Management Information System

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information system
assignment 1
Name: Mohammad Imran Hossain Khandaker
Student ID : 2018511080043
IBM spring batch 2018
Q 1: The three key resources in management information systems (MIS) are information,
information technology, and people. Which of these three resources is the most important? Why?
The least important? Why?
Management information system uses three key resources to manage information related processes of an
organization. The key resources are
Information technology
Of these resources, people are the most important. People bring factors that can positively or negatively
affect the outcome of MIS. The abilities, temperament, personality factors, education, training and work
ethic of both the developers of MIS and the users of MIS will contribute to the effectiveness ... People can
set the goals, carry out tasks, make decisions, make planning , serve customers, and, in the case of IT
specialists, provide a stable and reliable technology environment so the organization can run smoothly
and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace
People also have their role in the management information system. People are needed to manage the
information and the information technology. They can process the information in a way that the
computers cannot do. This is because they have a different way of thinking by considering many element
before making a decision.
People become a researcher when they read any information, process, and use it to find a solution for a
People can be a founder by manipulating information and turn it into a new foundation. They process
old information and come out with a new information. This is important because we need to update and
advancing our knowledge and information.
People can share and exchange their information with each other to enhance their knowledge.
People can create new information by doing a research. They can come out with more useful information
Ans 2 : I think information technology is the least important for MIS resource because Information
Technology, while important it is useless without the people and information needed populate the
“computer-based tools, we utilize to support the information and information-processing needs of an
IT has brought the world closer together and allowed the world’s economy to become a single
interdependent system. That’s mean, we can share any information quickly and efficiently and we also
can reduce the barriers of linguistic and geographic boundaries among countries.
Information technology has helped to bridge the cultural gap by helping people from different cultures to
communicate with one another, and allow for the exchange of views and ideas.
While information technology have streamlined the business process, it also has crated job redundancies,
downsizing and outsourcing. Its means that a lot of lower and middle level jobs have been done by using
technology such as computer and machine and its causing more people to become unemployed.
Industry experts believe that the internet has made job security as a big issue since technology keeps on
changing with every day. It means that a person has to be in a constant learning mode to make sure their
job is secure.
Information technology may have made the world a global village, but it has also contributed to a culture
dominating another week culture.

As an information-literate knowledge worker for a local distributor of imported foods and spices,
you’ve been asked to prepare a customer mailing list that will be sold to international cuisine
restaurants in your area.
If you do so, will you be acting ethically? Suppose you don’t consider the proposal ethical. What
will you do if your boss threatens to fire you if you don’t prepare the list? Do you believe you would
have any legal recourse if you didn’t prepare the list and were subsequently fired?
First of all, I need to know what is ethical? Ethics is the branch of an idea that handles the determination
of what's right or wrong, good or bad. To behave ethically is to live on one's life following a couple of
ethical principles, which are based, in the end, on moral beliefs.
If I face this type of problem then I need to talk about my boss and try to solve this problem. I think that
preparing a customer milling list to sell would be ethical if my boss threatened to fire me, he could
because I did not follow his command properly in this case my boss can inform me of any decision. I
want to say another point. the rules of the regulation of employees low or labor low. In my country at
Dhaka, an employer can fire me without any reason. Dhaka recognizes the doctrine of “employment at
will” this means that as a general rule either the employ on the employee may end the employment
relationship at any time for no reason at all. now I will think about it. Now I have to do something good
for both of us. First, I will highlight my rationality and honesty, ethics. If I flash my customers' personal
information or demand to another company here, I think it's an unethical activity and it's legitimate. No
one should ever disclose any person's personal information, needs, etc. or flash it to another company. I
can solve this problem in two ways in this case. First of all, I would ask if it would be possible to contact
the customers and get their approval for such actions. For the customers that were in agreement, I would
do as my boss had requested and make a customer mailing list that would be sold to international cuisine
restaurants in the area. This list all the information related to their information in the order of their
permission from the customers. I can collect information about the customers if they are allowed. If they
agreed to the terms then I could write these arguments through the document. So that they will not raise
any charges against me in the future. And I will not disclose anything to my boss about buyers who do not
provide their information or permission. If I disclose any information to him without his permission, this
would be considered illegal. It will not be possible for me to do this. I will give my boss the information
that the buyers have permitted me. If my boss is satisfied with this, then I will continue my work. And if
my boss is dissatisfied with me, then I will quit my job. Because I can never give up my ethic or morality.
Although the diction to go again selling the information would be unethical in my opination. The
employer gave me a task and I did not complete it. The employer could easily use that to defend
themselves from their decision.

