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Student Assessment Tasks

BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

WSC V1.0 09-2020 (Review 10-2021) BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service Student Assessment tasks 1 of 39
RTOWORKS Quality Solutions
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Student Assessment Tasks

Assessment information 3
Assessment instructions 4
Student assessment agreement 7
Assessment Task 1 Cover Sheet 8
Assessment Task 1: Written questions 9
Assessment Task 1 Instructions as provided to students 11
Assessment Task 1 Checklist 13
Assessment Task 2: Customer service strategy planning project 15
Assessment Task 2 Instructions as provided to students 17
Assessment Task 2 Checklist 21
Assessment Task 3: Customer service delivery project 23
Assessment Task 3 Instructions as provided to students 25
Assessment Task 3 Checklist 28
Assessment Task 4: Complaints analysis project 30
Assessment Task 4 Instructions as provided to students 31
Assessment Task 4 Checklist 33
Assessment Task 5: Customer feedback and analysis project 34
Assessment Task 5 Instructions as provided to students 35
Assessment Task 5 Checklist 38
Final results record 39

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BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Student Assessment Tasks

Assessment information
The assessment tasks for BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service are included in this
Student Assessment Tasks booklet and outlined in the assessment plan below.
1. To be assessed as competent for this unit, you must complete all of the assessment tasks

Assessment plan

Assessment Task Overview

1. Written questions You must correctly answer all questions.
You must develop a customer service strategy
2. Customer service planning project and meet with the management team to seek
feedback and approval.
You must review customer correspondence to
ensure it meets required response times and
information requirements, as well as meet with
3. Customer service delivery project staff to discuss variances and required actions.
You are also required to revise a customer
service policy and procedure to ensure best
practice in customer service delivery.
You must review a complex complaint and
4. Customer complaints analysis project develop solutions to avoid poor customer
You must develop a customer survey and
5. Customer feedback and analysis project
analyse the results of a customer survey.

Assessment preparation
Please read through this assessment thoroughly before beginning any tasks. Ask your assessor for
clarification if you have any questions.
When you have read and understood this unit’s assessment tasks, print out the Student
Assessment Agreement. Fill it out, sign it and hand it to your assessor, who will countersign it and
keep it on file.
Keep a copy of all of your work, as the work submitted to your assessor will not be returned to you.

Assessment appeals
If you do not agree with an assessment decision, you can make an assessment appeal as per your
RTO’s assessment appeals process.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel you have been dealt
with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

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Assessment instructions
Each assessment task in this booklet consists of the following:

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

This must be filled out, signed and submitted with your assessment responses.
If you are submitting hardcopy, the Assessment Task Cover Sheet should be the first page of each
task’s submission.
If you are submitting electronically, print out the Assessment Task Cover Sheet, fill it out, sign it
and then scan and submit the file.
The Assessment Task Cover Sheet will be returned to you with the outcome of the assessment,
which will be satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U). If your work has been assessed as being not
satisfactory, your assessor will include written feedback on the Assessment Task Cover Sheet
giving reasons why. Your assessor will also discuss this verbally with you and provide advice on
reassessment opportunities as per your RTO’s reassessment policy.
Depending on the task, this may include

 resubmitting incorrect answers to questions (such as written questions and case studies)

 resubmitting part or all of a project, depending on how the error impacts on the total outcome
of the task

 redoing a role play after being provided with appropriate feedback about your performance

 being observed a second (or third time) undertaking any tasks/activities that were not
satisfactorily completed the first time, after being provided with appropriate feedback.

Assessment task information

This gives you:

 a summary of the assessment task

 information on the resources to be used

 submission requirements

 resubmission opportunities if required.

Assessment task instructions

This includes questions you will need to answer or tasks that you need to complete.
Your answers must be typed using software as indicated in the assessment task Instructions.
Copy and paste each task’s instructions into a new document and use this as the basis for your
assessment task submission. Include this document’s header and footer.
If you are submitting electronically, give the document a file name that includes the information as
indicated in the section called ‘Naming electronic documents’ (see below).

