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[color=lightgray]Hello, my name is Alexandar, in-game mates know me as Iqui.

After 11 years of WotLK

experience and nearly 9 years of playing priest, I've decided to share some tips with you guys on how to
"behave" properly in more challenging modes of ICC like the 0% buff raids, how to use your abilities
correctly in order to excel and explain you what are specifics of discipline in this kind of healing
environment. This guide is NOT a detailed theorycraft based discipline guide, it's just a practical
explanation of what to do in each part of LoD encounter in this type of healing environment. All the
critics are welcomed if they are argumented properly.

One very common misconception about Discipline Priests in Lich King 0% duo or trio heal encounter is
that it’s all about being a “Shield bot” – spam shields, nothing else. Following this misconception, many
players who are already hitting years and years of discipline role in raids, have started with same logic
and they were never able to see the full potential of discipline, and even if they saw it, they would never
use it properly. As for that, an intelligent discipline priest will always be aware of his ability and role of
damage preventing which is defined by many different mechanics, and not just “bubble” spamming.
Following this statement, I will try to explain each of these specific mechanics a good discipline should
use in this type of encounter.Now let's cut the theory and bring in some real, alive stuff.




[*]Encounter prerequisites

[*]Gear comparison and item changes

[*]Talents and glyphs

[*]Discipline priest 0% LoD mechanics in irregular healing setup

[*]Quick tips for improvement

[*]Final words


[color=lightskyblue][size=+2]1. Encounter prerequisites[/size][/color]

In 3 heal (hpala, rsham, disco) and especially 2 heal (hpala, disco) 0% buff LoD encounter, discipline
priest keeps doing his basic role – damage prevention but it also shares the healing role more than it
does in regular buffed LoD encounter. A reason for this comes from the fact that the dmg received is
much bigger than it is in regular LoD and the healing setup is smaller so basicly shieldspoping and using
PoM’s occasionally is not gonna keep the raid alive for long enough.

Following this statement, in this type of encounter, discipline will be more involved in group healing
(shields break more easely than in 30% encounter) and significantly more in tank healing.

Even though in regular 4 heal 30% buffed LoD raid setup we go for crit/spirit off-set parts over haste
ones (because 95% of the time you will be casting shieds, meaning borrowed time buff is enough to
decrease the casting time of your single/multi target healing spells when you need to use them), in this
0% setup when we have 2 or 3 healers we will be casting those heals more often and therefore we
should always go for the haste off-set parts with few adjustments.[/color]

[color=lightskyblue][size=+2]2. Gear comparison

and item changes[/size][/color]





[TH][color=lightskyblue]Spirit/Crit based gear (regular LoD)[/color][/TH]

[TH][color=lightskyblue]Haste based gear (2/3 heal 0% LoD)[/color][/TH]








[TD][url][/url] +



























[TD][url][/url] +






















[TD]3x [url][/url][/TD]






[TD]2x [url][/url][/TD]







[TD]2x [url][/url][/TD]



[TD]Ring 1[/TD]



[TD] / [/TD]




[TD]Ring 2[/TD]



[TD] / [/TD]




[TD]Trinket 1[/TD]



[TD] / [/TD]
[TD] / [/TD]



[TD]Trinket 2[/TD]



[TD] / [/TD]

[TD] / [/TD]






[TD] / [/TD]




[TD]Main Hand[/TD]







[TD]Off Hand[/TD]



[TD] / [/TD]

[TD] / [/TD]


[color=lightskyblue][size=+2]3. Talents and glyphs[/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]The talent tree I posted here is commonly used for both regular and unbuffed LoD
encounter. Talents that you can exchange without losing full potential are :
[url][/url] ( 3 points ) - >
[url][/url] (1 point) because in some situations if Infest is
not covered good enough you might need to top yourself fast in order to proceed with shielding
regulary. Also, my personal opinion is that we shouldn’t take Improved Renew because we won’t be
using Renew so often in this encounter (only on transitions and chamber sometimes) and therefore
adding points into this spell's improvement is a waste.


