(English (United States) ) (ENG CC) Blah Season.1 Full Episode (DownSub - Com)

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(Yeontral Park Coffee Heaven)

Welcome to Cof...

I'll have an iced Americano.


That will be $5.80.

Is your boss not here today?

Oh. I think he went to the restroom.

- Oh, really?
- If you could pay first...

Then I'll pay him later at my table.

Excuse me?

Is he crazy?

Everyone pays in advance.

What makes him so special?

Of course there has to be a jerk.

I can only get the order after you pay.

You haven't worked here long, have you?

I've always done things this way.

I'll be at the far end of the terrace,

so bring it.

(Trembles with anger)

That son of a....!

Haha. We don't bring it to you.

You come get it

when this buzzer goes off.

Don't you know who I am?


No. I don't know you at all.

I don't know you.

... Interesting.

Who does he think he is?

He won't leave without paying, would he?


Oh, I'm reading at a cafe.

("Between Wet Dreams and a Crush")

"Between Calm and Passion."

What do I look like?


Sort of...

Somewhere between charming and handsome?

Haha. It's hard to explain.

When I wake up, I'm like Jung Hae-in,

and at night, I'm like Park Seo-jun.


You get the drift, right?

Geez. After this app came out,

emoji warriors are more problematic.

(Argh. I'm so exhausted -.-;)

Did you find a part-time job?


I can't get fired again,

but things aren't looking great.

Again? Why?

Dealing with a major jerk?

This jerk didn't want to pay in advance.


Did anyone ask for me?

Oh, boss.

There's a customer looking for you.

But he seemed a little weird.

Huh? Ah! Eun-woo!

What's going on?

What's up with the reaction?

(Out of breath) Eun-woo.

Did you order your coffee?

Do you guys always take this long?

- I've been waiting for over 15 minutes.

- Oh, haha.

My e-employee is new, so...

I-I'll bring it right out.

How could you take 15 minutes?

Move. I'll make it.

Oh. I've already made it,

but I was worried that he was weird.

He's not weird.

He's the owner of this building.


He's my cousin, so he lowered my rent.

For this valuable location!

(Sigh) Did you do anything stupid?

Forget it. Move.



Sorry you had to wait.

You should have called me before coming.

How much was it?

Oh, there's no need to pay.

No need.


Oh. Why is it less than usual...

Ask your employee.

you're so used to getting $500
for $5.80 coffee

that $300 isn't enough?

No, it's not that, Eun-woo.

Don't say that.

You know I'm always grateful.

Mom told me to visit Uncle in hospital.

Tell her I went.

Oh. Uh, okay.

I'll be going now.

Take care.

Miss Lee Su-yeon.

I don't have time today,

so we'll talk about this tomorrow.

(How did things go?)

The jerk left.

But I think I made a big mistake.

I think I'll be fired again.


I'll videocall you after I close up.

Will you have time later?

When did you ever care about my time?

Just call. It's okay.

It's fun to hear your crazy stories.

Who said there's a lot of jobs in Seoul?

No job. No friends.

Busy paying rent and credit card bills.

If it wasn't for this friend I met here,

I would have given up already.


Good job.

But it's raining a lot.

Do you have an umbrella?


I wore my new coat today. I'm doomed.

What should I do.

You're near Yeontral Park, right?

I happen to be nearby.

Need an umbrella?


I am...


It's okay.

I'm a bit shy to see you in person.

Never said I'd give it to you in person.

I know I'll be the one losing out here.

Ha! As if.

I can tell that you're

not confident about your looks.

You're right.

Honestly, I've got a huge face,

tiny eyes, and I wear glasses.

Thanks for being honest.

I'm pretty much the same.

I'll just walk in the rain.

Let's protect our identities forever.

Okay. Conceal that face of yours.

Make sure you don't get caught.

Okay. I'll call you later.


Do you sell umbrellas?

We've run out.


It's raining harder. What should I do?

There's an umbrella next to the statue.

