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The Perfect Tent for Relaxation

Sophie Marin

Harrison High School


The Perfect Tent for Relaxation

In order to allow this tent to appeal to the circus patrons’ certain colors need to be shown

throughout to relax the patrons brain. Robinson (2020) describes how certain colors can help calm the

mind, “Blue is quite a soothing color and can help to calm a busy mind. It’s an ideal color to use in a

bedroom since it can actually help you sleep” (Robinson, 2020, par. 3). Knowing that blue helps you

sleep shows that it’s a perfect color to make the interior of the tent. A lot of the regular costumers of

the night circus are adults Morgenstern states, “There are those who have the means, and even some

who do not but creatively manage anyway, to follow the circus from location to location”

(Morgenstern p. 183). This quote shows how certain people known as the reves follow the circus and

knowing they travel a lot shows they must be old enough to drive or take transportation. Meaning

those patrons are usually older than 18. Knowing that most of the circus costumers are older in age

shows there needs to be a tent that appeals to their busy and stressful lives. My tent takes the concept

used by Poppet, which is removing stress from someone, in this case Chandresh. Morgenstern (2011)

states, “As soon as her lips touch his skin, Chandresh feels better than he has in years” (Morgenstern,

2011, p. 498). This shows that Poppet has an ability to relax or destress someone which I am using in

my tent to relax and destress patrons. My concept is to have a calming blue interior with mountains of

soft comforting pillows and cushions that allow patrons to sleep or relax. While some patrons may

choose to lounge in the comfy suite there is another section that has grand stone hot springs which

allow patrons another way to relax and calm down. According  Watkins Wellness (2017), “Like a

soothing reset, your hot tub can help bring your body from stiff and overloaded to supple and

rejuvenated” (Watkins, 2017, par. 1).Since hot tubs are supposed to relax muscles this will be a way to

relax another part of the body besides the mind. Both areas will be dimly lit to let costumers relax and feel

at ease and to help ease each person to sleep even more there will be a lavender aroma which also relaxes

the mind. The National Sleep Foundation (2020) states, “Its scent may slow down the nervous system,

which relaxes the body and mind to improve sleep quality” (The National Sleep Foundation, 2020, par.

1). Since it is known that lavender relaxes the mind food and drink items are perfect to include the

lavender flavor. I decided on Lavender Chamomile tea and Lavender and honey macarons to serve in or

outside of the tent to add flavor to the patrons’ experience. Since stars are an important piece to Poppet

and since she is running the tent with her ability, a stargazing aspect is important to include. The top of

the tent will be see-through to let patrons see the night sky while they become in a relaxing mindset.

Although in the Spa area the stars may reflect of the hot springs giving patrons a mesmerizing experience

to go along with their no stress activities. The goal of my tent is to provide patrons with a stressful free

area where they can relax and have no worries. Using Poppets magical ability, hot springs, comfy

sleeping area, and relaxing food and drink will allow patrons to feel the stress-free effect I am trying to



National Sleep Foundation. (2020). The Best Scents for Relaxation and Sleep. At we're

dedicated to the benefits of sleep health. |

Sarah Robinson. (2020, March 15). 9 peaceful paint colors to help you relax. WOW 1 DAY



Watkins Wellness. (2017, August 29). Is soaking in a hot tub before or after exercise good for sore

muscles? Hot Spring Spas.


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