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#1) R.D. Note: Resident eating well during day, no longer needs bolus feedings.

Current diet is
Regular with Mechanical Soft texture. Receives 90 ml Ready Care TID and Glucerna 1.5 @ 55 ml
from 7pm-5am. 300 ml H20 flush q 4 hr. Wt is 149#. Significant wt increase +8.5#,+6.0% in 1
month. BMI is 23.3. Recommend change to tube feed order. Glucerna 1.5 @ 50 ml from 8pm-
4am. Estimated needs from TF 600 kcal, 33g pro, and 303.6 cc fluid. Goal= stable wt. RD
following for progress.

#2) R.D. Note: Resident is currently on a Regular diet, but not eating well per documentation.
Resident has been admitted to hospice. Current TF order for Glucerna 1.5 bolus feedings of 360
ml q 4 hr as well as 300 ml at midnight. Flush order is 30 ml h20 before/after each bolus and
meds. Receives Ready Care TID. Current wt.=147.5#. Wt. loss of 5.5# x 1 mo. Resident is
receiving 3690 kcal, 102 g protein, and 1867 cc from current tube feed order. Receiving
additional fluids from flushes. Estimated daily needs: 2004 (30 kcal/kg), 66-80 g protein (1.0-1.2
g/kg), and 2004 cc H20. Recommend change to: 1 can Glucerna 1.5 237 ml q 4 hr with 150 ml
H20 Flush q 4 hr. 30 ml H20 flush before and after meds. Recommendation provides resident
2133 kcal, 117 gm protein, 1980 ml H20. Recommend specify 90 ml Ready Care TID with Meds.
RD to monitor for changes.

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