timeendh - timestarth;
timem = timeendm - timestartm;
times = timeends - timestarts;
cost = (timeh * 60 * costmin) + (costmin * timem) + (times / 60 * costmin);
cout << "\nThe cost of the conversation = " << cost << " grn.kop\n";
cout << "\n====================================================\n";
cout << "\nCreated by Sylka Danylo\n";
return 0;

Задание №3
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
float AI92, AI95, AI98, distance, AI92_100, AI95_100, AI98_100;
cout << "Table of travel cost for different types of gasoline (AI92, AI95, AI98)\n";
cout << "\n=================================================\n";
cout << "\nInput distance in km\n\n";
cin >> distance;
cout << "\nInput cost of AI92 on 100 kilometers (grn.kop)\n\n";
cin >> AI92_100;
cout << "\nInput cost of AI95 on 100 kilometers (grn.kop)\n\n";
cin >> AI95_100;
cout << "\nInput cost of AI98 on 100 kilometers (grn.kop)\n\n";
cin >> AI98_100;
AI92 = AI92_100 * (distance / 100);
AI95 = AI95_100 * (distance / 100);
AI98 = AI98_100 * (distance / 100);
cout << "\n=================================================\n";
cout << "|\t\bAI92\t|\t\bAI95\t|\t\bAI98\t|\n";
cout << "| " << AI92 << "grn.kop\t| " << AI95 << "grn.kop\t| " << AI98 << "grn.kop\t|";
cout << "\n=================================================\n";
cout << "\nCreated by Sylka Danylo\n";
return 0;

Задание №4
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
int secondsstart, hours, minutes, seconds, hoursleft, minutesleft, secondsleft;
const int allday = 24 * 3600;
cout << "How much time has passed and how much is left\n";
cout << "\n====================================================\n";
cout << "\nInput how many seconds have passed\n\n";
cin >> secondsstart;
hours = secondsstart / 3600;
minutes = secondsstart / 60 % 60;
seconds = secondsstart % 3600 % 60;
secondsstart = allday - secondsstart;
hoursleft = secondsstart / 3600;
minutesleft = secondsstart / 60 % 60;
secondsleft = secondsstart % 3600 % 60;
cout << "\n====================================================\n";
cout << "\nIn total, " << hours << " hours " << minutes << " minutes and " <<seconds<<"
seconds passed\n\n";
cout << "And " <<hoursleft << " hours " << minutesleft << " minutes and " << secondsleft
<< " seconds left until midnight\n";
cout << "\n====================================================\n";
cout << "\nCreated by Sylka Danylo\n";
return 0;

Задание №5
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

int main()
int secondsstart, hoursleft;
const int workday = 8 * 3600;
cout << "How much time left until the end of work\n";
cout << "\n====================================================\n";
cout << "\nInput how many seconds have passed\n\n";
cin >> secondsstart;
secondsstart = workday - secondsstart;
hoursleft = secondsstart / 3600;
cout << "\n====================================================\n";
cout << "\nThere is " << hoursleft << " hours left until the end of work\n";
cout << "\n====================================================\n";
cout << "\nCreated by Sylka Danylo\n";
return 0;

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