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Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 46, No. 10, October 2018 (Ó 2018) pp.


Medical Robotics

In-Human Robot-Assisted Retinal Vein Cannulation, A World First

Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven - University of Leuven, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium; and 2Department of
Ophthalmology, KU Leuven - University Hospitals Leuven, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
(Received 23 November 2017; accepted 15 May 2018; published online 24 May 2018)

Associate Editor Robert Merrifield oversaw the review of this article.

Abstract—Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO) is a blinding oretinal intervention. Depending on the surgical
disease caused by one or more occluded retinal veins. procedure, a number of incisions are created in the
Current treatment methods only focus on symptom mitiga- sclera and equipped with valved trocars through which
tion rather than targeting a solution for the root cause of
the disorder. Retinal vein cannulation is an experimental the required surgical instruments are inserted.
eye surgical procedure which could potentially cure RVO. Throughout the procedure, the surgeon is able to
Its goal is to dissolve the occlusion by injecting an visualise the surgical workspace by looking through a
anticoagulant directly into the blocked vein. Given the stereoscopic microscope, located directly above the
scale and the fragility of retinal veins on one end and patient’s eye. Often, an additional wide-angle viewing
surgeons’ limited positioning precision on the other, per-
forming this procedure manually is considered to be too system is used to enlarge the field of view. The work-
risky. The authors have been developing robotic devices and space is illuminated by means of a handheld light
instruments to assist surgeons in performing this therapy in probe or by self-maintained chandelier light.
a safe and successful manner. This work reports on the Over the past two decades, technological innovation
clinical translation of the technology, resulting in the world- in the field of surgical instrumentation has enabled
first in-human robot-assisted retinal vein cannulation. Four
RVO patients have been treated with the technology in the vitreoretinal surgeons to perform a wide range of novel
context of a phase I clinical trial. The results show that it is treatment methods. Despite this progress, the standard
technically feasible to safely inject an anticoagulant into a of care for a number of highly prevalent retinal dis-
100 lm-thick retinal vein of an RVO patient for a period of eases, such as Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO), remains
10 min with the aid of the presented robotic technology and inadequate as the envisioned treatment methods re-
quire complex surgical actions exceeding the human
skill. RVO is a retinal condition where clots inside
Keywords—Surgical robot, Retinal vein occlusion, Retinal
retinal veins distort the oxygen delivery throughout the
endovascular surgery, REVS, Eye surgery, Microsurgery.
retina (Fig. 2). The disease leads to partial or nearly
complete blindness depending on the location of the
clot, caused by branch RVO (BRVO) or central RVO
(CRVO) respectively. RVO is the second most com-
Background mon retinal vascular disease, affecting an estimated
16.4 million people worldwide.17 Currently, the stan-
Vitreoretinal surgery is a branch within ophthal- dard of care is focused on complications induced by
mologic microsurgery that encompasses a range of the sudden stop in retinal circulation rather than on
demanding tasks at the posterior pole of the eye. Fig- the occlusion itself, which is the root cause of the
ure 1 depicts the typical surgical scene during a vitre- disease. Consequently, RVO patients need to be trea-
ted on a periodic basis with costly therapies, such as
Address correspondence to Andy Gijbels, Department of
intravitreal injections and laser photocoagulation, in
Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven - University of Leuven, order to offer limited symptom relief.21 A promising
3001 Heverlee, Belgium. Electronic mail: potentially curative treatment method is retinal vein
Andy Gijbels and Jonas Smits are designated as co-first authors.
0090-6964/18/1000-1676/0 Ó 2018 Biomedical Engineering Society
In-Human Robot-Assisted Retinal Vein Cannulation 1677

FIGURE 1. The VR operating scene. (a) The surgeon’s posture with respect to the patient and the microscope. (b) Close-up on the
surgeon’s hands and on the wide-angle viewing system. (c) Extraocular close-up demonstrating the incision ports and the trocars.
(d) Intraocular close-up showing the patient’s retina and a forceps instrument.

