Comsats University Islamabad, Lahore Campus: Assignment

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Human Resource Development

                                                           Dr. Waheed Akhter

                                                    ASSISTANT PROFE


Course Moderator

Mam Amina Hameed


Aneela Ashraf SP17-BBA-036

Section B
Question: 1

Step 1
 Role that trainability and effectiveness plays in an HRD program:

1. Training plays an important role in the modification of the human capital 

2. Helps the employees to be ambitious and carry out their full capacity 
3. HRD programs set out can have a immense improvement in the standard of work and
4. These assist in having a competitive advantage, which also lead on the best expertise
in the market 
5. Employees will remain execute and have their profession and corporate desires line
up with the organization though instructions

Step 2
Options available to access the trainability of the employees:

1. Training assist the employees in self-evaluation and to know their barriers, what to
task upon in terms of understanding, motivation, and commitment with regard to their
2. Job performances can assist in obtaining the trainability of the employee, before and
after training inspection
3. Organizations rules and laws, vision and mission, plans how are these influencing the
employee's production these can evaluate the trainability of the workers
4. Employees willingness to grasp and evolve their skills, enthusiasm to have a career
growth can be seen through production evaluation, By this, the trainability of the
workers can be set on

Eventually the motivation and work conditions will directly influence the ability to learn and
evolve within the organization, furthermore training programs and HRD involvement will assist
the employees acquire knowledge and grasp the importance of overall growth
Question: 5

Step 1
To have greatest effect, the organization must evaluate the need for the plan as well as clearly
line up the plan with the organization strategy. It is critical that top management and production
managers fully keep up the the program and its observation. Or, the lack of shareholder acquire
that lead to insufficient budget and funds, difficulty in moving up executive socializing and
advising, unsatisfactory assignments, and problems with set down associates upon graduation
from the plan.

Step 2
Need assessment is an important element for an organization to obtain goals favorably and
control the issues between present skills and experience with awaited skills and experience
required for a job. Despite of an essentialness a few alliance don't carry out or there are number
of reasons:

1. Need assessment need judgement on multiple boundaries that influence the association
performance. The level of correctness in judgement is most essential which require
thorough analysis and assessment of all parameters. People in organizations suppose it as
time absorbing process.
2. Managers generally get more time to control the accession and allocation of resources to
execute HRD program, which often show to be an incorrect decision because the focus of
organizer shift from execution to allocation.
3. Managers are impotent of documenting the support and comparisons of many aspects,
which answer in a lack of support from the managers and workers.

Step 3
Need assessment information is a procedure of recognizing the obligation of an HRD program. It
is the basic stage in HRD and training procedure. Need appraisal is important for the growth of
HRD program. An HRD professional motivate a resistant manager or executive to accept the
time and assets important for a needs assessment before choosing and implementing an HRD
plan by portray the importance of need assessment for the evolution of HRD plan by following

1. Need assessment assist in verifying the organization aim and effectiveness in holdout
organization goals.
2. Need assessment assist an HRD manager to grasp what and where programs and
participation of staff are needed.
3. Furthermore, it authorize HRD manager to search the barriers and opportunities near in a
way to get the HRD effectiveness.

Question: 4


Organizational needs investigation assist to monitor and differentiate its current expertise and
assets and understand them to work out what more things are required to encounter future
business aims. Strategic planning is a technique. It require establish business strategies and
applying them. An organization's strategic method carry all its missions, aims, and objectives. A
strategic plan take action as a valuable source of knowledge for organization instructions.

Tying HRD programs to organizations strategy planning

The strategic plan of a company show several strength and fragility of the organizations' staff
and employees and also authorize to find out possible changes to HR strategies. Tying HRD
plans to an organization’s strategic plan make it comfortable to support requests for resources to
discover and take HRD programs it will assist the organization to find the HR requirements of
the organization and build HRD programs.

