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RACISM is global, systemic caste

(racial-class) oppression. Propaganda & Prejudice Women's International League

Racial propaganda is skewed or false information regard- forPeace and Freedom
ing culture, religion, or physical features. It is internalized
in the minds of people raised & living in a racist society. US Section
Systemic Racism This propaganda causes prejudice - judging others based
upon stereotypes encouraged by propaganda.


Building the Beloved Community Issue Committee shifts
the focus of the racial justice movement
· Power + Propaganda · from a focus on anti-racism to achieving racial justice
· from identifying institutional racism simply as
· systemic abuse of power & the prejudice plus power, to recognizing systemic racism as
violation of basic universal human structural abuse of power plus propaganda
rights. · from national to grassroots led initiatives.
Building the Beloved
· economic exploitation
We work to
· replace the criminal (in)justice system with restorative
Community Issue
justice. Committee
· military, police & civilian violence · promote the use of tax money for human needs:
food, jobs, adequate income, housing, health care, educa-
· criminalization & imprisonment tion, small local businesses, a free press, democratic
political and economic systems, instead of war..
· production & distribution of weap-
ons & addictive substances
· control of information / education
resources Justice is the way to
· internalized racism to ensure the
“Racial justice requires a complete
cooperation of the oppressed & other transformation of US systems,
members of society BBC Issue Committee Contacts: institutions & relationships.”
Vickie Fouts - Chair
Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom
Sha’an Mouliert US Section
Systemic Racism discourages the poor, including working 565 Boylston Street, Second Floor
class white people, from effectively fighting for economic Boston, MA 02116
justice, democracy & peace in the USA and around the Local Contact: Phone: (617) 266-0999 Fax: (617) 266-1688
Understanding The Beloved human experience. We believe that conflicts can be resolved
Community peacefully, and adversaries can be reconciled through a
mutual, determined commitment to nonviolence. No conflict
Josiah Royce, founder of the Fellowship of Recon- need erupt in violence. And all conflicts in The Beloved
ciliation, coined the term “The Beloved Commu- Community will end with the reconciliation of adversaries
nity.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. popularized the
term and expanded its meaning.
The Building the Beloved Community Issue The Beloved Community is a realistic, achievable
Committee provides a safe space to ex- goal that can be attained by a critical mass of
plore the history and nature of systemic
This definition of The Beloved Community
people committed to and trained in the philosophy
racism, the connections between oppres- and methods of nonviolence. was adapted from The King Center. For an
sions, and the struggles for racial justice.
Since racial justice requires a complete
expanded explanation of Dr. King’s vision,
Like Dr. King, WILPF seeks to create a global please see:
transformation of US systems, institutions
& relationships, we recognize that our Beloved Community in which all people can share
in the wealth of the earth. Poverty, hunger and
work requires patience and appreciation
of accomplishments during the journey. homelessness will not be tolerated because interna-
We work within WILPF and our local tional standards of human decency will not allow
communities to create the Beloved Com- it. Freedom is never voluntarily

Building the Beloved Community

We are creating a community where racism and
given by the oppressor; it must
To promote Building Beloved Communi- all forms of discrimination, bigotry and prejudice be demanded by the oppressed.
ties, the BBC offers educational & orga- will be replaced by an all-inclusive spirit of sister-
nizing activities including workshops,
hood and brotherhood. In the Beloved Commu-
written materials, a website, & committee Martin Luther King, Jr.
nity, international disputes will be resolved by
membership. We also identify and support
local & national legislative & litigation peaceful conflict-resolution and reconciliation of
initiatives regarding racial-economic jus- adversaries, instead of military power. Love and BBC Website:
tice. We are mobilizing a coalition of trust will triumph over fear and hatred. Peace
diverse organizations to work for the with justice will prevail over war and military
creation of a racially just nation and conflict.
world. We are seeking people & organiza-
tions who are working on racial-economic The Beloved Community is not devoid of interper-
justice & peace or who want an opportu- sonal, group or international conflict. Instead, we
nity to get involved. We invite you to recognize that conflict is an inevitable part of
join our coalition.

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