Occluded vein
FIGURE 2. Retinal vein occlusion treated with retinal vein cannulation.
1678 GIJBELS et al.

cannulation, also known as retinal endovascular sur- State-Of-The-Art

gery (REVS).21 During REVS, the surgeon aims at
A fair number of robotic prototypes have been
dissolving the clot by injecting an anticoagulant di-
developed with the purpose of enabling complex vit-
rectly into the occluded vein (Fig. 2).
reoretinal therapies such as REVS.18 These systems
When using this technique, some surgeons reported
can be subdivided into three categories: hand-held
good results while others experienced significant com-
devices, comanipulation systems and telemanipulation
plications and could not confirm a gain in visual acu-
systems. Hand-held devices aim at providing precision
ity.3,20 The high complication rate is considered to be
enhancement by actively compensating hand tremor
strongly correlated with the associated surgical com-
and by offering limited motion scaling. A leading
plexity. The targeted veins have a thickness ranging
example is the Micron system developed at Carnegie
from 30 to 400 lm and are extremely fragile. Two types
Mellon University.12 The device consists of a 6-DOF
of unintended surgical motions inhibit the safe inser-
(Degree of Freedom) miniature Stewart platform,
tion of the microneedle into the occluded vein. Firstly,
positioned between the handle and the surgical tool,
the surgeon’s hand tremor causes the tip of the mi-
and an optical tracking system. While offering ade-
croneedle to vibrate with a root mean square ampli-
quate precision enhancement, hand-held devices are
tude in the order of 180 lm.16 Secondly, forces applied
limited with regard to providing eye stabilisation and
on the incision with the surgical instrument, which are
hand-free instrument immobilisation, which are de-
tangential to the sclera, cause the eye to rotate
sired features in the context of REVS. In the case of
(Fig. 3a). The subsequent motion of the targeted vein
comanipulation systems, the surgical instrument is
further impedes the safe insertion of the microneedle.
simultaneously held by the surgeon and by a grounded
Lastly, after the microneedle is correctly placed, the
robotic device. The surgeon retains direct control over
surgeon must precisely maintain its position through-
the instrument motion, while the system provides
out the injection phase, which can take up to 10 min.20
assistive features such as precision enhancement, eye
These technical difficulties and the associated risk of
stabilisation and instrument immobilisation. Precision
complications have hindered further clinical research
enhancement typically results from a combination of
on the potential of REVS as a curative treatment for
tremor compensation and the generation of motion-
RVO. This has inspired research institutes around the
opposing forces that reduce the instrument speed. Eye
globe to develop robotic assistance devices that offer
stabilisation is implemented by limiting the DOFs of
features such as precision enhancement, eye stabilisa-
the instrument, either mechanically or by means of
tion and hand-free tool immobilisation to enable the
software, to three rotations about the incision and a
safe application of REVS.
translation through the incision (Fig. 3b). This tech-

(a) (b)


FIGURE 3. (a) Eye rotation as a result of applied instrument forces on the incision, tangential to the sclera. (b) Limiting the DOFs
to R, h, / and w stabilises the eye.
In-Human Robot-Assisted Retinal Vein Cannulation 1679

