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Aguado, Emma Angelica B.

Section 30
Purposive Communication: M3 Topic 1


According to Harris, Islam a set of idea not an ethnicity, race, or nationality that baffled most
people. He also defines Islamophobia as a word created and used by fascists and cowards to
manipulate morons which is problematic on his viewpoint as it hinders the critics of Islam that
help to pose problems caused by this religion. It made sense that it is a thwart in developing
solutions to society’s problem caused by Islam but the last paragraph challenges this idea. On the
side of Islamic community, it is offensive by othering them and being the outcast as they were
labeled as someone who is disliked and feared by number of people in society. It was associated
with bigotry as they both justify a generalization. Islamophobia is a stereotype against Muslim
people, as it generalized them as barbaric, sexist, and terrorist. This type of stereotypes is
everywhere, an at the best position to be promoted just like how the author Samuel Harris and
comedian Bill Maher promotes Islamophobia, they are both popular that they can reach millions
of people influencing them. Media plays an important role as it promotes stereotype over the
decades and making it worse but can also break them as they reach many people. It is evident
that it is common in our society, we pick up stereotypes from our friends, family, group, church,
community, and the world around us. It something we learn and always present in our mind; it is
just how we act upon it. It is possible by imparting information, ideas, and opinion including
emotions and cultural situation, respecting and understanding the people involved in the process
of communication. Addressing such issues or problem of the world by means of effective
communication can help eliminating them, just like how media have the power in breaking
stereotypes, exposing other problems and educating people. It is always about how we
understand each other and how we use our voices with respect.

As it was expected by our society, men are dominating
the sports categorizing them as athletic, strong, and
independent. And women are labeled as weak, quiet,
obedient, passive, nurturer that is attractive for men
doing house chores. These traditional stereotypes are
present, but in the 21st century. Women are beginning
to establish their reputation, breaking these stereotypes.
One of those is in sports and physical activities, it is
dominated by men, being biased to women but it was
challenged and contested. The photo shows how the
world viewed woman as emotional, slow, sensitive,
fragile and weak. Showcasing an athletic woman
representing the country in sports contesting what
others saying and expecting them to be. This is an
important role and powerful campaign breaking gender
stereotypes and categories. Such advertisement created
and impacted our society as we witnessed significant
changes to play both genders equally compared to the
older advertisement before. This is auspicious, in both company and society and anticipate to see
more changes in the future.
“Hoodies’ Freedom is Basic.”


Featuring women’s clothing and fashion, the clothing line Hoodies in Israel advertisement
explicitly claims that their clothes conveys freedom, and that made it basic. The society dictates
what women must wear, and to refute, the advertisement intended to express how the women can
wear whatever they want without restrictions and free from judgment. The video showcased
woman taking off her hijab and burqa implying that it was the opposite of freedom and how she
finally breaking the chains. The intention was good, but their claim to freedom is inadequate and
insufficient, it might be true but it is incomplete. They also advertise stereotype implying that
niqab are oppressed and restricted. It also shows a bias example as to what the women’s fashion
and preference that made them free. Preferring skin showing clothes than the considered
appropriate and traditional clothes nowadays, implies a prejudiced that it is what most women’s
want and assume it as freedom. Another stereotype that present in the advertisement is in its
context “is this Iran?” comparing Arabs and Muslims in Iran and Israel. It also offensively
directed to the Islam religion, promoting stereotypes on how they constrain and repress Muslim
women. In conclusion the advertisement, disrespect women, countries (Iran & Israel), and
religion (Islam) with its claims in prior to its promoted stereotypes. Such biased advertising is
not astonishing as it sounds like because there are many of them in the present and way worse in
the past that many of us failed to notice. However, it is undeniable that our society’s
development in fighting stereotypes is notable for its progress. But change, adaptation, and more
accepting people in society befuddled it to liberating society. This is why the advertisement
commits such mistakes, because they misunderstood the society, that they forget about the word

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