MCT Jawaher Saeed 2 H00303854

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MCT/MST Observation Feedback Form (template)

Course Code: EPC 3403

Trainee Name: Jawaher Saeed Nasser School: Al Khleef
MCT/MST Name: Ms. Suzelle Date: October 28, 2020
The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee's performance and give feedback
based on the selected teaching competencies.
NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the TP Booklet

Commitment to the Profession F D C B A

Jawaher arrives on time for her online learning. When Jawaher has questions about how her MST wants her to teach the
lesson, she converses with her MST on various communications such as what's app.
Planning for Learning F D C B A
Jawaher lesson plan does not include appropriate materials that support the learning outcomes. Lesson plans were
submitted on time.
Managing Learning F D C B A
 Jawaher read the online class rules to the students. The rules were clear, and there were appropriate for the class.
There were four rules, Jawaher examples of what she expected from the students.
 When asking a question, she gave students wait time, she called upon students equally, and she gave verbal
praise. Make sure to ask if students understand your instructions and remind students to unmute their
microphones when answering.
 Jawaher maintains a significant classroom presence online. The parents felt comfortable asking questions and
participating. One parent explains to Jawaher that her daughter was sleeping, and Jawaher had a professional
 Due to Jawaher's s students' asking her questions in Arabic, she has to explain Arabic directions for some students.
Make sure when you explain directions or discuss a topic with a parent in Arabic, repeat the topic and answer in
 Jawaher anticipates and applies appropriate strategies to manage student behavior by reminding them of the
rules, and through the lesson;
 Jawaher manages the transition from one topic to another and time in her online classroom.
 Children were aware of the online class routine.
 When showing the video, Jawaher had some technical difficulties, and students had to count on her, but they
could not hear, so it was challenging to keep up with the video. Suggestion: Have a plan B stop the video, and you
and the student count together

Implementing Learning F D C B A
 Jawaher's demonstration was to activate prior knowledge with a bouquet of roses. She scaffolds her lesson with
math by counting, identifying the colors, and more or less.
 The students participate in class and they were involved when called upon.
 When showing a video, make sure it aligns with your lesson. The plant video was just singing about the plants with
words; it did not show or label the plants' parts.
 Children need to have illustrations to demonstrate the parts of the plants.
 Jawaher teaching tools and the video did not match.
 Jawaher demonstration was confusing; she showed the class a rose and called it a plant.
 She proceeded to explain parts of the rose without all the components of a plant. (no roots)
 A rose is part of a plant it is not THE PLANT.
 The correct terminology: for a rose is a flower.

Assessment F D C B A
Jawaher develops and applies appropriate formative assessment when assessing students.
Reflection on Practice F D C B A
Jawaher identifies, apply, and reflect on the lesson; however, she needs to demonstrate a growing ability to link theory and

Action Plan:
 Review the video to assist you as a teaching tool.
 Be able to handle feedback and listen from your Mentor Teachers' feedback should not be considered negative; it
should be received as learning strategies to improve your teaching skills.
 Plan the lesson materials by researching information before delivering to students

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