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Papyrus Citation Date Summary Notes

HP 108 218 Letter to the king regarding intentional flooding of a Writes to the king regarding his
field. financial troubles expecting

HP 121 244/3 Letter to the king. This details a dispute over a home. Interesting how these letters are
There is a case for destruction of property. addressed directly to the king.

HP 126 245-244 Letter to the king. This letter regards a man whose wife Nikon comes up in other texts.
took out a loan and couldn’t pay it back. Now his wife
and child have been taken. Nikon took his wife and kid.

HP 140 221 Letter to the king. A man scalded a woman with hot There has to be more to this
water when she got out of a public bath. story?

HP 146 218 Letter to the king. A woman has nobody to be her kyrioi Women seem to need a man in
to do her legal transactions. this society to do their legal

HP 152 221 Letter to the king. An old man has fallen ill and wants “You can’t always get what you
his daughter to take care of him. want”

HP 172 158-157 Letter to the king and the queen. A man is attempting to Why is the brother the one
enlist his younger brother in the military. contacting the king?

P. Ent. 11 221 February 26 Letter to the king. A man has been forcibly removed He is very worried about his ox.
from his home and his ox is still on the property.

P. Ent. 13 222 January 28 Letter to the king. A woman wants to complete a wall, This is a letter from a woman,
however her neighbor refuses to let her. she is writing because her
husband is dead.
P. Ent. 25 222 November 21 Letter to the king. An older man who is being abused by This is an interesting
his son and wants to receive money from the son. The correspondence between parties.
son agrees to pay two copper drachmas.

P. Ent. 47 221 February 26 Letter to the king. The man seems to have been betrayed Most of this text appears to be
in some way, though unclear. The king tries to get him missing.
to resolve it himself.

P. Ent. 49 221 February 27 Letter to the king. Someone’s son is tricked into taking a There is a legal minimum age to
loan and he is too young. take a loan.

P. Ent. 69 218 January 13 Letter to the king. Someone is assaulted using a brick on Aggressive and attempts to
their land and then the assailant dug the foundations for construct a home.
a house.

P. Ent. 79 218 May 11 Letter to the king. A man has a chamber pot dumped on He must have done something I
him by an Egyptian woman and is slapped in public. don’t think people even get this
mad nowadays. Violent.

P. Ent. 83 221 February 26 Letter to the king. A woman is beaten by another The cloak seems oddly
woman in the bath for being a stranger to the city. They important. These violent acts
want their cloak returned. seem fairly prevalent.

P. Mich. 1.71 246-222 Letter to the king. The person wronged made a deal with Who or what is Apollonia. I
Apollonios that he would produce Apollonia (a horse presumed a daughter at first, now
maybe?) within 10 days. Since he had not he owed the it seems more like he rented a
author money. horse or something for 10 days.

HP 85 119-111 Letter to Menches. A superior is upset with on of Apparently Menches injured

Menches’ errors and urges him to correct it. somebody.

HP 97 117 Letter to Menches. A forwarded message to have The format of this petition is
Menches tell a town to act according to tradition. interesting.
HP 99 231 This text is essentially a receipt showing that a form of I believe they are purchasing
payment was given. grain.

HP 109 112/111 Letter to Menches. Someone has blocked off the water Not entirely sure why someone
supply and the author missed a farming season because would block up a water supply.
of it.

HP 115 114 Letter to Menches. A man went to stop illegal oil This is more of an assault case
production and was attacked. than a legal case. Violent.

HP 131 114 Letter from Menches. Menches was given tasks by his One of the few/ only letters from
superior and he is replying to a letter saying that he had Menches.
done those things.

P. Tebt. 1.38 113 March 2 Letter from Menches. Menches knows of a man illegally There is legislation regarding
selling oil and a contracted oil salesman is upset that his who can sell olive oil.
profits are being hurt.

P. Tebt. 1.43 117 May 22 Letter to the king and queen. Letter is from Menches. Similar to in our times you
People were arrested and then released. They contacted cannot serve time twice for one
the king because they did not want to be detained for the crime.
same crime again.

