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SASHI AND COMPANY Satungal , Kathmandu ICAN Membership No. : RA-4904 COP No. : 1428 Firm Regd No. : 2353 PAN No. : 300834596 Mobile Num : 9844279795 Email: Date: To, The Managing Director of, Visionary International Pvt Ltd Kathmandu We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of Visionary International Pvt Ltd. As at Ashad 31, 2077 and attached Profit & Loss account & Cash Flow Statement for the period ended on that date and repot that. The financial statements are the responsible of the ‘company. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Nepal Standards and Company Law 2064 on ‘Auditing. Those standards require that plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about weather the financial statement is free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company & Financial statement comply with Nepal Accounting Standers & relevant statue and law so far as appears from our examination of the books. In our opinion, the financial statement gives a true and fair view of the financial position of the company as of Ashad 31, 2077 and of the result of its operation and its cash flow for the year ended on that date. The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention in accordance with certain relevant accounting standards and requirement of Nepal Company ‘Act, 2053 and Income Tax Act 2058. UDIN NO : 201015RA049041Gwid Date: Place: Kathmandu VISIONARY INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD KATHMANDU NEPAL BALANCE SHEET FY 2076/2077 FY: 1ST OF SHRAWAN 2076 TO END OF ASHADH 2077 CURRENT YEAR | PREVIOUS YEAR Se 076/077 075/076 [SHARE CAPITAL '500000.00] 2|SECURED LOAN 0.00] 0.09] 3[ UNSECURED LOAN, 0.00) i) 4]RESERVE AND SURPLUS 326559.00| 224676.00 TOTAL SOURCE OF FUND. 826559.00 724676.00) FFU! ‘AJNON-CURRENT ASSETS 4[PROPERTY, PLANT & EQUIPMENT 176315.00] 235086.00 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 176315.00 235086.00| BICURRENT ASSETS a|SUNDRY DEBTORS: 0.00] 0.00 2| ADVANCE, DEPOSIT & RECEIVABLES 3 '600000.00] “400000..00} BIINVENTORIES 4 0.00] 0.09] “4 CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS 103805.00| 7140432.00 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS ( CA) 703805.00 '540432.00] C]CURRENT LIABILITIES [TDS PAYABLE 7 9750.00) 3510.00] [TRADE & OTHER PAYABLE 2 4381.00] '47332.00] TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES (CL) 53561.00 '50842.00] NET WORKING CAPITAL ( CA-CL) 650244.00 TOTAL APPLICATION OF FUND 826559.00 VISIONARY INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD KATHMANDU NEPAL INCOME STATEMENT FY 2076/2077 FY : 1ST OF SHRAWAN 2076 TO END OF ASHADH 2077 NOTES: ‘SALES RECONCILIATION ‘According To Monthly VAT Return Total Sales Recognised As Rs. 2708057.00 ‘According To Income Statement Total Sales Recognised As Rs. 2858057.00 S.N PARTICULAR SCH. [CURRENT YEAR |PREVIOUS YEAR |076/077 075/076 i INCOME ‘AJSALES: | 2858057.00] 2202675.00] ‘BILESS: SALES RETURN I 0.00) TOTAL SALES 2858057.00) 2202675.00) C[LESS: COST OF SALES 4 1168408.00| 41217320.00 ‘GROSS PROFIT 1689649.00 '985355.00] 2 ‘AIADMINISTRATIVE & OTHER EXPENSES 1495034.00] 78810300] B|DEPRECIATION 5871.00] C|BANK INTEREST or) D|REPAIR & MAINTENANCE. 0.00) TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1553805.00| 866428.00] 3 IN’ "ANET PROFIT/LOSS BEFORE TAX 135844.00| 118927.00 BLESS: INCOME TAX PROVISION 33961.00] 29725.00] (C[NET PROFIT/LOSS AFTER TAX 101883.00| '89202.00} DINET PROFIT/LOSS PREVIOUS YEAR. 224676.00) 135474.00| f ‘SUB TOTAL 326559.00 224676.00) NET PROFIT/LOSS TO BALANCE SHEET 326559.00 Thus there is difference in Sales of Rs. 150000.00 between RD and Income Statement. VAT Invoice No. 30 Sales of Rs. 150000.00 entry is missed in VAT Return on month of Ashadh 2077 Which is treated and entry in VAT Return on month of Shrawan 2077 VAT RS. 19500.00 Debited to other adjustments VISIONARY INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD KATHMANDU. NEPAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES FY 2076/2077 