I brought my car, so I'm okay.

I've always wondered who you were.

I can't even talk for 5 minutes

with my bestie,

but I can talk with you for 5 hours,

and it's so comfortable and fun.


Thought that was my umbrella,

but Hye-bin...

Huh? Kim Hye-bin?

I-It was you?


Did you get home?

If I say I got wet because

someone took the umbrella,

he'd get upset, right?

I'll just tell him I had the umbrella.

(Did you get home?)

Thanks. I stayed dry thanks to you.

You weren't watching me, right?

You took the umbrella?


What's with the late reply?

He's never been like this before.

Thanks again for the umbrella.
Let's talk soon.


the person I've been talking to

was really Kim Hye-bin?

It can't be.

You're not this kind of person.

What the?

You must like Griana Arande.

I really like her too.

I didn't ask you.

And why are you looking at my phone?

It's just... I like Arande too.

I've got tickets for her Seoul concert.


Those are expensive and hard to get.

Oh, well...

I guess I was lucky.

Good for you.

I wanted to go too.

Oh, r-really?


Want to go with me?


I'll get another ticket for you.

Let's go together.

But the tickets are sold out.

And also,

this isn't your seat.

You always sit in the front row.


You know where I sit?


Don't read into it.

I know because I'm the class president.

But still. You knew where I sat.

The kid who used to sit here

had poor eyesight,

so I switched seats for him.

That kid was in my class freshman year.

And his eyesight was


His nickname was "Mongolian."

Oh, uh...


So you're not going to the concert?

Who said I wasn't?

If someone had asked me

what my ideal type was,

she would be it.

We went on dates, which were like

the ones I've always dreamed of.



I h-have something to tell you.

What's with that weird intro?

How about we date...

Don't think about asking me out.


What do you mean, why?

Because I don't really know you.

Do you know me well?

I can't say that I do,

but we can get to know each other.


I did go on dates with you

because I was interested,

but I'm not sure if I want to date you.


let's just meet like we do now.


I'll try to make this work out.

You just have to know that I like you.




for saying that.

I was confident,

because I had never been betrayed.

If I worked for it,

the results would always follow.

If I wanted something

and genuinely tried my best,

then I would succeed.

Congratulations on getting into Harvard.

But I don't think I can meet you today.

I'm not feeling well.

Are you hurt? Are you sick?

I think it's the flu.

I've been in bed for days,
too weak to eat or get medicine.

Okay. Get some rest.


Something has arrived for you.

Come and take a look.

I was worried you might be lazy

and not eat or take medicine.

Get better and let's go eat

beef intestines soon.

I'll buy.



Thanks for the parcel yesterday.

But let's stop seeing each other.

It became clear to me yesterday.

The nicer you are to me,

the more burdened I feel.

I'm sorry.



I told you.

I'm not into guys who like me first.

I know I sound mean,

but I don't have a reason to like you

just like how you like me for no reason.

I just don't have feelings for you.

The rule I had believed in

was shattered into pieces.

Ever since that day,

I was unable
to open my heart to anyone.



The jerk from yesterday.


It's your first day so I'll let it pass,

but do apologize when he comes tomorrow.

Got it?


Well, he is the owner of this building.

I'll have to do as he says.



Sorry about what happened yesterday.

I'm new here.

Forget it.

Just bring me something cold.


That jerk.

Yesterday, he didn't even pay first,

and today, I have to choose his drink?

Welcome to...



Oh my gosh. It's been ages.

How have you been?

Do you work here?

Oh, yeah. What are you doing here?

I was on a date with my boyfriend...

- and we came here for coffee.
- What?

If it's Kim Hye-bin's boyfriend, it's...


He'll be here shortly after parking.

You know him too, don't you?

What? She told me she was single.

Something's not right.


Are you at the cafe?

Yes. I'm busy right now. Call you later.


She's at the cafe right now?

Sweetie, over here.


You. Umm... Hi.

What's going on?

The air in here is more suffocating

than a fine dust level of 999.