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BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Student Assessment Tasks

Naming electronic documents

It is important that you name the documents that you create for this Assessment Task in a logical
Each should include:

 Course identification code

 Assessment Task number

 Document title (if appropriate)

 Student name

 Date it was created

For example, BSBCUS501 AT2 Customer Service Strategy Joan Smith 20/04/20.

Icons are used in task instructions to indicate three of the common stages within the task.

This icon indicates that you will need to meet with your assessor (and possibly other
students) to complete a meeting or role play.

This icon indicates that you will need to communicate via email or send documents to
via email.

This icon indicates that you will need to submit an item of evidence.

This icon indicates all other stages during the task, which may include research,
developing documents, brainstorming ideas and so on.

Additional resources
You will be provided with the following resources before you begin each assessment task.
Assessment Task 2:

 Customer Service Strategy Template

Assessment Task 3:

 Customer Emails and Responses

 List of Services

 Policy and Procedures

Assessment Task 4:

 Briefing Report Template

Assessment Task 5:

 Customer Survey Report Template


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This will be used by your assessor to mark your assessment. Read through this checklist as part of
your preparation before beginning the assessment task. It will give you a good idea of what your
assessor will be looking for when marking your responses or observing your performance.

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Student assessment agreement

Make sure you read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the
agreement below.
If there is anything that you are unsure of, consult your assessor prior to signing this agreement.

Have you read the assessment requirements for this unit?  Yes  No
Do you understand the requirements of the assessments for this unit?  Yes  No
Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed  Yes  No
Do you have any specific needs that should be considered  Yes  No
If so, explain these in the space below.

Do you understand your rights to reassessment?  Yes  No

Do you understand your right to appeal the decisions made in an  Yes  No

Student name
Student ID number
Student signature
Assessor name
Assessor signature
Assessment Task 1 Cover Sheet
Student declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

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 I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or
colluded with any other student(s).
 I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken
against me according to the process explained to me.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment

Student name
Student ID number
Student signature

Assessor declaration
 I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been
carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor name
Assessor signature
Assessment outcome S NS DNS Resubmission Y N


Student result response

 My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.
 I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature
A copy of this page must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

Assessment Task 1: Written questions

Task summary
This is an open-book test, to be completed in the classroom.
A time limit of 1.5 hours to answer the questions is provided.
You need to answer all of the written questions correctly.
Your answers must be word processed and sent to the assessor as an email attachment.

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 Access to textbooks and other learning materials.

 Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access.

Your assessor will advise you of the due date of this assessment.

 Answers to all questions.

Assessment criteria
All questions must be answered correctly in order for you to be assessed as having completed the
task satisfactorily.

Resubmission opportunities
You will be provided feedback on your performance by the assessor. The feedback will indicate if
you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide
you with written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate
satisfactory performance. Reassessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel you have been dealt
with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not
understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you
when attempting any part of the assessment.

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Written answer question guidance

The following written questions use a range of “instructional words” such as “identify” or “explain”,
which tell you how you should answer the question. Use the definitions below to assist you to
provide the type of response expected.
Note that the following guidance is the minimum level of response required.

Analyse: when a question asks you to analyse something, you should do so in detail, and
identify important points and key features. Generally, you are expected to write a response one
or two paragraphs long.
Compare: when a question asks you to compare something, you will need to show how two or
more things are similar, ensuring that you also indicate the relevance of the consequences.
Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Contrast: when a question asks you to contrast something, you will need to show how two or
more things are different, ensuring you indicate the relevance or the consequences. Generally,
you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Describe: when a question asks you to describe something, you should state the most
noticeable qualities or features. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three
sentences long.
Discuss: when a question asks you to discuss something, you are required to point out
important issues or features and express some form of critical judgement. Generally, you are
expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Evaluate: when a question asks you to evaluate something, you should put forward arguments
for and against something. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two
paragraphs long.
Examine: when a question asks you to examine something, this is similar to “analyse”, where
you should provide a detailed response with key points and features and provide critical
analysis. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Explain: when a question asks you to explain something, you should make clear how or why
something happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or
three sentences long.
Identify: when a question asks you to identify something, this means that you are asked to
briefly describe the required information. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or
three sentences long.
List: when a question asks you to list something, this means that you are asked to briefly state
information in a list format.
Outline: when a question asks you to outline something, this means giving only the main points,
Generally, you are expected to write a response a few sentences long.
Summarise: when a question asks you to summarise something, this means (like “outline”) only
giving the main points. Generally, you are expected to write a response a few sentences long.

