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My Roles

As a director, my role to the project was crucial because without a director, the project is
likely to fall apart before it even begins. The director’s job is to make sure that everything is
in place and everybody is doing their job as they should be. Without this authority or
responsibility, it’s entirely possible that the project wouldn’t have happened. Whilst
directing, it was important that I didn’t let the pressure of the moment weigh on my mind or
else it could’ve had an effect on the final product. This was my first experience with
directing other people as I’ve tended to be directing projects by myself or working with
directors I could trust. I feel as if I did a great job and I’m looking forward to directing again
in the future.

As a scriptwriter, my role was essential to the project because if either of the scripts didn’t
exist, the on-screen talent and producers of the project would have struggled on the day
with lack of ideas or direction to take the project. I believe that having both of the scripts
there on set was a massive help as everyone involved knew what direction to take the
project in and who to interview as I purposefully left the questions ambiguous. I did this
because we hadn’t confirmed exactly who would do the interviews and having these
questions sent us down the right path. I believe that I did a good job as a scriptwriter.

As an editor, my role was also essential to the project because if there was no editor, the
project would end up very messy with a lot of silence and incorrect footage being shown in
between each segment of the show. Additionally, editing is required to make sure that the
pace of the piece is kept throughout the entire project. This is important as viewers may get
bored of having the same camera angle throughout the show. Lastly, editing is essential to a
project like this because any mistakes can be edited out in post. If there as no editor, then
the project would not be able to get to a state where it is considered viewable. I think I did a
good job of making sure I followed each of these closely whilst editing this project.

VT Mixer
VT Mixer was the only role that I hadn’t been familiar with before this project. However,
that is what made it the most exciting role for me. Being able to switch from each camera
like you would in an edit but only in real time was an experience I loved. The role of the VT
mixer is important as they give the director a preview into what the show will look like after
it has been edited. However, in our case, it was essential because we recorded it straight
from the source and used it to sync audio and give the editor a reference to use that is close
to what the director wants the final product to look like.

Camera 2
Camera is an essential part of this project because without the cameras, the project
wouldn’t exist. The role of the camera-man is to listen to what the director wants on screen
and make sure it happens, if it’s possible. The camera I was assigned to was the middle
camera, the wide angle, which was important as we wanted to show that since our project
was interviewing creators about their experiences with Covid that we had them an
appropriate distance apart from each other. I feel as if I did a good job on camera as
everything went smoothly.

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