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Ignite / Pecha Kucha (hacked format)

Presentation Instructions & Information

Please read all these instructions before starting to create your presentation!

• What? A product/idea presentation, a pitch, with the aim to

convince/instruct the audience that this is something good! Therefore,
focus on its advantages and strongest selling points. Start by making a
plan, an outline = the story, the WHAT. Stay away from your computer.
When having a plan, an outline, the story - spend time on the slides and
your speech, the HOW. Note that a story must be discernable, avoid the
type of presentation in which you only list a number of different things,
cities, dishes, places, statues, castles or something similar.

• How? Use the Ignite or the hacked Pecha Kucha format. Work in pairs
20 x 15 seconds or 15 slides X 20 seconds.

• When? The presentations will be given on three occasions. Sign up for

your presentation in the online document in Moodle if you haven’t
already done so.

• Why? The format requires you to rely more on yourself than on the
slides. The limitations of the format will drive your creativity, and
challenge and develop you as a presenter.

• The Ignite and Pecha Kucha formats: The images must be set to advance
automatically before the presentation date and you need to practice so
that you are able to talk along to the images without paying much
attention to them while speaking. Practice knowing your story is KEY.

• There’s no “next slide” or “go back one, please” in these formats. No

obvious transitions between the slides either (the transitions are more
or less seamless). However, you can hack the formats, for instance by
including two slides on the same topic.
• In these formats there is not much text on the slides, YOU are the most
important part of the message NOT text on your slides. The images are
there to support YOU – the speaker.

• PowerPoint is usually used as a cue for ourselves as much as for our

audience. When using Ignite / Pecha Kucha, we need to lose this
habit. The slides will be minimalist, so use them only to provide
information for your audience. Use effective images and very few words.
Use key words on cards if you need cues.

• Think about how much you can reasonably say in 15 or 20 seconds. It’s
not very much! Keep your slide content to a minimum and have a very
clear idea of what you want to say.

• A recommendation is that you have one or max two topics per slide to
talk around

• Plan to speak slowly; the temptation is to say everything quicker to fit

more in, but think first about how easy it will be for your audience to
follow. In Ignite and Pecha Kucha, less is definitely more!

• The audience will give grades (anonymously) for each presentation. The
presenters will be informed about the mean of the grades given.

• A tip: focus on the audience and the message. Don’t focus on what
other people think about you!

• The audience should encourage the presenters by paying attention and

showing interest. No mobile phones or laptops allowed among the

Decide on who you are going to work with and what you will present today!
Sign up in Moodle!

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