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OPERATORS MANUAL 1966 Bridgeport MACHINES ING BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT - U.S.A. INDEX Dimensional Drowing 1 Floor Plan on. 2 Long ond Cross Feed Assembly - 3 Unerating 4 Shortoges 4 Cleoning “ 4 Placing on Solid Foundetion .. intense ene 4 Leveling Machines... stn 4 Mounting Hood on Overorm Adopter . 5 Hondles 5 Inspection nen 5 Alignment of Heod “s Lubrication . ~ ‘ Lubrication Drawing 6 Adjustment of Table Gib 7 Adjustment of Saddle ond Knee Gibs 7 Clomping Table, Soddle ond Knee 8 Removing of Toble 8 Removing'of Seddle 8 Power Feed Attachment ..cnrnn 9 Instructions for Installing Power Feed... 9810 Installotion ond Use of Measuring Attochment .. Az Descriptive Photograph of Model "J"? Attachment ... 3 Mounting Motor on Attachment . “4 Placing ond Adjusting Belts um “4 Operating Instruction of "J" Attochment 4 * Attachment 15 Operating Instruction of "J" Attachment 6 Operating Instruction of "J" Attochment "7 General Speed Recommendations 8 Teble of Cutting Speeds ond Feeds 18 Pests rowing "J" Attachment 9 Ports List on “'J"" Attachment 2» Ports List and Drowing on BR Turret Milling Meche a2 Ports List ond List on Power Feed Attachments .. 2 Ports Drowing ond List on Model "'M'” Attachments 24 Ports Drawing ond List on Sheping Attachment 25-26 Parts Drowing ond List on Cherrying Attachment 2-8 Ports Drawing ond List on Model "'R"” Attachment 2 Ports List end Drowing on Model ‘‘C"” Attachment . 30 Optical Measuring System 3 Optical Parts Drowi 32 Optical Ports List 33 Drawing 1 Dimensional TURRET MILLER with MODEL “‘J"" MILLING ATTACHMENT CRORE TRAVEL VeRricaL TRAVEL. LONSTUONAL TRAVEL TABLE LENGTH ie 3 4 35 So. & 35, a Se im [ 2% [oo oh [max bety [2 [8% Tack z wwe | a7 Tar wee [30% 48" Table - 814" 58% MOD. 9 BRI 63 MOD. 12 BRJ LONGITUDINAL AND CROSS FEED ASSEMBLY BRIDGEPORT TURRET MILLING HACHINE Drawing 3 UNCRATING Corefully remove protective crating ond skids so'that the machine and ports ore not marred, scrotched or impaired. In the event of domoge in transit, communicate at once with our represen- totive and the transportation company meking delivery. : Mochine should be lifted’by placing © sling under overdrm or by putting on. eye bolt in tapped hele on top of overarm. SHORTAGES Check shipment corefully, against the itemized pocking list which Is included in the ports box. In case of shortages, report them immediately to the representative from whom the mochine ‘wos purchosed, indicating parts not received which have been checked on the packing list. CLEANING Thoroughly cleon slush from mochine with gosoline of kerosene. Do not move the table, soddle, knee or ony movable part until all ways have been well cleaned ond lubricated. Then, by hhond, move teble, saddle and knee to limit stop in one direction. Cleon ond lubricate exposed ‘ways and then move each unit to the opposite limit stop and similarily clean and lubricate the ex- posed ways. Loosen bolts to unlock overarm, and move it forward and bockword to the full length in order to clean ond lubricate. PLACING ON SOLID FOUNDATION ‘The column and bose are cost in one piece, When setting mochine on @ concrete founda- tion, it is odvisable to usi le grout (thin mortar) to teke care of ony unevenness in the concrete as well as to provide o solid foundation ot oll points. When setting machine on a floor that has ony surface irregulorities, shims should be used to correct this condition to the greatest extent possible. LEVELING MACHINES Set machines by leveling the work table lengthwise ond crosswise with a precision instrument. MOUNTING HEAD ON OVERARM ADAPTER The foce on flange or adopter should be thoroughly cleaned ¢s this aligns milling heod squore with table working surfoce. Then cleon mounting surface of head corefully. When bolting the head to the adapter or overarm, tighten nuts evenly, using normal pressure. Care should be token to avoid excessive pressure since this will cause distortion in the quill. HANDLES: When crating, the three ball crank hondles are tured focing each other. The handles should be reversed. LUBRICATION Do not operate machine until properly lubricated. Follow the instructions given in Dwg. 4, page 6. INSPECTION “Machine is corefully inspected ond lined up before it leaves our factory. Sketch # 1 ond 2 shows the way your machine is lined yp. ed "ALIGNMENT OF HEAD In case of precision boring or work of that nature, where it is necessary to hove head per- fectly square with the toble, use method prescribed below. For normal milling, graduations on turret ond head are close enough. To set head perfectly squore with table, Sketch #1. This moy be done with head and adopter on overorm, by adjusting adopter through worm geor on adopter. Loosen three binding bolts but leave drag on some for fine adjustment. Mount shown in Sketch #2 and 2, ond indicate parallel. Note: When indicoting os in Sketch 1, it should be noted that the table is fitted to be slightly igh