Also about glyphs, the only glyph we should take into consideration about changing it is
[url][/url] to [url]
item=42400[/url]. From my practical experience, when I play discipline with Hpala + resto shaman (3
heal 0% LoD) I prefer to go with Glyph of Flash heal because I use it more and 10% less mana cost is a lot
if you spam it often which you basicly do, and for hpala + disco combination (2 heal 0%) I prefer going
with Prayer of Healing glyph because sometimes, mainly when warriors are cleaving in p1 of LoD , there
is no point in shielding them in 0% LoD so you just precast PoH right on Infest and you top that melee
group + you leave a HoT ticking which is really helpful because of the constant ghould damage on them.

[color=lightskyblue][size=+2]4. Discipline priest 0% LoD mechanics in irregular healing setup[/size]


[color=sandybrown][b][u]Before the encounter starts:[/b][/u][/color]


Regular raid composition in 0% buff encounter should include at least 2 shadow priests, therefore make
sure you assign each shadow priest when to use his
[url][/url] and
[url][/url]. From my practical experience, I assigned 1
shadow priest to use [url][/url] on first transition and the
other shadow priest should use it when remorseless winter ends and we start entering in p2. I keep
mine to use it p3 as an emergency. If you mastered
[url][/url] usage properly, you shouldn’t have mana issues
till p3 because the shields will be breaking instantly on each Infest initial hit and you will be getting your
mana back.

Also in 3 heal 0% LoD setup, you should always combine 1 Hymn of Hope with mana tide totem.
Hopefully on first transition.

Also each shadow priest should know when to use his

[url][/url], exactly in which situation. For example when one
of the healers is grabbed or right when you start entering in p2 and p3 after remorseless ends in order
to help healers to top the raid.[/color]

[color=sandybrown][b][u]Phase 1:[/b][/u][/color]


Stack with the ranged group. Start preshielding at 18 secs till the fight starts ( shield everyone except the
tank) and use [url][/url] on the tank right after you finished
shielding. At the last second start casting [url][/url] on the
tank in order to place [url][/url] +
[url][/url] proc on him so the initial hit by the LK will cause
less damage (the first or second tick of Penance will apply Inspiration in 95% of the time and you will
heal the tank with the last tick so nothing is wasted!) Right after fight started, shaman will use
[url][/url] and Infest is about to hit in few seconds. When
Infest hits, you start shielding again starting with the healers (yourself,hpala and rsham) and right after
you group - prioritize ranged dps who will not cause huge burst on ghouls so your shield won't break on
them the moment you applied it. Try following this order: Mages -> Warlock -> Hunters -> Boomies.
When you finished shielding the ranged group, rogues, feral, dks and retris will already drop aggro from
ghouls so you can shield them asap. When you finished shielding retris you will have 6-7 secs window to
PoM/Penance the tank and start precasting [url][/url] 2 secs
before Infest #2 hits on the melee group where fury warriors are! This is very important. During the
entire p1 you don’t shield warriors before the Infest, only after the Infest hits when your
[url][/url] is on cooldown. When Infest breaks your shields,
you will have 12 secs cooldown until Rapture is refreshed and that’s the time when you can use your
shield on the tank. And that is the only time until phase 3!
After Infest #2 you cast shields in the same order and keep an eye on the tank damage and the
[url][/url] buff on him (when it’s 3 heal comp, rsham will
apply [url][/url] on the tank so you will not be so busy
tracking Inspiration all the time). When the Infest #3 is about to hit, you pop your
[url][/url] as the boss is now around 85% HP. Bloodlust is
now off and you should use [url][/url] on the the mage with
the highest dmg in that pull (track it through Skada/Recount). The
[url][/url] will be ready for transition phase.

Continue shielding and precasting [url][/url] correctly. In the

raid I did with my guild, LK was at 76% and when Infest #4 was about to hit,
[url][/url] went into
[url][/url] so I used
[url][/url] on the tank so it doesn’t get smashed by physical
and shadow damage in the same time. This is mostly dps based so in any other situation,
[url][/url] should be used when 2nd Shambling goes into
Frenzy during transition so your PS will be ready for 4th or 5th
[url][/url] in Phase 2.