nique significantly reduces the net tangential force structed (Fig. 4), offering a more than tenfold precision
imposed on the incision, hereby minimising intra-op- enhancement, eye stabilisation, and hand-free tool
erative eye rotations. One of the defining systems in immobilisation. The performance and usability of
this field is the Steady-Hand robotic system developed these systems has been thoroughly compared by vit-
at Johns Hopkins University.10 A 6-DOF non-back- reoretinal surgeons in an ex-vivo experimental cam-
drivable robotic platform is controlled with the aid of a paign on REVS. The study learned that both
6-DOF force sensor, mounted close to the instrument technologies allow surgeons to perform REVS in a
handle, and an admittance controller. In the case of reliable manner.5 However, preference by the users was
telemanipulation systems, the surgeon is physically clearly given to the comanipulation system as it allows
decoupled from the surgical instrument. The instru- the surgeon to retain direct control over the instru-
ment is fixed to a robotic platform, which is indirectly ment, is more intuitive to use, and leaves a smaller
controlled by the surgeon with a joystick. In the con- footprint in the operating room (OR). For this reason,
text of vitreoretinal surgery, telemanipulation systems research efforts have been further focused on the
and comanipulation systems can offer the same surgi- clinical translation of the comanipulation system. This
cally relevant features. However, telemanipulation work reports on the world-first in-human robot-as-
systems typically rely on motion scaling to implement sisted REVS. Firstly, the architecture of the previously
the precision enhancement, instead of motion-oppos- reported comanipulation system will be briefly re-
ing forces. One of the leading telemanipulation systems viewed and the adopted surgical workflow will be de-
has been developed at TU Eindhoven,13 a 7-DOF non- tailed. Secondly, this work elaborates on the preclinical
backdrivable robotic platform controlled with a 4- porcine REVS studies and on the clinical in-human
DOF backdrivable joystick. Other examples of vitre- REVS trial that have been conducted.
oretinal robotic platforms within these three categories
have been reported in literature.1,11,14,15,19 Despite the
vast amount of research conducted on robot-assisted MATERIALS AND METHODS
REVS, none of the developed robotic platforms has
ever been used in the context of an in-human REVS This section briefly reviews the architecture of the
study. robotic assistance device and details the adopted sur-
Over the years, the authors have been developing gical workflow to explain the clinical use of the system.
state-of-the-art robotic assistance devices and instru-
ments for vitreoretinal surgery at the University of Architecture Robotic Assistance Device
Leuven.5–9,21 Research has been focused on enabling
the safe application of REVS. Both a comanipulation Figure 4a depicts the comanipulated robotic assis-
system and a telemanipulation system have been con- tance device, as previously reported by the authors.9 It

FIGURE 4. The KU Leuven robotic (a) comanipulation system and (b) telemanipulation system for VR surgery.
1680 GIJBELS et al.

