Quiz No. 2

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1. Get one (1) clean sheet of short bond paper.

2. Write your complete name, year and section, the date today and time of submission
3. Fold your answer sheet into two (2) columns.
4. Number the first column 1 – 38, second column 1 – 13
5. Write your final answer on the answer sheet. You are allowed only once to change
your answer by drawing a line across the previous answer.
6. Write legibly.
7. Use CAPITAL letters in every answer.
8. Before you take the picture of your answer sheet indicate the time of submission.
9. Send to my official email address (louis_tattao@dmmmsu.edu.ph) the picture of your
answer sheet.
10. You are given 45 minutes to finish the Quiz.
Name:______________________________ Date: ______________ Score: _________
A. Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
_____1. The raw data are a listing of all the values.
_____2. The number of observation in each class refers to frequency.
_____3. Frequency can aid the researcher in drawing charts and graphs.
_____4. In general, a frequency distribution should contain at least 20 classes.
_____5. On a pareto chart, the frequencies should be represented on the x-axis.
_____6. In constructing a frequency polygon, the x-axis contains the class limits.
_____7. The class midpoint is obtained by adding the upper and lower limits.
_____8. In a time series graph the horizontal axis usually involves time, such as hour or years.
_____9. It is important to keep the width of each class the same in a frequency distribution.
_____10.Data such as civil status can be organized into a categorical frequency distribution.
_____ 11.To construct a frequency polygon, the class midpoints and the class frequencies are
_____ 12. The class interval is obtained by subtracting the lower stated limit of a class from its
upper stated limits.
_____ 13. The type of graph used to represent data is determined by the type of data and by the
researcher’s purpose.
_____ 14. Relative frequency distributions are developed by dividing each class frequency by the
corresponding class mark.
_____ 15. A sample of 100 observations is to be organized into a frequency distribution. The
suggested number of classes is 8 using 8k rule.
_____ 16. Stem-and-leaf plot is a statistical device used in explanatory data analysis that is a
combination of a frequency distribution and a histogram.
_____ 17. The difference between a histogram and a frequency polygon is that the histogram
employs bar whereas the midpoints are connected by lines for a frequency polygon.
_____ 18. In constructing histograms there should be no spaces between bars.
_____ 19. Pie charts are better than bar graphs for comparing relative sizes.
_____ 20.The scatter–plot is the basic graphic tool for investigating relationships between two interval or
ratio scaled variables.

_____ 21 In any data set, the mode will always be unique.

_____ 22. The midrange is a measure of central tendency.
_____ 23. One disadvantage of the median is that it is not unique.
_____ 24. If the mean, median and mode are all equal the distribution is symmetric.
_____ 25. If the mean is smaller than the median, distribution is negatively skewed.
_____ 26. If the mean is larger than the median, distribution is positively skewed.
_____ 27. The mean cannot be determined for grouped data when there is an open class.
_____ 28. A single, extremely small value can affect the median more than the mean.
_____ 29. When the median is computed for individual data, all values in the data set are used.
_____ 30. The mean is not recommended if extremely large values are found in the data set.
_____ 31. One-half of all data values will fall below the mode, and the other half will above the
_____ 32. Mean and median are affected when a constant is added to each observation in a data
_____ 33. The mean is the “most frequently observed value of measurements in the relevant set
of data.”
_____ 34. The mode is computed by adding all the values and dividing the total by the number
of observations.
++++ 35. The mean of a sample always divides the data into two equal halves-half smaller and
half larger in value than itself.
_____ 36. If a frequency distribution is skewed to the left, then the mode generally exceeds the
median, which turn exceeds the mean.
_____ 37. In a frequency distribution that is skewed to the right, the mean has the largest value
and the smallest frequency among the summary measures.
_____ 38. It is more appropriate to use the sample mean rather than the median, if mathematical
convenience is important to the investigator.

Name:______________________________ Date: ______________ Score: _________

1. Select the correct answer and encircle the appropriate letter.
2. The sum of relative frequencies is equal to
A. 0 B. 1 C. 50 D. 100
3. What is another name for the cumulative frequency graph?
A. Pareto chart B. Histogram C. Bar chart D. Ogive
4. What are the boundaries for 10.6 – 11.7?
A. 10 - 11 B. 10.5 – 11.5 C. 10.55 – 11.75 D.10.6 – 11.65
5. Which of the following is the formula for the range?
A. HV + LV B. HV x LV C. HV – LV D. LV - HV
6. A researcher is making study of the tuition fee of colleges and universities. There are 63
colleges and universities in the study. How many classes would you recommend?
A. 3 B. 6 C. 10 D. 20

7. What graph should be used to show the relationship between the parts and the whole?
A. Pareto chart B. Histogram C. Bar chart D. Ogive
8. A listing of all observations in a sample from smallest to largest is called a(n)
A. array. B. raw data C. class interval D. histogram
9. The number of observations in a particular class is called the class
A. limit. B. interval. C. midpoint. D. frequency.
10. A graphing representation of a frequency distribution constructed by erecting vertical bars is
called a(n)
A. ogive B. time series graphs C. pie chart D. histogram
11. A grouping of data into categories with the number of observation in each category is a(n)
A. array B. box plot C. stem-and-leaf D. frequency distribution
11. Non-overlapping categories or intervals are known as
A. inclusive B. exclusive C. mutually inclusive D. mutually exclusive
12. In a grouped frequency distribution, the intervals should be what?
A. mutually inclusive B. exhaustive C. neither A or B D. both A and B
13. In a frequency distribution the class must
A. be of the same size C.be mutually exclusive
B. be of nominal scale D. have at least 3 observation

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