The entire fight in Phase 1, retri paladins should rotate Shadow

[url][/url] on Infests so the initial damage is decreased. We
didn’t use retris speced into [url][/url], you should
preferably go for [url][/url] talent because of Phase 3 spirits

[color=sandybrown][b][u][i]1st Transition phase:[/b][/u][/i][/color]


[url][/url] everyone as much as you can, and keep

[url][/url] bouncing around by targeting melees mostly.
When the transiton started you wait at least 15 secs and then use
[url][/url] because the dmg ticks from
[url][/url] will be higher in the ending part of the transition
so you need to keep the raid with as high hp as possible.At around 30 secs till the end of transition, you
will have your [url][/url] ready. This is the perfect timing
because now mage’s have their trinkets ready in the most of the times and you can apply it on the one
with the most damage output. At around 25 secs till the end of transition you stop shielding and use
[url][/url] on critical groups and some
[url][/url] to top someone, and when its around 6-4 secs til
the end of transiton you start shielding again. Reason for this is that if you start shielding earlier than
those 6-4 secs, the shields will break cause of the massive remorseless winter damage and people will
enter Phase 2 with [url][/url] debuff on them which leaves
them without protection to the first Infest in Phase 2.[/color]

[color=sandybrown][b][u]Phase 2:[/b][/u][/color]


Right when you enter the throne after transition, one of the shadow priests should start casting
[url][/url] and you cast your
[url][/url] to attack the LK (you will get the buff from Hymn +
fiend will die from frost sphere’s dmg = izi mana) Now everyone should start stacking for the Val’kyr
waves. As Discipline you shield as many players as possible and when its 2 secs till Infest hits you start
precasting PoH on the group which is not covered with shields so you clear the infest instantly from

Now we just play for Godly rng – none of the healers gets grabbed and we place perfect Defiles.

The entire point of damage prevention in Phase 2 is to have perfectly timed Hand of Sacrefices on the
tank and timed [url][/url] from Hpala/ProtPala and Aura
masteries from retris on each Infest. On this type of encounter with less healers, we use
[url][/url] not for the initial ticks of
[url][/url] but for the melee haste and shadow damage that
LK does after the reaper ended. So we use it here more like a backup.

Before the 3rd Infest hits, you pop your [url][/url] and
continue shielding, toping, and tracking Inspiration on the tank.

Right before the 4th [url][/url] hits the tank [u]use your
[url][/url] on Holy Paladin[/u] to make him outheal the ticks
faster and we can react to the Infest/Defile coming in the same time more effitiently.

Use your PS on the 5th Reaper or after to suppress the shadow dmg/melee haste from LK. Depends on
the raid cooldowns setup.[/color]

[color=sandybrown][b][u][i]2nd Transition phase:[/b][/u][/i][/color]

[color=lightgray]Repeat everything from 1st transition shield less, heal more, focus on tank and don’t
use Scale! Save it for chamber in p3.[/color]
[color=sandybrown][b][u]Phase 3:[/b][/u][/color]


When you start entering the throne in Phase 3 you shield as many as possible but not the tank. Reason
for this is when LK starts casting [url][/url], the shields will
pop on the 2nd tick of the harvest damage and [url][/url]
will proc resulting with mana bomb for you.

When you enter the chamber, pop your [url][/url] and start
shielding/ casting [url][/url] on every cooldown and
[url][/url] when really necessary. In this situation you should
coordinate with your guldmates on raid cooldowns, timers left etc because aura masteries/sacrefices
might be used in different order when you go out of the chamber because of valk grabs, deaths etc.

When you go out of the chamber, the only thing left is to hard heal the tank. The ONLY tank( these
mechanics are based arround solo tanking). Therefore position yourself behind the LK so you don’t get
targeted by spirits, and even if you do, use [url][/url] and
continue healing. On every cooldown you use PI only on Holy Paladin because the damage on Reaper +
Spirits is enormous and he needs every help possible to execute those Holy Lights.

When you’re about to enter the chamber for the 2nd time, shield people randomly, and 4 secs before
entering the chamber use your own Hymn of Hope -> huge portion of mana is back from Rapture and
Hymn buff.

Inside the chamber after 5 secs, Scale will be ready, make sure to pop it and heal/shield as much as
possible and spam PoM on every cooldown. Use PoH on low hp groups.