Hye-bin, should we go somewhere else?

Why? You guys briefly went out ages ago.

And now you've dated me for longer.

Is it uncomfortable?

N-No. It's not that.

Yeah. It's okay. What would you like?

Take a seat, and let me know.

Hmm. You're still so enthusiastic.

How old were you again?

I remember you were a lot older than me.

A lot?
I'm only 2 years older than you.


So almost 30. Better find a job soon.

Hye-bin. Stop it.

Let's go.

Why? I'm just genuinely worried for her.

I started a business that's doing well.

If you struggle or get fired,

come see me.

I'll pay you more than they do here.

She's still as cruel as ever.

How she spits harsh words.

Who am I kidding.

She can sound gentle through emoji,

but it's hard to change in real life.

The girl who stole my boyfriend

is mocking me in front of him

while pretending to be worried about me.

And to protect my petty pride,

I'm just waving it off with a smile.

Like a fool.

Okay, but I'm fine now. See you later.

What do you think you're doing, Ms. Lee?

The cafe owner is right in front of you,

and you're considering another job?

Excuse me?

What's up with this jerk?

What has gotten into him?

Since you're good at making coffee

and running the cafe,

we've been getting more customers.

So I'm paying you a lot as our manager,

but that's not enough?

No. I'm sorry.

So you're not just a part-time employee?

This franchise is expanding its business

and is popular on Outstagram too.

If you're a manager here,

I guess things worked out fine.

Come on, Hye-bin. Stop it.

Let's go.

Yeah. Let's go.

I'm happy to see you, but the owner

is making me feel uncomfortable.

Well, I think you're the only one happy.

Can't you see why everyone's feeling

uncomfortable now?

Thank you for visiting.

Have a great time with your boyfriend.

Su-yeon, let's have dinner after work.

I booked the restaurant you liked.

Sounds good?


Hey, I'll call you later.

It was great seeing you.


What the?

You had no trouble talking back to me

since your first day,

but you can't talk back to her?

It's called having social skills.

I don't fight and argue just anywhere.

Are you saying I'm a fighter

that lacks social skills?

Oh, no. It's not that.

Try to forget about it.

Things can only get better.


Yes. I'll do that.


Thank you for today.

Don't worry about it.

It was my personal revenge too.


But how do you know that girl?

We went to the same university.

Same major.


Well, I have a few questions to ask.

What time do you finish?

I finish at 7.

Will you have time later?

Yeah. I'll have t...


Will you have time later?

Was the first time we met

your first day of work?

That rainy day?

Yes, but I'm older,

so why do you keep talking down to...

I hadn't heard it in 7 years,

so I thought

I didn't recognize Kim Hye-bin's voice.

But after hearing the voice again today,

I'm certain.

Actually, no.

But I'm still shy to see you in person.

You prefer

to not know each other's faces?

I'll wait until you're ready.

I'll have to cancel dinner tonight.

I forgot I already had plans.


are you going to be here like this?

Shouldn't you be working?

I-I am working.

Who says I'm not working?


That's more like you.

I'll call you later.

And listen to you talk about that jerk.

I'm sure you have a lot to say.

Argh. It was such a long day.

I have so much to tell him.

I should ask for his name

since we've talked for a while now.


Huh? What are you doing here?

Where's Hye-bin?

Hye-bin's not here.

I came here alone.

To see you.


You've seen enough earlier

to know how I've been.

It's not that.

I have something to say.

You shouldn't have left me last year

when I begged you to stay.

You jerk.

Lee Su-yeon.

Don't fall for it.

Don't stoop to his level.

It's too late to get back together.

If you have any conscience,

let's never meet again.

No, but I...


I can't shake off what happened earlier.

What hurt more than Hye-bin's words

was the fact that my ex

was happy with someone else.

Why can't I meet someone new?

I felt sorry for myself.

(7 years ago)


I'm Lee Su-yeon, who just joined

the movie club.

Nice to meet you.