P. Tebt. 1.45 113 August 23 Letter to Menches. Pyrrhichos and Herakleios raided a The doors are very important.
(After) man’s home and destroyed his doors. Everyone wants their doors back.

P. Tebt. 1.46 113 August 23 Letter to Menches. Pyrrhichos and Herakleios raided a The clothes seem far more
(After) home and destroyed his door. There are many armed valuable than most other things.
men. They stole womens clothes.

P. Tebt. 1.47 113 August 23 Pyrrhichos and Herakleios raided a house with armed These people hate doors. Also
(After) people. They destroyed all the doors. similarities in many of the texts.

P. Tebt. 1.49 113 August 23 Letter to Menches. A man named Nikon flooded the This may be a different Nikon
(After) fields in crown land and destroyed the author’s crops. from the kidnapper.

P. Tebt. 4.1095 113 August 23 Letter to Menches. Pyrrhichos and Herakleios raid a All of the texts regarding this
(After) house with armed people. They destroy the doors. topic include armed men
destroying doors.

P. Tebt. 4.1096 113 August 23 Pyrrhichos and presumably Herakleios destroy doors Most broken text in the list.
(After) with armed people. Presumably fairly similar to the

HP 92 254-253 A request for an assessment of the value of a vineyard. The talk regarding economics is
a little confusing.

HP 104 256 Letter regarding disproportionate workloads in a quarry. Favoritism existed in the ancient
Certain men get to work soft stones and others work world.
hard stones.

HP 123 142 There is an orphan and discussion of what to do with How these two themes relate to
40-aurora of land. each other is not well

HP 134 2nd Century A man is owed a sum of money for some wine he sold Seems like a pretty small
and when he goes to collect the money the man who problem compared to some of
bought the wine avoids him. the others.

HP 138 161 A man is assaulted in a sanctuary because he is Greek Most of these assault cases seem
(according to him). They attacked him with rocks and to be questionable since there is
attempted to kill him (according to him). only one side provided and the
acts seem fairly heinous. Violent.

P. Tebt. 3.776 2nd Century Letter written by a woman who wants her rights to be She refers to herself as a helpless
(Early) protected. woman.

Sel. Pap. 266 3rd Century A lentil salesman notes that everyone is eating cooked Very different from our country.
(Middle) squash and asks for a tax break. One wouldn’t get a tax break for
failing to sell their products.

Sel. Pap. 273 157 Letter to the king and queen. Seems to want a This seems like a prevention of
prevention of support for someone in court. The king having a witness of some sort.
accepts and fines the man.

UPZ 42 163-162 Letter to the king and queen. Ministers (women) are They state that this should be
seeking assistance with getting what they are owed. done for the sake of the gods,
and the royalty.

HP 129 264 This is a contract to pay the bail on behalf of someone if Uses more formal language than
they do not pay it themselves. most other texts.

HP 132 117 This text appears to be an account given as a form of Another legal text. This one
evidence. This seems to be a court document of an seems to be more focused on
account of events. giving evidence.

HP 133 154 or 143 This text is a court settlement over an issue regarding a There are many ways in which
slave-girl. this settlement could be invalid
due to the number of conditions
that have to be met.

HP 135 254 Letter to Zenon. Zenon has arrested the brewer. It appears that Zenon’s power
includes arresting brewers.

P. Hib. 1.96 259 A contract stating that neither party can reopen this case, This seems to be a settlement of
the party that does will have to pay a fine. some sort.

P. Mich. 1.57 248 July 4 This text appears to be an appeal to a private party that The way punishment works
was supposed to show for a trial. SInce they did not seems odd since someone else
show another was detained in their place. can serve their sentence.

P. Zen. Pestm. 246 November 20 A man gives evidence that Nikon kidnapped the son of This evidence was supporting
21 Antipatros and Simon. His name is Theodosios. Antipatros’ case.

