Modern - HW7 (1) - Modern

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Homework Number 7

Spring 2016

7.1 Let C = (C, +) and R = (R, +) be the usual ad-

ditive groups. Let C∗ = (C∗ , •) and R∗ = (R∗ , •)

be the usual multiplicative groups of nonzero
complex and real numbers respectively.
(a) Prove that C ∼ = R × R.
Consider two arbitrary elements of C: a+bi and c+di where a, b, c, d ∈ R 6= 0.
Let φ be a mapping from a + bi to (a, b).
φ([a + bi] + [c + di]) = φ([a + c] + [b + d]i) = ([a + c], [b + d]) = (a, b) + (c, d) =
φ(a + bi) + φ(c + di).
(b) Prove that C∗  R∗ × R∗
Using the arbitrary elements and mapping from (a):
φ([a + bi] ∗ [c + di]) = φ(ac + adi + bci + bd(i2 )) = φ([ac − bd] + [ad + bc]i) =
([ac − bd], [ad + bc])
φ(a + bi) ∗ φ(c + di) = (a, b) ∗ (c, d) = (ac, bd)
6 (ac, bd) =⇒ φ([a + bi] ∗ [c + di]) =
([ac − bd], [ad + bc]) = 6 φ(a + bi) ∗ φ(c + di)

7.2 Is Z × Z a cyclic group? Why or why not?

No. The generators for Z are 1 and -1. Thus the prospective generators for
Z × Z are (1,1), (1,-1), (-1,1),(-1,-1). Further, since |Z| = ∞ =⇒ |Z × Z| = ∞,
meaning that while listing elements from a generator, the list never reaches
"the end" of the group and "loops back" around by applying a modulo. In
other words, if we look at <(1,1)>=...,(-1,-1),(0,0),(1,1),(2,2),... we know that
(0,1) will never be in the group generated by <(1,1)>. In fact, if we examine
all 4 prospective generators:
We can see that (0,1), which is an element of Z × Z, is not a member of the
sets generated by any of the prospective generators, meaning that none of them
is a generator for Z × Z meaning that this group has no generators, and thus is
not cyclic.

7.3 Prove that Z36 × Z30 ∼
= Z60 × Z18 .
Z36 ∼
= Z22 × Z23 × and Z30 ∼
= Z2 × Z3 × Z5 =⇒ Z36 × Z30 ∼ = Z32 × Z33 × Z5 .
∼ ∼ ∼
Z60 = Z2 × Z3 × Z5 and Z18 = Z2 × Z3 =⇒ Z60 × Z18 = Z32 × Z33 × Z5
2 2

In other words Z36 × Z30 ∼= Z32 × Z33 × Z5 ∼

= Z60 × Z18 .

7.4 Let p be a prime. Prove that Zp × Zp has

exactly p + 1 subgroups of order p. Why does
this give a second verification that Zp × Zp is
not cyclic?
|Zp × Zp |=p2 .
Since p is prime =⇒ φ(p) = p − 1, or in other words, every element of Zp
except for the identity, 0, is a generator of Zp , and thus forms a subgroup that
is just a permutation group of Zp . Thus it follows that ∀n, 0<n<p, <(n,n)>
also forms a subgroup of Zp × Zp of order p.
As for why it proves that Zp × Zp is not cyclic - if Zp × Zp were cyclic, then
it would have φ(p) subgroups of order p. Since p is prime, this means that
φ(p)=p-1. So since Zp × Zp has p+1 subgroups instead of p-1, Zp × Zp cannot
be cyclic.

7.5 How many involutions (elements of order 2)

are contained in Dn × Dm , where n, m ≤ 3?
D1 ∼
= Z2 ={0,1} - abelian, each element must be its own inverse
D2 = V ={e,r,f,g}, ie the K4 group - abelian, each element its own inverse.
D3 ={e, r, r2 , f, rf, r2 f } is the triangle.

D1 × D1 (0,0) (0,1) (1,0) (1,1)

(0,0) (0,0) (0,1) (1,0) (1,1)
D1 × D1 : (0,1) (0,1) (0,0) (1,1) (1,0)
(1,0) (1,0) (1,1) (0,0) (0,1)
(1,1) (1,1) (1,0) (0,1) (0,0)

So we can see that when n=m=1, there are three elements of order 2 - ie,
every element except for the identity element.
It should follow similarly for D1 × D2 and D2 × D1 - both elements in D1
and all four in D2 are their own inverse, so in the Direct product (which has
2x4 elements) each element should still be its own inverse, so there will be 7
involutions (each element except for the identity, which is order 1).
D2 ×D2 follows the same pattern, having 4x4=16 total elements, 15 of which
are involutions.

