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Anatomy & Physiology Unit 1 Intro to the Human Body

Multiple Choice: There may be more than one correct answer (if so, you must include both answers to get the
question correct)

1. Anatomy is the study of_______, while Physiology examines the ______________.

a. function, Chemical structure c. Structure, chemical structure
b. relationships between organs, structure d. Structure, functional relationship between organs

2. Which of the following is the correct level of structural organization from most simple to complex?
a. Chemical, tissue, organ system, cellular, organism, organ
b. Chemical, cellular, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
c. Organism, organ system, organ, tissue, cellular, chemical
d. Tissue, chemical, cellular, organ, organ system, organism

3. Homeostasis is described as:

a. Formation of new cells
b. Specialization of cells for a specific function
c. Maintaining the internal environment within a specific limit
d. Disruption of body fluids

4. The thoracic cavity is encircled by ribs, sternum, vertebral column and muscle and divided into 2 pleural
cavities by mediastinum. The mediastinum contains all thoracic organs except the _______.
a. Heart b. Lungs c. Esophagus d. Trachea

Use the following words to answer questions 5-10. (BE SPECIFIC-only one answer per question)
A. Sagittal b. Midsaggital c. Transverse d. Coronal
5. The _______________ plane divides the body into anterior and posterior parts

6. The _______________ plane divides the body into superior and inferior parts

7. The _______________ plane basically divides the body into right and left sides

8. 9. 10.
Choose (A or B) for the structure that best matches the directional term. Think of the anatomical position!

11. Which is Proximal: A) Antecubital or B) Carpal

12. Which is Anterior: A) Pedal Phalanges or B) Calcaneal

13. Which is Lateral: A) Coxal or B) Umbilical

14. Which is Superior: A) Mental or B) Nasal

15. Which is Distal: A) Tarsal or B) Patellar

*Use the Negative Feedback chart to the left to answer

questions 16-19

16. The brain receives a message from the receptors and decides what

to do next.

17. Blood puts pressure on the artery wall and the receptors scream,

“AHHH, AHHH we need to fix this”

18. A decrease in heart rate equals a decrease in blood pressure

19. The heart fixes the problem of the blood putting pressure on the

artery wall

Regional Terms for Questions 20-27

20. Inguinal A) Sole of Foot AE) Buttocks
21. Dorsal B) Head AB) Front of Elbow
22. Cephalic C) Forehead AC) Shoulder Blade
23. Gluteal D) Groin AD) Back
24. Antecubital E) Toes
25. Plantar
26. Digital
27. Scapular
Matching 34-39: Match the terms on the right to the
picture on the left.

34. Thoracic Cavity

35. Cranial Cavity

36. Spinal/Vertebral Cavity

37. Abdominopelvic Cavity

38. Muscle that divides the ventral cavities

39. Contains the stomach

Matching (40-46) the Body System with one of its functions

40. Glands secrete hormones that regulate growth, etc. A. Digestive

41. Blood vessels transport blood, which carry oxygen B. Cardiovascular/Circulatory

42. Fast-acting control system of the body C. Lymphatic

43. Protects and supports body organs D. Respiratory

44. Produces heat, locomotion, and facial expression E. Endocrine

45. Breaks food down into absorbable units AB. Integumentary

46. Keeps blood constantly supplied with oxygen & removes CO2 AC. Nervous

AD. Muscular

Use the picture to the right to match the Abdominopelvic Cavity Term with its matching letter. (47-53)

47. Right Hypochondriac Region

48. Umbilical Region

49. Left Lumbar Region

50. Right Iliac (Inguinal) Region

51. Left Iliac (Inguinal) Region

52. Epigastric Region

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