Sel. Pap. 264 83 January 25 A letter showing the resolution of the court. The party Interestingly the part showing
had breached their contract in which they took loans of what about the contract had been
wheat to give to their wife and child. The other party breached is not there.
wanted their payment and the party that breached the
contract was not showing for court.

HP 24 252 Letter to Zenon. A letter stating that a party is escorting Zenon seems to be in charge of
the queen to Egypt. They also remind Zenon to take care tasks such as managing the
of the land. farms.

HP 67 258/7 Letter to Zenon regarding the payment for transporting Zenon seems to have some level
letters. The person had not delivered the letters. The of control over criminals.
author states the criminal was living following evil

HP 88 257 Letter to Zenon regarding a man who had been Zenon seems to manage in some
appointed grain-buyer. According to him he was not the way who Apollonios meets with.
right age or due to have this responsibility. The author
wants Apollonios to speak to their messenger and get
back to them immediately.

HP 89 257 Letter to Zenon regarding a letter that three people had Zenon again seems to be asked
sent wishing to be received. They feel that people of to talk to Apollonios on
high class will not accept them. someone's behalf.

HP 90 249 Letter to Zenon wishing for a man to be stopped from Many of these letters are sent to
petitioning Apollonius. both Apollonios and Zenon. It
seems that Zenon is more likely
to see these messages.

HP 91 246-240 Letter from Zenon to the king and queen. Zenon was It is interesting that Zenon may
fired by Apollonios, but then there are some legal be considered to owe debt for
troubles with the estate. someone else’s estate.

HP 100 253 Letter to Zenon. Letter discusses the price of wax and Zenon seems to be in charge of
asks for Zenon to send the wax elsewhere to then be selling to products of the estate.
sold for a higher price.

HP 127 Mid-third century Letter to Zenon. A man asks Zenon to be released from Zenon has the ability to release
jail. Says his wife will serve his time in his place. people from jail. (Maybe this is a
special case because it seems that
Zenon has a hand in why this
person is imprisoned.

HP 130 237 Declaration to Zenon, letter sets a precedent regarding This seems to have been a
producing a defendant and freeing him from prison. problem Zenon was facing which
he then consulted with the king
about. The response became a

HP 137 256-255 Letter to Zenon. A man working on behalf of Zenon is Zenon does not seem to be the
being starved of rations. The man is asking Zenon to best employer. This person and
take action. the man in jail both have
problems against Zenon.

HP 143 259 A receipt showing that Zenon had bought a 7 year old Zenon purchases slaves for the
slave girl. estate.

HP 163 254 Letter to Zenon. A man wishes to be released from This is not the first time that
prison because it is the King’s birthday. Zenon has been petitioned to
release someone from prison.

P. Col. 3.3 258 September 7 Letter to Zenon. A man seeks assistance from Zenon This seems to be somewhat a
regarding sending him supplies. The man had had more personal letter since the
problems with runaway slaves and tax farming person is simply asking for
contracts. supplies.
P. Col. 3.6 257 March 10 Letter to Zenon. From a woman, she seeks assistance for Zenon and Apollonius seem to
her son. Also her son is being mistreated by another be not fulfilling their duties.

P. Col. 3.9 257 April 27 Letter to Zenon. A man seeks to be paid by Apollonius. Again it does not seem that
Apollonius is fulfilling his

P. Col. 3.14 257 July 8 Letter to Zenon. Apollonius telling Zenon what to do Another case where Zenon is in
with the olive oil of the estate. charge of the estates products.

P. Col. 3.15 257 July 17 Letter to Zenon. Letter regarding the creation of 7 I am unsure if these are for the
mattresses for Zenon. estate, but I would presume they

P. Col. 3.17 257 Letter to Zenon. Letter regarding payment for the Again there seems to be
mattresses. The mattress creator has not been paid. problems with Apollonios and
Zenon where they are not
performing their duties.

P. Col. 3.21 257-6 There was damage to a jar of castor oil and the value of I’m not sure what castor oil is,
the castor oil was assessed. The person wants the castor but I would not recommend
oil back or to be given its value. collecting oil that has been spilt
and still using it.

