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AAWC Lesson Reflection (Completed after EVERY lesson taught)

Select (S):
Identify a lesson and what standards are you addressing
On Tuesday 27th of October 2020, I start my math lesson with KG 1GB. The theme of the week was
fplants life cycle my learning outcomes were:

1. Match number with quantity

2. Counting 0-10 forwards, backwards
3. More and less

Describe (D):
I taught and math lesson for KG1B student online using Teams. My personal goal was working on my
time management I will give each section of my lesson the right time I will try to avoid being on hurry.
In my last lesson I was on hurry and talk fast, which maybe make hard time for the students, so this time
I treid to take a time to explain the points of the lesson. I think I achieve my personal call well because
the students were paying attention and active in the class. The students did a great job, they were active
and answering. I was really happy.

Analyze (A):
Since it’s not my first lesson I think I understand most of the class behavior however they also get to
know me well they know I like when they share answers and be active in the class, so in my lesson I think
they responds well. However, I always read the classroom rules before starting my lesson in order to
remind the students how should they behave in the class.
Students were able to count from 1 to 10 very well my links to prior learning was be able to live a count
from 1 to 5 but I believe during the last week because me and my MST review numbers and counting
with the students therefore they are able to count from 1 to 10 by the end of this week. So I think
counting and prior understanding went very well.
These past two weeks I was paying really attention to the students behavior and what they prefer so in
order to engage with them I use oral questions and videos didn’t really like songs so I tried to engage
them by playing songs and after the song I ask them questions to make sure that they understand and
they are in gauged.

Appraise (A):
Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective
Did your lesson meet your teaching goals?
From my point of view I think students enjoyed the lesson and be able to follow up and understand the
lesson, better than my last two lessons. I don’t really change that much of strategy my MST use in her
classes because I don’t want the students to feel that lost, however I did the powerpoint this time, I treid
not to change or level up the activites so they can flollw up with the lesson, but they are way smarter
than I thought.
I believe my lesson meet my teaching goal very well because I want to avoid being hurry and give the
students a chanse to think and answer.

Transform (T):
I will keep inproving myself each day, I will learn more and more from my MST. She is an amazing teacher
and you can tell by how the students active and repond to her. I have a long way and I am tring to learn
and improve day after day.

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