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The biggest adventure you can take is to

live the life of your dreams

As Oprah Winfrey said, “the biggest adventure you can take is to live
the life of your dreams”.
From my point of view this is completely true. When you start doing
the things you actually like the adventure begins because you get out of
your comfort zone. That’s really the scary part for most of us. When you
exit your comfort zone you can never know what is going to happen next
and life becomes an adventure.
To live the life of your dreams you have to make changes in your life
and changes are scary, at least for me. Not knowing what is waiting for
you tomorrow is terrifying but it’s a risk worth taking for a life full of
But despite all of that we have to take this risk or we will lose the
chance to change our lives for the better. In this journey we will
probably lose something or someone along the way, but we will find
other things and other people who will replace them. Everything is
temporary, so why not do the things that make us happy? Why not live
the life of our dreams?
In conclusion, the worlds that Oprah Winfrey said are very powerful
and true. Living the life of our dreams is an adventure because we never
know what is going to happen next.

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