in front, usually ebout ,005. TABLE SQUARE WITH SPINDLE THRU TABLE SQUARE WITH SPINDLE THRU 0008 9" > — 2000" A i Sketch #1 Sketch #2 RECOMMENDED LUBRICATION FOR THE BRIDGEPORT TURRET MILLING MACHINE Oywice weexey or seers } ATTACHMENTS: POWER FEED “Sing” Nye 0 weeKLy ‘eae B. Milling Beorings) SAE. s frgoyl Vectra Si leer Meal CC. Motors ore greosed for life of beet SHAPING ATTACHMENT (Worm drive) Per etter intiuctions welerio ee ‘Shell Noste O11 478 or KP motor monufocturer's Instruction book Sceony Cylinder O11 60oW D, Lead Serews ‘Shell Comea Olt 41 Secony Gergerle Voetre OI No. 2 ADJUSTMENT OF TABLE GIB The table is provided with 6 full length topered gib in the saddle, with an adjusting serew on the left side. To toke up giby tighten large screw slightly ond repeat until o slight drag is felt when moving the toble by hand. (Sketch 3) HnI9 H88 Sketch #3 Table-saddle gib ADJUSTMENT OF SADDLE AND KNEE GIBS, A topered gib is used for adjusting the saddle beoring on the knee. This forms o guide for the saddle. To tighten gib some principal os described above is used; however, chip has to be removed first. (Sketch 4) Sketch #4 Seddle-knee gib } #131 Remove chip wiper and adjust screw until smooth movement is attained. (Sketch 5) H109, In] shad Sketch #5 ach 00 Knee-Column gib 7 Nir ADJUSTMENT OF KNEE GIB CLAMPING TABLE, SADDLE AND KNEE When milling with longitudinal table feed only, it is advisable to clomp the knee to the column end the saddle to the knee to add rigidity tothese members and provide for heavier cuts with © minimum of vibration. The soddle locking lever is located on the left-hand side of saddle. (Sketch 6) Excessive pressure can couse slight table bind. Use moderate clamping pressure, os this will hold soddle sufficently. Sketch #6 The toble clomping lever longitudinal movement is not reat (Sketch 7) Skerch #7 HI20-Hi22 ‘The knee clamping lever is at the left side of the knee ond should be drawn upward to clomp the knee. (Sketch 8) This is only ¢ tension broke and will not lock the kneecompletely. Leave clomped ot oll times unless using knee in operation. Sketch #8 REMOVING OF TABLE Remove as follows: Ball crank hondles, dial holders, bearing brackets. Screw will then turn all the way so that it can be removed. When this is cccomplished, the table can easily be token off merely by sliding from soddle. REMOVING OF SADDLE essary to remove entire jecome accessible after Follows along the same lines os removing toble; however front brocket assembly completely. Then remove nut bracket which hes table hos been removed. See pages 9 end 10, Drawing 5 and 6. POWER FEED ATTACHMENT The feed box is equipped with an overload release. If the toble stops during operation ond © series of clicks is heard, feed is overloaded. When load is relieved, power feed will resume operation. If the overload clutch jams, the 1/8" shearing pin (Drawing 5) will break. This will prevent damage to the power feed box. INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING POWER FEED IN FIELD First remove left handle, lock nut, dial, and end bracket. Then remove right hondle and ‘also right bearing ond bracket. The next step is to remove retaining screw (see Drawing 6) after lock screw hes been taken out. The screw and nut will then slide oit. This procedure is reversed for installing power feed screw ond nut. Power feed unit is easily installed ond needs little ex- planation. De not neglect to put Shear Pin in Place. (Drawing #5). a] DIRECTION, OF ROTATION moron shrr LONGITUDINAL FEED SCREW ASSEMBLY WITH POWER FEED 0 (© acum Bit Hove Roan BE SER "Sakae coconibAn ta reoromers © Drawing 6 REMOVING REGULAR SCREW Remove (left side) bracket - (the 1/2" 20 nut, dial holder and nut, (4) 3/8 16 x 1" cap screws, ond H-I15 bracket ond beoring by topping with plastic hommer). Remove (right side) brock 1g some procedure. Remove 8/32” lecking screw from feed nut bracket. Also remove 5/16" 18 binding serew. Pull, to remove lead screw ond lead nut from lead screw bracket. INSTALLING POWER FEED Move table to right side, half way. Insert power feed lead screw ond nut into bracket from left side; long end of screw should be on right side. Mork with scriber on bushing where binding screw goes; remove screw andnut from brack- ct. Remove the screw from the nut. File relief flat on nut te receive bidning screw. (Make certain flat is not filed to0 deep.) Insert screw and nut into bracket with binding screw ond locking screw. Reassemble left hond bracket ond dial holder complete. Mount power feed box on right with dowel pins and 3/8" cop screws (3). insert split washer into groove in lead screw. Insert Woodruff keys. Push power feed dial holder onto screw. (Make sure split washer does not fall out.) Assemble dial ond nut onto dial holder. Insert cotter pin through hele in lead screw ot back of power feed box. If dials drag, remove some stock from outside rib. If too much clearance, remove stock from inside rib, Remove door and fill with oil to height of