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[PDF] The Interpretation Of Statutes

G.E. Devenish - pdf download free book

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Title: The Interpretation of Statutes

Author: G.E. Devenish
Released: 1992-12-31
Pages: 340
ISBN: 070212754X
ISBN13: 978-0702127540
ASIN: 070212754X
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Interpretation of statutes is the correct understanding of the law. This process is commonly adopted by the courts for determining the
exact intention of the legislature. Because the objective of the court is not only merely to read the law but is also to apply it in a
meaningful manner to suit from case to case. It is also used for ascertaining the actual connotation of any Act or document with the
actual intention of the legislature. Interpretation of statutes. CA. Rajkumar S. Adukia B.Com (Hons.), FCA, ACS, ACWA, LL.BÂ The
object of interpretation of statutes is to determine the intention of the legislature conveyed expressly or impliedly in the language used.
As stated by SALMOND, "by interpretation or construction is meant, the process by which the courts seek to ascertain the meaning of
the legislature through the medium of authoritative forms in which it is expressed." Interpretation is as old as language. 1. What is
interpretation of statutes?Interpretation is the process which is employed by the judiciary to ascertain or to determine the meaning of the
statutes or legal provision. It is basically ... Interpretation of statutes: A complete study to an aids to interpretation. By Rashi
Choudhary | Views 16587. 1. What is interpretation of statutes? Interpretation is the process which is employed by the judiciary to
ascertain or to determine the meaning of the statutes or legal provision. Introduction, Meaning and Nature of Interpretation | Overview
Introduction Meaning and Definition of Interpretation Interpretation of Statutes is required for two basic reasons Some Important Points
to be taken care of in the context of interpreting Statutes Scope and Nature of Interpretation Introduction Enacted laws, especially the
modern acts and rules, are drafted by legal experts and it… Read More ». Interpretation of Statutes. Rules of Interpretation. The two
main theories of statutory interpretation—purposivism and textualism—disagree about how judges can best adhere to this ideal of
legislative supremacy. The problem is especially acute in instances where it is unlikely that Congress anticipated and legislated for the
specific circumstances being disputed before the court. While purposivists argue that courts should prioritize interpretations that
advance the statute’s purpose, textualists maintain that a judge’s focus should be confined primarily to the statute’s text.

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