Chapter - Introduction To IT-ITes Industry Class 9

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Class 9 Introduction to IT-ITes Industry

A. Give an example of the use of IT in the following areas. Avoid already discussed
Teacher Practice Example

Classroom content transaction Using animated movies to explain the topic

Assessment of students Use of MS Excel for creating Marks report

Library management Keeping record of Issuing and retaining books

Student record management Maintaining class roll records

B. Short answer questions (50 words)

1. What do you understand by the term IT and ITeS?

Ans. Information Technology (IT) means creating, managing, storing and exchanging
information. IT includes all types of technology used to deal with information, such as computer
hardware and software technology used for creating, storing, and transferring information.


ITeS is defined as outsourcing of processes that can be enabled with information technology and
covers diverse areas like finance, HR, administration, health care, telecommunications,
manufacturing, etc. E-enabled services radically reduce costs and improve service standards. In
short, Internet service provider aims to provide B2B e-commerce solutions.

2. What are the pros and cons of using ICT?

Ans. ​The pros and cons of using ICT are:

● Reach most friends, family and business contacts in seconds.
● Develop a business line without needing a real office.
● Fast development and less time to market.
● Lower prices on communications to consumers.
● Home and daily tasks automation.
● No reliable trusted sources. Information might not be accurate.
● Communicating over a distance might degrade the human approach to relations
● The mind has become lazy, not reading the entire page but going straight to the interesting
● Reduced privacy
● A faster world based on technology reduces the amount of time to be with ourselves.

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Class 9 Introduction to IT-ITes Industry

3. What precautions are required to ensure that ICT use is safe?

Ans.​ The precautions required to ensure that ICT use is safe are:

1. Install protective software.

Sophos is available as a free download. Once installed, schedule Sophos to regularly scan
and update your virus definitions automatically.
2. Choose strong passwords.
Strong passwords use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Create a
unique password for each account.
3. Back up on a regular basis.
Scheduling routine backups can protect you from the unexpected. Always keep a few
months' worth of retrievable backup.
4. Control access to your machine.
Don't leave your computer in an unsecured, public area, especially if you're logged on.
5. Use email and the internet safely.
Be wary of attachments, links, and forms in emails that come from people you don't know,
or which seem "phishy." Avoid untrustworthy (often free) downloads.
6. Use secure connections.
When USe remote connectivity and secure file transfer options when off campus.
7. Protect sensitive data.
Securely remove sensitive data files from your hard drive, especially when recycling or
repurposing your computer.
8. Use desktop firewalls.
Use desktop firewalls to protect your computer files from being scanned. Make sure they
are properly configured.

4. What are the four main sub-sectors in the IT-BPM industry?

Ans. ​There are four sub-sectors within the IT-BPM Industry are:
● IT Services
● Business Process Management
● Software Products
● Engineering Research and Development

5. Give examples of the use of IT in everyday life.

Ans. ​The uses of IT in everyday life are:
● Washing machines
● Microwave oven
● Televisions
● Mobile Phones
● the information about our important work, appointments schedules and list of contacts can
be stored in a computer.

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Class 9 Introduction to IT-ITes Industry

6. How is IT used in libraries?

Ans. ​The IT use in libraries is are as follows:

● As each book has a barcode associated with it that makes easier for the library to keep
track of books and the availability of a specific book.
● Computer software is used to issue and return the book.
● Each book in the library has a magnetic strip attached to it that is deactivated before the
book can be borrowed.

7. What are the various processes of education where IT is used?

Ans. ​The various processes of education where IT is used are:

1. ICT in the classroom

● e-learning classrooms
● smart-board presentations
● videos on experiments
● creation of images and video
● desktop publishing of magazines, letters and documents
● educational games
● learning using the CD-ROM media
● gathering educational information on the Internet.
2. Education — anywhere anytime
● Any student in India can access the NCERT book online through the website or mobile app.
3. Teaching aids and media
● use pictures, animations and audio-visuals to explain subjects that are difficult to
● make the lessons interesting using presentations.
● organise lessons using the computer.
● obtain the information relevant to the subjects.
4. Learning Management System (LMS)
● learn lessons anytime and anywhere.
● submit queries, getting replies and submit comments through forums.
● participate in the co-curricular activities via video.
● Parents can monitor the progress of their children.