oiler. Assemble stop rod os illustrated. Drill 3/32" hole into stop rod to receive 3/32" pins limit the travel of the power feed. Locate these by cronking table to each extreme travel and locate pin to kick off feed rod about 1/4” before extreme trovel. = 10- "i INSTALLING MEASURING ATTACHMENT (Sketch #17) For lecoting holes to greoter accuracy on the Bridgeport Turret Milling Machine, € © 5) morcaTon evano Drawing 7 INSTALLING MEASURING SYSTEM ' Install knee trough in counterbored holes on right hand side of knee. Indicate from dove- toil on knee for porellelism within .003 using 5/8 rod in trough — Indicate top and side. Bring soddle os for front os possible. Mount soddle bracket into trough with rolls on spindle of bracket Center rolls in trough and scribe holes in soddle. Drill 5/16 hole 1/2" deep (Coution on depth; do not drill into dovetail) Use 3/8-16 Tap. Mount Bracket with 3/8-16 x 1 1/2 Cop screw. Caution: Soddle ond table bracket olignment with trough is essential for good operation. " TABLE TROUGH Remove toble stops ond stop bracket from front of table. Remove table lock bolt and hondle. (Reposition hondle after trough is installed by focing end of lock bolt. Mount table trough with tee nuts into tee slot on from of table. Indicate from top of toble for porollelism - within .003 - some as cross feed trough. ith rolls on spindle of table stop bracket, center rolls into trough and secure with 3/8- cop screw. Adjustment may be made by filing bottom of bracket or si 16 x2! sory. Locking table on soddle with table Jock knebs (Reed clamp on troughs) shouldn't disturb indicoter needle more than .0001 if brackets are aligned properly. ue USING MEASURING ATTACHMENT ‘Any hole may be located by two dimensions at right angles. The table ond soddle are lo- cated seperately by combinctions of positive measuring instruments consisting of measuring rods for even inches, on inside micrometer for fractions, and o diol indicator reading to one ten-thous- - endth. The ‘"zero" point from which other dimensions are token is established for each slide offer loceting the first hole ond is not chonged until the jab is finished. Other holes to be bored ere lo- coted from these two “zero” points by measurements ot right ongles. The meosuring rods reauired - ‘ee added, ond the inside micrometers set ond locked ot the proper readings. The teble and saddle are then carefully positioned with the dial indicators end clomped in place. After checking indicot- oF readings, the hole is ready fo be bored. CAUTION: Moke certain thet the head is indicated properly so that the head is absolutely ‘squore with the toble. SEE To WER SoEEE Senew wnencn — @ @ @@ @ = y B/— SPR abet ou bee or poate. pagene Gua) Eeekelg‘erae no avsnine Bae aver, soccer koe 2) keane eovirreD re ‘Wfitn Trav oF Saboke watt pont Fe TERE E arrest Taper ater eaacerr rman went v9 Locare stor YG Sketch #9 @ aay [Sy @ 8 Sketch #11 Sketch #12 MOUNTING MOTOR ON ATTACHMENT Place belt over bottom step of spindle pulley, then place motor place, switch being on left hand si housing and lower to PLACING AND ADJUSTING BELTS Release lock mut handle which is the handle on right of belt housing and also handle on left side ond odjust V belts to proper driving tension, then tighten both motor clamping handle s. MACHINE IS READY TO OPERATE If quill ond heod ore to be used in stationary position, quill lock should be applied, Micro- meter, depth stop scole is graduated in 2Oths of an inch, pitch is .050 ond nut is graduated in thousonds. By utilizing these graduations it is possible to work very accurately as far os different depths ore concerned. Micrometer nut when in position is locked securely by tightening micro- meter lock nut. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS When tightening or loosening the draw bor it is necessary to lock the spindle. To accom plish this, use spindle brake and lock which is located ot top of belt housing, turning it either to the right or left until it binds, then raise handle. Drowbar has 7/16-20 right hand thread ond: should be tightened with normal amount of Pressure using wrench furnished with machine. To loosen collet back off drawbar and if collet does not open immediately give knob on top of drowbar a slight top. Spindle has non sticking toper ond cellets should release reodily, SPINDLE BRAKE Lever con be moved in either direction to stop spindle; however, when locking spindle, Hever should be moved to right or left ond then raised, CAUTION: Be certein thot the spindle broke is released before storting the motor. This tont as the moter con be damaged if switch is left on with brake in locked position. REVERSING SWITCH is used to obtcin clockwise or counter clockwise rototion of spindle. Note: Due to back geor construction, when machine is running in low speed range, spindle rotetion opposite to thot of high speed ronge. Therefore forword on your reversing switch be- comes reverse switch in low speed range. Me HIGH LOW SPEED CLUTCH CONTROL is