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WBS - work breakdown structure draft / notes

Jaskeert Bhamber Group 01

Info from here will be translated into a visual flowchart-ish product

1) Gather all necessary data from old computers

a) Gather any old necessary data from computers for backup
b) Perform a 3-2-1 backup for these documents, uploading projects to things such
as onedrive, USB’s, etc
2) Remove all old computer accessories
a) Old computers, accessories, monitors, will be disposed of correctly
b) Old computer peripheral devices will be replaced with newly ergonomic
c) Desks and chairs will be replaced as well to match the new office interior design
3) Purchase new computers / items
a) Purchase new computers that have : SSD’s, windows 10 pro, installed anti-virus
(malwarebytes), good processor chips (i7’s 7th gen at least), 8-16 gb of ram,
~512gb - 1tb of storage
b) Computer peripheral devices such as keyboards and mice replaced for
ergonomic devices
c) Desks and chairs will be changed to support new computer sizes
d) UPS power supply for emergency power failures
e) Wifi accessories - adapters, modems, etc
f) Network drives to map
4) Set all computer accessories up to be ready to use, not for work (be able to connect to
internet only, and run applications)
a) Set up and plug wifi networks to be LAN intranet
b) Make sure computers can connect to the intranet, use the web, have all required
microsoft office applications

5) Start setting up the business application package

a) Start to set up the IBM web hosting service
b) Make sure all problems are solved
6) Set up the central repository
a) This will store all employees files
b) Sign up each employee
c) Make employees choose their own password
d) Automatically salt and hash their passwords to encrypt them
e) Create a folder under each employees name which contains their files from their
old drives and is the original file version, the folder is only accessible by the
employee themself, and the manager (or whoever is in charge of that
f) Another folder which contains all the old peer-to-peer files accessible by the
same people who could access it before
7) Clean drives
a) Completely wipe all the old drives which contained the files to be transferred and
dispose of them correctly
8) Finish up pc installations
a) Make sure the following work for every employee’s pc : client side software
package, network drive mapped to users personal folder on server, and
companies shared folder
9) Server tower
a) The server tower will be placed in the newly constructed room in the office
b) Have a screen and peripherals for administration use
c) Have an attached raid 5 controller
d) Be backed up by a UPS power supply able to power the server alone for up to
1-2 hours
e) Be the central repository
f) Automatically backup all employee files by storing them into a company onedrive,

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