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Assessment Task 1 Instructions as provided to students

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Explain the purpose of the Australian Consumer Law and how it protects consumers’ rights.

2. Outline the consumer guarantees that apply for both products and services under the
Australian Consumer Law.

3. List the types of products and services covered by the consumer guarantee.

4. Explain why it is unlawful for a retailer to display a sign to say that no refunds are provided.

5. Discuss whether consumers are legally entitled to a refund or replacement if they change their
mind when buying a product or service.

6. Discuss the statement below in relation to guidelines about consumer guarantees. Provide an
example to illustrate your answer.
“Some suppliers or manufacturers tell the consumer an extended warranty provides extra
protection, which the consumer would not have unless they buy it.”

7. Explain what information is commonly found in an organisation’s complaints policy and


8. List at least two benefits of an effective complaint-handling system for businesses and
consumers and the standard steps that you would use to effectively deal with a customer

9. A retailer wishes to establish a consistent welcome procedure for sales staff to follow when a
potential client enters the sales room. Document, using bullet points, a standard procedure
that the salespeople could follow.

10. Explain the concept of service standards and their importance. Identify two examples of
services standards.

11. Explain why a company committed to best practice customer services may choose to measure
its service standards.

12. Explain the concept of public relations as a method of marketing communication. In your
answer, explain how it can be used as a form of product and/or service promotion.

13. Describe five methods through which a company can promote its products.

14. Explain how customer service can impact on the public relations image of a company.

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15. Explain how verbal communication barriers with customers can be handled effectively.

16. Explain how you can overcome barriers to communication with customers who are hearing

17. Explain how you can overcome barriers to communication with customers who are sight

18. Outline four key ways of providing excellent customer service.

19. Explain why an unhappy customer is not good for business.

20. Explain the importance of understanding customer behaviour and two techniques that can be
used to analyse customer behaviour.

21. Explain three research methods that a business could use to find out about customer needs.

22. Explain the importance of monitoring complaints, including how keeping records of complaints
can help the organisation better its customer service approach.

23. Explain the purpose of a CRM and how it can help organisations manage and improve their
customer service information and relationships.

24. Identify two strategies that an organisation can use to gather feedback from its customers.

25. Social media is a powerful tool. Explain how an organisation can use it to monitor and manage
customer service relationships.

26. Explain two further strategies that can be used to monitor, manage and introduce ways to
improve customer service relationships.

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Assessment Task 1 Checklist

Student’s name:

Did the student provide a Completed

sufficient and clear answer successfully? Comments
that addresses the
suggested answer for the Yes No

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Question 12

Question 13

Question 14

Question 15

Question 16

Question 17

Question 18

Question 19

Question 20

Question 21

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Question 22

Question 23

Question 24

Question 25

Question 26

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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Assessment Task 2: Customer service strategy planning


Task summary
You are required, in the role of Operations Manager of Ozhouse Clean, to research and develop a
customer service strategy for the company. Your strategy will need to be discussed with, and
agreed on by, senior management.
This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

 Access to textbooks and other learning materials

 Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access

 Access to consumer legislation/regulations/codes of practice at the following web sites:

 Customer Service Strategy Template

Your assessor will advise you of the due date of these submissions.

 Email with regulations report and draft customer service strategy attached.

 Email with revised customer service strategy and screen shot attached.

Assessment criteria
For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily
address all of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be
asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.

Resubmission opportunities
You will be provided feedback on your performance by the assessor. The feedback will indicate if
you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide
you with written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate
satisfactory performance. Reassessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been
dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

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You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not
understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you
when attempting any part of the assessment.

