Budzien Week13 Feascreenshots

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Week 13: FEA Assignment (Chapter 16, Chapter 17)

Chapter 16: Analysis of a Tensile Specimen as an Assembly

Attach your screenshots below in the same order. Make sure your reading matches with the
screenshots given within the lesson.

Screenshot 1: Deformation

Screenshot 2: Displacement

Week 13: FEA Assignment (Chapter 16, Chapter 17)

Screenshot 3: Von Mises Stress

Screenshot 4: Von Mises Stress (Imposed Max)

Week 13: FEA Assignment (Chapter 16, Chapter 17)

Screenshot 5: Von Mises Stress (Block)

Screenshot 6: Von Mises Stress (Section Block)

*I’m confused by what the difference between “Block” and “Section Block” is. In lecture for this
classwork, only the Von Mises Stress (Block) was described. I assumed it meant do something with a
group, so I used the function “Box Group” to show a section of the block.

Week 13: FEA Assignment (Chapter 16, Chapter 17)

Screenshot 7: Image Layout (Displacement, Von Mises Stress)

Screenshot 8: Reaction Sensor

Week 13: FEA Assignment (Chapter 16, Chapter 17)

Chapter 16 – Practice 2: Analysis of a Tensile Specimen as an Assembly

Attach your screenshots below in the same order.

Screenshot 1: Deformation

Week 13: FEA Assignment (Chapter 16, Chapter 17)

Screenshot 2: Displacement

Screenshot 3: Von Mises Stress

Week 13: FEA Assignment (Chapter 16, Chapter 17)

Chapter 17: Analysis of a Fastened Assembly

Attach your screenshots below in the same order. Make sure your reading matches with the
screenshots given within the lesson.

Screenshot 1: Deformation

Screenshot 2: Displacement

Week 13: FEA Assignment (Chapter 16, Chapter 17)

Screenshot 3: Von Mises Stress

Screenshot 4: Von Mises Stress (Bolt)

Week 13: FEA Assignment (Chapter 16, Chapter 17)

Chapter 17- Practice 1: Analysis of a Fastened Assembly

Attach your screenshots below in the same order. Make sure your reading matches with analytical

Screenshot 1: Deformation

Screenshot 2: Displacement

Week 13: FEA Assignment (Chapter 16, Chapter 17)

Screenshot 3: Von Mises Stress

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