P. Col. 3.22 256 January 7 Monthly payments for clearing brushwood. This seems to be somewhat like
a pay stub.

P. Co.l 3.31 256 December 25 Letter to Zenon from Apollonios. Apollonios has Does this indicate that when
brought on Midas as the muleteer. Apollonios wants things have been falling through
Zenon to give him his wages and food “punctually”. the cracks it is because of

P. Col. 3.34 254 May 21 Letter to Zenon from Apollonios. Apollonios wants In this case it appears that this
Zenon to arrest the beerselling concession. could be an explanation as to
why people appeal their prison
sentences to Zenon.

P. Col. 3.40 254 September 12 A receipt acknowledging they had received uncleaned Not the first example of a
croton. receipt.

P. Col. 3.41 254 Letter to Zenon. A man named Phileas requests Zenon Who is Phileas? This appears to
to give his friend a loan. be an order.

P. Col. 3.42 254 December 6 Letter to Zenon from Apollonios. Apollonios requests Phileas seems to be an official
that Zenon go to Krokodilopolis and state the amount that collects taxes from nomes.
they have received from beer concession. It seems that
he is to pay an amount and get back some change.

P. Col. 3.44 253 Memorandum to Zenon. Request from a ship captain for These people seem to be very
Zenon to send someone to take over the ship. Also loyal to Apollonios and Zenon.
wishes to be compensated.

P. Col. 3.46 253 April 23 Letter to Zenon. A person has been given 3 more pigs Zenon seems to be in charge of
by Zenon. This seems to just be documentation. animals on the estate.

P. Col 3.48 253 November 20 Letter to Zenon. A former official connected to storing Some of the text is missing.
oil in Memphis is sending soldiers to deliver this same
letter to Zenon.

P. Col. 3.49 252 December 11 A receipt showing the receiving of troops, land, wheat, Very official language, which
and rent. shows the date as the year of
which king was reigning.

P. Col. 3.52 251 Letter to Zenon. Zenon had sent the author to pay This person seems to have some
workers. This author then sent back some workers to status if they can select workers
work for himself. The author had been paid 60/100 for their own land.
drachmas that he was owed.
P. Col. 3.53 250 February 25 Notification to Zenon. Sesame had been lost overnight Zenon needs to be present for
and the author wants Zenon present when the amount lost goods.Seems important for
that was lost is measured out. record keeping.

P. Col 3.54 256 August 28-31 Zenon appears to be taking action against people that he It is unclear to me whether or not
placed in charge of certain portions of Apollonios’ Zenon is still in control of the
estate. They had not fully used the land for the intended land, but he would be the one
purpose of gathering wheat and barley. getting paid.

P. Col. 3.58 248 A checklist for Zenon. It seems that Zenon was in Zenon appears to be in charge of
charge of rather menial tasks. many things both small and
large. In cases where there seem
to be slip ups from Zenon or
Apollonios, this could account
for that.

P. Col. 4.64 257-255 Letter to Zenon. This letter seems to be putting the It is unclear exactly what the
author in good light and thanking Zenon for sponsoring author wants.

P. Col. 4.70 256-246 Letter to Zenon. The author had been detained for 5 Zenon gave Apollonios stones to
days in Memphis. This appears just to be small notes to give the king. What kind of
keep Zenon up to speed. stones would these have been?

P. Col. 4.76 247 December 15 A letter regarding an amount of work that had been done Interesting way of measuring out
of cutting reeds. The person is seeking to be paid. payment.

P. Col. 4.81 246-240 Letter from Apollonios to his brother. A letter regarding Apollonios’ brother seems to be
how many jars had been found in a storehouse. fairly important to the estate.

P. Col. 4.85 245-44 A letter regarding a tax on crops. Uses official language Letter begins with the formal
so this seems to be an important document. date.

P. Col. 4.86 245-42 It appears that the author is mixing different types of Interesting that they are mixing
soil but too much of one type of soil had come in. different types of soil.
Therefore the author is requesting more of one type of
soil to balance it out.