consists of two subsystems: the surgical system and the and to set the velocity of the device accordingly.4 In
alignment system. The surgical system, to which the contrast, the presented robotic assistance device con-
surgical instrument is fixed, assists the surgeon in sists of a backdrivable architecture, hereby omitting
performing the treatment. The device keeps the eye the need for a multi-DOF force sensor.9 This enables
from rotating during the intervention, enhances the the surgeon to directly move the system, while motion-
surgeon’s precision more than tenfold, and immobilises opposing forces are being generated as a function of
the instrument upon request. The alignment system is the current instrument velocity.
used to pre-operatively position the surgical system
with respect to the patient. The key features of the Instrument Immobilisation
robotic assistance device are implemented as follows.
Motion of the robotic assistance device can be en-
abled and disabled with the aid of the control pedal.
Eye Stabilisation
While pressing the corresponding button on this foot
The surgical system minimizes intra-operative eye pedal, the surgeon can freely move the instrument
rotations by limiting the number of DOFs of the within the available workspace. Once the instrument is
instrument from six to four (Fig. 3b). These are two correctly positioned, the surgeon releases the button
rotations / and h about the incision, a rotation w upon which the system will lock the instrument into
about the instrument axis, and a translation R along place with an accuracy of 10 lm within 30 ms.
the direction of the instrument axis as well as through
the incision. These four DOFs are centred at a remote
Surgical Workflow
center of motion (RCM), a point distal from the ro-
botic assistance device. The RCM is implemented by A specific surgical workflow is followed when per-
means of a novel mechanism, incorporated in the forming REVS with the clinical robotic technology
surgical system (Fig. 6a).5 Adopting this particular (Fig. 5). The process encompasses the execution of the
mechanism ensures the compactness of the tool holder, following four successive steps: set-up procedure, pre-
which is necessary given the confined surgical work- operative alignment, intra-operative usage, and post-
space and to enable easy handling of the instrument. operative usage.
The alignment system is used to pre-operatively align
the RCM of the surgical system with the incision. It Set-Up Procedure
consists of an active Cartesian positioning stage which
Before the onset of surgery, the robotic system is set
is connected to the head support of the operating
up in the OR by two trained staff members. The
table (Fig. 6b). The alignment procedure is performed
installation and the operational check-up procedure of
by the surgeon with the aid of a pair of foot pedals, i.e.,
the device take approximately 15 min to complete.
the alignment pedal and the control pedal, as well as a
Next, the patient is brought into the OR and is placed
calibration tool to indicate the location of the RCM, as
on the surgical table. Subsequently, general anaesthe-
explained further in this work.
sia is applied, after which the patient and the robotic
system are covered with sterile drapes. Lastly, a sterile
Precision Enhancement
stainless steel instrument holder is attached to the
Comanipulated robotic systems can enhance the draped surgical system. After completion of the set-up
surgical precision by rendering motion-opposing forces
of which the magnitude increases with the speed of
motion. A steady-state instrument speed is reached
when the motion-opposing force and the applied force
of the surgeon equal in magnitude. A higher ratio
between the motion-opposing force level and the speed
level reduces the steady-state instrument speed when
the applied force by the surgeon, i.e., the effort, is held
constant. The speed reduction affects both the invol-
untary instrument vibrations due to hand tremor for-
ces as well as the voluntary instrument motion, hereby
enabling a stable and reliable retinal approach. This
strategy is typically implemented with the aid of a non-
backdrivable device that is controlled using a handle-
mounted force-sensor in an admittance scheme. The FIGURE 5. Comanipulated robotic assistance device suited
force sensor is used to measure the surgeon’s intention for clinical use.
In-Human Robot-Assisted Retinal Vein Cannulation 1681

procedure, the surgeon manually performs a number tended entry point in the sclera (Fig. 6c). The motion
of required steps, such as placement of the valved of the alignment system is controlled with the aid of
trocars and vitrectomy. the alignment pedal and the control pedal. The align-
ment pedal allows to set the direction of motion, while
Pre-Operative Alignment the speed of motion is regulated with the control pedal.
Thirdly, once the RCM coincides with the entry point,
After completion of the preparatory steps, the sur-
the surgeon uses the control pedal to store the pose of
geon activates the alignment mode of the robotic
the alignment system into the memory of the con-
assistance device with the aid of the control pedal. This
troller. Once the alignment procedure is completed, the
allows the surgeon to align the RCM of the surgical
surgeon again uses the alignment system to position
system with the entry point in the sclera to prevent
the surgical system at a safe distance from the patient’s
unintended intra-operative eye rotations. The align-
head. After having the calibration tool replaced with
ment procedure encompasses three steps. Firstly, the
the cannulation instrument, the surgical system is
pose of the surgical system is set to a predefined
moved back to the stored alignment position.
kinematic configuration and the tool holder is equip-
ped with a calibration tool. In this setting, the tip of the
Intra-Operative Usage
calibration tool visually indicates the position of the
RCM (Fig. 6b). Secondly, the surgeon uses the align- After completion of the pre-operative alignment, the
ment system to move the surgical system such that the state of the robotic assistance device is switched from
tool tip, and thus the RCM, coincides with the in- alignment mode to surgery mode using the control


Instrument Surgical
θ q3
RCM q2

Eye R φ q1
Y Alignment
Connection to
operating table

(b) (c)

calibration tool
Eye Eye

System motion Tool motion System motion Tool motion

FIGURE 6. (a) Overview on the kinematics of the alignment system and the surgical system. (b) Schematics depicting the
alignment of the RCM with the entry point in the sclera by using the alignment system and the calibration tool. (c) Schematics
depicting the use of the surgical system during intraocular surgery.
1682 GIJBELS et al.