You applied during

the English department promo, right?

Not again.

"Since you're an English major,

you must be good at English."

He'll probably say that.

The same old pattern I'm sick of,

so I'll say it first.
Yes. That was me.

But I'm not very good at Eng...

What kind of movies do you like?

Excuse me?

On your application,
you applied to be a screenwriter.

So I thought there must be a movie that

inspired you to want to write.

I like "New World."

The gangster film?

I assumed you'd like romantic movies.

Well, I think it is a romantic movie.


How is that a romantic movie?

Lee Jung-jae, the police officer,

and Hwang Jung-min

are in a love triangle.

Lee Jung-jae can't decide between

the police officer whom

he wants to get along with

and Hwang Jung-min who likes him.

He's just like a female lead

in a romantic movie.

Hey, you're right.

I have a feeling you'll write

some really good stuff.

You watch movies from a different angle.


My friends say I'm weird.

No, you're not.

You're unique and original.

Oh, thank you for saying that.

What's your favorite movie?

Umm. I like

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."

Well, that was unexpected.

Not many guys like that movie.

I like it because it's realistic.

Excuse me? Realistic?

It's a total fantasy film.

I mean, think about it.

Even if you try to push someone away,

you end up liking them.

Like the female lead in the movie.

You erase all the good memories

about the guy

and try to start over,

but you end up liking the same guy.

Are you talking about

the immutable law of preferences?

There's a gravitational pull

in human relationships too.

You know they're no good for you

and vow never to see them again,

but you're attracted to them.

You're weird too.

But I think it's interesting

to have different viewpoints.


I've never been a pushover when dating,

so I can't totally agree with your idea.

Darn it.

I didn't want to admit it,

but I understand now what he was saying.

The gravitational pull in relationships.

Have you finished work? Want to chat?

That's right.

Forget preferences.
I can start over with someone new.

It's not hard.


(Incoming call)

How was your day?

Don't get me started.

My ex-boyfriend came to my cafe

with his girlfriend.

OMG. I thought this only happened

in movies.

That does sound like a movie.

Oh, by the way,

do you like movies too?

Nope. I don't watch movies often.

Huh? Why?

It's a waste of time.

I'd rather do something active instead.

It's a waste of time?

You didn't even like box office hits?

No. There are many other fun things

to do.

Don't see the need.

Movies are predictable and boring.

I don't enjoy movies other people like.

Oh, I see.

Why talk about movies?

Is there something you want to watch?

No. What's your dream?

Dream? I'm not too sure.

Making lots of money

and enjoying every moment

with the person I love?

Sounds nice.


What do you want to do in the future?

It's your turn to talk.


A film director.

Why? It's such a hard, low-paying job.

Says the person who wants to be

a writer.

I don't think living a rich

and comfortable life is good.

I want to do something meaningful

and fun before I die.

Movies can comfort and entertain people.

If someone as talented as you

writes the script,

I'll turn it into a cool movie

for everyone to see.

If people watch it

and laugh, cry,

and feel all sorts of emotions,

I'd be happy.

I was anxious at the moment.

Anxious that he would see

how much I had fallen for him.

I wanted to be like him.

And I wanted to support his dream

not from afar but up close.

Yeah. I'm almost home.

I'll hang up now.

Oh, okay.

She's hanging up faster than usual.

And she looks really down.





I must have been out of my mind then.


I still

like you a lot.


Get lost.


I said, get lost.

It was here that day too, right?

Our relationship ended then.

Get out of my sight

before I say something worse.

And don't ever come to me again.

What's going on?

The air is more suffocating

than the fine dust level of 1200.

Is that the K-Mart in our neighborhood?

Things have changed a lot since then.

And I've changed too.

I won't make the same mistakes again.

I can't trust you anymore.

Doesn't matter how you say it

or whether you really mean it.

We only fought once for the three years

we've dated.

Isn't it a shame we broke up over that?

Yes. We were together for 3 years.

I begged you to stay,

but you decided to leave.