P. Col. 4.87 244 Letter from Apollonios. It appears that Apollonios wants It is not entirely clear what the
the amount of tax on his land to be reevaluated based on point of this letter is.
the tax of another's land.

P. Col. 4.88 243 May 16 Letter regarding falsifying of accounts. It appears that There appears to be many cases
Eukles is mad at Anosis for not giving the correct of donkeys destroying jars.
information regarding pigs being slaughtered and for the
destruction of jars.

P. Col. 4.90 243-2 A memorandum regarding a lack of payment of salary Clothing and payment seem to be
and rations. provided by estates.

P. Col. 4.91 241 November 6 Letter to Zenon. Eukles tells Zenon to give his servant Eukles asks Zenon to do him a
20 jars of ordinary wine. favor, but in a commanding way.
I am unsure of their relationship.

P. Col. 4.94 Middle of the 3rd This appears to be a list of expenses. I am unsure what this is a list of
Century expenses for. It’s possible it
could be from an estate.

P. Col. 4.103 Middle of the 3rd Letter to Zenon. A man who had been in prison is It appears the author may believe
Century writing a letter regarding a lack of water in a bathhouse. he will be blamed for the lack of

P. Col. 4.112 Middle of the 3rd Letter to Zenon. The author wants Zenon to treat one of Not the only example of this
Century his friends kindly. kind of text.

P. Col. 4.121 181 January 11 Men have not paid their lease on the orchard. The author This seems to be very informal.
threatens to have men go bring them in. Especially since the author states
that “you will be senseless”.
P. Col. 4.122 181 February 10 Another letter regarding the lease of the orchard to the There is a month between the
same recipients. This time the author threatens arrest. two letters, yet the author did not
seem to send the authorities in
that time.

P. Lond. 7.1954 257 October- Letter to Apollonios. The author states that Apollonios’ This appears to be a letter from a
November land is not being farmed properly and to bring in farmer.
farmers to listen to how he should run his estate.

P. Lond. 1976 253 Letter to Zenon. The author’s daughter has gone off It appears that Zenon has some
with a man and the author cannot run his store alone. control in regards to people
The author states the man his daughter ran off with has breaking marriage laws.
another wife and children.

P. Lond. 7.2046 263-229 Letter to Zenon. The author wants a temple to be built It appears the author wants a job
and to work for said temple. made just for him.

P. Mich. 1.6 257 March 24 Letter to Zenon. Letter regarding the introduction of a Many cases where someone asks
friend to Kleonikos and wishing for Zenon to give them Zenon to introduce people.

P. Mich. 1.34 254 January 5 A notice to the chief policeman that a person had lost a The donkey was valued at 80
white donkey. drachmas

P. Mich. 1.29 256 July 13-21 Letter to Zenon. Letter is from a woman who seeks for Another case of someone
her property, a female donkey, to be returned to her. stealing property from a woman.

P. Mich. 1.46 251 Letter to Zenon. A man seeks money to buy poppy This does not seem far out of line
seeds and land to farm on. with the amount of requests that
Zenon gets.

P. Zen. Pestm. 252 May 1 Acknowledgement of a loan. Zenon is also supposed to I’m not entirely sure what this
20 deduct the rent due. means.
P. Zen. Pestm. 257 March 5 A request to Zenon for these people writing the letter to Several examples of people
29 be released from prison. asking Zenon to be released from

P. Zen. Pestm. 242 April 5 or 241 Letter to Zenon. The author seems to be requesting for Again an example of Zenon
30 April 4 Zenon to send fragrant wine to restock a store. managing the sales of products.

P. Zen. Pestm. 257 July 21 Letter to Zenon. It appears that the author had found and First example of a runaway
36 returned a runaway slave. slave. The author says this would
have given Zenon anxiety.

P. Zen. Pestm. 263-229 Letter to Zenon. The author has been promised a job by Many people as Zenon for
41 Zenon and wants something similar to a letter of favors.