pedal. At this point, the surgeon can start performing cleated porcine eyes. The experimental campaign was
retinal vein cannulation with the aid of the robotic used to investigate the efficacy of the precision
assistance device and the cannulation instrument. The enhancement and the hand-free tool immobilisation
instrument consists of a metallic-coated glass micro- offered by the system. The eye stabilisation feature was
pipette of which the tip has a length of 500 lm, an not tested here as the dissected eyes remain stationary
angulation of 30°, and an outer diameter of 30 lm.21 on top of a lab table.
During insertion into and extraction out from the eye, Firstly, the precision enhancement was validated by
the needle tip is covered with a retractable outer tube. a trained operator performing a total of 80 puncture
The coating ensures the visibility of the needle tip. The attempts in 20 enucleated porcine eyes. A puncture
angulation lowers the angle of attack between the needle attempt was defined as being successful when the
tip and the vein, hereby effectively reducing the risk of operator succeeded in safely inserting the needle into
double puncturing the vessel.9 The surgeon starts by the vessel. This was verified by briefly injecting dem-
taking hold of the instrument handle and subsequently ineralised water and subsequently inspecting whether
unlocks the motion of the surgical system with the aid the present blood remnants were flushed out of the
of the control pedal. The instrument is inserted into the vessel. In contrast, when a vessel was double punc-
eye through the entry port in the sclera (Fig. 6c). With tured, the blood remnants remained stationary, hereby
the aid of both the high-precision robotic assistance indicating an unsuccessful puncture. At the onset of
device and the visual feedback received from the surgi- each puncture attempt, the needle tip was positioned at
cal microscope, the needle tip is carefully inserted into approximately 25 mm from the targeted vein upon
the targeted vein. Once correctly positioned, the surgeon which a time recording was initiated. The recording
again disables the motion of the surgical system to was stopped once an attempt was deemed to be suc-
immobilise the instrument and subsequently releases the cessful or unsuccessful. Figure 7 summarizes the results
handle. At this point, the prolonged injection of the of the experimental campaign. Each puncture attempt
anticoagulant into the occluded vein is initiated. Once is depicted as either a green or red coloured box,
the injection is completed, the surgeon again unlocks the indicating a successful and unsuccessful puncture
surgical system and removes the needle out of the eye. respectively. Further, the required time to perform the
puncture is reported inside each box. The distribution
Post-Operative Usage of the puncture time is illustrated by means of a box
plot. A total of 78 successful punctures were made,
Once the instrument is removed out of the eye, the with a median puncture time of 20.2 s. The two
alignment mode is reactivated and the surgical system unsuccessful punctures occurred near the start of the
is moved away from the patient’s head. Subsequently, experiment. The user indicated that in both cases a
the cannulation instrument is removed from the tool misjudgement of the needle tip depth was made due to
holder. Finally, the surgeon manually performs a series the limited experience at this point in the experiment.
of conventional surgical steps, such as removal of the Nonetheless, an overall success rate of 97.5% was
trocars and suturing of the sclerotomy. obtained with the aid of the precision enhancement
that is offered by the robotic system.
Secondly, the hand-free tool immobilisation was
RESULTS validated by performing five prolonged infusions into
100 lm-thick retinal veins of five enucleated porcine
The clinical translation process of the developed eyes. Injection periods up to 10 min are targeted during
technology entails a broad range of milestones: tech- REVS. During the experiment, infusion periods of
nical validation on both component and system level, 15 min were used, hereby including a minimum safety
system performance characterisation during animal margin of 50%. An infusion was deemed to be suc-
trials, generation of the required documentation, and cessful when the demineralised water was injected into
regulatory and standards compliance. This section first the vessel throughout the full infusion period. This was
focuses on the system performance based on the results verified in a similar manner as with the puncture cam-
of the concluding ex-vivo and in-vivo porcine trials. paign. An overall success rate of 100% was obtained
Secondly, a brief overview is presented on the results of during the experiment, which illustrates the efficacy of
the first in-human robot-assisted REVS study. the tool immobilisation feature of the robotic system.