I think I'm going to hate you more,

so let's just stop.

That very moment,

I knew that things had finally

come to an end.

(Producer Jung Myung-sik)

Wow. I knew you'd make it.

Congratulations on becoming
a drama producer.

If you work hard there,

you'll be able to become

a movie director in the future.

It's all thanks to you.

I was able to do well

on my project proposal exam

and writing exam because you helped me.

That wouldn't help everyone.

The competition was 1000 to 1.

I'm so proud of you, my boyfriend.

It was hard trying to support a jobless

boyfriend while working, wasn't it?

Work must have been hard for you.


I had to get a job

because of circumstances at home,

and I got vicarious satisfaction

from you pursuing your dream.
Above all,

I'm so happy that we shared

the most important moments of our lives.

We lived out the campus couple dream,

overcame the hard process of job search,

and finally landed a great job.

They're so precious to me.

Y-Yeah. That's right.

Thanks, Su-yeon.


We should also prepare for the wedding.



I need to get adjusted to my new job.

Let's take it slow.

It was then

that he started to draw a line

between us.

How cute are those babies.

When we have children,

I want to raise them well.

Don't you like babies, honey?

O-Of course I do.

They're cute,

but some of my married friends say

that it's hard raising kids.

Well, of course.

But if you have kids

with the person you love,

imagine how beautiful they'd be.

Y-Yes. You're right about that.

I need to get back to work.

I need to prepare for tomorrow's shoot.


I wasn't in a rush to get married


but his attitude

made me become more obsessive and clingy

without realizing it.

What I really wanted

was for him to show

that he truly loved me.

(Myung, mobile phone)

Honey, when should we meet this week?


I'm a bit busy this week.

But I didn't see you last week either.

I was tired and sick

last week, remember?

It's not because I asked to meet up?

Not this again.

It's our 3-year anniversary soon.

Are we not going to meet

if you're tired or busy then?

That's not what I said.

Why are you picking a fight over

something that hasn't even happened yet?

It's just...

I won't be surprised if it did happen.


I need to get back to work.

I'll call you later.

He said he would call me later.


I waited all night,

but he never called.

Are you being serious?

I just don't think I can do it.

Having to make an important decision

right now is too much pressure.

For now.

I didn't ask for you to make a decision

right now.

After realizing that you wanted

to get married as soon as possible,

all your words and actions

felt like they were connected

to marriage,

and it made me feel uncomfortable.

Honey. During our 3 years together,

no matter how hard things got,

have I ever said I wanted to break up?




how could you

do this to me?

I'm sorry.

You're a really good person,

but I'm just not good enough for you.

It felt like he was denying

the time we spent together.

His words

and actions at the moment

may have been a mistake or a lie.

But I thought I could trust

those 3 long years we spent together.

The huge wall that had helped me

withstand all the pain and struggle

came crashing down,

and sadness came pouring out.

(Letter of resignation)
And I thought to myself,

don't replace your dream

with longing for

and supporting someone else.

(Writer's Institute)

It was quite worthwhile.

Living out each day to the fullest.

Sometimes, I'd be okay

from feeling lonely and missing him.

But shortly after,

I would fall apart

in a repetitive cycle.


Want a corn dog?

Oh my gosh.

How long have you been standing there?

Corn dogs are the best

when you're down.


50 cents more than the original.

I bought them especially for you.

How did you know I was here?

I-I happened to be walking past.

But that's not important right now.

When eating corn dogs...

Follow me.
How's this?

Feel better now?

Yeah. I guess. Ha.

It's way better than getting

empty words of consolation and advice.

I would have punched you if you did.

I wouldn't try even if I was forced to.

What? Whatever.


why are you being nice to me?

That's because I like...

I told you.

I'm not into guys who like me first.


Like my employees.

I don't want you sulking over your ex

and not coming in to work.


How did you know I met my ex?

You were crying on the street.

What else could it be?

Geez. I'm going home.

You left your phone.



(To be continued)

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