P. Zen. Pestm. 252 December 7 Letter to Zenon. Five yokes of oxen are lent to Zenon. It appears that Zenon is able to
46 use animals for other purposes,
but the animals of the estate do
not belong to the estate.

P. Zen. Pestm. 257 January 9 Letter to Apollonios from the priests of Aphrodite. A Both Aphrodite and Isis are
50 request for myrrh for a burial. mentioned.

P. Zen. Pestm. 263-229 Memorandum regarding the fencing off of land because This seems to be regarding
52 of cattle grazing. property rights.

P. Zen Pestm. 58 251 A person had given money for poppy seeds, but not It is unclear how exactly this
collected them. transaction worked. Money had
been paid, but the purchase had
not been completed.

P. Zen. Pestm. 254/44 (After) Note regarding a woman not presenting an embroidered I’m not entirely sure what a
62 chiton. chiton is. One of the few papyri
regarding a woman.
PSI 4.341 256 November 22 Letter to Zenon. Regards Zenon as the leading man of First instance regarding Zenon as
Philadelphia. Craftsman requesting work from Zenon. the leading man of Philadelphia,
however it does appear to be

PSI 6.599 263-229 Letter to Zenon. Request for payment of wages to It appears that these weavers
weavers. were not being paid a sufficient
price for their work.

Sel. Pap. 92 255 Letter to Zenon. Request for Zenon to employ the There are many requests to
author’s friend because his father lives there. The author Zenon for employment. It does
also sent gifts to gain favor. not appear that these are sent to
Apollonios as well.

Sel. Pap. 100 152 Letter from Apollonios (maybe a different one). The The author does not appear to be
letter appears to be insulting the recipient. in a good place.

Sel. Pap. 179 250 This appears to be a list of letters the author must write, Seems similar to Zenon’s to do
including the recipient, and the subject. list.

Sel. Pap. 180 250 A list of things that the author has to do. Another to do list, again similar
to Zenon’s

Sel. Pap. 182 257 List of Zenon’s clothes. This is not written by Zenon. It is interesting that a list of
Zenon’s clothes needed to be

HP 114 259 A list of laws regarding tax farming of vineyards and oil This appears to be a compilation
production. of laws created by someone.

HP 93 232 Letter requesting for the second sluice to be opened on a This seems to be fairly
desert canal. The recipient replies that they need important, especially because the
permission. recipient needs permission.
HP 94 226 A letter to the police saying that they shouldn’t let An example of strict taxation
beehives be exchanged between nomes. There is also a laws.
section regarding needing more calves.

HP 105 259 Letter regarding the construction plans for 4 dikes. This reminds me of Frontinus’
work regarding aqueducts.

HP 106 190 Letter from Apollonios. Followed by a reply to This is probably due to the
Apollonios. Letters regarding when crops should be shifting tides of the Nile.

HP 107 261 Receipt for barley and grain. There are many other examples
of receipts.

HP 110 111 Reprimand for improperly running the collection of Several cases where the recipient
crops. Stating that the recipients subordinates were of an accused is said to follow
wicked and evil. evil ways.

HP 111 265 A request for a shipment of grain. This is a literal shipment being
sent on a boat.

HP 112 252 Essentially a receipt stating that grain had been shipped This appears to be a follow up to
on a boat. the previous entry.

HP 113 170 Apollonios (seemingly a different one) is being leased a There appear to be several
vineyard. Included are costs and taxes. different Apollonioses.

P. Petrie II 13 258 October 14 Letter from Zenon. The land is not being properly Similar requests have been seen
(11) irrigated so Zenon requests for the sluice gate to be previously.

P. Petrie II 13 257 October 11 Request to Kleon to come and show the author how to Kleon appears in a few texts and
(5) properly irrigate their land. appears to be an official
regarding water.
P. Mich. 3.182 182 March 4 A woman owns a vineyard and is leasing it out. There are several letters
Nikadores appears to be collecting the mortgage on the regarding this land owning
vineyard for Eirene. woman.