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Assessment Task 2 Instructions as provided to students

Complete the following activities:

Carefully read the following scenario.

Ozhouse Clean is a cleaning services company based in Melbourne. The company

offers professional, residential cleaning services, including regular home cleans, as
well as spring cleans.
The company’s mission, vision, values and objectives are as follows:
Ozhouse Clean is committed to providing the highest quality residential and
commercial cleaning services available by exceeding the expectations of our
We are constantly working to establish ourselves as the most respected and
sought-after contract cleaning and facilities support service in Melbourne.
Respect: taking time to understand and value each of our customers and
respecting their choices.
Responsibility: acting with integrity towards our staff, our customers, the community
and the environment.
Caring: a duty of care for our staff, customers and the environment.
Excellence: to always look to provide the best quality experience with regards to
our cleaning and our customer service.
Integrity: to act with honesty, openness and do what we say we will do.
Innovation: to be industry leaders.
Our key objectives and that are fundamental to our business in delivering world-
class cleaning and customer service, are as follows:
 Provide our customers with a professional and friendly service.
 To increase the number of clients by 10% each year.
 Meet or exceed the expectations of customers.
 Implement best practice in cleaning operations, including environmentally
sustainable practices.
Currently 70% of the company’s customers are residential customers. Most of
these customers are full-time workers, needing cleaning services because of their
busy lifestyle. Most customers use regular cleaning services (either once a week or
twice a week for 3–4 hours).
The company also has a small number of commercial contracts for cleaning.
Generally, these involve cleaning staff going in each evening for 2 hours to clean
the office.
Regular services are priced at $35 per hour and the market is very sensitive to
price and quality of service delivered.

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The company does not currently have a customer service strategy. As part of the
current strategic planning process and overall drive to achieve excellence within the
company you, as the Operations Manager (responsible for a team of staff including
call centre operators and the cleaning team), have been tasked with the
responsibility to develop a customer service strategy and a customer service
charter that aligns with the company’s strategic plan mission, vision and objectives.
All customer services strategies need to be implemented during upcoming year and
a priority assigned.
The management team has developed a key principle on which the customer
service strategy is to be based:
We listen to our customers, understand their needs and deliver services to
meet these needs.
The management team has advised that all strategies must come from that
principle and that strategies must also address (but not be limited to) the following
key areas:
 Staff training: currently staff are not trained in customer service
 Customer feedback mechanisms: there are no formal mechanisms in place for
customers to provide feedback
 Quality and consistency of service provided: while the company does not
receive many complaints, most of them relate to customers being unhappy
with the level or detail of cleaning provided. A quality assurance mechanism
needs to be in place to be able to check that the cleaning completed will be
satisfactory to the customer. This is currently not in place.
 Development of a customer service charter: the company wants to tell
customers about what they can expect, how they can provide feedback and
the complaints process.

1. Write a regulations report.

Use the Internet to find out about legislation and regulations that the company
needs to abide by in its delivery of services and ensure that this information is
incorporated into the development of customer service strategies.
In step 4 you will need to provide an overview of the legislative and regulatory
context at the meeting with staff so ensure you make notes to guide your delivery of
the information to staff.
Use the Internet to find examples of customer service strategies developed by other
companies. Make notes on your findings.
Using secondary sources of information, research, identify, investigate and assess
likely key customer needs in relation to cleaning services, including as a minimum
quality of service, cost of service and response times from booking of service to
Your report should be between half a page and one page in length.

27. Develop a customer service strategy.

Research options for customer service strategies and customer needs

The customer service strategy must clearly reflect the customer needs you have
identified and show how these needs will be satisfied through the service provided.
The strategy should also document specific actions, priority and performance

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indicators. Make sure you consider the organisation’s mission, vision, values and
objectives when developing the strategy.
Use the Customer Service Strategy Template to guide your work.
You will modify this document following a meeting with the Management Team (at
step 4), so save this version as Draft Customer Service Strategy.