directly in front of motor. When knob iz in position, 2s shown on picture, clutch is in high speed position. To put clutch into low speed position tum lever to the extreme fight. It is necessary to rotote spindle while engaging high speed clutch. This con be accomplished by either turning spindle nose by hond or by:tuming drawbar knob using wrench, providing drawbor is pulled up tightly. CAUTION: Do not shift clutch while motor is running. Back gear control is used in conjunction with the high low speed clutch control _obove bock geor control handle is stomped IN ond QUT. When back gear control handle is in OUT posi- tion, which is the position furthest from face of machine, then HIGH LOW speed clutch control should be located as illustrated in photogroph. With these controls in position as explained, head is set for operation in high speed range (660-2720 RPM). When back geor control le ‘moved to IN position and HIGH LOW speed clutch contrél moved to extreme right then the head is'reody for operction in the low speed range (80-325 RPM). POWER FEED TRANSMISSION ENGAGEMENT CRANK engoges’ power feed worm geor: When lever is in position as indicated in photograph, the power feed worm gear is engaged. To dis- ‘engoge worm gear, pull knob out ond cronk hendle in clockwise or down direction and iove to ‘opposite position. Note: Cronk connot be swung oround in counter clockwise direction; however no domoge will occur if moved in this direction. To engage the worm @ counter clockwise movement is required. : CAUTION: Power feed worm geor moy be engoged when spindle is roteting, however it should be engaged gently to avoid damage to worm gear. The worm gear may be disengaged ot ony time. IMPORTANT: It is recommended thot the Power Feed worm gear be disengaged whenever the power feed is not renvired. This will ovoid unecessary wear on power feed worm geor. QUILL FEED SELECTOR crank is used for selecting the three feeds; 1.5, 3 ond 6 thousondths per revolution. It is shifted by pulling knob out ond turning from one position to the other. Feeds are stamped on cover below indentation hole. Feed is more readily engaged when spindle is running. FEED REVERSING KNOB Position of this handle depends upon direction of spindle rotation. If boring with right hand cutting tools, pull feed hondle towards operator until clutch becomes engaged. ‘commended thet the Neutral position is between forward ond reverse position. I handle be left in neutral position when not in use. -- MANUAL FEED Reversing clutch knob should be in neutral position and feed control lever engaged. Clock- wise rotetion of hendwheel moves quill down. The Manual Feed Handwheel ond the quill feed hhondle moy be disengoged by moving outward about 1/8". Feed control lever must be engaged in order to use monval feed controls. Monval Feed Hondle and Hondwheel may be token off when not in us Not FEED CONTROL LEVER inion shaft when thrown to left ond will stay engoged until Engeges over-load clurch on feed conteol lever t0 drop out her quill stop comes in contact with micrometer nut, fot outomaticolly, of released monually by throwing lever to right. Note: Feed Control Lever is carefully set ot plont to throw out autometically when quill stop gees against micrometer nut or agcinst safety pin in top. However, if this should go out of odjustment it may easily be brought back by regulating the screw located et bottom of tripping rod. cctions; thet is with CAUTION: When adjusting the serew, check automatic throw off in both ‘stop against throw micrometer nut against the quill stop for down position and quil ‘out pin for up position. QUILL FEED HANDLE May be removed by simply pulling hendle off end of shaft. It is recommended that hendle be disengaged when using power feed. rection as well as the setting point QUILL STOP is used to disengage outomatic feed in either {for working to given depths. KICROMETER ADJUSTING NUT is used for setting of depths. Each graduation on nut indicates cone thousand of depth, it reads directly to scale mounted alang side of it. Depths may be obtained by setting micrometer nut in conjunction with quill stop. QUILL Lock /e quill lock to be used when quill is in stationery positionsuch osmilling quill movement is not desired. This is 0 posi ‘operations. It is recommended thot this lock be used wher INDICATOR MOUNTING ROD is used for the fastening of an indicator. LUBRICATION Do not operate machine until properly lubricated. Lubrication of head is obtoined by use ‘of the drip feed method through two oil cups located ot right side of belt housing, with light machine oil such as Socony D.T.E. light or equivalent. =i POSITION OF OVERARM can be regulated by loosening two bolts on turret and pulling orm in or out to desired position. CAUTION: Core should be token to lock overorm securely after setting. ‘Note: It is recommended that en heavy milling work, head should be kept as close to face of turret as possible, os moximum rigidity is then obtained. OPERATION To operate in high speed range, move left then put back gear control in OUT position. igh low speed clutch control handle to extreme Then, if power feed is desired, cronk power feed transmission engagement to IN position, (refer back to explanation of control's) ond feed reversing knob should be pushed in for down feed ‘ond pulled out for up feed. The next step is to throw feed control lever to left. Power feed is now in operation in high speed range. Feeds con be selected by cranking quill feed selector to desired feeds. BACK GEAR OR LOW SPEED RANGE Stop spindle, then move high low speed clutch control to extreme right ond also back gear control handle over to IN position. RECOMMENDATIONS. Use 2, 3, of 4 flute end mills. 