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MBA–Regular, 3rd Semester (2017)

Course Pack

Course Title: Project Management (PM)

Instructor: Dr. B.Arunkumar

With ever-increasing technological and scientific advances, the efficient and effective planning and
implementation of major projects, particularly in hi-tech sectors, is becoming progressively more
complex and critical. This course is aimed at providing both basic and some advanced exposure to PM, to
enable the prospective manager to successfully deliver complicated projects within the constraints of
capital, time, and other resources.

The course aims at the following learning objectives:
1) To understand the concepts of project, project management definition, life cycle, and systems
2) To comprehend the crucial role of a project manager in projects, characteristics of successful projects,
characteristics of failure projects;
3) To build up proficiency in project scoping, work definition, and work breakdown structure (WBS);
4) To handle the complex tasks of time estimation, project scheduling, crashing of networks, time cost,
relationship, resource leveling including PERT and CPM;
5) To develop competencies in project costing, budgeting, and financial appraisal;
6) To gain exposure to project control and management, using standard tools of cost and schedule
variance analysis;
7) To appreciate the elements of risk, project control, project MIS, evaluation, project termination and
quality in hi-tech projects;
8) To learn project management by “practice”, through the medium of “study projects, games, case
studies”; and
9) To appreciate and understand the use of computers in project management, especially a tool like MS

We will rely more on learning project management by “doing”, rather than by “reading”. Hence, there
will be mix of pedagogical tools being used, including the following: lectures, case studies, videos,
experience sharing, experiential learning, learning by interviewing project/program managers from
different industries and finally, by using “study projects”.

We will expect you to be well prepared, actively participate in class/peer discussions/activities and be
intellectually aggressive to maximize the benefits for all. Preparation and hands-on practice is essential
for you to get as much as possible from this course (in addition to a good grade!). So, please read the
assigned portions and case(s), before you come to class. Also, ensure that you make all your
submissions of assignments (please see next Section too) on time, as per the given schedule.

Students are expected to read the case studies thoroughly, prepare for class discussions/short
presentations and submit formal answers by e-mail to for evaluation, 48
hours ahead of the class schedule (for example, for case study #1, answers must be submitted 48 hours
before session 4). Class discussion will happen after submission of answers to case studies by all students.

There will be two case study assessments (assessment will be based on each individual student’s
answers, prepared in a word document and submitted by e-mail) and two study projects (assessment will
be based on each group’s answers based on their power point or video presentation in class – the power
point has to be submitted by e-mail too by each group, for evaluation). Please see the sections below for
details on these assignments.

STUDY PROJECT #1 (Group Evaluation based on power point presentation by each group)
One of the main deliverables from you in this study project #1 will be a set of assignments, relating to a
study project of your choice. As you will probably not work in isolation when you launch your new
project, we will also expect you to work in teams of 3 or 4 students, to perform the following exercises on
your study project:
Exercise 1) To define the nature of the project, the organization, the industry, the environment, the
need for project management, and the form of appropriate project life cycle/management;
Exercise 2) To employ the systems approach to your study project, and to undertake the development
of a general systems model;
Exercise 3) To define the scope of the study project, and provide a work definition and work
breakdown structure (WBS);
Exercise 4) To perform time estimation and schedule preparation of the study project #1 using single-
time PERT, three-time PERT, and CPM;
Exercise 5) To prepare a financial appraisal of the study project #1;
Exercise 6) To build cost estimates and budget for the study project #1;

In your study project, you shall carry out the exercises and assignments on a collective group basis.
Reports will be prepared and submitted as assignments on a continual basis, and one/ two
seminar(s) will be presented by each Study Project team, to the class during the course.

In addition to the study project and the “assignments” on the study project (see below), we expect your
active participation in class in the following activities:
1. Raising relevant points and questions, and sharing information, about your “study projects”;
2. Discussing in class the questions related to the case study scheduled for a given class; and
3. Ask intelligent and inquisitive questions, to stimulate class room discussions after every

At two intermediate points during the Semester, you will be required, as a team, to prepare and present
preliminary draft elements of your study project #1. Specifically, “Exercise 1 to Exercise 3” above will
need to be covered in assignment #1 and “Exercise 4 to Exercise 6” in assignment #2. Those who do
not have exposure/access to MS-Project could use MS-Excel or other suitable tool.

The purpose of these presentations is to provide the rest of the class, and the instructor, an opportunity to
give feedback as your study project evolves. In fairness to each team, time limits on the schedules and
durations of all presentations will be strictly enforced.

STUDY PROJECT #2 (Group Evaluation based on power point presentation by each group)

In this project, you are expected to form a team of 3 or 4 students, identify three project managers from
different companies/industries and interview them individually about their experience in project
management. You are expected to either video record (preferred) or voice record or at the minimum,
record in writing, the entire interview session. Based on the video/audio/written record, your team
needs to provide a presentation to the class about responses to your questions, your learning on
project management (in terms of project initiation, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, closing,
scope management, time management, quality management, cost management, risk management,
contract/procurement management, HR management, communication management, integration
management, common best practices, pitfalls) from your observations/interview responses of the 3
different project managers.

