"Update Your Thinking About Communication - 4 Iron Laws": Aguado, Emma Angelica B. Section 30

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Aguado, Emma Angelica B.

Section 30
“Update Your Thinking About Communication – 4 Iron Laws”

Update your thinking about communication is a fourteen-minute-long video talk about

communication with Dr. David Weber. It has an intention to change our perception about
communication by his 4 Iron Laws. Dr. Weber point out the common misconceptions we have
which is how we thought that the communication breaks down; and there is a good and bad
communication. The said misconceptions followed by his strong statement as to how he
defines communication. Communication is complex, but it is a process and not a machine. The
iron laws carry-on a more comprehensive definition at which point I agree. The first law of
being how we respect our tool of communication such as spoken language, gestures, facial
expression, object language, olfactory and space management. In respect of our tools we are
aware of the impact and meaning it produces which go along with how to utilize and appreciate
them. The second law is about the two levels of message which is – content and relationship
which is responsible for our content’s intention and the result and impact in the relationship.
The correction of good and bad communication to effective and ineffective communication is
the third law which depends on our choices of how to communicate. The last law is the
response to our message tells us what the message meant. Out of the four laws the first law
which is respecting our tools is the most important in communication. Respecting tools in
communication are an aspect of the three remaining laws. Our content and relationship; to
maintain an effective or ineffective communication; and our response to messages are subject
on how we utilize and appreciate others and our own tools in communication. And it will lead
us to understand more of how the communication works in our relationship and organization in
all professions. To conclude the whole discussion, Dr. Weber makes a good point of the first
law, but the succeeding laws are quite vague, but the main idea of changing the perception
about communication is attained.

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