8 flute end mills ore usually not os satisfactory. When using shell or face mills standard cutter practice should be observed. Power feed con be used for drilling up to 3/8" diameter drills. Use menval feed for drills lorger than 3/8". Overload clutch is set ot factory to hold up to 200 Ibs. DOWN pressure on quill, which will accommodate drills up 10 3/8" diameter in mild tool steel. CAUTION: This clutch should not be tampered with in the field. GENERAL SPEED RECOMMENDATIONS Feet Per M Rough Rough and Light and Material to be Cut Cut sh Finish Cut Cost Iron-Soft-(Under 200 Brinnelt) 70 80-90 120 Cost Iron-Med.-(200-300 Brinnell) 55 60-70 90 Cost Iron-Hard-{Over 200 Brinnell) 40 50-60 70 Steel (Chrome Nickel 40-45 Shore) 30 40 50 Steel (Stoinless) 60 80 90 Stee! (Low Corbon) 80 90 140 Steel High Carbon) 40 50 7 Bronze (Medium) 90 120 150 Bronze (Hard) 65 90 130 Brass (Hard) 100 150 200 Copper 150 200 300 Duraluminum 400 600 Aluminum 600 1000 TABLE OF CUTTING SPEEDS AND FEEDS Feet Per Minute 15-20-25 30 40 50 6070 100 Dicmeter, Inches Revolutions Per Minute 1/16" 91712221528 1833 «2445-3056 3667 4278 ©4889 5500 6112 1s" 458-611 764 sNT_—«*1222—«*1528° 1833 2139 2445-2750 3056 3/6" 306-407 509 6111S. «101912221426 16301833 2037 29 306 382 458 611 764 «—«917-—«*1070«*1375 1375 1528 183 244 «305-367, 489 T1733 856 9781100 1222 153° 204 «255-305-407 509 611.713, BIS 9N_—«1019 76" «131175218 2623494375246] 69B8 786873 a" NS 153° «191-229-306 «382458535611 688764 5/8” ON a2) 159) 183) | 244e 906. 367, 428) 48911550) 61 aan 7 102 127 153° © 204 «255 «306 «357 407458 509 78 (65 67 10). ISIE 175), 216 762) S06) 34911 13951 457, ” 57 76 «695 «NSS 191 «229-267 306344 38D 11/8" 50 67-—«BH_S«102-—”s«s136—«170«2043Be«272_—«-30H_—34O 114" 456176 MSs1RD_ TSB 183 214244275 306 13/8" 41. «550 69s BOSCdCTC'Cw«i*d3167_— 198-222, 250-278 1172" 38 50 637% 10_ss27_ss153:178 «| 2k 255 15/8" 3547 5870 94 118 «141,165 188212235 13/4" 32,3 S465 a7 109 «131,«153, 175196218 17/8" 30 40 «50 tl 81 102 «122-143, 163-183 (208 an 2 384757 7% 9% MS 134 183. 172 19 J PARTS LIST QUILL HOUSING Gear HousINe GEAR HOUSING Cover BELT HOUSING SPINDLE PULLEY MoToR PULLEY TIMING BELT PULLEY TIMING BELT PULLEY FLANGE WORK GEAR CRADLE ‘OVERLOAD CLUTCH TRIP LevER FEED GEAR SHIFTER FORK BACK GEAR SHIFTER FORK SPINOLE PULLEY BEARING SLEEVE SHIFT CRANK CLUSTER GEAR COVER Spring cover FEED TRIP BRACKET CLUTCH ARM coveR MOTOR swiTcM BRACKET HANDWHEEL FELT RETAINER RING MICRO SCREW Jam NUT TOWKEN BEARING SPACER FOR J-100 TO J-1199 ONLY SPINOLE LOCKNUT BINDING. DRAWBAR FOR R-# COLLET DRAWBAR KNOB. PINION SHAFT HUB SLEEVE QUILL NOSEPIECE FOR J-100 TO J-1199 ONLY QUILL skiRT QUILL STOP KNOB QUILL STOP MicRO SCREW NicROMETER NUT REVERSE TRIP-BALL LEVER FEED REVERSE TRIP PLUNGER REVERSE TRIP BALL LEVER SCREW FEED TRIP LEVER FEED TRIP PLUNGER HANBWHEEL HANOLE ‘TRIP PLUNGER BUSHING. TRIP PLUNGER FEED TRIP PLUNGER BUSHING CAM ROD SLEEVE ASSEMBLY. Cock nanoce Am ROD, Fale HANDLE LOCKNUT BINDING PLUG FOR 4-100 te J-1199 ONLY GVERLOAD CLUTCH LEVER SPRING PLUNGER. INDICATOR ROD SCREW OVERLOAD CLUTCH WASHER INoigatoR Roo CLUTCH RING BINION SHAT HUB, OVERLOAD CLUTCH SLEEVE PINION SHAFT HUB HANDLE ‘OVERLOAD CLUTCH SLEEVE KEY ‘OVERLOAD CLUTCH OVERLOAD CLUTCH RING OVERLOAD CLUTCH WORM GEAR PINION SHAFT WORM GEAR SPACER OVERLOAD CLUTCH LocKNUT QUILL PINION SHAFT BUSHING QUILL PINION SHAFT QUILL PINION. QUILL Lock steeve QUILL Lock SLEEVE QUILL Lock BOLT VERTICAL TEE BOLT VERTICAL TEE BOLT WASHER SPLINED GEAR HUB BULL GEAR KEY SPINOLE BULL GEAR SPINDLE PULLEY HUB PULLEY COLLAR OlLeR Tuse OW PLUG SPINDLE PULLEY KEY UPPER BEARING SPACER (LARGE) UPPER BEARING SPACER (SMALL) BEARING SLEEVE LOCKNUT UPPER BEARING LOCKNUT Cam RING. SPINDLE CLUTCH LEVER SPINDLE CLUTCH CaM RING PIN BRAKE BLOCK, BRAKE RING SCREW BRAKE Lock STUD. CLOCKSPRING STUD SESSUREESSE eres. pepEprerceseses: BE EESSSSESSS BRAKE Lock WASHER BRAKE LOCK & HANDLE BRAKE Lock PIN LOWER CLAMPING BOLT SPACER COUNTERSHAFT COUNTERSHAFT GEAR GEARSHIFT PLUNGER CLUSTER GEAR SHIFT CRANK FEED DRIVE CLUSTER GEAR FEED DRIVE CLUSTER GEAR (CENTER) FEED DRIVE CLUSTER GEAR (UPPER) FEED DRIVE GEAR. CLUSTER GEAR INPUT SHAFT FEED DRIVING GEAR CLUSTER GEAR SHAFT CLUSTER-GEAR Kev BEVEL GEAR BEARING BEVEL GEAR THRUST SPACER FEED REVERSE BEVEL