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What is your understanding of what the LPH program is?

 (Eg., the tool, the training, the communication, anything else?)

 MATT/Karen: Focus is to have more adoption by the BA areas and success stories from
a few pilots.  Increase engagements with the affiliates with a change management plan. 
Iterations and improvement on the tool.  Later part of the year is Phase 5.  Last year was
focused on training on the Regional People and this year has the Regional trainers to
apply the learnings.  

What is your understanding of the role of the LPH Core team

 (eg. to give direction and feedback, to drive LPH initiatives (beyond BA specific launches), to
look at launch excellence strategy beyond where we are today, etc.)
 MATT/Karen: At the beginning of year with meetings in Q1 to define focus and change
management.  After Q1 core team slows down, Huixian is driving this individually,
especially after COVID-19.  Doesn’t know if further feedback is received from Anton or

What is your understanding of the role of the LPH lead?

 Matt/Karen: there was a feeling of “collective ownership”, after Huixian, she’s the owner,
if it works well or not, it’s on Huixian. The focus has also changed, more broad with
affiliate feedback.  Harder for the core team to get a sense if the roll out is working or

How engaged do you feel with the role of LPH Team Member?
 Matt/Karen: Some Core Team members are more engaged than others...only engaged
individually but not as a collective.  Core Team should / could involve more affiliate

What has worked well so far and should continue?

 Matt/Karen: Core Core Team in the past, doesn’t have that anymore, Huixian is her own
“Core Core”.  In the past, there was a “collective ownership”, now the feeling is Huixian
is the ownership.  Wishing to get more people to do more work.  Core team can be
engaged more.  

What is not working and needs to be addressed?

 Matt/Karen: How to measure success to “connect” the team? Have affiliate reps in the
core team, there is only so much work one person (Huixian) can do.  Core team
members to lead substreams, and the Core/Core as the substream leads.   Asked them
about Sprint WOW, the mindset for LPH may not be ideal (with a 3 months timebox)....

What - in order of urgency, are the key things that need to be accomplished by the end of
2020 and how ready are we to accomplish these?

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