Ex-Vivo Porcine Trial In-Vivo Porcine Trial

The robotic assistance device has been extensively Throughout the development of the robotic assis-
tested by performing retinal vein cannulation on enu- tance device and the cannulation instrument, the fea-
In-Human Robot-Assisted Retinal Vein Cannulation 1683

Eye 20 36s 39s 11s 21s 16s 15s

Eye 19 36s 13s 15s 15s 90
Eye 18 38s 12s 14s 12s 13s 11s 29s 18s 23s
Eye 17 16s 28s 24s 16s 32s 21s 14s 80
Eye 16 40s 38s 33s 20s 53s 11s
Eye 15 34s 13s 19s 70
Eye 14 22s 11s 11s 20s 13s
Eye 13 14s 12s 60
Eye 12 12s 25s 23s

Time [s]
Eye 11 10s 19s 21s 14s 12s 50
Eye 10 22s 16s 14s 91s 15s 31s
Eye 9 29s 47s 40
Eye 8 23s 23s 79s
Eye 7 21s 13s 25s 25s 30
Eye 6 22s 22s 52s
Eye 5 18s 23s 95s
Eye 4 14s 27s 17s
Eye 3 24s 17s 31s
Eye 2 26s 11s 26s 43s
Eye 1 89s 16s 20s 24s

FIGURE 7. Results of an experimental campaign on robot-assisted retinal vein punctures using enucleated porcine eyes. (a)
Successful and unsuccessful punctures are indicated with green and red boxes respectively. The time to perform the puncture is
indicated inside each box. (b) A box plot indicating the puncture time distribution.

sibility of performing safe and successful REVS with stiff infusion line. This was mitigated by significantly
the technology has been carefully assessed in the con- reducing the torsional stiffness of the infusion line. The
text of an in-vivo porcine study. The study was ap- finalized technology was validated during the last six
proved by the Ethical Committee for Animal Research in-vivo cannulation attempts, where a 100% success
at Medanex Clinic (EC MxCl-2013-017), and all rate was achieved. The study shows that REVS can be
experiments were done in accordance with the ARVO performed safely and with a high procedural success
statement on the use of animals in ophthalmic and rate with the aid of the developed technology.
vision research. A total of 24 retinal vein cannulations
have been performed by two expert VR surgeons on 12
In-Human Clinical Trial
domesticated pigs. Initial outcomes of this trial were
published by Willekens et al., who reported on the first Based on the promising results of the preclinical
18 performed porcine in-vivo retinal vein cannula- research, a phase I clinical study (NCT02747030) was
tions.21 The diameter of the targeted veins ranged approved to investigate the safety and feasibility of
between 100 and 150 lm. The trials were conducted performing robot-assisted REVS to treat CRVO. On
following the previously described surgical workflow, the 12th of January 2017, the authors succeeded in
hereby mimicking in-human robot-assisted REVS as successfully performing the world’s first in-human ro-
closely as possible. Ocriplasmin, an anti-coagulant bot-assisted REVS at the University Hospital of Leu-
developed by Thrombogenics, or saline solution was ven.2 At the time of this writing, four CRVO patients
used as injection agent, and RVO was induced in each have been treated. In all cases, the surgeon was able to
porcine eye by creating a laser-induced blood clot. An inject Ocriplasmin into the targeted retinal vein, having
in-vivo cannulation attempt was considered as being an estimated diameter of 100 to 150 lm. Injection
successful when the needle tip was safely inserted into periods up to 10 min were achieved. The study shows
the vein and a stable infusion could be maintained for that it is possible to perform REVS with the aid of the
at least 3 min. Figure 8 shows a successful retinal vein developed technology in conjunction with a state-of-
cannulation, illustrated by the blood washout during the-art stereoscopic microscope and proper intraocular
the injection phase. Overall, 21 cannulation attempts lighting. A detailed report on the clinical outcome of
out of 24 were successful, resulting in a 87.5% success the study will be published in the near future.
rate. Only three cannulation attempts were unsuc-
cessful, all of which occurred when the development
phase of the technology was still ongoing. In two in- DISCUSSION
stances, laser-induced clot creating failed, leading to
excessive intraocular bleeding. In one instance, REVS is a challenging VR procedure, which could
intraocular needle breakage occurred due to induced potentially cure RVO. Its clinical application is hin-
instrument motion caused by excessive torsion on a dered because of the scale and fragility of retinal veins
1684 GIJBELS et al.