8. Which software are used in digital communication?

Ans. ​The software used in digital communication are:

● Microsoft Office - provide content management platform to easily browse, edit and save
stored documents directly from Microsoft Office.

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Class 9 Introduction to IT-ITes Industry

● YouTube - YouTube is used for marketing and promotion of products, which include
information such as title, video duration and keywords.
● Google Drive​ - used to access folders and files to boost productivity.
● Email - It is the fastest way of written communication. The email message is sent via the
● Whatsapp - It is mobile based application used for communicating information such as text
messages, audio, video calling, etc.

9. For what purpose is IT used in business?

Ans. ​The purpose of IT use in business are:

● for payroll calculation

● budgeting
● sales analysis
● financial forecasting
● managing and maintaining stocks.
● business transactions through Internet
● marketing
● customer visit
● product browsing
● shopping basket checkout
● tax paying
● shopping receipt and process order

10. Which are the prominent areas where IT is used in science and engineering?

Ans. ​The prominent areas where IT is used in Science and engineering are:

● performing complex scientific calculations

● Computer Aided Design (CAD) or Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) applications used
for drawing, designing and for simulating and testing the designs.
● storing large amount of data
● performing complex calculations and for visualising 3-dimensional objects
● Managing complex scientic applications like rocket launching, space exploration, etc.
which are not possible without computers.

11. List the various uses of IT in a banking system.

Ans. ​The uses of IT in a banking system are:

● Recording customer’s data and transactions.
● Recurring deposits (e-RD)
● Fixed deposits (e-FD)
● money transfer from one account to another (NEFT, RTGS)
● online transactions using Internet

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Class 9 Introduction to IT-ITes Industry

● Capital market transactions

● financial analysis
● Bank customers use Automated Teller Machines (ATM) for cash deposits and withdrawal,
or to view current balance.

12. Which are the different areas of healthcare where IT is used? And how?
Ans. ​The different areas of healthcare where IT is used are:
1. In Hospital Management System to maintain and manage patients’ records as well as
various activities pertaining to hospital administration.
2. The computerised machines are used for ECG, EEG, Ultrasound and CT Scan.
3. The variety of computerised measuring instruments and surgical equipment are used to
monitor patients’ conditions during complex surgery.
4. Health care manufacturing companies use computers to aid the production of diagnostic
tools and instruments.
5. ICT used for diagnosis such as
● Computerised Axial Tomography Machine (CAT): Using this machine
three-dimensional (3D) images of different parts of the body can be made.
● MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machine): MRI machines are used to give the
digital impression of internal organs of the body by using strong magnetic fields and
radio waves.
● Electrocardiogram (ECG) Machine: The ECG machine is used to monitor the
heartbeat and records the electrical impulses, which are shown in the form of a
● Cardiac Screening Machine: This machine displays the physiology of the heart and
it displays the movements inside the heart.
● EEG (Electro‑ encephalography) Machine: ​This machine is used to record the
activities of the brain.
● Blood Sugar Testing Machine: This device analyses a sample of blood and
determines the blood glucose level.
● Blood Pressure Measuring Machine: This device which is worn as a wrist band
can measure the blood pressure of a person at rest or when he/she is involved in
some physical activity.

13. List any 5 websites of the Indian government which provide IT enabled services to the
Ans. ​The Indian government IT enabled websites are:
● Income tax department - ​
● Sales tax department - ​
● Election commission - ​
● Aadhaar Card Authority - ​
● Agriculture Department - ​

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