Question: 2

Traditional learning principles focus on the correlation of two words. When someone thinks of
one word, it reminds them of another. As a dozen recalled, he said twelve sums, the relationship
between stimulus and response over a period of time. According to Gagne, for effective
planning. Training programs, general learning principles such as partnership and closeness are
unsuitable for the following reasons

1. The above principles can only be applied in a controlled environment using simulation
techniques. These results do not apply to the real world.
2. Gagne carries out military training tasks such as from motor training tasks to recognizing
failed tasks when tasks are reinforced to improve performance.
3. Traditional learning principles focus only on what happens in the learning situation and
not on what can be done before learning.

Question: 9
There are many possible reasons for non-compliance with employee safety measures, such as:

1. Procedures for operating machines and devices may not be adequately explained or
demonstrated to employees.
2. Another possibility is that an employee does not take the safety training seriously. At the
time, it was just a strenuous and time consuming activity.

Question: 7

The reasons for not participating in the management development program are:

1. Employees should not receive positive feedback from the clock manager. Positive
reinforcement increases the frequency of the desired behavior, which has a direct effect
on individual attitudes and perceptions. A large number of employees can also participate
in this program.
2. Another reason could be that expectations of employee behavior are low. Low
expectations suggest that people will work less if they are not getting the results they
want, such as rewards. People try to lower the value of their accomplishments when the
results are not encouraging. As the problem shows, staff are unaware of the results of
including participation in development programs in annual performance reviews.
Therefore the participation rate is low. As they learn, the results will be different.
3. Another reason for not participating in a management development program can be to set
unstructured goals. The goals of a management development program may not be clearly
defined for all managers. The third manager is not allowed to pass the benefits of the
program on to other managers.

Question: 8

If I being myself recall a time at School where I felt demotivated while starting a task or studying
for an Exam the reasons that I could relate with two theories of motivations would be:

I can relate first reason with Equity Theory of Motivation which pays attention towards fair
distribution of resources and focuses on fair distribution of resources For Example I
remember There was a subject whose teacher was biased and used to provide marks
accordingly I used to feel demotivated while studying or preparing myself for his Exam
because I knew I won’t be able to get fair marks according to my hard work. The thing which
made me feel demotivated at that time for preparing myself for his Exam was related to
Equity theory of motivates. In His Marks were not provided according to the hard work of
students rather than these marks were provided according to teacher’s biasness towards the
students. Favorite students of the teacher used to get higher marks as compare to others. The
other reason is related to the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need at that time I used to feel
demotivated because I used to have no Self-Esteem and no Self-Actualization. I was not
used to realize the importance of recognition or self-development, or strive to learn
something which was the reason why I used to feel demotivated.

Question: 6
This can include several factors such as Government factors, Economic Factors, Environmental
Factors etc. These factors can influence an employee behavior in different ways. This can
include economic factors For Example there’s a time of recession going on Employee can
definitely feel a fear of losing their job or can put them in a fear of downsizing in the company.
Government factor may include let’s just suppose change is occurred in the Government It
introduced new laws and regulations which the employee will have to follow in coming future it
can also put an influence on the behavior of an employee. Third Factor can be Actions taken by
competitive companies this can also influence an employee behavior if there are working well
than your company it will indeed affect your behavior and you will feel a sense of being in a
pressure to make things go well in your company as well. In the above case I would pay attention
towards the cutting cost with the negative impact that it can put on the morale of the company. I
would also pay attention towards how the production can be increased using the HR assets this
would help in improving revenue and to make other employees strive towards generating more
productivity within the Organization.
Question: 3
The research from the field of gerontology support this stereotype that find learning difficult.
Findings include that with age they find it hard to memorize stuff due to which they find learning
difficult and the other one is some people portray or you may say explain things in a difficult
manner which makes it hard for older workers to understand. Recommendations include that the
supervisors should not waste time in making things mold that they already know and wanting
them to re understand them in a new way. Another recommendation would be to show older
workers implementations of stuff that the company want them to learn so that it will become
easy for them to learn by seeing a practical example of it.

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