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Benedicto A. Pintor, Jr.

Final Exam in Epistemology

Mater Salutis College Seminary

On the Concept of Truth and the Concept of Meaning

On Truth and Certitude
Earlier, we defined truth as the conformity of the thought and the thing. It has an absolute value
and is not dependent on the subject but rather it is inherent in object which is known. On the
other hand, certainty is the state of mind when it adheres to a truth firmly and without any
hesitancy. On one point, certainty is often subjective for it is a state of mind in which there is no
concern about the truth of what one has assented to. Nevertheless, by analogy of attribution,
certainty can also be said as an objective evidence for it evidently obtains in reality. From the
above premises, it follows that certainty is not the same as truth. Each has its precise and limiting
definition. However, the two are closely related. Certainty comes from finding oneself
possessing the truth. It is having the sureness of knowing that this is the right and truthful thing.
Now, applying certainty and truth to one’s practical life, both play a big and vital role with each
decision man makes in life. Often hearing the expressions “I was certain that what I did was
right” or “I know that I am choosing the right thing,” truth and certitude guides man in choosing
the right from the wrong. Especially today that the world is bombarded by morally relativist
ideologies, truth and certitude will help avoid falling into false philosophies. Ethics teaches that
there are three constituents of human acts. And all three requires equipment of truth and
On Faith and Sense Knowledge
In Faith, the will moves the intellect to assent with certainty basing from the testimony and the
authority without hesitation about the truth of the contrary position. Faith is a type of certainty
where there is no fear of making a mistake. It is based on the objective manifestation of truth
which is based on the authority of the witness which has credibility as manifested by his
evidences. It must not be confused, however, with simple belief which in ordinary language is
called belief. On the other hand, man is first linked to the environment by means of sense
experiences. All our knowledge originates in sense experiences. Although the lowest level of
knowing, the senses still give a kind of knowledge. The act of human sensation involves four
elements namely: the object sensed, the bodily organ on which sensation depends, the activity of
the mind in formulating an image of the object, and the immaterial object which the mind uses in
making a judgment about the sensed objects. Now, faith and sense knowledge have both
similarities and differences. Testimony is a sensible expression that manifests what a witness has
to reveal. And these revelations are evidenced by oral tradition, history, monuments, and etc.
Knowledge of the universals all began with the sense experiences. The age-old example that man
will not dare touch a boiling kettle for he very well know that it’s hot, as evidenced by his past
encounters. Similarly, in faith, man gives its unwavering assent to a proposition as evidenced by
a testimony of a witness. Both sense knowledge and faith, by way of credible testimony, depends
on sense experiences. However, sense knowledge is limited to things that can be felt by his
limited senses. Whereas, faith, will at times, depend on the will’s willing it. Moreover, faith
transcends physical sensation. As a writer puts it, “We live by faith and not by sight.” Faith is
beyond. Both are valid and certain forms of knowledge.

The Relation between Truth and Certitude

Certitude is the firm and steadfast consent of the mind while truth is the conformity of the
judging mind to the object being known. I can say that they are related to one another since
certitude can never be achieved without truth. A man can never be certain about the things he
knows if he does not know the truth of the object that is why a person can never be attain
certitude without the truth. And when the mind attains a known truth the person can be certain of
the object that the truth has revealed to him and in this man can be certain about the object
because certitude is the firm and steadfast consent of the mind.

An example of this can be found in our modern time particularly now in our country since there
are so many people who spread the so called fake news or lies. This is a problem since a person
is lying about the truth. It is not uncommon to find people making up fake news since it can
happen but by doing so it is very hard to attain the certitude of things and although it is hard a
person can still find certitude if he investigates and look for facts to the truth to find the correct
and right truth and in which he can have certitude.

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