28. Send an email to the management team (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an

appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachments.
The email text should advise the management team that you would like to set up a
meeting to discuss the documents.
It should include a brief statement of the purpose of the meeting and the date and
time and duration for the meeting (the meeting will be approximately 30 minutes).
Attach your regulations report and your customer service strategy to the email.

29. Meet with management.

At the meeting you will discuss and confirm the customer service strategy with the
General Manager (your assessor).
At the meeting, you will be required to:

 Explain the importance of customer service, as well as legislation and

regulations key to customer service

 Explain each of the strategies and actions in the new customer service

 Explain how strategies and actions will assist in achieving the key customer
service principles, as well as strategic mission, vision and objectives.

 Explain how your plans achieve the quality, time and cost specifications that
the company has agreed to uphold for customers.
During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication skills including:

 Speaking clearly and concisely

 Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding

 Asking questions to identify required information

 Responding to questions as required

 Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding.

Your assessor (in the role of the General Manager) will provide you with feedback
on your strategy, which you will incorporate into the document.

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30. Revise your customer service strategy.

Following the meeting, incorporate your General Manager’s feedback into your
customer service strategy.
Save this draft of the document as Revised Customer Service Strategy.

31. Take a screen shot of your folder and files.

Ensure that you have an overall folder for your work for this unit, as well as sub
folders if necessary.
All of the documents that you have submitted for this assessment task should be
correctly named and filed.
Folders must be logical and well-organised, and you will be assessed on this.
The screen shot should show all the folders and documents using the naming
conventions shown below.

32. Send an email to the management team (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an

appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should summarise the meeting’s outcomes and introduce and summarise the
contents of the attachment.
Attach your revised customer service strategy and screen shot to the email.

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Assessment Task 2 Checklist

Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Outline the legislative and regulatory

context of the organisation relevant to
customer service?

Identify, investigate and assess

customer needs through research and
reflect these needs in the customer
service strategy?

Develop a customer service strategy in

the required format that includes
appropriate strategies and actions to
achieve the strategic vision, mission and
objectives and key customer service

Identify suitable actions, priority and

performance indicators within the
customer service strategy to achieve
agreed quality, time and cost

During the meeting, demonstrate

effective communication skills including:
 Speaking clearly and concisely

 Using non-verbal communication to

assist with understanding
 Asking questions to identify
required information
 Responding to questions as
 Using active listening techniques to
confirm understanding

Incorporate feedback as provided by the

management team into the final
customer service strategy?

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Manage records effectively by creating

appropriate folders and storing all files?

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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Assessment Task 3: Customer service delivery project

Task summary
As the Operations Manager responsible for ensuring delivery of quality services, you will review a
sample of quotes provided by customer service staff to customers.
Once you have completed your analysis, you will meet with the customer service team to discuss
any issues that you identified through your review, and actions to be taken to ensure quality
customer service. You will also be required to demonstrate your ability to problem-solve through
the provision unexpected information provided by your customer service team and to update and
implemented customer service policy and procedures accordingly.
This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

 Access to textbooks and other learning materials

 Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access

 Customer Emails and Responses

 Customer Service Policy and Procedures

 Ozhouse Clean List of Services

 Two classmates to play team members

Your assessor will advise you of the due date of these submissions.

 Customer service analysis.

 Email to your assessor with revised Customer Service Policy and Procedure attached.

Assessment criteria
For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily
address all of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be
asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.

Resubmission opportunities
You will be provided feedback on your performance by the assessor. The feedback will indicate if
you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide
you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory
performance. Reassessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.

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You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been
dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not
understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you
when attempting any part of the assessment.

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Assessment Task 3 Instructions as provided to students

Complete the following activities:

1. Write a customer service analysis.

Review all of the following documents:

 Customer Emails and Responses sent by the customer service staff.
 Customer Service Policy and Procedure.
 Ozhouse Clean List of services
Review the information given on delivery of company services according to quality
and delivery standards. Check whether the response times for the delivery of
quotes is in accordance with timelines specified in the Customer Service Policy and
Check whether the information provided within the quote is correct as per the
Ozhouse Clean List of Services.
Make notes on variances in response times or correctness of information. This
information will need to be shared at the meeting with staff.
Identify and make notes on actions to address identified issues with response time
or correctness of information to discuss with the staff member at a meeting. This
should be both immediate action/s or actions to be completed over a period of time.
This review will help you determine whether the information contained in the quotes
is correct and has been sent to customers according to the required timelines.
Your analysis should be about one page.