FIGURE 8. Intraoperative images of a porcine in-vivo retinal vein cannulation. (a) Needle tip positioned above the targeted vein.
(b) Intravenous blood washout of the infused vein.

on one end and surgeons’ limited positioning precision were achieved with the finalised technology during ex-
on the other. The authors have a long track record in vivo and in-vivo porcine trials respectively. These
the development of robotic assistance devices and promising results formed the foundation for the ap-
instrumentation for VR surgery. One of the targeted proval of the first in-human study on robot-assisted
applications is REVS, where the technology can offer REVS. At the time of this writing, four CRVO patients
precision enhancement, eye stabilisation, and hand- have received a robot-assisted REVS treatment with
free tool immobilisation. Both comanipulation and the developed technology. In all four cases, the surgeon
telemanipulation control techniques have been thor- was able to safely perform REVS with the aid of the
oughly investigated in the context of ex-vivo experi- developed technology, making this first in-human
mental campaigns. VR surgeons expressed their study a technical success. Robot-assisted REVS has
preference for comanipulation when assessing the shown to be a convincing use case to demonstrate the
performance and usability of the two techniques. surgical benefits and potential of the robotic coma-
Benefits of comanipulation over telemanipulation for nipulation system. A detailed report on the short-term
VR surgery have also been recognized by other key clinical outcomes of the performed study will be pub-
research groups: simplicity, lower system cost, easier lished in the near future. Long-term effects of the
integration into the OR, and preservation of the direct application of REVS on the visual acuity of RVO
connection between the surgeon and the instrument.10 patients will be investigated in a follow-up clinical
Two key design considerations distinguish the KU study. Furthermore, it is believed that the device could
Leuven comanipulation system from other existing VR be equally used to improve the quality of existing VR
comanipulation systems. Firstly, a novel 4-DOF RCM therapies or to enable the application of other ultra-
mechanism is incorporated into the surgical system to precision VR treatments. Future efforts will therefore
provide intra-operative eye stabilisation. Using this also be aimed at exploring the potential of the robotic
patented technology results in a superior compactness comanipulation system in novel use cases.
of the tool holder compared to other existing RCM
mechanisms. This effectively enhances the ergonomics
of handling the instrument. Secondly, the surgical
system is fully backdrivable, hereby reducing the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
overall technical complexity and improving the safety
This research was funded by the University of
compared to non-backdrivable systems. Further, the
Leuven, an Innovation Mandate of Flanders Innova-
authors are the first to develop a VR comanipulation
tion & Entrepreneurship (HBC.5016.0250), an SB
system that is suited for clinical use and to present a
Fellowship of the Research Foundation Flanders
dedicated surgical workflow for robot-assisted REVS.
(1S41517N) and Agentschap voor Innovatie door
The benefit of using the technology for REVS has been
Wetenschap en Technologie (O&O 145046). Throm-
demonstrated extensively in the context of preclinical
bogenics sponsored both the in-vivo preclinical study
investigations. Success rates as high as 97.5 and 100%
and the phase I clinical study.
In-Human Robot-Assisted Retinal Vein Cannulation 1685
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