D3 makes things a tad more complicated. We know that every reflection is
its own inverse, so f, rf, r2 f are their own inverses. So too is e. However, r’s
inverse is r2 , and r2 ’s inverse is r. Or to summarize, 4 of its 6 elements are their
own inverses.
So for D1 × D3 and D3 × D1 there should be a total of 2x6=12 elements,
with 4/6, or 8 of these being their own inverses (but one being the identity) so
a total of 7 involutions.
For D2 × D3 and D3 × D2 there should be a total of 4x6=24 elements, with
4/6, or 16 of these being their own inverses (with again one being the identity)
so a total of 15 involutions.
Finally, for D3 ×D3 there are 6x6=36 elements. Those elements that contain
an r or an r2 will not be involutions, but the rest (except for the identity) will be
involutions. 6 will have an r for the left element, and 6 for the right, but one of
these elements is (r,r) for a total of 11 elements containing an 4. Similarly, there
are 11 elements containing an r2 . However, (r, r2 ) and (r2 , r) contain both, and
thus we counted these elements twice, so subtract two from the total of 22 to
conclude that 20 elements contain an r or an r2 , leaving 16 elements without
either. Thus I would conclude that there are 15 involutions.
n,m: 1,1 1,2 2,1 2,2 1,3 3,1 2,3 3,2 3,3
To summarize:
# inv: 3 7 7 15 7 7 15 15 15

7.6 Give an exaxmple of non-trival group(s) G

(and H if applicable) in each scenario (or
state why one cannot exist):
(a) AU T (G) × AU T (G) is cyclic.
For group H, H × H cyclic =⇒ H is cyclic. However, a cyclic group
composed with itself does not make a cyclic direct product - you only get a
cyclic direct product when you compose two different cyclic groups whose orders
are relatively prime. Thus no G exists such that AU T (G) × AU T (G) is cyclic.
(b) AU T (G) × AU T (G) is not cyclic.
Let G=Z4 = {0, 1, 2, 3} and let AU T (G) = {0, 3, 2, 1}. AU T (G) × AU T (G)
then is not cyclic, since the orders of its constituents are not relatively prime.
(c) AU T (G) and AU T (H) are cyclic, and AU T (G) × AU T (G) is also cyclic.
Let G=Z4 and H=Z5 with AU T (G) = {0, 3, 2, 1} and AU T (H) = {0, 4, 3, 2, 1}.
Since |AU T (G)| and |AU T (H)| are relatively prime and both are cyclic =⇒
their direct product is cyclic.
(d) AU T (G) and AU T (H) are cyclic, but AU T (G) × AU T (H) is not cyclic.
Let G=Z4 and AU T (G) = {0, 3, 2, 1} and H=Z6 and AU T (H) = {0, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}.
Both AU T (G) and AU T (H) are cyclic, but their orders are not relatively prime,
thus AU T (G) × AU T (H) is not cyclic.

(a) Prove that cyclic group cannot contain a subgroup isomorphic to Zn ×Zn
for any integer n > 1.
The subgroups of cyclic groups are all themselves cyclic. And any group
isomorphic to a cyclic group must itself be cyclic. Therefore, for a cyclic group
to contain a subgroup isomorphic to Zn × Zn , it would imply that Zn × Zn is
cyclic. However, we know that Zn × Zn is not cyclic because direct products
are only cyclic when all of its constituent groups are cyclic and have orders that
are relatively prime to all other constituent groups in the direct product. |Zn |
for n > 1 is clearly not relatively prime to itself so therefore the direct product
cannot be cyclic, and thus and isomorphism of it cannot be a subgroup of a
cyclic group.
(b) The dihedral group Dn , n ≥ 3, has a subgroup of n rotations, and a
subgroup of order 2. Explain why Dn cannot be isomorphic to the external
direct product of two such groups.

(a) Find two different subgroups of Z20 × Z4 × Z9 isomorphic to Z30 .
Well, Z30 ∼= Z5 × Z2 × Z3 .
h4i × h2i × h3i ≤Z20 × Z4 × Z9 would work.
So would h2i × h0i × h3i ≤Z20 × Z4 × Z9 , where h0i means the identity of Z4 .
(b) Find a subgroup of Z12 × Z4 × Z15 that has order 9.
h4i × h0i × h5i. |h4i| in Z12 equals 3, |h0i| in any Zn equals 1 since 0 is the
identity, and |h5i| in Z15 equals 3. 3 × 1 × 3 = 9.

(a) Describe, up to isomorphism, all Abelian groups of order 1,350.
(b) Show, by direct construction, that no matter what, every Abelian group
of order 1,350 has a subgroup of order 45.

7.10 Describe, up to isomorphism, all Abelian

groups of order p3 q 3 , where p and q are dis-
tinct primes.

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