3. Investigate the following express delivery companies, compare and analyze their competitive
advantages using Porter’s Five Forces Model, try to find the problems and give your advices.
First of all, we need to know, what is Porter's Five Forces is a model? Porter's Five Forces is a model that
identifies and analyzes five competitive forces that shape every industry and helps determine an industry's
weaknesses and strengths. Five Forces analysis is frequently used to identify an industry's structure to
determine corporate strategy. Porter's model can be applied to any segment of the economy to understand
the level of competition within the industry and enhance a company's long-term profitability. The five
forces are frequently used to measure competition intensity, attractiveness, and profitability of an industry
or market.
Porter's five forces are:
1. Competition in the industry
2. Potential of new entrants into the industry
3. Power of suppliers
4. Power of customers
5. The threat of substitute products

Bargaining power of buyers,

The bargaining of power of buyers is low in the case of united parcel services, consumers influence the
company to a great extent. this low barging power is because the company is successful in maintaining
the huge customer base, the company has loyal customers base Moreover very few combines are present
in the industry, which provide handful services to the customers .afterword are the customers are involved
in global business, Thus, UPS provide the access of its services to worldwide, as there are few areas
where the company has no access, company is successful in maintain the brand image and fulfill the
objective in reasonable prices .,
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
The products that these suppliers provide are fairly standardized, less differentiated, and have low
switching costs. This makes it easier for buyers like UPS to switch suppliers. This makes the bargaining
power of suppliers a weaker force. The company does not own ass the vehicles for the delivery and
trailers. Thus, companies like Budget and swift transportation have the power when UPS contacts them
for renting vehicles. moreover, for urgent delivery, the company has to use airplanes. The Boeing
Company is the main airplane supplier for UPS. ,
The threat of Substitute Products or Services
he very few substitutes available are of high quality but are way more expensive. Comparatively, firms
producing within the industry in which UPS operates sell at a lower price than substitutes, with adequate
quality. This means that buyers are less likely to switch to substitute products. This means that the threat
of substitute products is weak within the industry.,
Rivalry Among Existing Firms
There are few companies are like DHL, FedEx’s etc. are operating in the market. the companies are
giving tough competition to each other, by providing fast and reliable service to consumers. UPS has
expanded itself in different areas of the world and successfully maintaining the market share .,
The threat of New Entrants
The capital requirements within the industry are high, therefore, making it difficult for new entrants to set
up businesses as high expenditures need to be incurred. Product differentiation is strong within the
industry, where firms in the industry sell differentiated products rather a standardized product. The
economies of scale are fairly difficult to achieve in the industry in which UPS operates. This makes it
easier for those producing large capacitates to have a cost advantage,
The threat of New Entrants

1.Large + attractive market

2.Growth of GDP = Growth of demand
3.Favorable economies of scale
4.Customer loyalty
5.Complex and high bureaucracy for large companies.
6. Similar products offered
7.Role of Research and Development Department = important.
8. Marketing and Advertising important.,
Bargaining power of buyers,
1. Logistic companies outnumber customers
2.Differentiate and provide added value
3. Customer loyalty = very important
4.Provide benefits for the customer
5. Increase customer switching costs.,
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
1.Suppliers in IT
2.A front office and back-office technology
3.Outsourced IT either expensive and good or bad and cheap
4.The threat of falling behind
5. Supplying from already existing suppliers.
6. Both can use buying power.,
Rivalry Among Existing Firms
1.High and extensive especially internationally.
2. Small/ middle-companies represent danger and increase rivalry on the local/ international level.
3. Differentiation by innovation
The Threat of Substitute Products or Services

1. Similar products offered

2.Role of Research and Development Department = important.
3. Marketing and Advertising important,
The threat of New Entrants
This industry is credited to have the minimal threat of new entrants due to the high costs involved. This
includes the high cost of operations and capital equipment.
When appraised with Porter’s Generic Strategies, FedEx and its rivals use a focused-low cost approach
that makes the entrance of new competitors very difficult. According to the FedEx Corporation Company,
profile (2009). For any company to remain functional in the industry, it must consider the economic
environment especially GDP.
This material is very pertinent and useful to other players in that it provides interventions that can be used
by other companies to reduce risks of new rivals entering the market.
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
unlike the beverage industry, the logistic industry tends to have low bargaining power because they
provide their product in bulk. Most of the products are tentatively available from other market leaders
hence this tends to eliminate bargaining power. FedEx tends to have the low bargaining power of
suppliers because most of its products are also standardized and due to the availability of backward
Bargaining Power of Buyers
just like the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of buyers is also low but at times, it
fluctuates. Customers have the sole discretion to choose their providers according to their taste and needs,
though they do not have the rights to negotiate prices.’
The Threat of Substitute Products or Services

There are very few substitutes available for the products that are produced in the industry in which FedEx
Corporation operates. The very few substitutes that are available are also produced by low profit-earning
The very few substitutes available are of high quality but are way more expensive. Comparatively, firms
producing within the industry in which FedEx Corporation operates sell at a lower price than substitutes,
with adequate quality. ,
Rivalry Among Existing Firms

The industry rivalry of office solutions and printing is relatively high. One of FedEx's major competitor's
UPS offers similar services for local printing solutions and no-hassle printing. Other competitors, such as
Vistaprint offer very competitive pricing with strong eCommerce for the customer experience.

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