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Mead Ceremony

Karen and Michael


Mead is one of the oldest known beverages in the world. Scandinavian mead halls were filled
with food, drink, and merriment as early as the 5th century, AD. It is often called the nectar of
the gods and the drink of love. Norse women were the original master brewers of mead, and
anyone who drank of it was believed to have been gifted the eloquence and poise of a poet or

The term honeymoon derives from the sharing of this golden elixir between the bride and groom
during the celebration of their marriage throughout the first turning of the moon after their
It is a simple drink, made of honey, water, and yeast. But when combined properly and given
time to mature, it becomes a divine concoction, its heady sweetness sought after by gods and
kings alike. 

(To Karen and Michael)

May the honey of your desire for each other, so sweet and natural and golden, combine with the
water of your commitment to each other, flowing and free, ever changing yet consistent, patient
enough to conquer even the mountains themselves, and the living yeast of your love for each
other, unique among nature's bountiful menagerie, so useful and so powerful, to lie dormant until
roused by the adding of sweetness, to multiply and grow undaunted; changing the world around
it. May these simple ingredients combine over the time that you spend together as one life, to
become a golden treasure envied by even the gods themselves. 


(Officiant pours into empty vessel at each cardinal point from the large horn as reciting the
invocation; then after the 4 invocations, pours into one horn held by the couple)

We invoke the spirit of the north star whose flame is a constant to all who travel under its light.
Come and witness the dedication of these two souls and bless their joining into one.

We invoke the spirit of the eastern wind whose flowing power blows all wickedness from the
path of the true. Come and bless the beginning of this journey of these two souls as one.

We invoke the spirit of the southern rains whose cleansing power washes away the marks and
dust of life, leaving only renewal and refreshment. Come and bless the unblemished beginning of
love, as these two become one.

We invoke the spirit of the western lands whose unbridled power presents sure footing and
shelter for those who explore the unknown. Come and bless these two souls as they take their
first step into their future together as one.
(Pour for couple; doesn’t drink yet)

(Speaking to the couple directly)

Karen and Michael, you will now share this golden Mead from a single vessel combining the
sweetness and the bitterness into one. They are one, as you are now one.
Just as life's experiences will appear to your senses, your love of each other as one will take both
life’s sweetness and bitterness and combine them into one rich and abundant life. Now you will

We are here to witness your vows of love to each other. When facing the coldness of night, you
will feel each other’s warmth. When experiencing the pain of change, you will share in the joy of
its birth. Your love will take the bitterness of the day and overcome it with the sweetness of your
hearts. Your love promises to make your marriage a single vessel providing strength to each of
you. So, as you drink from this vessel of mead, may it be a symbol of the fruits of life that you
will share together. 
(They drink)


(Raise my horn to the heavens, others follow)
Thank you spirits for your blessings upon this new beginning for Karen and Michael as they
become one in life, we salute you. 
(Everyone drinks)

Toast 2
(Raise my horn to Karen and Michael, others follow)
Thank you, Karen and Michael for allowing us to witness this sacred symbol of your devotion to
each other, we salute you. 
(Everybody drinks)

Toast 3
(Raise my horn to the audience)
Thank you everyone for being part of this wondrous celebration of love. We salute you. 
(Everybody drinks)

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