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Philosophy of instruction

Students learn in a variety of ways and it is important for a teacher to be able to grasp different learning
styles to reach out to students. Learning the same material in different styles help reinforce the
material which goes deeper into their memory. It is important for teachers to understand their students
learning styles so they can adapt the lessons to help fit the students learning style.

For students that are visual learners, having a colorful and stimulating power point can help, as well as
showing clips of video to help place that student into the lesson. Other students are verbal learners
where class discussion is important and talking about the material. Auditory learners will remember by
the sounds they hear. Songs are a great way to learn about lessons in any subject and will help the
student remember the information. Students can also be social learners and will learn best by teaching
fragments of the lesson to others. This works best in small groups where students can take turns being
group leaders and explaining a lesson back to the small group. They are learning the material as they
practice the movements and words of the teacher and retells the group. Some students learn best by
kinesthetic activities. When their hands are on something tangible, it allows them to understand the
lesson by tinkering around.

When a teacher can incorporate the different learning styles into the lesson, the lesson becomes more
powerful as it reaches out to more students than just a lecture, or just a slide show presentation. It
helps the student become more engaged in the learning material.

A teacher needs to be prepared in the lesson and have full knowledge of content they are about to
teach. This gives the teacher confidence to conduct the lesson, which will radiate down to the students
and the students will feel confident in the lessons they are learning.

Having a safe and friendly environment for the students to work in is also essential to an excellent plan
of instruction. If students are distracted easily by looking out the window, then the teacher must
remember to close the shades so the student is not distracted away from the instruction. If the class if
full of chaos and lack of order, the students will be unsure of the expectations and the lesson will be
disrupted often giving a fragmented lesson to students who are trying to listen.

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