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Aguado, Emma Angelica B.

Topic 2: Curiosity, Inquiry, and Scholarly

Table of Good and Bad Thinking Habits

Good Habits Bad Habits

1. Positive thinking 1. Negative thinking
2. Considers fact 2. Act without factual evidence
3. Open to new ideas and suggestions 3. Passive or lazy thinking
4. Mindful and purposeful thinking 4. Losing track of purpose
5. Pursue the truth in every information 5. Accepting false information
6. Having a multiple perspective 6. Thinking one-sidedly
7. Open for criticism 7. Disregarding own ignorance

Bad thinking habits can negatively affect our relationships and our personal growth. It is present
when someone is thinking negatively, act without a fact, being a passive thinker, accepting false
information, thinking one-sidedly, and disregarding own ignorance. And to contradict those there
are good thinking habits such as thinking positive, considering the fact, open to new ideas and
suggestions, pursue the truth in every information, having a multiple perspective, and open for
criticism. To avoid bad thinking habits, the first step is we need to be positive. Educate yourself
to be positive by listening and reading something optimistic and be with more positive people.
Jumping to a conclusion without considering fact usually occurs when we are driven by our
emotions. To avoid it, we must consciously recognize that we might be wrong and must consider
all the facts. Then, we must also avoid being a passive thinker, we need to step out of our
comfort zone and learn things that may not be as they appear. And being mindful of our real goal
is what we need to avoid losing track of our purpose. It is just simply organizing and prioritizing
what is really important. It’s also helpful to avoid bad thinking habits when we are having an
open mind or thinking inclusively. We must realize the differences in our views, culture, and
beliefs. But we must also consider that there is always a false information and we need to ask a
question and seek for the truth and why’s. When our thinking becomes constructive and
purposeful it is caused by our good thinking habits. The most important step to improve good
thinking habit is being open for criticism. We must put in our mind that there are more to learn.
And having a good thinking habits doesn’t make the other less of a person to us. There are
always some things that we don’t know. We need to stay curious and always listen. And to have
a good thinking habits doesn’t mean it is for inherently smart people. Inherently smart people are
believed that they are born with a high level of intelligence. But people aren’t born smart, we
learn how to work things out and practice what we want to achieve. And good thinking habits
don’t have a requirement to practice. Anyone can practice base on their willingness.

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