Guidelines for Project Manager Interview

Please note that these are guidelines and sample questions only. Use only the questions that seem
appropriate, and feel free to add your own. You get additional points if you add good questions relevant
to the study project.

Note: If the interviewee wants to remain anonymous, that’s fine. If not, please include his/her name and
place of employment as a project manager in your paper. Let him/her know that you are doing this
interview for a class assignment and that the information may be shared with others.

The main purpose of these interviews is for students to gain more insight into what project managers
really do, what challenges they face, what lessons they’ve learned, what concepts/tools you’re learning
about that they really use, and what suggestions they have for you and other students as future team
members and project managers. People often like to tell stories or relate particular situations they were in
to get their points across. To this end, here are a few sample questions.

1. How did you get into project management?

2. If you had to rate the job of project manager on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, how would
you rate it?
3. Briefly explain the reason for your rating. What do you enjoy most and what do you like least about
being a project manager?
4. Did you have any training or special talents or experiences that qualified you to be a project manager?
Are you certified or have you thought about becoming certified (eg., PMP)?
5. What do you feel is the most important thing you do as a project manager? On what task do you
spend the most time each day?
6. What are some of the positive and negative risks you’ve encountered on projects? Please describe any
notable successes and failures and what you’ve learned from them.
7. What are some of the tools, software or otherwise, that you use, and what is your opinion of those
8. What are some steps a project manager can take to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of a
team? How does a new project manager gain the respect and loyalty of team members? Can you share
any examples of situations you faced related to this topic?
9. What suggestions do you have for working with sponsors and senior managers?  Can you share any
examples of situations you faced related to this topic?

Do you have any suggestions for future project managers, such as any specific preparations they should
make, skills they should learn, etc?

In addition to the study project and the “assignments” on the study project (see below), we expect your
active participation in class in the following activities:
4. Raising relevant points and questions, and sharing information, about your “study projects”;
5. Discussing in class the questions related to the case study scheduled for a given class; and
6. Ask intelligent and inquisitive questions, to stimulate class room discussions after every

The purpose of these presentations is to provide the rest of the class, and the instructor, an opportunity to
give feedback as your study project evolves. In fairness to each team, time limits on the schedules and
durations of all presentations will be strictly enforced.

CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENT (Individual assessment)

Note: Please ask Dr.Arun if you are unable to download these research articles.

1) Rolstadås, A., Tommelein, I., Morten Schiefloe, P., & Ballard, G. (2014). Understanding project
success through analysis of project management approach. International Journal of Managing
Projects in Business, 7(4), 638-660.

Questions for Case Study #1:

i. How, in your opinion, is the “Pentagon model” (Schiefloe, 2011) suitable for analyzing the
performance of a project organization? Explain.

ii. Which Project Management approach according to you would be better than all others? Why?
Substantiate with examples from the case, and theory.

iii. Which factors are critical for project success? How are these different from project management
success? Does Project management success mean project success too? Discuss.

2) Keil, M. (1995). Pulling the plug: Software project management and the problem of project
escalation. MIS quarterly, 421-447.

Questions for Case Study #2:

i. What is project escalation? Which factors result in project escalation and how? Explain with
examples from the case. Provide two other real world examples that you have come across, from your
readings from the industry of your choice.

ii. What measures would you recommend to be taken to minimize the risk of project escalation?

iii. “Projects that are initiated to explore applications involving new technologies need to be managed
very differently once they are moved from research mode into full scale development”. Discuss why
and comment on other similar situations that you can think of.


Session Topic to be covered Materials Used/Case Date

No. Study/Presentation/Project
1 Project Management Overview- Presentation Slides
Definition, functions, evolution
of Project Management,
Classification, different
2 Roles -project manager & team, Student Team Activity (20
Leadership, building teams, minutes), Debriefing (10
Resolving conflicts minutes), 7-minute video
relevant to teams,
Presentation slides
3 Project Organization- Structure- Presentation Slides.
Requirements of project
organizations, structures &
integration in large scale
4 Project Management Systems- Presentation Slides
Systems approach, analysis,
development, project feasibility,
life cycle, appraisal, different
phases of development cycle
5 Case Study #1: Understanding Case Study #1
project success through analysis Analysis/Presentation by
of project management students and class
approach. discussion
6 Project Feasibility Study- Presentation Slides
Developing a project plan,
Analysis -market & technical,
financial, risk, sensitivity, social
cost benefit analysis

Session Topic to be covered Materials Used/Case Date
No. Study/Presentation/Project
7 Project Planning and Presentation Slides,
Scheduling-Planning practicing project planning,
fundamentals, master plan, scheduling, WBS using a
work breakdown structure, case study
work packages
8 Use of Gantt Charts & network Presentation Slides, some
diagrams, activity of node numerical problems
diagrams, activity on arrow
diagrams, the critical path
9 PERT, CPM, Resource Presentation Slides, some
Allocation-Tools & techniques numerical problems
for scheduling, crashing of
networks, time, cost,
relationship, resource leveling
10 Cost Estimating & Budgeting Presentation Slides
-Cost estimating process
elements of budgeting, project
cost accounting
11 Recap of Scheduling, tracking, Project Management Game
cost management using a game