FY : 1ST OF SHRAWAN 2076 TO END OF ASHADH 2077 [PARTICULAR CURRENT YEAR [PREVIOUS YEAR [SALARY AND ALLOWANCE. {96000000} HOUSE RENT 0.00 [STATIONARY 9020.00] TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATION, '57270.00| [TRAVELLING EXPENSES 126582.00 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES 322162.00| [AUDIT FEE 1000.09] TOTAL 1495034.00] MANAGING DIRECTOR VISIONARY INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD KATHMANDU NEPAL SCHEDULE RELATED TO BALANCE SHEET FY 2076/2077 FY; 1ST OF SHRAWAN 2076 TO END OF ASHADH 2077 ‘SCHEDULE:1 [PARTICULAR [CURRENT YEAR _ [PREVIOUS YEAR [TOS PAYABLE ON SALARY 9600.00| [TDS PAYABLE ON HOUSE RENT 0.00] [TDS PAYABLE ON AUDIT FEE 150.00] TOTAL 9750.00] [PARTICULAR [CURRENT YEAR JAUDIT FEE PAYABLE ‘9850.00 [INCOME TAX PROVISION 33961.00 [VAT PAYABLE 0.00 [OTHER PAYABLE TOTAL 43811.00] PARTICULAR [CURRENT YEAR {ADVANCE & DEPOSIT '576416.00] '400000.00] 2 VAT RECEIVABLES 23584.00| TOTAL £600000.00] PARTICULAR [CURRENT YEAR OPENING 0.00] |ADD:PURCHASE 1168408.00] [ADD:TRANSPORTATION COST 0.00) [ADD:LOADING & UNLOADING. 0.00 JADD:FITTING CHARGE LESS:CLOSING STOCK . X TOTAL . 1217320.00 ‘SHARE CAPITAL SCHEDULE:S Is.N PARTICULARS CURRENT YEAR [PREVIOUS YEAR i ‘AUTHORISED: 100000 Ordinary Shares @ Rs 100.00 Each Share | $0000.00 '300000.00 z ISSUED: [40,000 Ordinary Shares @ Rs 100.00 Each Share '300000.00 '500000.00 3 SUBSRIBED & PAID UP: [40,000 Ordinary Shares @ Rs 100.00 Each Share '500000.00 $0000.00 TOTAL 500000.00 '500000.00 ACCOUNTANT NAGING DIRECTOR REGISTERED AUDI VISIONARY INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD KATHMANDU NEPAL CASH FLOW STATEMENT FY 2076/2077 FY : 1ST OF SHRAWAN 2076 TO END OF ASHADH 2077 PARTICULAR AMOUNT AMOUNT ‘OPENING CASH & BANK BALANCE 140432.00 q ‘AJCHANGE IN SHARE CAPITAL. 0.00] 'B|CHANGE IN SECURED LOAN 0.00 C|CHANGE IN DIRECTOR'S LOAN 0.00| DICHANGE IN RESERVE & SURPLUS '101883.00| E|CHANGE IN CURRENT LIABILITIES 2719.00| TOTAL 104602.00| TOTAL CASH IN FLOW 245034.00| 2 Ww 'A|CHANGE IN FIXED ASSETS (5871.00) B|CHANGE IN ADVANCE & DEPOSIT. '200000.00} C|CHANGE IN CLOSING STOCK 0.00] D CHANGE IN SUNDRY DEBTORS 0.00] TOTAL CASH OUT FLOW 141229.00 ‘CLOSING CASH & BANK MANAGING DIRECTOR FS (amo.a3s3 ma) VISIONARY INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD FIXED ASSETS DEPRECIATION FY 2076/2077 KATHMANDU NEPAL FY : 1ST OF SHRAWAN 2076 TO END OF ASHADH 2077 NI BLOCK A PARTICULARS TAND | BUILDING DRE & FiFFICE EQUIMEN VEHICLE| OTHER | TOTAL IJOPENING VALUE 735086.00 235086.00 | 2|Aoomion THis VEAR 3faoomion (2/3) @faoomion (2/3) 5 |01SPOSAL FOR THE VEAR 0.09 [DEPRECIATION VALUE 6.0] o.oo] 000] __235086.00] 0.00] 00a] _235086.00 7}DEPREGATION RATE oy sx] 25 asx] 20%| as S|DEPRECIATION AMOUNT. 0.09] 2.00] 0.00] 3873.00] 0.00] 0.00] __58773.09 SJAMOUNT AFTER DEPRECIATION | _ 0.00 o.oo] 0.00] __a76315.00] o.oo] 0.00] 176345.00 Zo)caprrauizeD lassers REPAIR leuupine NET VALUE, 376315. ACCOUNTANT MANAGING DIRECTOR == ‘AUDITOR VISIONARY INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD KATHMANDU: NEPAL SALARY SHEET FY 2076/2077 FY: 1ST OF SHRAWAN 2076 TO END OF ASHADH 2077 S.N NAME position | pan no | 28 |perrop| rorax |, PS Salary Payment 1)|RAJESWORI SHRESTHA [DIRECTOR 122130904] 30000.00) 12] 360000.00] 3600.00} 2|INDRA GURUNG [TRAINER 107676551] 25000.00 12] _300000.00] 3000.00} 3/RONALD GURUNG [TRAINER 122130959] 25000.00) 12] 300000.00} 3000.00} TOTAL 0000.09] '960000.00] 9600.00] Sale REGISTERED AUDITOR i ( nao. 2363 kna) -| (ict Noas08 ] + sows \2\ Visionary International Pvt Ltd Kathmandu Nepal Notes to Accounts 1. Accounting Convention: The Final reports are prepared under the historical cost convention in accordance with certain relevant accounting standards and requirements of relevant act. 2. Fixed Assets: There is no purchase of Fixed Assets during this Year. 3. Depreciation: Depreciation is called on Office Equipment by 25% on this Year . 4. Sales / Income: Sales/Income done according to the invoice on this Year.

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