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Prepositions in Classroom Expressions I

Fill in the missing preposition where necessary.

1. I’ll open the door and let you in.
2. You can leave your outdoor clothes in the corridor.
3. Hang (up) your coat on the peg/rack.
4. I’m the substitute for Mrs Jones.
5. I’ve got three English lessons a week with you.
6. There are no classes this/next week.
7. The last class will be on December the 18th.
8. Put your name cards on, please.
9. So everybody is here except (for) Timo.
10. Put your hand up if you missed the last class.
11. Who was absent last Friday?
12. You have missed three lessons. I hope you can catch up.
13. Try to be here on time tomorrow morning.
14. Let’s go on with the lesson.
15. We won’t start until everybody is quiet.
16. Settle down, everybody.
17. Let’s have a look at exercise 13.
18. Could you turn to page 17, please?
19. Next we’ll listen to a song.
20. You’ll have to stop in two minutes/minutes’ time.
21. I would like you to get into threes.
22. I would like you to work in pairs/groups.
23. Take out your workbooks, please.
24. Later (on) we can watch a video.
25. To finish off, we can do some singing.
26. Who can’t manage on their own?
27. How are you getting along/by/on?
28. Let me know if you run into a problem.
29. I’ll come (over/in/round) and check.
30. That’s enough for now. / That will do for today.
31. Carry on with the exercise for the rest of the lesson.
32. There will be a test on chapters 5 and 6 next time.
33. Make sure that you hand in the homework next time.
34. Go through/over the text for homework.
35. Everybody participated in this lesson. Well done!
36. I’m very pleased with the way you’ve worked today.
37. I’d like a word with you. Could you stay over/behind for a few minutes?
38. Queue/Line up by the door. / Get in/into a queue by the door.
39. Who’s on duty today?
40. Put everything back in its right place.
Based on: Hughes, G., & Moate, J. (2007). Practical Classroom English. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.

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