GEAR FEED WORM SHAFT THRUST WASHER FEED REVERSE CLUTCH HANDWHEEL CLUTCH SPRING SCREW FEED WORM SHAFT BUSHING REVERSE CLUTCH ROD REVERSE KNOB HANDWHEEL CLUTCH HANDWHEEL BUSHING WORM SHAFT KEY. FEED DRIVING GEAR KEY BEVEL PINION WASHER FEED WORM GEAR SHAFT SLEEVE WORM GEAR SPACER FEED DRIVE WORM GEAR FEED DRIVE WORM GEAR SHAFT FEED ENGAGE PIN WORM GEAR CRADLE THROW-OUT SHIFT SLEEVE MOTOR LOCKNUT MOTOR LOCKNUT HANDLE MOTOR MOUNTING STUDS. MOTORMOUNTING STUD WASHERS CLusTeR GEAR KEY WORM CRADLE BUSHING CLUSTER GEAR KEY COLLET ALIGNING SCREW WORM GEAR NUT key. 1/4120 x 9/8 SOCKET SET SCREW GEAR FEED sHIFT ROD FEED REVERSE BEVEL PINION CLUSTER GEAR SHAFT UPPER BEARING PINION SHAT HUB SCREW. DRAWBAR WASHER OUTSIDE CLOCKSPRING PIN TRIP LEVER PIN. BACKGEAR SHIFT BUSHING BACKGEAR SHIFT CRANK CLUTCH RING PIN War ToBoLr FEED REVERSE KNOB STUD QUILL MICRO STOP NUT. KEY FOR 430 STD TAPER SPINDLE SPINDLE (SERIAL J-1200 AND UP} ‘QUILL (SERIAL 4.1200 AND UP) SPINDLE DIRT SHIELD BEARING SPACER LARGE FROM J-1750 BEARING SPACER - SMALL. NOSEPIECE SLEEVE FROM SER. 3-1750 FEED WORM SHAFT STARTED WITH SER. NO. 5500 172-13 SPECIAL HEX NUT OPTIONAL EQUIP, WASHER PLUG FOR 5/@ HOLE Va~ 20/2 LG. SOCKET SET SCREW KP S/Ag- 18x SAG SOCKET SET SCREW 5/18 18x 5/0 LG. SOCKET CAP SCREWS KOHINOOR #5000 - 315 SNAP RING 3/6 + 1/2 Us. DOWEL PINS oeze x 9/8 UG. Re HEAD SCREW COMPRESSION SPRING S/1g- 18 1/2 LG. K.P. SOCKET SET SCREWS VoeLr 46-32 9/8 LG. FLAT HEAD SCREWS aie 4/4 Lo. Gowel PIN Vex 7/816. ROLL PIN -9- COMPRESSION SPRING lo-a2e 1/4LG. K.P. SET SCREW Modde 1/2 U6. CAP SCREW /4 90 x1 LG. CAP SCREW #0" 265 1-1/2 LG, CAP SCREW 1/4: fox 1/2 SOCKET SET SCREWS 1/4: B 3/8 LO. SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW Nog COCK NUT 06 LOCK WASHER S/6- 8 $/16 SOCKET SET SCREW K.P. W/O V4 UG, SOCKET SET SCREW 0-32 5/16 LG. RD. HD. SCREW Yet 5/8 SCREW 26-92 4/8 SOCKET SET SCREW Vex 7/16 LG. ROLL PIN igs 5/6 C6. DOWEL PIN Var 9/16 C6. ROLL PIN COMPRESSION SPRING BLACK PLASTIC BALL HANDLES 1” DIM 32% 5/8 LG, RD: HD. SCREW 43 WOODRUFF KEY. 47 WOODRUFF KEY 45108 «59 KOHINOOR SNAP RING. JAAS 1A HEX NUT HARDENED (AMERICAN STO. REGULAR) N08 SPECIAL 9/16 THICK BEARING LOCKNUT Woe LOCKWASHER YR: ¥a0e BEARINGS 1 PR: #20? BEARINGS Wick 178 0.0. Gis oft CUP 1207 $32 978 LG. ROLL PIN W. 8. JONES #167~ A EXT. SPRING (LINDQUIST) YO-22% 1/4 LE. SOCKET SET SCREWS {#8 WOODRUFF KEY. S7e'- 18 HEX JAM NUT NO #99509 DOUBLE SEAL BEARING ABEC 3 6 TORRINGTON NEEDLE BEARING 7: 4 HEX JAWNUT ara4 OILITE BEARING 32% 9/16 LG. PIN BOSTON WORM #HLVH N10 DIA, = 7/16 UG. PIN B/a2e AUG. ROLL PIN. 3/16 STEEL BALL COMPRESSION SPRING. Yas m0 16 LG. SET SCREW Mott 9/0 Lo. KP. SET SCREW $/16 7/4 UG. DOWEL PIN SRLOCKWASHER. S108.- 62 WALDES SNAP RING SAPETY CLUTCH SPRING MICROMETER scaLe 632" V4 LG. RD. HD: SCREW FEED REVERSE SEVEL GEAR BILLING #1166 WRENCH STEEL PINION ELOCK SPRING 1" x 020" x 42" TIMING BELTS 1-1/4" WIDE COMPRESSION SPRING. S108 37 KOHINOOR SNAP RING BLACK PLASTIC BALL HANDLES 12/8 DIM. SAME AS He5t 5/2" LG. DOWEL PIN ‘SPLIT LOCKWASHER SNAP RING $100.28 7902 GIT OIL. CUP SPINOLE SPEED PLATE OPERATING INSTRUCTION PLATE 10 92 78 SOCKET SET SCREWS FAFRIR Mi 207 W-CR-DB, SPEC, £8227. START AT J-1200 FAFNIR M26 K SPEC. € 6578 OR NORMA HOFFMAN 206 5685 A START AT SER. 41-1750 /4- 2 MOCK-IT LOCKSCREW SA6-IBMOCK-IT LOCKSCREW ‘ax 4/4 UG. DOWEL PINS BUSHING V2" =.13 STD. MEX NUT 4/a- 2 LOPLOC STOP & LocKNUT G32» 1/4 SOCKET SET SCREW K.P. STARTED WITH SER. #18300 174-20 Jaw NOT 5/16 8 JAM NUT 3/16 EXTERNAL LOCK WASHER Var 974 ROLL PINS NaMe PLATE OILSTRAINER FOR QUILL BRC. SWITCH BRACKET WASHER ee e 4 i i ass 1387 3 3 + 3 S88 275 screw BS a 29 PLUS ey 260, Sg 327 GEAR 122 KEY 4 3 R tos sus Sis Ring ae Gear (or Kev ul wasn 10 Gear 306"PIN 305 BUSH 382 PIN | 140 worm az vey TH.P. MILLING ATTACHMENT 2st 296 AEE RA ARE III eis ga 1HP PART LIST — THE BRIDGEPORT TURRET MILLING MACHINE ELEVATING SCREW HOUSING ELEVATING SCREW NUT 3/4- 16 x1 HOLLOW HEAD CAP SCREW (2 REQUIRED) VA ~ 20% 3/4 HOLLOW HEAD CAP SCREW (3 REQUIRED) oor’ DOORKNOB DOOR LOCKING CAM V/4 20 1/4 SET SCREW. 17/92 1 SPACER 3/6» 1-1/2 HINGE PIN (2 REQUIRED) WOODEN SHELF (2 HALVES) HANDLE KNEE 0") KNEE (12") ELEVATING SCREW NO. 3606 ~ J GREASE-SEALED BALL BEARING BEARING RETAINER RING 1/4 x 20» 1/2 HOLLOW HEAD CAP SCREW (3 REQUIRED) B16" 3/16 7/8 KEY 39/64 1 0.100 WASHER 1/2 ~ 20 JAM NUT (2 REQUIRED) BEVEL GEAR BEVEL PINION NO. 7 WOODRUFF KEY NO. 77020 GREASE-SEALED BALL BEARINGS (3 REQUIRED) GEAR SHAFT FOR 9" KNEE GEAR SHAFT FOR 12" KNEE BEARING CUP BEARING RETAINER RING (9 REQUIRED) 1/4 20 1/2 HOLLOW HEAD CAP SCREW (9 REQUIRED) DIAL WITH 100 GRADUATIONS DIAL HOLDER DIAL LOCK NUT 4 REQUIRED) GEARSHAFT CLUTCH INSERT. ELEVATING CRANK ‘CROSS FEED SCREW FOR 9” KNEE ‘CROSS FEED SCREW FOR 12" KNEE NO, XF-12 GREASE-SEALED BALL BEARINGS (2 PAIRS REQUIRED) CROSS FEED BEARING BRACKET DIAL WITH 200:GRADUATIONS (3 REQUIRED) DIAL HOLDER (3 REQUIRED) BALL CRANK HANDLE (3 REQUIRED) 1/2 = 20 JAM NUT (3 REQUIRED) 4/4 161 HOLLOW HEAD CAP SCREW (4 REQUIRED) CHIP GUARD STOP SCREW 1/8 — 16 HEXAGON NUT KNEE COLUMN GIB FOR 9” KNEE KNEE COLUMN GIB FOR 12" KNEE GIB SCREW (3 REQUIRED) KNEE LOCKING PLUNGER KNEE LOCKING CAMSHAFT 5/16 ~ 18% 5/16 DOG POINT SET SCREW SAG ~ 18x 5/16 SET SCREW (CAM SHAFT HUB. CCAM SHAFT HANDLE NO. 1 1" TAPER PIN LEFT MANO KNEE-COLUMN WIPER HOLDER RIGHT HAND KNEE-COLUMN WIPER HOLDER 1/4'~ 20 x | HOLLOW HEAD CAP SCREW (2 REQUIRED) FELT WIPER (2 REQUIRED) NO, 1610 ALEMITE FITTING (4 REQUIRED) -2- Hes Hei04 Heo: He106 W107 He108 #109 Hao ‘mn maiz Hana Hee ns an, ne Hae ard Hat Haz Haas Higa 135 W126 wag Hie wie #190 Haat Haga Ha Heat Has H6 Ho Heat Hes 23 Hee Hes wena6 Ha er wea 730 Heat 282 Hens Hea Hes Hee Hea7 He38 re) Heo waa 1.254 STOP SCREW KEY PIN SADDLE (CROSS FEED NUT 3/16 x 9/16 x 21/2 KEY (2 REQUIRED) ‘CROSS FEED NUT RETAINING SCREW (2 REQUIRED) NO. 8 ~ 32 3/8 WASHER HEAD SCREW (2 REQUIRED) FEED NUT BRACKET HOLLOW HEAD CAP SCREW (12 REQUIRED) LONGITUDINAL FEED NUT LONGITUDINAL FEED SCREW TABLE LEFT BEARING BRACKET 4/16 x1 DOWEL PINS (6 REQUIRED) RIGHT BEARING BRACKET SADDLE-TABLE GIB. TABLE LOCK PLUNGER TABLE LOCK BOLT ‘TABLE LOCK BOLT HANOLE (2 REQUIRED) TABLE STOP BRACKET 3/8 — 16 «1/2 HOLLOW HEAD CAP SCREW (2 REQUIRED) TABLE STOP PIECE (2 REQUIRED) STOP PIECE T-BOLT (2 REQUIRED) WASHER (7 REQUIRED) 3/4 ~ 16 HEXAGON NUT (2 REQUIRED) SADDLE-KNEE WIPER PLATE (2 REQUIRED) FELT WIPER (4 REQUIRED) SADDLE-KNEE GIB. SADDLE LOCK PLUNGER SADDLE Lock BOLT NO. 1611 ALENITE FITTING (2 REQUIRED) 5/16 ~ 18 5/16 SET SCREW No. 10 ~ 32 1/2 OVAL HEAD SCREW (¢ REQUIRED) TH1/4 OPEN ENO AND 1-1/16 BOX END WRENCH GREASE GUN Plus ‘TURRET RAM. RAM ADAPTER VERTICAL ADJUSTING WORM VERTICAL ADJUSTING WORM SHAFT ADAPTER PIVOT STUD ‘ADAPTER PIVOT STUD LOCKNUT RAM Lock STUD RAM PINION. WORM THRUST WASHER RAM CLAMP RAM CLAMP BAR WORM KEY ANGLE PLATE RAM PINION HANDLE RAM PINION SCREW RAM CLAMP: ADAPTER LOCKING BOLT (2 REQUIRED) 3/8 16 BALL TURRET 14256 SPIDER M72 WASHER W268} : 1268) cup GUARD COVER PLATES FOR 12" KNEE 1-270 TURRET CLAMP BOLTS Hea7l COLUMN = meu Hees Se 2 g ey * a. ae =~ Mt 5 i 3s 8 ! ES s 5 Pea IE a PYG war nase ia x Sw ey nike SG me nus. ue 320neH) pS PART LIST 9” ond 12” TURRET MILLING KACHINE ue 320meH) Wigs we ne was [ue aaa cover Wowoven PART LIST POWER FEED ATTACHMENT. MOTE: GIVE SERIAL NUMBER WHEW ORDERING PARTS Drawing 10 FEB REARING Oven JO128 370718 HEEAGON HUT i ( t ( i ( ( ( fi fi t ( t ( ' ( ( ' PART LIST -» MASTER MILLING ATTACHMENT NBs beawean Wer ICEPY wana ranean) Mizz, Shavean, oun seh Bers ee etm a cesercerceereercesccesi rein Beene: wig me] : ee oe EERE EE te . » Drawing 11 . e & i a \e\ Be 72 E a\¥ i z Q eg & N\G 7 8 s§ ee 2E ES “2 : 2 3 z g bs 5 g zg \. a £5 AS NA & i & QO L]a\ [Se a8 8 i ; v | 8! i i it & 8 Fa a £gs nn a bos -25- eh 78 EST ef es =9- ea ea 3 ea PART LIST -- THE BRIDGEPORT SHAPING ATTACHMENT RAM HOUSING GEAR HOUSING GEAR HOUSING CovER woTOR PULLEY - WORM SHAFT PULLEY STROKE ADJUSTMENT DIAL RAM COVER cis WORM AND SHAFT BELT HOUSING CLAPPER SPRING. ‘CRANK AND SHAFT. CCRANKPIN BLOCK, RAM STROKE ADJUSTMENT PLATE ‘CONNECTING ROD CRANK BEARING COVER RACK (CRANKPIN BLOCK HOLD-DOWN-2 REQUIRED WORM GEAR RAM CRANKP| MOTOR MOUNTING RING STUD - 2 REQUIRED WORM BEARING COVER BEARING RETAINING WASHER CLAPPER Box CLAPPER CLAPPER BOX CLAMP SHOE - 2 REQUIRED BELT WIPER PLATE MIPER-FELT NO, 5205 BEARING NO. R990 BEARING NO. 204 BEARING — 1 PAIR [RAM CRANKPIN LOCKSCREW NO. 8-1212K BEARING NO. 18-1312 INNER, RACE, NO. GB-1612x BEARING NO. 15-812 OSC. INNER RACE NO. GB-1212X BEARING. 8-05 LOCKNUT NO. W.05 LOCKWASHER NO. NO LOCKNUT NO. W-04 LOCKWASHER BA x 41/4 1/2 OILSEAL, TA V2" 3/8 OLSEAL 974 1-1/2» 5/16 OILSEAL AIR VENT COVER 1. cup MOTOR switcH LOCKING BOLT ANO GEAR LOCKING BOLT COLLAR ess Key — E54 36x 3/8 PIN ess KEY E56 KEY E57 FELT PLUG ESB 1/8114 PIN — 2 REQUIRED E59 KEY E40 3/16 x 3/16 = 19/4 KEY Esl 56x 1-7/0 PIN E62 DIAL SPRING E43 WASHER E44 7/6 ~ 20 ACORN NUT E46 BELT COVER CLIP E67 5/6 ~ 1841/2 ET SCREW Eg 5/16 — 18 23/4 CAP SCREW E70 1/4 ~ 2043/4 CAP SCREW ~ 9 REQUIRED E71 NO. 632 2/8 WASHER HEAD SCREW — 2 REQUIRED, £72 NO. 10-24 3/8 FLAT HEAD SCREW ~ 10 REQUIRED E73 NO. 32 3/8 ROUND HEAD SCREW ~ 2 REQUIRED E74 1/4 ~ 20" 1/2 CAP SCREW ~ 3 REQUIRED 75 NO. $40. 1/4 ROUND HEAD SCREW ~ 4 REQUIRED E76 NO. 10-24" 4/8 CAP SCREW ~ 3 REQUIRED E77, \/4~ 20 1/2 CAP SCREW ~ 6 REQUIRED E78 SM6- 18x 4/2 SET SCREW E79 5/16 —18x 5/8 SET SCREW Ead 5/6— 18x 5/14 ser screw _ 2 REQUIRED El NO. #32» 3/8 ROUND HEAD SCREW E82 NO. 540 x 1/4 FLAT HEAD SCREW ~ 2 REQUIRED E83 NO. 832% 3/8 WASHER HEAD SCREW Ead S/16— 8/0 SET SCREW E43 OVERARMMARKER 48 1/8 PIPE PLUG, DRILLED AND TAPPED E89 NO. 10:24 «1/4 SET SCREW 40/4 ~ 20 1/2 FLAT HEAD SCREW — 4 REQUIRED E91 1/4— 29% 1/4 SET SCREW 92 BRASS PLUG E93 S716 1843/4 SET SCREW E94 ROTATION NAMEPLATE. 