When you’re out of the chamber repeat everything you did after leaving the chamber for the first time.

Harvest is about to hit, you shield as many as possible. get your mana. Inside heal, same story. Chamber
3 is over.

When you go out of the chamber, wait for the defile, reposition again and keep healing/shielding the
tank. Shaman will use bloodlust cause its ready. When spirits start to collapse, you use your PS on the
tank, hit [url][/url] and start casting
[url][/url] (if you didn’t use it earlier for emergency) and the
LK should be at 11%. [/color]

[color=lightskyblue][size=+2]5. Quick tips for improvement[/size][/color]



[*]Always keep an eye on Inspiration/Ancestral buff applied to your tank, it’s a must, and remember,
you need a healing spell to crit in order to place it. Wheter you’re using Healbot or Grid for healing you
should always have it enabled on your healing bars to show you the up time on your target or just
enable it on your TellMeWhen so you can track it manually (less practical way).

[*]If you’re not using dbm, but some other bossfight timer’s, make sure you have enabled Soul Reaper
as a debuff in your buff/debuff settings section so you can see it on your healing bars (This is important
because some versions of DBM and LKannounce have their timers messed up so enabling it on Healbot
for e.g. makes you track it more easely when its applied to someone (every second of it).

[*]Shadowfiend is your mana friend, I used it here only once in the entire fight even tho you can use it
2 times easely. I didn’t have mana issues so that’s why I used it with only once.

[*]Power Infusion should be used on mages only when their trinkets are up, if you didn’t setup an addon
to track them for a specific player in your raid, make sure that guy will tell you when they’re up so you
can time PI with his burst.

[*]I stongly recommend you to download Ingela’s Rapture addon in order to track Rapture easier.

[*]Chambers reset potions timers so use your mana injectors wisely.

[*]To see the proper values of your shield absorbs, separately from Val’anyr proc from other healers,
use Skada and install Healing & Absorbs add-in.

[*]During any boss fights, especially on LK, I recommend you to have your raids holy paladin on focus so
you can see if he’s casting holy light in time (e.g. Soul Reaper ticks) so you can react fast and prevent the
damage that is about to happen.

[*]There will be probably a number of you guys who consider using mp5 off set gear instead of sprit one
is better for discipline priest. This is just wrong. Mp5 is better than sprit on lower gear and it doesn’t
scale with anything. Reason for this is because spirit lets you regenerate a percentage of your mana
pool. Meaning the more mana/intellect you have, the more useful spirit will be for you. Overall: spirit
>mp5 above ilvl 264 gear. The calucaltion and argumentation for this can be found in Nemmish’s guide
on PVE Discipline priest here on Warmane Forum.

[*]For more detailed information on correlation between Infest and Shield absorption check the
following link [url]
[*]For more information on correlation between Power Infusion and external/internal haste buffs check
the following link [url][/url]


[color=lightskyblue][size=+2]6. Final words[/size][/color]

[color=lightgray]In the end, just a few sentences from heart. This guide is not a scientific paper on how
to play discipline priest, it’s a guide on how to use your abilities so you can use the full potential of
discipline in overall. The point of this guide is to slightly break the misconception that discipline priests
are only shield bots and that they do not participate in healing during raids. This is incorect and every
good disco should think otherwise. From my practical experience, everything I wrote is everything I
actually do as disco and that’s probably why people asked me to write something on this topic and I got
into it. Even though this expansion is now 11 years old, some of us still enjoy playing it and we always
find some new challenges to do in order to test our limits. I did this with Afterlight. Without good
guildmates, this type of challenge is nearly impossible. Without good communication, coordination and
class knowledge this wouldn’t be possible, and I drink to that! I accept criticism, and I will answer all of
your questions regarding this post, but don’t bother me with numbers. I’ve proved many times theory
isn’t defining the practice (in some situations) in WoW so just discuss practical things and not
calculations etc. To argument my story, I leave you guys a video on how this "theory" is implemented in



[color=lightgray]For futher questions, if you wish to stay anonymous on the website, send me a dm in
discord or ingame! Cheers! Discord ID: Iqui#5076[/color][/center]

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