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Murray Edwards College Boat Club

Minutes for Committee Meeting 3

8th February 2011; ME Bar at 5.10pm

Committee Members
Present: Eve Bonner (EB), Wing Ying Chow (YC), Natalie Barry (NB), Marina
Steketee (MS), Akiko Toda (AT), Ola Janusz (OJ).
Absent: Rebecca Rewbury (RR), Izzi Boanas-Evans (IB).


1. Flag

EB reminds the Committee that we need to purchase a new flag, preferably before
bumps. It was discussed during the budget that the Club would ask for a student
contribution, the Committee agrees to this.

The flag should approximately cost £75.

OJ suggests we could hold a raffle at the Lents Boat Club Dinner and use the money
towards the flag.
MS suggests to raffle off any leftover alcohol. The Club agrees to hold a raffle at

2. Training Camp

EB proposes dates for Training Camp; it is difficult due to Easter falling late. The
Boat Race and Henley are on 26th and 27th March respectively, and the Club will be
attending both, but dates remain undecided about Training Camp until later in term.

3. Sponsorship

OJ is still collating student profiles. EB and MS recommend she ask Gina Dalgleish
and Reana Maier for a novice profile.

AT has compiled the sponsorship proposals under 2 packages ‘standard’ and

‘premium’. Three tiers were rejected after too many similarities between options.

AT informed the Committee that we couldn’t offer conferences and a marquee at

Bumps, unlike other clubs, which appeals to sponsors.

Committee discusses various options for advertising (kit, website, menus at dinners

YC and AT agree that the sponsorship brochure should emphasize what we represent
(all-female etc.) as opposed to what we can offer in advertising.
YC details the difference between sponsoring a boat (dividing boat into seats) and
regular donations. Incentive would be to buy more seats in the boat and thus have
naming rights due to majority.
NB suggests we offer one package instead, with one figure in-between ‘standard’ and
‘premium’, affording us to negotiate if necessary.

OJ proposes that a footnote should inform potential sponsors that a budget is


AT changes statement to the following ‘If we have £5000 per annum, we will do the
AT lists the things we can offer to sponsors; Committee agrees all are correct.
AT and YC recommend another detail – we can promote company at College, and
host career’s events.

AT adds that another incentive is that if the Club performance improves, this means
more races and therefore the company will be seen more.

YC wants to complete the brochure by the end of Lent term. Committee to email YC
sections ASAP for editing.

4. Lent BCD

MS asks NB to send an email of all those who have paid.

5. Committee stash

NB will look into Committee hoodies – ‘stu-stash’.

6. Next meeting

Date of next meeting to be confirmed.

Minutes by Natalie Barry (Treasurer and Secretary 2010-2011).

Meeting terminated at 5.55pm.

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