03. STANDARD NAMEPLATE M73 T-BOLT NUT ~4 REQUIRED M74 T-BOLT WASHER ~ 4 REQUIRED O17 T-BOLT - 4 REQUIRED. G5 MOTOR HOUNTING RING 221 NOTOR-NOUNTING RING STUD NUT ~ 2 REQUIRED 022 MOTOR MOUNTING RING STUD WASHER - 2 REQUIRED Hea 1B scREW * GIVE MOTOR SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDING MAKE OF MOTOR WHEN ORDERING THESE PARTS. ALWAYS GIVE SERIAL NUMBER OF ATTACHMENT. PART LIST CHERRYING ATTACHMENT wa MAD. Me MS M6 M7 M9 MIO MIT M12 MI3 M14 MIS M16 MITA M1 BA M19 M20 M21 M26 M27 M28 M29 M304 M31 maT M48 M50 M56 M60 Mod M65 M69 M70 M71 M72 M83 MB4 MBS M86 i ' ( ( t ( ( (i CHERRYING ATTACHMENT PARTS LIST Belt Housing, single belt drive, 60 cycle Spindle, Double belt, #2 Morse Taper Double belt, #7 B&S Taper Oil Slinger SAE # 205 Boll Bearing (4 Req'd) 0.750 Inside Bearing Spacer Bearing Spacer a Lock Washer 19 Lock Nut Spindle Pulley Hub, Single Belt Drive Spindle Pulley, ‘Single Belt Dri SAE 1206 Ball Bearings (2 Req'd) Bs oring Housing Beoring Retainer Ring Drowbor Nut (Left Hand Thread) Orawber, double drive, #7 or #2 spindle Drowbor K nob Moter Mounting Ring Motor pulley, single belt drive with Hub Port M31 Motor Pulley Hub Quill Lock Bolt Handle Quill Lock B Quill Lock Slaeve, Drilled Quill Lock Sleeve, Tapped Gits No, 2551 Oil Cop Motor Switch 9441 H31D Cutler Hommer T Bolts (4 Req'd) VA x 20 x 1-3/4 Ig. Cop Screw (6 Req'd) 1/2 x 13 x 3-1/4 Hox. Hood Screw Motor Mounting Ring Stud (2 Req'd) V2 x 20 Hex. Nut (2 Req'd) 1/2 x 1/8 x 1 Chomfered & Hardened Wosher 1/2 HP Motor Poper Gasket 1/4 x 20x 1/4 Set Scrow Gilmer 5607 Belt F.H.P. M90 1 12 13 4 15 TS 7 18 19 To m1 T2 113 TM 15 116 v7 Te T9 720 qa 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 730 131 132 TR 34 135 136 137 138 1 140 Tal 145 Motor Cord Quill Housing Quill Housing Seddle Gear Housing Drum Geor Gib (2 Req'd) Gib Serow (2 Reg’d) Gib Screw Washer (2 Req'd) Cherry Pivot Stud Torr. Brg. GB-98 Drum Geer Plate Pivot Offset Block Lead Serew Lead Serew Dial Lead Screw Spacer Allen Wrench Stud Wrench Knob 10-32 x 1/2 Ig. Flot He Zero Block Screw Handwhs el Handle 3/8" Star Washer Hond Whee! Hond Wheel Dog Hand Wheel Ge or Clutch Hond Wheel Pinion Idler G Idler Gear Post Lead Screw Zero Pin Scale (Purchased) ~ Stop Dog (2 Req'd) T Bolt (3 Req'd) T Bolt Wosher (3 Req'd) Dial Binder Plug Fork Adopter (See Mise. Price Finger Ratchet Spring Feed Ratchet Dog Retchet Stud Rotchet Dog Tee Bolt Adopter Tee Bolt Quill PART LIST MODEL “R” WILLING ATTACHMENT Drawing 14 Mere tomas wrens Sau iatice tons ae & --O ct SPINDLE HOUSING: peur nousine: Drowing 15 LAMIDEEPORT MACHINES, INC. BRIDEEFORT, COM, ULALA. OPTICAL MEASURING SYSTEM Alignment of Scales, Table Scale 1. Install scale holder (0-7) on scale holder bracket (0-21) using (2) washers (0-60) ond (2) round head screws (0-41). ‘Snug up serows (0-41). . 2. Loosen (4) screws (0-40) located in bese of scope housing (0-2). Move scope unit (0-2) in or out to bring imoge in focus ‘on window of scope unit (0-2). Snug up (2) screws (0-40) (top left ond lower right) in base of scope unit (0-2). 18. Cronk table to read 5.000 inch in'scope unit window. A this point lower or roise scale holder (0-7) by using adjustment screw (0-48) 10 bring scale image into view of scope unit window 30 that the top of the short graduations lines ore - parallel to top of catch fork. ; | (Motes lustration.) ale 4. Follow some procedure ot point 15 inch on scale image viewed in scope unit window. This adjustment is repeated until scale graduations ore parellel to catch fork. Re-adiust scope housing for sharpness ond lock scope housing tight by ‘using (4) serews (0-40). Re-check scale image in scope unit window and make final odjustment on scale holder (0-7) if necessary. Lock (2) screws (0-41) tight. Check tenth reading diol 10 scale graduations. (This reading will determine proper focus of scope — Le. scope must be adjusted in or out for proper focus.) Dial reading should be set at 99 ond catch fork lined central with a given line by moving the machine load screw. See Fig. 3, Rotate dial to line below 0 line — cotch fork should now fall centrally over odjocent line. If t doesn’t then the focus of the scope must be adjusted. Note: This is most important os unit is only in focus when lines ore in center of catch and fork ox described above. Cross Travel Scale 1. Crank saddle to front position. 2. Loosen (4) screws (0-40) located in bose of scope unit (0-2): Position scope unit (0-2) $0 location of screws (0-40) are in center of elongated slots. Snug up (2) screws (0-40) in scope unit 3, Bring scale into focus by using adjusting nut (0-17). Align short graduations to top of catch fork. 4. Crank table to 9” or 12" point on scale. Bring scale to focus by adjusting nut (0-17) and set top of catch fork to top of short graduations using adjusting set screw (0-48). Proceed to focus following same procedure in setting fable scale holder (07). Note: Check 1" side odjustment for porallelism. I top of catch fork does not run porollel to top of short graduations. I is necessary te loosen (4) cop screws (0-53) holding cross bracke-lens assembly (0-2) and make proper adjustment.

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