12 Managing Risks in Projects- Presentation Slides, video on

Risk concept & identification, risk management
risk assessment, risk priority,
risk response planning, risk
management methods
13 Case Study discussion in class Class discussion using
on project risk management presentation slides led by
14 Project Control and Project Presentation Slides
MIS-Information monitoring,
internal & external project
control, variance limits, features
of PMIS, Project Evaluation,
Reporting & Termination-
Project reviews & reporting,
closing the contract
15 Class Test #1 Class Test #1

16 Case Study #2: Pulling the Case Study #2

plug: Software project Analysis/Presentation by
management and the problem of students and class
project escalation discussion
17 Project Quality -Quality Presentation Slides
assurance, quality audit, tools &
techniques of TQM

Session Topic to be covered Materials Used/Case Date
No. Study/Presentation/Project
18 Contract and Procurement Presentation Slides
Procurement and Contracts
Management Methods
19 Project Integration Management Presentation Slides

20 Study Project #1 Assignment #1 Study Project I –

Presentation by student teams Assignment #1 – first 5
teams (each 15 mins)
21 Study Project #1 Assignment #1 Study Project I –
Presentation by student teams Assignment #1 – next 5
teams (each 15 mins)
22 Project HR management Presentation slides

23 Project Stakeholder Presentation Slides

Management, Project
Communications Management
24 Film/Documentary Review of Case presented as a video,
a Project Management Case – Student needs to write about
individual assessment his understanding or how the
project was
executed/managed, covering
all aspects of project
management involving all
knowledge and process areas
25 Project Close-out Presentation Slides

26 Study Project #1 Assignment #2 Study Project I –

Presentation by student teams Assignment #2 – first 5
teams (each 15 mins)
27 Study Project #1 Assignment #2 Study Project I –
Presentation by student teams Assignment #2 – next 5
teams (each 15 mins)
28 Introduction to Agile Presentation Slides
methodology, relation to NPI,
Importance of Knowledge
Management in projects
29 Study Project #2 Presentation Study Project II –first 5
by student teams teams (each 15 mins)
30 Study Project #2 Presentation Study Project II – next 5
by student teams teams (each 15 mins)

 Suggested Readings/ References:

1. Project Management for Business & Technology (Principles & Practice)

By Nicholas, John M. Pearson Education
2. Project Management – A Managerial Approach: By Meredith, Jack R / Mantel, Samuel J. JW
& Sons, 2002
3. Projects: Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation & Review by Chandra, Prasanna. Tata
McGraw Hill 2004
4. Project Management – A systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling by Harold
Kerzener , Wiley publications
5. Project Management Institute (PMI). A Guide to the Project Management of Knowledge (PMBoK).
Newton Square, PA. 1996. (Reference)
6. Project Management Institute (PMI). A Guide to the Project Management of Knowledge
(PMBoK). 5th Edition (Reference).

Likely Internal Evaluation Scheme:

S. No. Parameter Marks
1 Case Analysis and 40 (20+20)
Presentation (I and II) –
individual assessment
2 Class Test #1 – 10
individual assessment
3 Film/Documentary 10
Review – individual
4 Study Project I – Group 15
assessment –
Assignment I and II
presentation (7.5 + 7.5)
5 Study Project II – Group 15

Additional Reading of case studies (some will be discussed in class relevant to theory being
1)Matta, N. F., & Ashkenas, R. N. (2003). Why good projects fail anyway. Harvard Business
Review, 81(9), 109-116, retrieved from

2)Klein, G. (2007). Performing a project premortem. Harvard Business Review, 85(9), 18-19,
retrieved from

3)Rice, M. P., OConnor, G. C., & Pierantozzi, R. (2008). Implementing a learning plan to
counter project uncertainty. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(2), 54.

4)Elton, J., & Roe, J. (1998). Bringing discipline to project management. Harvard Business
Review, 76(2), 153-159, Retrieved from

5)Julian, J. (2008). How project management office leaders facilitate cross‐project learning and
continuous improvement. Project Management Journal, 39(3), 43-58, retrieved from

6)Pitsis, T. S., Sankaran, S., Gudergan, S., & Clegg, S. R. (2014). Governing projects under
complexity: theory and practice in project management. International Journal of Project
Management, 32(8), 1285-1290.

7)Brown, K. A., Hyer, N. L., & Ettenson, R. (2013). The question every project team should
answer. MIT Sloan Management Review, 55(1), 49, retrieved from

8) Keil, M., Smith, H. J., Iacovou, C. L., & Thompson, R. L. (2014). The pitfalls of project status
reporting. MIT Sloan Management Review, 55(3), 57, retrieved from

9) Miterev, M., Engwall, M., & Jerbrant, A. (2016). Exploring program management competences
for various program types. International Journal of Project Management, 34(3), 545-557.

10) Williams, T. (2008). How do organizations learn lessons from projects—And do they?. IEEE
Transactions on Engineering Management, 55(2), 248-266.

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