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HACC Lesson Plan

EDUC 270

Name: Rachel Peckman Date: 11/19/20

TITLE: Telling and Revising Stories

SUBJECT: English Language Arts



STANDARD AREA- CC.1.3: Reading Literature: Students read and respond to works of
literature - with emphasis on comprehension, making connections among
ideas and between texts with focus on textual evidence.

STANDARD- CC.1.3.2.E Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the
beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.

Using prediction, story structure, and writing skills, the children will create their
own versions of the story we will read in class with a story impression outline.


- How do strategic readers create meaning from informational and literary
- What is this text really about?
- How does interaction with text provoke thinking and response?


This activity with combine what we have been talking about in class with new emphasis on
revisions. We have been going over pieces of a story including plot, characters, setting, etc.
These tools will be used along with the readers own interpretation of words given prior to
reading the story. By the end of this lesson children should learn and understand the basic
concept of a story impression.


We will be using story impression to go through a book in class. The children will receive a list
of words in the order that they take place in the book. They will then create their own story
of what they think will happen within the book. We will read the story as a class and the
children will then go back to their original stories and revise them.

DURATION: 1 hour

LIST OF MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT: (NAEYC 4.b) Please use a bulleted materials list.

 The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney’s Adapted Version by Justine Korman)
 Paper
 Writing Utensils
 Carpet
 Projector to share a video
 iPads/chrome books
 books about Paris/Notre Dame


 revision
 gargoyle
 Story Impression
 Gypsy


1. Begin the class by asking the children if they know what a Story Impression
is. Use a YouTube video called Story Impressions by IPDAE to introduce this new
concept and revise the video in your own words in case some students were not
tracking. Also give the opportunity to ask questions so that all students understand
what a Story Impression is.
2. Next, write a list of 10 words/small phrases on the board that go in the order
the are told in the story. Alert the children that some words are characters, and some
are places. The words are: Notre Dame, Quasimodo, Judge Frollo, festival, gypsy,
Esmerelda, Esmerelda caught, defend the church, evil reign ended, hero.
3. Before the students get into the work, make sure to emphasize the
importance of identifying the characters in the story, figuring out what the setting
might be, and learning the plot.
4. Group the students into 4-person small groups. Instruct the students to start
creating what they think in the story we will be reading using the words on the board.
When the class is finished, a few students may share their ideas on what they think
will happen in the story.
5. The class will leave their papers at their desk and come to the carpet for a
read aloud of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Instruct the students to put their hand
on their head when they hear a word that was on their lists.
6. Discuss with the class whether they think their group used all of the words
correctly and talk about the words on a deeper level. The students will then go back
to their groups and compare what they just heard in the story to what they had
written down. Provide a new piece of paper and summarize the story they just heard
being sure to include plot, characters, setting, etc.
7. After the students are finished, explain to them that they have all just
revised their papers. Explain a little bit about revision and why it is necessary. Ask the
students why it is important to think about the story prior to reading it? “What did
you learn today?”
8. The students will have a small amount of free time to look through some
books about Notre Dame and building of Europe to understand more fully what was
being talked about in the story. If iPads or Chrome Books are available, the class will
be able to use Google Maps to zoom in and look at what was once Notre Dame and
ASSESSMENT (Formative): (NAEYC 3.b)

Assessment of knowledge will come when the teacher looks over the student’s revised
stories and compares them to the original ones. The teacher will look for changes between
the first and last draft (if change was necessary) and look for key elements of the story.


 In the library school library, the students can look up more about Notre Dame
o Goodnight Notre Dame by Samantha Hawthorne
o The Girl and The Cathedral by Nicolas Jetter
 Google Earth
 Virtual Tour of Notre Dame


For an ELL student I would make sure they had someone to thoroughly explain the
assignment. Possibly someone explaining in their native language. If the idea of writing two
stories is too much, then student can be allowed to draw pictures of the events throughout
the story in the order they think they might come in.

For a child with a mental disability, I would have printed pictures from the story cut out and
have their helper work with them to line them up in an order that might make sense and
then read the story with the class.

EXTENSIONS: (NAEYC 2.c and 3.d)

The underlying theme of The Hunchback of Notre Dame is that things are not always as they
seem. Quasimodo realized that all gypsies are not bad and the hunchback himself was the
hero of the story. Send home a note explaining the concept of inclusions and community to
the families in your class. In the note encourage families to step out and do something for
another family or individual in their neighborhood. Give examples for the families to talk
about and discuss. These could be acts of service, like picking up leaves or mov=wing the
lawn, or baking cookies, or even babysitting. Tell the students that there will be a share time
later in the week for those children whose families participate.


This lesson plan allowed for a lot of growth and build on the key elements of a story and
made way for the new concept of revision. The lesson is very informational and covers
necessary NAEYC standards for 2nd grade. I think that I used my resources very well. I was able
to use a lot of variety withing my lesson plan as well as additional resources that the students
could build their knowledge on. I also think that the extension to the lesson is very tangible
and is a great way to get families involved in the child’s education which is what we as
teachers really want.

I think that my adaptations are weak. I could have come up with some more diverse and
creative ways to help ELL and special needs learners in my classroom. It was difficult for me
to think of adaptations because the lesson seemed very straight forward, but I should have
thought of more creative ways to make sure everyone was learning.

I used the theory of Cognitivism by Wolfgang Kohler. This theory states that children process
and think about information that they are taught or told. When we read through the list of
words on the board, the children had to think about how those words might come together
to create a story.

The book we read in class was developmentally appropriate for 2nd grade and story writing is
something that each 2nd grade should be able to do at this point with exception of special
When it is time to revise the lesson plan I would like to expand more into the adaptations
section so that I can be sure to include all possible learners that may be in the classroom.

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