33. Conduct service delivery analysis meeting.

Meet with your customer service team (your assessor and two classmates) to share
what you learned when developing your customer analysis:
 Outline response timelines and information requirements as included in the
Customer Service Policy and Procedures and List of Services.
 Explain any variances identified through your review of the email
 Outline your proposed actions.
 Open the meeting to discuss your proposed actions.
At the meeting, your team will give you some unexpected information and ask you
some questions, which you will need to discuss. Work with the team to identify
additional or revised actions and suggestions to their challenges. These should be
discussed in the meeting and then confirmed in the email you will write in the
following activity.
During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication skills including:
 Speaking clearly and concisely
 Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
 Asking questions to identify required information

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 Responding to questions as required

 Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

34. Research team training.

Based on the information you received at the meeting, it is clear there is an area of
training required for the customer service team.
Use the Internet to look for some suitable short courses that you could send the
team to. Write down the names and contact information for two courses/sessions.
These may be in-person training in your local area or city, or they may be online
webinars or courses/sessions.
Also research some communication strategies on reputable Internet websites that
you can provide to the team in the meantime. These might be fact sheets, websites,
videos and so on. Locate at least three good sources of information.

35. Revise Customer Service Policy and Procedures.

Make some changes to the Customer Service Policy and Procedures that reflect
the concerns of the team. Add some information about the communication
techniques you researched, summarising (not copying) the information you found.
The customer service team should be able to use the policy and procedure as they
are working with customers to ensure best practice in customer service.

36. Send an email to the customer service team (your assessor).

You are required to send an email to the customer service team, summarising the
meeting outcomes, as well as all agreed actions.
It must summarise the adjustments you made to the Customer Service Policy and
Procedure in light of the information given by the team during the meeting and the
answers to questions you provided to their challenges. Attach the revised document
and make sure the team understand that the revised policy will be implemented
Your email must include the information you researched on the Internet. Depending
on how the information is presented online, you may need to attach files or copy
and paste links to specific web pages.
Also choose one training course/session you identified at step 3 and tell the team
they will be receiving training. Explain the training they will attend and how it will
help them and the organisation. Pick a date of your choice for when they will
receive the training.
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an
appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.
Attach your customer service analysis to the email.

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37. Take a screen shot of your folder and files.

Ensure that you have an overall folder for your work for this unit, as well as sub
folders if necessary.
All of the documents that you have submitted for this assessment task should be
correctly named and filed.
Folders must be logical and well-organised, and you will be assessed on this.
The screen shot should show all the folders and documents using the naming
conventions as provided in Assessment Task 2.

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Assessment Task 3 Checklist

Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Check that services are being delivered

according to customer service
standards, including monitoring the
performance of the team against
required customer service standards?

Ensure the delivery of services to

required customer specifications by
identifying suitable actions to address

Assist the team to achieve the required

standards by confirming required
standards, explaining the
underperformance and outlining actions

During the meeting, demonstrate

effective communication skills including:

 Speaking clearly and concisely

 Using non-verbal communication to

assist with understanding

 Asking questions to identify

required information

 Responding to questions as

 Using active listening techniques to

confirm understanding

Used research to acquire appropriate

training resources to meet customer
service needs?

Used resources to provide quality

customer service?

Adjust services/customer service

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standards according to consultation with

the team?

Review and update the Customer

Service Policy and Procedure with
information that will assist the customer
service team to provide better service?

Ensure best practice in customer service

will be delivered to customers?

Make decisions to adjust customer

service practice in consultation with the

Implemented customer service policies

and procedures?

Manage records effectively by creating

appropriate folders and storing all files?