P. Mich 3.183 182 Eirene, acting with her husband seeks to collect the It is interesting that this text
lease on her vineyard. states she is acting with her
husband, however the previous
text stated it was her land.

P. Mich. 3.193 177 September 30 A letter from Eirene noting that she had received the This text does not include a
payment for the lease on her vineyard. statement saying that she is
acting with her husband.

HP 84 246-222 An oath of office. This appears to be in regards to Similar wording compared to

banking. official dates.

HP 150 245 Requests for musicians, foods, and drinks for a festival. Food products seem to be kept in

HP 160 215-205 A decree from the king regarding the cult of Dionysus. It is unclear what purpose this
All persons affiliated were supposed to go up river and served.
hand in their sacred book with their name on it.

HP 161 230 The author is going with a group of people to perform This seems to be a local group of
their religious sacrifices. Egyptians.

HP 162 69-58 The laws and regulations of a group that is subservient There appears to have been many
to Zues. different religions worshiped in
Ptolemaic Egypt.

HP 164 238 A decree stating that the Benefactor Gods are to be The kings and queens seem to
celebrated for saving Egypt in a time of drought. They always be treated as divine.
will receive a festival. Also the king's daughter will be
treated divinely in her death with another festival.
HP 165 196 Another text regarding the “young one”. This comes Similar language to HP 164.
after the previous entry in which this is the grandson of
the Benefactor Gods. He is being honored for his
leniency to those who attacked Egypt and donations of

HP 166 139 The king and queen order for more taxes to be collected Sounds like an excuse to tax
because the temples had not received their full dues. more.

HP 167 62-50 A complaint from the owner of an altar regarding an Interesting that sacred land is
increase in tax on his land. taxed.

HP 168 257 Letter to Apollonios from the priests of Aphrodite. I believe the 100 talents of myrrh
Regarding one hundred talents of myrrh needed for the was mentioned before.
burial of a sacred cow.

HP 169 106 It appears that the right of being a priest is being sold. It is interesting that priesthood
could be bought.

HP 170 127/6 A grave was robbed and the person wants compensation This seems very unfortunate.
for what was stolen. The bodies were also eaten by

HP 171 160 It appears that a person's property was destroyed and There are many accounts of
they are petitioning the king and queen to restore it. property being stolen.

HP 173 168 A woman who is the wife and sister of a man is angry This seems like a very
that he is not coming home. complicated relationship.

HP 116 217 A nome is overcharging for oil. This would appear to be This appears to be viewed as
for the sake of the tax farmers. wrong since there are many cases
where people are told to stop
over taxing.
HP 117 267 Letter from Apollonios. Apollonios appears to be fixing It is interesting that so many
the price of myrrh in his territory. prices are fixed or controlled.

HP 95 210-183 A declaration of the size and value of the house on a It is interesting that the person
man’s property. themselves decides the price of
their property.

HP 96 228 A tax farmer wishes for someone to collect his tax along This seems very efficient for the
with the taxes they are already collecting. tax farmer.

HP 68 248 Letter to Apollonios. A man has not been paid fully for It appears the only thing these
his wine and asks Apollonios to request the payment to texts have in common is the
be fulfilled. Another part asks Zenon to help in regards location.
to quartering.

HP 174 1st Century A letter regarding the collection of a body. The recipient It is somewhat interesting how
is supposed to move the body part of the distance. this process works.

HP 98 151 It appears that an official was stealing money from the Hopefully this was resolved.
people and then arresting people who attempted to speak
out against him.

HP 54 118 A text exempting people from wrongdoing in hopes to Similar texts exist in Roman
get them to return to their homes. history.

HP 86 255 An account of a postal station. It describes who took It is interesting how documented
what letters where, and who they were from and to. mail was in Egypt.

HP 87 223 The auctioning off of royal land which includes a It is interesting that there are a
vineyard. number of different ways to
obtain land.

HP 102 258 Letter to Apollonios. People are complaining that they This seems to be a problem
cannot use their currency that they have from foriegn where there is no exchange of
places. currency.

