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Audience Worksheet

What does audience demographics mean?

Media producers define and categorize their audience through demographic profiles. A demographic
audience profile defines groups based on things like age, gender, income, education and occupation.

What is a Primary audience?

a specific group of consumers you want to attract to your product or service

What is a secondary audience?

A secondary audience is comprised of people who are not the most likely to buy a product or service but
are still the second-most important. It is crucial to market to secondary audiences because they are either
a user of your product, or they will become a user of your product.

Your own example of a primary and secondary audience

What theory describes a passive audience?

It suggests that repeated exposure to the same message such as an advertisement will influence
the audience's attitudes and values.

Examples that illustrate this theory:

What theory describes an active audience?
Media audiences do not just receive information passively but are actively involved, often unconsciously,
in making sense of the message within their personal and social contexts.

Explain what the four key criteria for this theory are:
Against the norm
Stand out from the crowd
Do not follow other people

Which theory do you agree/disagree with and why?

They both very cleaver ways to get the audience attached to the product or a thing, but I think active
audience is better because they are not scared to leave the norm.

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