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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Assessment Task 4: Complaints analysis project

Task summary
For this assessment task, you are required to review and analyse customer complaints lodged with
Ozhouse Clean, and to provide a briefing report to the General Manager about solutions.
This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

 Access to textbooks and other learning materials

 Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access

 Briefing Report Template

Your assessor will advise you of the due date of these submissions.

 Email with briefing report attached.

Assessment criteria
For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily
address all of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be
asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.

Resubmission opportunities
You will be provided feedback on your performance by the assessor. The feedback will indicate if
you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide
you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory
performance. Reassessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been
dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not
understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you
when attempting any part of the assessment.

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Assessment Task 4 Instructions as provided to students

Complete the following activities:

Carefully read the following.

Last October, Ozhouse Clean signed up to a number of group buying website to

increase the demand for its services. There has been a marked increase in
customers, but there has also been a significantly increased number of complaints.
The following complaints have been logged in the complaints register since signing
up to the group buying web site as follows:
 Three customers have recently called to redeem their voucher. Customer
service officers have checked the vouchers and found that they are out of
date. Customer service officers have therefore advised customers that as the
vouchers are out of date, and they are no longer able to redeem them. Two of
the customers have complained to the Department of Fair Trading that they
are unable to redeem the services paid for. Note that the company’s refund
policy on their web site does not refer to refunds in relation to vouchers.
 Two customers have complained that they had to wait too long to redeem their
vouchers for an introductory clean. This is because in signing up to group
buying the demand for services resulted in delays.
 A customer called to complain that they had called to book an introductory
clean, but ware told that that the voucher only covered one free hour of
cleaning and they would have to pay the full amount, requiring the customer to
pay an additional $70.
As Operations Manager, you have been asked to investigate and report on these
complex complaints, as it appears that the company had not investigated these
situations prior to signing up with the group buying web site.

1. Write a complex complaint briefing report.

Your investigation should include an analysis of the legal situation, example cases
and recommendations for how to avoid this situation in the future.
Your briefing report should address:
a. Summary of the issues
b. Analysis of relevant legislation.
c. Issues with use of group buying web sites for businesses, including benefits
and pitfalls.
d. Recommendations for actions, including response to the customers, as well as
recommendations that can be adopted internally to avoid this situation
Use the Briefing Report Template to guide your work.

38. Send an email to your assessor.

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The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an

appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.
Attach your briefing report to the email.

39. Take a screen shot of your folder and files.

Ensure that you have an overall folder for your work for this unit, as well as sub
folders if necessary.
All of the documents that you have submitted for this assessment task should be
correctly named and filed.
Folders must be logical and well-organised, and you will be assessed on this.
The screen shot should show all the folders and documents using the naming
conventions as provided in Assessment Task 2.

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Assessment Task 4 Checklist

Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Research relevant legislation and

example cases in order to solve complex
consumer complaints?

Identify and report on solutions based on

analysis of legislation and example
cases, including appropriate solutions for
customer, as well as internal solutions?

Manage records effectively by creating

appropriate folders and storing all files?

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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Assessment Task 5: Customer feedback and analysis


Task summary
For this assessment task, you are required to develop a customer survey for Ozhouse Clean.
You will then analyse the results and develop a short report for the team about the results of the
survey, as well as recommendations for changes to customer services or standards based on
This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

 Access to textbooks and other learning materials

 Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access

 Customer Survey Report Template

Your assessor will advise you of the due date of these submissions.

 Email to your assessor with your customer survey attached.

 Email to your assessor with your customer survey report attached.

Assessment criteria
For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily
address all of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be
asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.

Resubmission opportunities
You will be provided feedback on your performance by the assessor. The feedback will indicate if
you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide
you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory
performance. Reassessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been
dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not
understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you
when attempting any part of the assessment.

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Assessment Task 5 Instructions as provided to students

Complete the following activities:

Carefully read the following.

Based on the customer service issues identified as a result of the customer

complaints issue, Ozhouse Clean has decided to be proactive and identify
customer needs through use of a customer feedback survey. As Operations
Manager of Ozhouse Clean, you are required to develop the customer survey.