HP 103 Late 3rd Century Instructions on how to properly run an official position. This reminds me of Frontinus in
the sense that these might even
be used as future examples on
how to run an official office.

HP 118 257 A letter asking for payment regarding naval ships. The exact transactions and why
the payment was needed are not
entirely clear to me.

HP 122 240 These seem to be precedents regarding tax collection They appear to be important
and debt. documents due the fact they have
decrees from the king.

HP 124 Mid 3rd Century The rules and laws of the court. These seem to be These regulations seem
regulations as to what is allowed in court. somewhat understandable.

HP 125 Late 3rd Century A law regarding contracts. This includes what needs to The regulations seem to be very
be in a contract. light.

HP 128 241/0 A man was trying to be the legal representative for a It appears that the father stays as
woman while her father was still alive. his daughters legal representative
until his death. Marriage does
not make the husband her legal

HP 145 311 A marriage contract stating what happens if the man or It appears that the man has more
woman breaks the contract. rights than the woman does.

HP 147 284 A will stating that if either the man or his wife died that It appears that land workers can
the other would receive the property. If they both died receive part of the land.
the property would go to their sons and part would go to
the laborers that worked their land.
HP 151 231 It appears that a woman hired a flute player to The people involved are all
accompany her while she dances. physically described.

HP 34 197 This letter allows for the purchase of Egyptian slaves. This does not seem to have been
allowed yet this happened

HP 141 198-197 A document regarding the taxes on slaves. There also Slavery seems to have been
appears to have been additional fees if the slave was fairly important in Hellenistic
obtained through auctions of some kind. Egypt.

HP 142 3rd Century It appears that if a suit is taken against a slave they pay This sounds horrible.
for a crime by being tortured.

HP 144 156 Escaped slaves are described. A reward is offered for I wonder if people would just
each escaped slave. attempt to take the slave for their
own if they found them.

HP 148 238/7 A will where the man describes himself and gives all his It is interesting that the wife is
possessions to his children. His wife is allowed to keep not given anything. It seems that
only the items of her dowry and if they are destroyed, the son receives the most.
the son is to compensate her for them.

HP 149 123 Another will, however it seems that most of the items The wife still seems to be
will go to the daughter and not the son. excluded.

HP 136 3rd Century A letter written in two languages. The letter discusses a It is hard to understand exactly
dream. what the dream was because of
the fragmentation.

HP 139 2nd Century A letter regarding the learning of Egyptian writing. The It is interesting that they want to
author wants the recipient to teach slave-boys. teach slaves to write.

HP 175 Early 1st Century It seems that a person is asked to furnish a somewhere This is very anti-semetic.
for someone else because the person who is supposed to
do it is nauseated by Jews.

P. Cairo Zen. 257 February 12 Letter to Apollonios. The god Serapis told the author to This seems like some sort of
1.59034 visit Apollonios. It appears the author wants Apollonios missionary thing.
to worship Serapis.

P. Hib. 1.59 245 A woman that was smuggling contraband oil and a This appears to be an official
person who turned her in are to be sent to the author. illegally selling oil.
The author also tells the recipient to stop his

P. Hib. 1.71 245 Letter from Antiochos. Letter regarding slaves that Another example of an attempt
escaped from a stone quarry. to regain escaped slaves. No
reward is offered.

P. Hib. 1.72 241 April 26 There seems to be a problem with a seal for sending This is very confusing.
letters and the recipients of the letter are scared that the
original author would send letters with their seal.

P. Tebt. 3.786 138 There appears to be unfair tax farming and Phanias is Tax farming appears to have
sending a letter asking for protection from this been a big problem in regards to
corruption. corruption.

UPZ 113 156 October 25 A letter that contains a precedent. This regards This letter was also sent to other
corruption in tax farming. Dorion should maintain his officials. This seems to be a wide
territory better and not allow for blackmail and set example.

P. Tebt. 104 92 February 22 A marriage contract stating the dowry and the Again this is not equal for men
consequences of being unfaithful. This also includes and women.
what is defined as unfaithful.
Cody Simpson

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