1. Conduct research.

Use the internet to research real life customer surveys used by businesses, as well
as how these surveys are administered (e.g. online) and how often.
Identify best practices in customer surveys in regard to questionnaire design and
survey method and frequency. Make notes on your findings.

2. Develop a customer survey.

Based on the areas identified in the task instructions (i.e. quality of service, ability to
meet timelines, staff performance and cost of services), develop a customer survey.
Your survey should include at least 10 questions.
You may also include rating criteria for customer to rate their responses.
Send the customer survey to your assessor via email. Your email should outline the
purpose of the survey and include your recommendations on how often the survey
should be administered and by what method based on the research you undertook.
You should include a clear rationale for your recommendations.

40. Send an email to your assessor.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an

appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
Your email should outline the purpose of the survey and include your
recommendations on how often the survey should be administered and by what
method based on the research you undertook. You should include a clear rationale
for your recommendations.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment, and seek their
feedback and approval to move forward with the project.
Attach your Customer Survey to the email.

Carefully read the following.

It is six months later, and a customer survey has been completed by sending out a
one-off survey to 300 customers by email.

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49 customers responded to the survey and the findings are as follows:

Overall satisfaction with Ozhouse Clean services
26 totally satisfied, 18 somewhat satisfied, 4 dissatisfied and 1 totally
Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate
that they are totally satisfied is 42%.
Ease of doing business with Ozhouse Clean
20 totally satisfied, 19 somewhat satisfied, 8 dissatisfied and 2 totally
Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate
that they are totally satisfied with ease of business is 47%.
Customers who said they would use Ozhouse Clean Services again are:
42 totally satisfied, 6 somewhat satisfied, 1 dissatisfied and 0 totally
Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate
that would use services again is 72%.
Customers who said they would recommend Ozhouse Clean to others
38 totally satisfied, 8 somewhat satisfied, 3 dissatisfied and 0 totally
Industry benchmarks show that the average number of customers who indicate
that they would recommend the company to others is 63%.
Other comments made in response to question inviting customer suggestions:
 Cleaning staff great, but phone service a bit average
 Customer service staff could do with a bit more knowledge about products sold
by the company, good on services knowledge but not on products
 Optional extras such as ironing would be great as an add-on service.

41. Write a Customer Survey Report.

Review the scenario information and analyse the results.

Develop a short report (about 1 page) to discuss the results of your analysis.
Your briefing report should include, as a minimum:

 A short introduction outlining where the data is from

 An analysis of the results against industry benchmarks for overall customer

satisfaction, ease of doing business and customer loyalty.

 Your overall analysis of how the company is performing in terms of customer


 Your recommendations based on the customer survey conducted and your

Use the Customer Survey Report Template to guide you work.

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42. Send an email to your team (your assessor).

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an

appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.
Attach your Customer Survey Report to the email.

43. Take a screen shot of your folder and files.

Ensure that you have an overall folder for your work for this unit, as well as sub
folders if necessary.
All of the documents that you have submitted for this assessment task should be
correctly named and filed.
Folders must be logical and well-organised, and you will be assessed on this.
The screen shot should show all the folders and documents using the naming
conventions as provided in Assessment Task 2.

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Assessment Task 5 Checklist

Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Develop a customer survey in order to

obtain customer feedback?

Identify areas where customer feedback

is needed and develop questions

Identify and use best practice strategies

for customer surveys, including
questionnaire design, method and

Analyse data from consumer survey and

identify implications for services

Report on the outcome of the customer

survey and give recommendations for
future improvement?

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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Final results record

Student name:

Assessor name:


Final assessment results


Task Type y Unsatisfactory Did not submit

Assessment Task 1 Written questions S U DNS

Customer service planning

Assessment Task 2 S U DNS

Customer service delivery

Assessment Task 3 S U DNS

Customer complaints
Assessment Task 4 S U DNS
analysis project

Customer feedback and

Assessment Task 5 S U DNS
analysis project

Overall unit results C NYC


 My performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me.

 I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature: _________________________________________ Date: _________________

 I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been
carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________________

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